Welcome to NarniaWeb @narniansteward. I quite like your username!
Since you were read the Narnia Chronicles at an early age (as was I), I assume that means you have (or are or will be) reading them to your own children too. I love when Narnia gets passed on from generation to generation. We did the same with our kids!
It's kind of strange: The Horse and His Boy was my least favourite Chronicle when I was young. This does not mean I did not like it, only that I cared for it least of all the seven. But now, as an adult, and having read the Chronicles more times than I can count, The Horse and His Boy has leapt for me from last place to probably tied with first, with The Silver Chair. But then, sometimes I simply say that my favourite Chronicle is the one I am reading at the time.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
A belated welcome to @azog-the-defiler, @narniansteward, and @lamppost579. I'm sure you will be enjoying the discussions about Narnia and other related things.
As for the Hobbit film trilogy, @azog-the-defiler, I enjoyed it. They're not perfect though. When I first heard that it was going to be made into a trilogy, like most fans of the book, I was a bit thrown-off. Then after watching them, they were better than I thought. Not perfect, but I still enjoy for what they are.
Interesting enough, The Hobbit, not Narnia, was my first exposure to fantasy. I actually remember my dad reading it to me when I was about 8 or 9.
A remake of The Hobbit (maybe an episodic series) would be idea. Yet, it may be a while until it happens.
"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)
They're not perfect though. When I first heard that it was going to be made into a trilogy, like most fans of the book, I was a bit thrown-off.
The theatrical versions are not much like the books but the extended editions contain more content from the books.
Interesting enough, The Hobbit, not Narnia, was my first exposure to fantasy. I actually remember my dad reading it to me when I was about 8 or 9.
I read those books as a 7 and 8-year-old myself. Those were probably my first exposures to fantasy. I don't like much fantasy besides.
A remake of The Hobbit (maybe an episodic series) would be idea. Yet, it may be a while until it happens.
To quote Boromir: The Hobbit has no remake; The Hobbit needs no remake😁.
- Name (please avoid your real full name):
Hello everyone! My username is Tizzle.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):
3. Family (single/married/kids):
I’m married and we have 2 adult kids.
4. Occupation:
A mixed bag. I started off as a dentist, but most, of my life I’ve served in a missionary organisation in communications as a webmaster/graphic designer.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:
I’ve known it was around for a while, but more recently began to pick up on and really enjoy the podcasts.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:
Oh my. I did my first read when I was about 8. I just saw the Dawn Treader laying on top of a bookshelf, and liked the picture on the front. Nobody told me there was an order, so I just jumped straight in. Loved it, and more so when I realised there was more! That was more than 50 years ago.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:
No idea. Between 15 to 20 at a guess. Each time is different. I am sadly losing my eyesight, so the last time I went through the series was care of the audiobook versions. Hearing it rather than seeing it is a surprisingly different experience.
I used to have this party trick - if you could call it that - in my early 20’s when people would read me some obscure line from the Chronicles and I would say where it was from and what the context was. I didn’t realise that was even a thing until I saw a few podcasts here doing the same!
8. Favorite of the Chronicles:
Fav books and scenes? I think that often changes as life changes as you walk through it, and I’ve noticed others reflecting on that, too. For now - and for some time now - definitely HHB. And what happens on the pass between Archenland and Narnia for me is a story in itself.
That said, on a ladder that is already head and shoulders above other literature, PC has always been on the lower rung. Not sure why. A lot has been said about that over the years, and I can’t really add to it.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you:
Like many here, I’m an LOTR fan as well, though haven’t yet attempted to listen to that. The problem with listening to a book is that it’s easy to fall asleep if the reader drones a bit. But then the story keeps going without you, and when you wake up, it takes a while to figure out what you missed!
In regards to LOTR, I own the domain name hobbits.net, but haven’t done much with that lately. I once had a popular App on the App stores, The Hobbit App, which served up LOTR news, but dropped that years ago as I didn’t have time to keep up with the tech side of App development.
On one hand, I have two thumbs, though I don’t think that counts as a hobby. I’ve also managed to avoid watching a single episode of Game of Thrones, but will leave that to you to vote whether I’m brave or nuts.
We’ve lived and worked on a couple of ships for several years…not quite the Dawn Treader, but we know what it’s like to feel the ship heeling in a storm during the night, with everything coming off the shelves, and be thinking, oh my, she’s not coming back!
Home now is in the UK.
@tizzle Hello and welcome! I live in the UK as well, in North West England, though I am in fact a transplanted Aussie (I have dual citizenship). Very interesting to hear about your life and adventures so far!
