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[Sticky] Top 10 Favorite Characters (BOOKS ONLY)

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NarniaWeb Regular

Well, here goes nothing!

10. Bree--Who can't love a talking-horse in the first place, right? He is a wonderful, though unlikely, hero and a loyal friend to Shasta. His yearning for Narnia is so tangible it jumps off the page, as does his humor.

9. Emeth--Though we only meet Emeth in the last few chapters of The Last Battle, he has a lasting impact, more so than other few-chapter characters. He is true and firm in his belief of Tash. Emeth is special because he is one of the only Calormene's to make it to Aslan's Country, and I think he makes it a better place.

8. Jewel--A true and fast friend to Tirian, the unicorn is loyal to Narnia until the very end. He is just so pure and simply the meaning of Narnia. There's not really much else to say to put it better than that.

7. King Tirian--Though initially I didn't find anything special about Tirian--another king, same old deal--I was a big Tirian fan by the end of The Last Battle. The last King of Narnia, and he certainly deserves the title. He is brave and courageous, wise and clever, and so much more. A real king.

6. Lady of the Green Kirtle--She's different than you're average run-of-the-mill villain. Gorgeous, seemingly sweet, and mysterious, who wouldn't fall under her spell? She turns out to be a real terrible monster, though, who has everyone shivering and shaking.

5. Eustace-- Though I was not impressed with him in Dawn Treader, even after he changed, I became a real Eustace fan while reading The Silver Chair. The way he reached out to Jill in the beginning was touching, but he still retained his sarcasm and snappiness throughout the rest of the books. The only time I actually cried with flowing tears (not just my eyes got misty) during the Last Battle, was when he was thrown into the stable. He was a really good friend to everyone he met and wasn't afraid--okay, maybe a little afraid--to fight for Narnia and what he believed in. His sarcasm and disputes with Jill always made me smile.

4. Susan--I don't think people give Susan enough credit. Though she did fall out, she was a true Queen of Narnia. She was always there for her siblings and country. Her logical, no-nonsense character was actually a refreshing difference from the other faithful ones, and Narnia wouldn't be the same without Queen Susan the Gentle.

3. Puddleglum--Even if he wasn't already hilariously pessimistic, his speech to the Lady of The Green Kirtle still would have put him in my top ten. "A word..." The speech he makes really sums up what Narnia is all about: faith. Trust. Puddleglum is everyone's favorite hilarious wet-blanket.

2. Edmund--Edmund is one of the most dynamic characters. He goes from being delightfully snotty to being a true King of Narnia. I especially loved his character in Prince Caspian: everyone could really lean on him and depend on him. His run-in with the White Witch actually makes him a better person and King, because he learns the difference between right and wrong and can probably relate to his people better. Witty and highly intelligent, there's just something about Edmund that I adore.

1. Jill--My favorite heroine. I'm thrilled that she actually got to do some fighting in The Last Battle, which suits her fiery stubborn personality perfectly. She's so relatable because she's not afraid to let others know her weaknesses (crying behind the school, claustrophobia). She and Eustace make quite the team, and their friendship was pitch-perfect. But my favorite thing about her was her faith to believe in Narnia in the first place. It's one thing to believe in a place that you just walked into through a wardrobe and are seeing with your own eyes; it's another thing to believe what a random boy tells you about a strange world. But Jill just goes for it. She dives in headfirst without asking questions.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Rilians Queen
NarniaWeb Regular

These are my top favorites and of course Aslan has to be first.
1. Aslan
2. Prince Rilian
3. Lucy
4. Edmund
5. Caspian
6. Jill
7. Eustace
8. Tirian
9. Susan
10. Peter

A Proud Supporter For A Jilrian Romance Between Tirian/Jill!
My Website:
Audition For My Narnia Episodes!!

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

My top ten favourite are as follows IN ORDER -

1. Polly Plummer
3. Arivis
4.Jill Pole
5. Eustace Clarence Scrub
6.Digory Kirk
7.Pudulglum (do you think marshwiggles have last names and capitals at the beginning of their names?)
9.Lucy Pevinsy
10.Caspian :) ;)

Do not dare not to dare.-Aslan

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I haven't read all the way through, because I wanted to make my own list without being influenced by others. It was hard! I love all the characters so much. But my top ten are:

10. Doctor Cornelius: He was very committed to what he believed in. Miraz could have done some serious things to him, had he found out all the things he was telling Caspian. But he told him anyway. And if you think about it, that saved Narnia. Without him, none of the events of PC could have happened.

