Eh, it sort of bugs me that they took out Samantha and brought in Rebecca, who's way similar to her. >.< I'm satisfied, because I have Samantha, but I really wanted Nellie. Oh, well. There's always Amazon and Ebay.
I should have started out differently. American Girl is something I've always been a fan of, ever since we knew about it. It's nice because it's different than all the other things for girls out there. And the dolls for it, the books, the movies - they all have a good moral to them. =] I, as I said, have Samantha also, a mini Felicity doll. And, my sister has a Just Like You doll. I remember ecstasy-filled memories flipping through the catalogues and magazines, and dreaming of getting stuff! My favourites are Kit, Molly, Samantha, Addy, Kirsten, and about all of them! (Except Julie...I don't dislike her, but she isn't really my favourite...)
From all the movies, I think I liked Molly and Kit's best. I just watched Chrissa's movie. It's probably my least favourite out of all the movies, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it! It was appreciated that they said for kids to go tell parents when something's wrong, and that Chrissa did so, and things worked out. The story was a nice one.
But, there were some cheesy things like...well, I know 4th graders can be mean. But...really? Tara and her little group looked like freshmen in highschool, for crying out loud. See, Chrissa and Gwen... that's what 4th graders are like. Wait, I think that was their aim in making the movie. Never mind that, then. ^^
The few things I didn't like with it-- sometimes Chrissa's imagination got rather cheesy, but that's handleable. And the ending song! I'm sorry, but...really? I wish it was something tune.
Otherwise, it was a good movie.
Follower of Aslan: The Just Like You Dolls collection have a variety of many dolls, with different variations of hair, skin tone, eye colour, etc. And, you look through them and have the choice of picking one who looks "Just Like You".
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
So currently, you cannot buy Samantha or Nellie or any of their products? Will they still do Doll Hospitals for them? (I'd assume so, since you can send any of their products in for replair, right?)
How are the Just Like You Dolls? Did you order it to look like yourself? How did it come out?
A. I sure hope so,I would like to have my Sam and Nellie dolls get new heads some day...I had it done to my American Girl of Today doll,and loved the resaults. It turned her from just a toy to a collectible that I can change her outfit and do her hair. It was part of the growing up proses.
B. I have one.(I just said that,didn't I ). I really like her,named her Amy. Even though that name isn't on my list of top names any more,it's still hers. I actully have a picture of,you can't order the feet,I took the picture for a Council of Elrond contest,the theme was hobbits). I only wish you could change to a differant head. I don't have bangs anymore,and I love not having them,and don't plan on having them cut again...
Long live the Narnian Hobbits!
Proud member of the Caspian marries RD club!
Call me Tooky!
Breaking News!!!!!!!!!: All Kirsten fans!!!!!! Get everything you want from Kirsten's stuff NOW because I just found out that she is being archived next!! This has been confirmed! People are already reciving letters from AG saying that she is the next to go!!!!!!
When? Idk. Perhaps they're going to do it this Christmas like last year?
Why AG, why? Once again, another doll from 1986 being retired. Who's next? Molly? She came out in 1986 too. Are they planning to replace Kirsten with another doll in a time similar to hers?
I'm really dissapointed in American Girl. Kirsten, along with Molly and Samantha were the first, and most popular dolls from AG for quite a long time. Now, they've replaced Samantha, and Kirsten went to being popular to a "forgotten doll" in the magazines. She still doesn't even have a movie yet!! I was hoping she'd have a movie.
I have a Kirsten doll and 2 outfits, I really need to get the rest of her collection now.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
This is so sad. I wanted Kirsten after Josefina when I was little. Why did Pleasant Company have to sell out to Mattel? That's when the "Follow your inner star" thing started.
Exactly. Why, why, why? I mean, on the comments of the AG movie thingummies, the update things, most everyone thought it would be Kirsten to get her own movie next. Kirsten had one of the best storylines, IMO. She was great, as was Samantha. Then Julie came along and there might be a musical, which we discussed in the "old NW." What would you guys think about Julie breaking out into song every 5 minutes?
And another thing. Kirsten's retiring because (I think) she's not as popular. But Samantha was one of the most popular! What do you think of that?
It's not fair that they should retire dolls just because they aren't "as popular" as the other ones. Just because 500 Kirsten's aren't being ripped off the shelves daily doesn't mean that people hate her!
I really don't think they should have retired Samantha either. She was one of the very first dolls in 1986, was the first to have a movie and best friend come out, and was one of the most popular! Why retire her? It seems completly pointless to do so.
Julie breaking out in song every 5 minutes........ hmm....... nope, definetly not going to watch that one. O.O I think AG is pushing it too far now. A movie is fine, but a musical? Ughh.... I don't like that.
I liked the "American Girl of Today" dolls up until....... was it 2005/06? I don't like that every outfit has to come with a book now, and some of the outfits don't look like things girls today would wear...... some of it seems cheesy to me. *shrugs* Their holiday outfits don't exactly improve year to year. But that's just my opinion.