There's a discussion thread for all things Tolkien here as well, which you've probably already seen. Someone there a while back posted a clip of the new audiobook version of LOTR, read by Andy Serkis — doing Gollum, of course (actually the Smeagol-Gollum debate scene as overheard by Sam), which he did to perfection! I don't know how well he does the other characters' voices, though. I'd love to hear the whole thing, but not sure when I'd ever have the time!
I used to have this party trick - if you could call it that - in my early 20’s when people would read me some obscure line from the Chronicles and I would say where it was from and what the context was. I didn’t realise that was even a thing until I saw a few podcasts here doing the same!
Now that's a pretty cool trick... hey, you don't think you could help out with the "Finish the Quote" game in the games section of this forum, maybe? We've all been stuck on this one for more than a year...
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
A warm welcome to NarniaWeb, @tizzle! I found your engaging post very interesting, indeed, and appreciate how you express yourself.
Nobody told me there was an order, so I just jumped straight in. Loved it, and more so when I realised there was more! That was more than 50 years ago.
Love this!
in my early 20’s when people would read me some obscure line from the Chronicles and I would say where it was from and what the context was
This is great! We used to do the same with our kids (now adults), too. In fact, this still is a feature in our home, periodically, when they visit.
I think that often changes as life changes as you walk through it,
And what happens on the pass between Archenland and Narnia for me is a story in itself.
An enthusiastic "Hear-hear" to both these statements!
We’ve lived and worked on a couple of ships for several years
I am a big ocean person, so this captivated me!
A question I always have to ask those with children ... are you adult kids Narnia fans too?
I look forward to your participation here on the forum!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
A question I always have to ask those with children ... are you adult kids Narnia fans too?
Firstly, thank you so much for your welcome!
We read it our kids when they were young of course, but their interest going forward we’re different to mine. Maybe that’s the way of it? We can’t project ‘our thing’ onto them and expect it to automatically be ‘their thing’. To really love Narnia, I think you eventually need to find it on your own, Perhaps Asian would have something to say about it being their story, not yours!
@tizzle Great to have more people from UK (my family is from oop North, and I lived there in 2017-18).
Interesting that you lived on a boat - was this part of your missions work (eg Mercy Ships)?
Re LOTR audio: I haven't listened to any 'readings' but have been enjoying the BBC radio serial from ?1980 since 2002. This is a dramatised version, with a number of excellent actors. I listen after my annual reading of LOTR. I've got it on ageing cassettes, but mostly use an online set.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Oooh, OM, wonderful! A steadfast organization over the years. How special you were able to serve on their ships for a time, Tizzle, and are still with them in other capacities. I was involved for years with S.I.M. (formerly Sudan Interior Mission; now Serving in Missions), so have a huge soft spot in my heart for missions. And growing up, we were a very active part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance church, which had/has a strong emphasis on missions.
God bless you in your faithful work!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
- Name: Crunchy-P or simply Crunchy
- King or Queen: Queen
- Family: Single
- Occupation: Student
- How I Learned about NarniaWeb: Just stumbled across it I don't know when
- How old was I when I read The Chronicles: I am pretty new only reading it for the first time a few months ago.
- How many times have I read Narnia: Once.
- Favorite Chronicle: LWW or VDT
- Hobbies or interesting things about me: I am a Weeb (I like anime), I like Vocaloid music, and I have a Gacha Channel which I will like here
"Have a Narnian Day!" (ナルニアの日を過ごしましょう!)
1. Name (please avoid your real full name):
Ananda, or just Ana is fine
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):
3. Family (single/married/kids):
Just me and my parents
4. Occupation:
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:
I found a quote on a t-shirt that rung a bell, looked it up, found that I was right in my intuition when I thought it was from the chronicles of Narnia, and got interested in the books once more. A few further searches led me here.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:
I was seven when I read a abbreviated and heavily illustrated version of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe as a school reading assignment, then I asked my mom for the full series when I was eight.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:
I haven’t kept track. I like some books above the others so maybe 7 times for these and 3 times for others
8. Favorite of the Chronicles:
The Horse and his boy, the prospect of just running away to follow your heart really entices me.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you:
I play Dungeons and Dragons, and is a big fan of fantasy in general. I also play the violin (not very well). I’m Chinese, by the way, so excuse me if there are grammar or spelling mistakes.
A warm welcome to you, @ananda / Ana! It is good to hear a bit about your love of the Chronicles of Narnia. I, too, especially love The Horse and His Boy. And I think it is really cool that what prompted you to pick up the Chronicles again was a quote on a t-shirt!
Enjoy the discussions here, which are ramping up again as some movie news has been announced, after what seems like a very long time without any.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
@queencrunchytheweeb, wups, I initially missed your post. I know you have been active here for over a month now, and we're so glad you found NarniaWeb! It's good to have you participate in the discussions here. I love that you have read the Chronicles for the first time recently, for that first read-through is mighty special and memorable! A warm welcome to you.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0