About the Stone of Scone, in the comments to the liturgy:
Since 1996 the Stone has been kept in Edinburgh Castle, but is returned to the Abbey for the Coronation. A beautiful and ancient legend suggests that it is the stone upon which the prophet Jacob rested his head at Bethel (Genesis 28.10-17).
I had heard about that legend, but no details about it, and I thought, "good fun, but how would anyone even know which stone he slept on" - but then a few weeks ago I reread that Genesis story, and there's more to it than that. It tells that he
took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first. And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, [...] then shall the LORD be my God: And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house
So Jacob anointed and revered the stone, where God had met him, and he got back there later as well and worshipped there (Genesis 35, 6-7). So perhaps it's not so far-fetched after all that one of his sons - as the legend goes - may have taken the stone with him when they left to stay with Joseph in Egypt, and kept it there.
The legend then says that the stone ended up in Spain (I don't know any details about that part). Some hundred years later the Irish fought the Spanish and took the stone to Ireland, where it was used for coronation of the Irish kings, until an Irish king moved his throne to Scotland and it was used for the Scottish kings after that.
Then we get to King Edward I, who claimed it as a war prize in 1296. And another legend says that the monks who kept it, hid it in a nearby river and (secretly) made a copy to give to the king, so it wouldn't have been Jacob's genuine stone that has been in England for all those years Noone has ever brought forth a stone from the river to present it as the real stone and support the legend, though. But geologians have tested the stone and said that the rock is local Scottish rock and not from the Middle-East (and presumably not even from Ireland) at all - for whatever reason ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Varnafinde:I wanted the actual texts, not the translations, and I guess that will be even more so with the coronation ceremony - I hope they will include some subtitles there as well....
Now, anyone who is interested, can find just what is wanted: The Authorised Liturgy For The Coronation Rite of His Majesty King Charles III is at this address:
We've printed out a double-sided copy or two for our own use, but it is about 33 pages long altogether. All the congregation participates in the service in their responses, with only Christian leaders like the Archbishop of York, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Thyateira & Great Britain, The Moderator of the Free Churches, The Secretary General of Churches Together in England, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, and, of course, The Archbishop of Canterbury. It is a good idea to have a copy of the liturgy, when, in it, there are bits of Greek, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, & Irish, as well as English, in the formal Shakespearean style, with even Latin. The service I've got has English translations alongside the text where necessary, however.
In the latest monthly version of the Australian Women's Weekly, I learned that the Coronation Chair for the King was specially made in 1296 AD, by Edward I, so that the Stone of Scone could fit underneath it. It is supported on a framework with four little legs shaped like lions & is constructed of oak, retaining some of its original gold tracery. Last time I saw it in 2012, it was in a glass case in the Abbey. Now it will be centre stage on May 6th.
In the latest monthly version of the Australian Women's Weekly...
(I must say, isn't that a piece of logic from us Aussies that rivals even British-style logic?? I mean, it's exactly like the way the UK's most popular weekly TV guide is called the Radio Times, because that's what it started out as and the name stuck...
I learned that the Coronation Chair for the King was specially made in 1296 AD, by Edward I, so that the Stone of Scone could fit underneath it. It is supported on a framework with four little legs shaped like lions & is constructed of oak, retaining some of its original gold tracery. Last time I saw it in 2012, it was in a glass case in the Abbey. Now it will be centre stage on May 6th.
Yes, there's some info and pics at the BBC link I shared here yesterday.
Very interesting legend about the Stone of Scone allegedly being the stone Jacob used as a pillow — I hadn't heard that one! Not at all surprised that geological examination disproves it, but it's a good story...
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
Very interesting legend about the Stone of Scone allegedly being the stone Jacob used as a pillow — I hadn't heard that one! Not at all surprised that geological examination disproves it, but it's a good story...
At least it's proof that the current stone wasn't Jacob's pillow
If it could be proved that the story about an Irish king bringing the stone over from Ireland, was no legend, that would go a long way towards proving that King Edward didn't get the historical coronation stone, whatever its origin. But I don't know whether historians could prove that. And even with an Irish stone, they may have replaced it with a copy at some point, whether to deceive an English king or for some other reason.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Courtenay: I must say, isn't that a piece of logic from us Aussies that rivals even British-style logic??
I mean, it's exactly like the way the UK's most popular weekly TV guide is called the Radio Times, because that's what it started out as and the name stuck...
Well, it used to be Weekly for years, before Internet took over. As a monthly, the magazine still has a bit of clout, & its spread for the coronation is okay, too, as a one-off purchase. But at $8.50 Australian, it is already too expensive for just a weekly magazine.
There is likely to be some special souvenir edition or other, put out this time next week.
Well, it used to be Weekly for years, before Internet took over.
Oh no, it was already a monthly even when I was little, back in the 1980s — long before we'd even heard of the internet. I remember my mum pointing out to me that it used to be weekly and they just kept the same name. We never bought it regularly, but my mum or auntie or grandma occasionally picked up a copy for a knitting pattern or some special feature of interest.