What do you all think?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
On the books that come with the outfits,I don't mind the idea,kinda like it really. They aren't long,just the size of an AG mag story,in fact,many of them were AG mag stories. I don't subscribe,but I will look at it at the library now and then. And I agree,they don't look much like what someone would wear,someone needs to teach some of the designers a lesson in matching...
AG No. Even worse with it being set in the 70's. Don't get me wrong,musicals have a place("Mary Poppins" taught me to adore English accents,drove my parents batty when I was little!),AG movies are not the place. All in all,I'm not all that crazy about Julie to begin with...
I would love to buy this dress if the wings came off. Does anyone else think it looks "Elvish"? It's very much like Galadriel's dress!
Long live the Narnian Hobbits!
Proud member of the Caspian marries RD club!
Call me Tooky!
It does look like Galadriel's dress Lucy Took!
Julie in a musical????????? I don't think I would watch it.
On Samantha, perhaps they retired her because she was so popular. Since she's popular, when they retired her, there was probably a big push on sales. Stupid reason, but I'm not in charge of that.
And yes, the Today outfits are weird. Does anyone else think the outfit that comes with the doll looks like a supergirl wannabe?
Lucy Took: That dress is very nice. Even better wing-less.
And yes, the Today outfits are weird. Does anyone else think the outfit that comes with the doll looks like a supergirl wannabe?
Yeah. I mean, since most of us (girls, I mean) here on NarniaWeb are above 10, it's not something we would (in general) want to wear. It's fine for 10 and under, because they're at that level where bright and patterned and SuperGirl is more accepted. So, the outfits are good for that age. I only have one AG outfit, which they don't have in the store anymore. Oh, and when I was 6 I begged for Samantha's nightgown, which I still have and still fit into. (Well, when I got it, it was 3 inches too long.)
And then about Julie: I don't think they should make so many new dolls! I mean, Julie already has a friend doll, and the others didn't get friend dolls until their movie was made! Just not fair. Julie doesn't seem as, well, classic as Samantha, Molly, Kit, Kirsten, Addy, Josephina, and Kaya. I was okay with Chrissa, because she taught more of a direct, straight-forward lesson, and it was good. (The movie was great.)
OK, first let me say that I felt kind of silly, being even slightly interested in dolls at my age. But now I see who else has posted and I feel better.
Breaking News!!!!!!!!!: All Kirsten fans!!!!!! Get everything you want from Kirsten's stuff NOW because I just found out that she is being archived next!! This has been confirmed! People are already reciving letters from AG saying that she is the next to go!!!!!!
When? Idk. Perhaps they're going to do it this Christmas like last year?
Why AG, why? Once again, another doll from 1986 being retired. Who's next? Molly? She came out in 1986 too.
Are they planning to replace Kirsten with another doll in a time similar to hers?
SERIOUSLY? My little sister has Kirsten. She is going to be so upset. And we sisters all aggreed that they had to make a Kirsten movie soon. This is so... so... low.
My favorite is Josefina. I could never pronounce it Hosefina. Would she be next to go after Molly?! No telling. Hmpf.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
My favorite is Josefina. I could never pronounce it Hosefina. Will she be next to go after Molly?! No telling. Hmpf.
Wait, Molly's going, too?!? I mean, I would think (sadly) that Josephina would go before Molly, because Josephina isn't as popular.
Can someone please tell me why they would want to get rid of Samantha? Is it just to produce more products for anther doll, for more money? Rebecca is in practically the same time period and has the same style of clothing and other products, so there isn't a huge difference between them. Wasn't it already stated also that her story is very simular to Samantha's?
Oh, no!! Another doll retiring? Kirsten?
I loved her accessories and bedtime furntiure!
She was so unique to me! *pouts*
Yes, I hoped that they would come out with a movie for her, 'cause I don't know her story. I really think that Kaya's story would be a neat movie to produce also.
*prays that they don't retire Molly next*
A musical? I don't think that would fly very well nowadays with AG's audience. It would more or less just annoy me....
@Lucy Took - Oh, your Just Like You doll looks so great! She is actually a spiting (of hair, etc.) image of me as of now.
Oh! Yes, that dress looks wonderfully "Elvish". How come I have not seen that before? I wonder if they make it for girls....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Samantha the first doll to come out, therefore the doll pictured in the magazine's, like symbol. You know where the girl is sitting on her stomach with her feet up reading a book, and the doll is sitting next to her? I can't find a picture of that right now...
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
I believe Kirsten was the very first, however, Samantha became sort of the symbol for Pleasant Company. Follower of Aslan, I think that logo disappeared when Pleasant Company sold out to Mattel.
I loved that logo! But now it's the whole "follow your inner star" thing, which I honestly don't mind, but they focus on it a tad too much.
I'm pretty sad about them getting rid of molly and Samantha!
They were to of the cuter ones also.
I don't like the follow your inner star and the beilive in yourself thing either.
Nweb twin to ValiantPrincess, and Nweb sis to elvenbug
Proud member of the 10th Avenue North club!