ForumsGeneral Narnia Disc...Talk About Narnia Share: Notifications Clear all Talk About NarniaThe cultures, creatures, geography — anything about the books! Moderator: Varnafinde | RSS Page 8 / 22 Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next Topic TitleLast PostViewsPosts Governor Gumpas and Rishda Tarkaan Hanging Out Jasmine, 3 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago14811 Were the Charnese Human? Cobalt Jade, 3 years agoBy Cobalt Jade 3 years ago20769 Why didn't Coriakin lift the invisibility spell? Mickey, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago22969 Why Puddleglum is not a pessimist Glumpuddle, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago32018 Is “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” a Xmas Story? Movie Aristotle, 6 years agoBy Narnian78 3 years ago545516 Ahoshta: A Comical Tragic Character? Col Klink, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago20548 Ranking the Opening Chapters Col Klink, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago18063 The secondary genre of each Narnia book? The Rose-Tree Dryad, 3 years agoBy Cleander 3 years ago184310 Meaning of Narnian names? KingEdTheJust, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago842916 Which is the Second Darkest Narnia Book? Col Klink, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago389125 Another fun question/discussion Geekicheep, 4 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago9095 Top Favorite Narnia Villains Jasmine, 3 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago15171 Pauline Baynes Gandalf, 3 years agoBy Gandalf 3 years ago13871 Why didn't Narnia evolve? KingEdTheJust, 3 years agoBy Narnian78 3 years ago265913 Favorite Narnian Villain stardf29, 16 years agoBy Jasmine 3 years ago79945124 What is the Wood between the Worlds? KingEdTheJust, 4 years agoBy Glenwit 3 years ago809911 Why did the prophecy in LWW need four children? coracle, 4 years agoBy Courtenay 4 years ago66148 What was Peter's skill? KingEdTheJust, 4 years agoBy Mrs Smooshy 4 years ago27005 Powers of Jadis KingEdTheJust, 4 years agoBy Cobalt Jade 4 years ago26694 The Chronicles or the Chronicle? Col Klink, 6 years agoBy Geekicheep 4 years ago256312 Was Reepicheep in the right at the Dark Island? Reepicheep775, 5 years agoBy hermit 4 years ago446817 Does Aslan get younger Sir Edmond the just, 6 years agoBy coracle 4 years ago23284 Mrs Macready and the Wardrobe Col Klink, 6 years agoBy Cobalt Jade 4 years ago836235 Was Trufflehunter correct? KingEdTheJust, 4 years agoBy KingEdTheJust 4 years ago25226 A theory on Coriakin and the Dufflepuds Mickey, 4 years agoBy Mickey 4 years ago59866 Page 8 / 22 Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next