Meanwhile, over here I'm fascinated by how many brands in the supermarkets are cashing in with special limited edition coronation products. I needed to get some new shower gel today in Tesco and couldn't resist buying Cussons' "A Right Royal Wash", with a Union flag* label and "English Pear and Floral Bouquet" scent. (It was only £1.00 per bottle, after all.)
* Yes, I am one of those sticklers who insist it should only be called the "Union Jack" if it's flying from the jackmast of a ship, so there.
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
Meanwhile, over here I'm fascinated by how many brands in the supermarkets are cashing in with special limited edition coronation products. I needed to get some new shower gel today in Tesco and couldn't resist buying Cussons' "A Right Royal Wash", with a Union flag* label and "English Pear and Floral Bouquet" scent. (It was only £1.00 per bottle, after all.)
I've had a look at the Norwegian TV website, which announces what will be shown over the next few days. It seems that they may show perhaps five hours direct running from the Coronation, all the way from the procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, throughout the nearly two hours of the ceremony, and then the return to Buckingham Palace afterwards (giving us the chance to see both coaches). It's possible that the pictures will be mainly purchased from BBC, with a running commentary from Norwegian reporters in London - in which case I may prefer just to watch BBC (on my computer). For something like four to five hours
For the first time members of the public will be invited to pledge their allegiance to the King, in a part of the service organisers are calling the "chorus of millions".
I will join in the singing of hymns, but I assume it will not be right for me to join in this pledge. I owe my allegiance to the King of Norway, and should not pledge it to a different king
But as an anglophile, I wish them well, both King Charles and Queen Camilla.
I think it was a good thing that the late Queen announced that she wanted Camilla to be titled as Queen and not just as Princess. King Charles might have given her that title anyway, and now nobody can say that he acted against his mother's wishes. There's been enough controversy already without adding that detail.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Varnafinde: I will join in the singing of hymns, but I assume it will not be right for me to join in this pledge. I owe my allegiance to the King of Norway, and should not pledge it to a different king
Of course, when that is what the constitution of Norway's government demands of its citizens, including yourself, so there is no problem at all. The same is true for the constitutions of the various nations who are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, most of whom are already republics, or who have their own monarchies, like Tonga or Malaysia. In 2018, the Commonwealth of Nations elected King Charles to be head of that organisation, as Elizabeth II's successor in that post. It was essential then for the late Queen Elizabeth to have made that arrangement, when she could no longer travel long distance, to the biannual meetings of that organisation, in various locations across the world, & thus needed Charles, then the Prince of Wales, to fill in for her. At that time, nobody anticipated that the Rwanda meeting in Kigali, would be delayed two years, because of the World Pandemic.
The Commonwealth of Nations includes 54 nations around the world, including India, now the most populous nation of the world, with 3.4 billion people, having surpassed China in that respect. If you add on Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and others, "a chorus of millions", is no exaggeration. After all, when UK, itself, has about 66 million citizens , I guess it might be, & even Australia, itself, has a population of 26 million people.
That is what King Charles, himself, pointed out in June, last year, at the Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting in Rwanda. Reporting on this "CHOGM", on page 24 of a June 25th, 2022, a Sydney Morning Herald article states: Becoming a republic is up to you, says Charles. He said "I want to say clearly, as I have said before, that each member's constitutional arrangement, as republic or monarchy, is purely a matter for each member country to decide". The article reminds us that "Barbados ditched the monarchy" (on 1st December, 2021) and Jamaica, which wants slavery reparations, has said it intends to follow suit". Currently, there are 14 countries in the world whose constitutions recognise Charles III as their Constitutional Monarch, and both Jamaica & Australia are among these 14 Commonwealth countries, which include New Zealand & Canada as well.
What is the weather forecast for London on Saturday?
It could be important for how many people to expect as spectators along the procession route and at the official screening sites.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
What is the weather forecast for London on Saturday?
Maximum of 15 C, cloudy with light rain all day. That's Britain for you.
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
Oh dear. Yes, that's not uncommon even for London. Hopefully people will brave the weather and go out to watch the event anyway.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
English people are used to coping with light rain. Raincoats and waterproof jackets are a normal part of life! They tend to carry a lightweight folding umbrella and/or coat, especially if they're using public transport and walk (rather than drive).
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
It is 1.00 pm 6th May, Coronation Day, that is to say, in Australia. On the 7.30 AM news, we were told this morning, thousands, in tents, clad in raincoats, umbrellas at the ready, are already lined up from Buckingham Palace to Marble Arch, on the way to Westminster Abbey. Last night, planes were lining up to land at Heathrow Airport, including a RAAF jet, bringing to the Coronation, our own contingent of notable Australians who were invited to this event. The deputy President of China is attending, much to my surprise. So is Jill Biden, the FLOTUS of U.S.A.'s POTUS, not to mention Olena Zelenska, representing Ukraine. Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, along with our Governor-General, David Hurley, will swear allegiance on behalf of Australia, we are told, according to our Constitution. 😉🐨🦘🐑🐏🦫🦁🦄🐉☘️
I'm watching the 6pm news , just an hour before the Coronation coverage starts. The news so far has been about the coronation... most of 15 minutes.
One item is a party of people in one town who live near the corner of King Street and Charles Street!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."