9. Polly Plummer: She is a really, really good friend. And very brave, as well. She swallowed her fear and went exploring with Digory. Then, she tried to keep him from ringing the bell. When he didn't listen, actually hurt her physically, and woke up the White Witch, she was still quick to forgive when he said sorry. And she didn't only say it, but also proved it. She didn't have to go with Digory and Fledge, nor did she have to stay when they were cold and had no food. But she did, and he probably couldn't have made it without her. She would have been higher, but I didn't like her as much in LB. She seemed too harsh with her words about Susan. Yes it was true, but they had to have been close once, and it just seemed like she no longer cared at all. Where was the forgiveness then?

8. Reepicheep: What exactly can I say about him? You have to love him, with his endless worrying about honor and his unfailing chivalry. But he also has a great faith. And to think that he wanted to get to Aslan's country so much that he was willing to ride up a wave at the end of the world? He could just keep falling, and falling, and falling... But that didn't scare him. He wanted to get to Aslan's country more then anything.

7. Eustace Clarence Scrubb: He was okay in VDT, but I adored him in SC. He tried to reach out to Jill and be a good friend, both at Experiment House and on the edge of the cliff. He ended up getting tossed off, his greatest fear, but he didn't hold that against her. (Well, not much, anyway.) He showed a lot of loyalty to Caspian by immediately telling the owls that if their meeting was in any way against the king he wanted no part of it. That was pretty brave, considering that fact that he was vastly out numbered. And while he did get taken in by the promise of luxury at Harfang, he didn't try to make any excuses as to why they messed up, as Jill did. He was willing to own his mistakes.

6. Hwin: I love Hwin because of her... faithfulness, I guess. She's not used to hard riding, and she seems to be a bit shy, but she does what needs to be done. She digs in and sets the pace when Bree can't, and she is very humble. Plus, how can you not love her response to Aslan?

5. Puddleglum: I had almost forgotten about Puddleglum, not liking him much when I was little. But when I re-read the Chronicles after VDT came out, and he became one of my all-time favorites. He's so funny with his endless pessimism, but under that is a heart of gold. He sticks to what he says he's going to do, and he doesn't even waver when things get tough. His outlook, depressing as it may be, helps with that, I think. A clear view of reality makes for a clear view of Aslan. He's an amazing friend to Eustace and Jill, as well.

Now it's getting harder! Numbers 2-4 are very close.

4. Jill: I love Jill because she's so easy to relate to. She's a tough girl, but she's also not afraid to let her emotions out. I also share her fear of underground places. I would have totally freaked out, had I even been unfortunate enough to fall into the Underworld. But she just whined a little, held on to her friends, and recovered well. She's spunkier then Lucy, Susan, and Polly, which is fun. She knows what she wants and will do what needs to be done to get it. And she likes horses-- that gets her points! :D

3. Edmund: How can you not love him? He didn't hang with the best of crowds in England, and in Narnia he was unfortunate enough to bump right into the White Witch. But he turned it around and put his strong feelings and passions into something good and proved his true character and love for justice. He's great with Eustace after the whole dragon thing, and he's good with a sword. My favorite line of his is from HHB: "But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did."

2. Lucy: Was the username a hint at all? ;) Lucy was my first character role model. Her faith is amazing, and since I was six, I've wanted to be like her. Then, as far as personality goes, I can relate to her as well. I especially feel her pain in VDT with the magician's book, thinking of yourself as second best to someone "prettier" then you and wondering if your friends really love you as much as they say they do. And her relationship with Aslan is something to be envied.

1. Aslan: I mean, it's a given. And I understand Him here so, so much better by reading about what He did there. As long as I can remember, the words "Courage, dear heart" have popped into my head whenever I feel like I can't do something. (But that's a bit off topic.) How can you not love him?

