The EP's, I've only listened to Fall so far and am greatly enjoying the feel of the Cd. My favorite song of the 6 is: The Cure For Pain.
I love The Cure For Pain! It just is so simple and raw. If that makes sense.
Btw, I joined the Switchfoot forums a couple days ago. The people are there are SO nice!
It made me happy! They're much kinder than the people on the Relient K forums overall. Hmm...
I haven't joined yet... I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not, because I'm already on the computer enough as it is. But I'm glad they're nice to you Kat!:D I read the threads sometimes, but not a whole lot. I might join though, since you did! What's your username?
The Pendragon: is Sara Groves new CD good? because my mom is really into her music!
I haven't heard all of the songs yet, but I really like the sound of the few I heard. It's not quite the same as her older stuff though. I'll have to get back to you on that!
and I have always liked Chris Rice.......
Yes! Another Chris Rice lover! My favorite songs from him are: Face Of Christ, Magic Wand, Life Means So Much, Prone To Wander and My Tree.
avatar by Flambeau!
We have a CD just of Chris Rice playing the piano, and it was kind of funny because yesterday we were listening to the radio on our way to town (Mom and I) and a song starts. When it's the radio, I always try to say the artist and song name as fast as possible, usually before they start to sing. (K-Love plays the same songs over and over, so this is usually pretty easy.)
Anyway, a song starts playing and I quickly say, "Untitled Hymn, Chris Rice!"
Mom says, "Oh so this one doesn't have singing?" I told her it did and she said, "Oh. I didn't know Chris Rice sang."
I haven't heard much by him (singing) except: "Face of Christ", "Untitled Hymn", and... "Cartoons"... At least, I think that one is by him...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Does anyone else on here like Ludovico Einaudi? I just recently discovered his music and totally LOVE it! Best piano solos I've heard in ages.
I have 3 of his piano hymns, I think they're Come Thou Fount, For The Beauty Of The Earth, and This Is My Father's World. They're so pretty! But I didn't know they played them on K-love. That's pretty cool. I don't think I have Untitled Hymn though.
Mom says, "Oh so this one doesn't have singing?" I told her it did and she said, "Oh. I didn't know Chris Rice sang."
Sounds like my mom sometimes!
avatar by Flambeau!
Chris Rice is a favorite of mine too!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
They're so pretty! But I didn't know they played them on K-love. That's pretty cool. I don't think I have Untitled Hymn though.
They don't actually. I was saying that I had heard them, and my Mom has heard them. But they don't play on K-Love--"Untitled Hymn" was the one that was being played.
She just didn't know that he sang because we only have a CD by him with piano music.
(And yes, they are very pretty songs! I have the book of sheet music for that CD actually--"The Living-room Session".)
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Does anyone else on here like Ludovico Einaudi? I just recently discovered his music and totally LOVE it! Best piano solos I've heard in ages.
I've heard some of his music. He sounds really good, but I haven't been able to hear some in a long while.
Jon Foreman's Winter EP:
I pretty much like this one as well, but I think overall the Fall has a feel to it that I like better. Both are great. Like I said, I prefer Fall as a collection more, though I can only separate The Cure for Pain as a favorite. Meanwhile in Winter I can separate I Am Still Running and In Love as favorites in this one.
I don't like all 12 songs I've heard btw, but I do love most.
my brother played those EP's from Jon Forman and I was amazed! they are so cool! it's nice to see that Jon can do so independantly!
has anyone heard his work in the band Fiction Family?
by the way, I just wanted to say how cool it was that Skillet's CD "Comatose" is now certified gold! yay!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
has anyone heard his work in the band Fiction Family?
by the way, I just wanted to say how cool it was that Skillet's CD "Comatose" is now certified gold! yay!
Haven't heard the Fiction Family Cd yet,
but I hope to sample it some time in the near future. not sure when though.
As for Comatose, that's great news for them, that's an EXCELLENT Cd.
I wish the new Cd was just as good, I've only bought Hero and while I think it's a great song the other songs in the Cd haven't stuck to me to buy them. Not yet at least.
pretty much like this one as well, but I think overall the Fall has a feel to it that I like better. Both are great. Like I said, I prefer Fall as a collection more, though I can only separate The Cure for Pain as a favorite. Meanwhile in Winter I can separate I Am Still Running and In Love as favorites in this one.
I have all of his songs put into 2 different lists: Love songs as one list and the rest that are about God and everything else on another list. So I didn't get the feel for the individual EP's. And I never got Somebody's Baby from Winter. Someone told me it was really sad, so I never got it. I Am Still Running is definitely one of my favorites. I didn't actually like it at first, then it really grew on me. In Love is very simple and beautiful. I'm glad you like those 2!
White As Snow is Psalm 51 put into a song, and shortened! Learning How To Die slowly grew on me. Behind Your Eyes is pretty, but it's not a fav of mine.
Fiction Family is pretty good, but it's mostly love songs, and folk. Not my favorite, but it's okay.
avatar by Flambeau!
by the way, I just wanted to say how cool it was that Skillet's CD "Comatose" is now certified gold! yay!
Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly does that mean?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
They don't actually.
I was saying that I had heard them, and my Mom has heard them. But they don't play on K-Love--"Untitled Hymn" was the one that was being played.
oh, I see what you meant!
avatar by Flambeau!
QS: a CD becomes certified Gold (or Platinum or Silver/Diamond) after selling a certain amount of copies of said CD. Sometimes certified "whatever" CDs have extras, like Taylor Swift's album Fearless just went double-Platinum and she added about three or four songs and the piano version of another that was already previously on there.
Jon Foreman's Winter EP:
I've heard all and I chose to put two of each CD on my computer to then put on my ipod. I've mentioned three before but I'll list them again:
The Cure for Pain
Southbound Train
I Am Still Running
In Love
In My Arms
Your Love is Strong
A Mirror Is Harder To Hold
The House Of God Forever
These are my favorites of the lot, though I like all the EPs in general, each song brings something I like but often I like to hear the songs within the Cd where they sound much better. Singling them apart often doesn't work the same for me. and I previously had Broken From the Start and Over the River by Jon Foreman, ten songs total.
Coming up: Switchfoot's Hello Hurricane