As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Omac the centaur
NarniaWeb Nut

Ok here goes:
1. Aslan: well u just gotta love him. ;)
2. Edmund: probably because of his transformation from the annoying traitor to the humble (and awesome) king. And he's a good fighter. :)
3. Lucy: she was the first to find Narnia, and never doubts Aslan will help. :)
4. Puddleglum: his loyalty to Aslan, and his personality is awesome. Always saying the worst that could happen and then putting a bold face on it.
5. Reepicheep: his loyalty and courage
6. Glenstorm: many reasons. centaurs are probably my favorite creatures in Narnia, and he's a realy cool one. lol. hes loyal and is a really good fighter.
7. Corin: reminds me of me. haha. i like his wiled but fun personality. :)
8. Jewel: his loyalty to Tirian.
9. Farsight the eagle: i like eagles. ;)
10. Poggin the dwarf: he is the one dwarf who stays loyal to the king. :)


avatar by Flambeau :)
signature by daughter of the King :)

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

MOD NOTE: Several of you have been breaking the rules of this thread. In the opening post to this thread, it clearly states the following:

Try to come up with reasons for why those characters are your favorites. While you don't need to come up with a reason for every single character on your list, keep in mind that posts that only contain a list of characters may be deleted.

I count 7 posts on the previous page that break the above mentioned rule, and although it may seem silly for us to ask this of you, the moderator team has asked that you post reasons why you chose the characters that you did.

In future, please abide by the rules of each thread.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Nut

i think my favorite Narnian character is shasta, because he feels lost. a)He has a different colored skin than the Colormans.b) when he finds out Arshesh is not his father he thinks he might be the son of anyone.c)He is brave and noble.d) he is also very curious.

Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

My to ten characters are......

1. Puddleglum- his wit, humor, pessimism, and faith throughout the book. me and him are kinda alike too.
2. Tumnus- His friendliness toward Lucy and the fact that he chose to do the good thing and allow Lucy to go free, no matter the consequences.
3. Edmund- His transformation.
4. Reepicheep- His loyalty, nobility, and faithfullness to aslan and the narnian crown.
5. Mrs. Beaver- Her jolliness and optimism.
6. Fledge- His lordship over horses and his majestic nature
7. Trufflehunter- his faithfullness to caspian.
8. Trumpkin- his willingness to go to cair paravel awaiting Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy in PC
9. Lucy- her belief in narnia
10. Glimfeather- His hospitable nature, especially toward Jill and Eustace

“I am,” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

1. Aslan: because he is AWSOME!
2. Lucy: she has always been my favorite character because of her courage,faith,kindness, and loyalty
3. Digory: he maid the best of his hard life and was willing to go get Polly when she disappeard and got the apple to save his Mothers life
4. Jill: she is who I relate to most in wanting to show off and in the end she is brave and a changed person + she ends of making a life long friend
5. Edmond: he was a traitor and had an amazing relization that he loved his family
6.Aravis: she is the stong girl everybody loves
7.Eustace: he started out as well a brat and became a guy that helped others and stood up for what he believed in
8.Peter: because he loved his family and would do anything to protect them
9.Shasta: he had the courage to run away to narnia with a talking horse and didn't give away the escape plan to the king
10.Jewel the Unicorn: a loyal friend to king Tirian and fought to his death for his country in the Last Battle

That's my favorite 10 :D


sincerely NAH ( Narnian At Heart)
Narnia a world were you and I belong

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. Aslan- the last time I reread LWW I realized I loved Aslan like I love Jesus.
2. Jill Pole- I don't know why she's one of my favorite characters, she just is
3. Shasta- he's such a lovable character. Even though he doesn't know right from wrong in some cases, he tries so hard.
4. Aravis- she's so tough but still has her feminine side
5. Reepicheep- chivalry in mouse form!
6. Dufflepuds- they are so funny!
7. Jewel- unicorns are just awesome
8. Peter- he tries to act grown up and eventually lives up to it. You can tell how much he wants to take care of his family
9. Lucy- she has such a childlike faith. It sets an example as to what my faith should look like
10. Edmund- even though he's almost a villain in LWW, it makes his seem realistic and relatable. And I love how he redeems himself and focuses on Aslan.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

For me, it's:
1. Lucy
2.White witch Jadis
3. Digory
4. Edmund
5. Tumnus
6. Mr Beaver
7. Jill Pole
8. Polly
9. Aslan
10. Puddleglum

I would post the reasons, but I couldn't explain it any better than the posters before me.. :D

"Who knows what I could bring, flying high upon a wing.
I believe that anything can be a princess thing."
- Princess Sofia the First

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Hmm... my top ten favourite Narnia characters? That's a hard one... so many of them are on just about the same level, do they have to be in order? Well, we'll see what I can do :) (Oh, and I'm excluding Aslan because he's obviously going to be at the very top).

1. Edmund: He is such an example of humanity, he lies, he sneaks, he commits monstrous sin, but in the end he falls on his knees before Aslan (metaphorically) and worships him. it reminds me of Philippians 2:10 "so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth," (ESV).

2.Tumnus: He is so repentant and self sacrificing. He really grows allot from the beginning of LWW to when Aslan brings him back to life again. Oh, and suddenly that last park makes me think of Lazarus! (Susan and Lucy being Martha and Mary).

3. Aravis: She is so very spunky! I know, the others I had very allegorical reasons for... but she's spunky, that's all there is to it :P

4. Lucy: She is the very essence of sweet and unconcerned faith, I think she's allot like what Jesus was talking about in (Read Matthew chapter 18).

5. Shasta/Cor: He reminds me quite a bit of David, all his life he has worked hard and suffered, and then out of the blue (well... it took a while, but it still comes as a surprise to him!) he finds that not only is he the son and prince of a loving father, but he's the crowned prince. He grows so much from being a stunted little boy that can only ever follow his master's advice and think no further, to being strong, healthy, and princely.

6. Jill (LB): Well, it's been a while since I read LB... but I remember liking Jill in it! So maybe this is an excuse to read it again and find out what I liked about her :D

7. Reepicheep: Well... what can I say... he's a mouse! A cute (shhh), loyal, trustworthy, chivalrous, honest, and rather prideful mouse. Need I say more?

8. Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah (Bree): He's rather comical, I think, he kinda makes me look at that "Child-like faith" in a slightly different way (if you know what I mean). :p

9: Puddleglum: I really, really, really like the part where he says "Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up all those things… Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one… That’s why I’m going to stand by the play-world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia." I just LOVE that part!

10. Prunaprismia: I just love the description of her red hair! And I really like the fact that she turned good at the end (ish). She is a little like Edmund in that... only kinda different because she leaves... but that's beside the point

So, that's my list!


P.S. I didnt' write this, but it's so good that I thought I would share it... and it uses the Puddleglum quote that I put up above!

Avi by Jillhope.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. Edmund - Not a lot to say here. Come on, who doesn't love Edmund? He's so imperfect.

2. Peter - A lot of the reason I like Peter is because he's so... reliably good.
I can pretty much always count on him doing what's right. Or at least trying his best.

3. Puddleglum - Well, to put it in a nutshell, he's a lot like me. :P

4. Caspian - I'll admit I didn't like him in Prince Caspian, (yes I'm talking about the book), but I liked him so much in VDT that he was redeemed in my eyes. :P

5. Trumpkin - He's just so sarcastic. ;))

6. Eustace - I can't put my finger on it: but he's so likable, especially after his conversation with Edmund after his redemption.

7. Rillian - He's so valiant, even after everything that's happened to him.

8. Jill - One of the better female characters in the series, I would say. She's quite smart.

9. Aravis - She's so fiery.... gotta love it. :P

10. Digory - There are so many different reasons, that I don't even know how to explain it. :P

So there you go. There are probably more, I just can't think of them. Plus, I thought Aslan was such an obvious one, that I decided not to put him on the list. :P

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

10. Lasaraleen: Her short speach on the unbenifits of letting Arivis's secret out is enough to remember this character for a lifetime.
9. Tirian: Some of the all-time best parts of the chronicles occur when Tirian is tied to the tree. He just literally calls out to the Friends of Narnia and they hear him. Awesome! I love it when that happens in stories, though cellphones make it harder to appreciate that miracle. Of all the Narnians, he reminds me the most a character from Middle Earth. He reminds me of Farimir somehow. They would certainly make a good pair; Farimir’s perceptiveness and Tirians simple faith.
8.Uncle Andrew: Despite his blatent creaperness & creepiness, he is one of my favorites. Lewis uses him to expose some of the fallacies that some “modern” scientists/intellectuals hold to in a way that children can understand. Such as, “the pursuit of knowledge makes right”. I also love the way he describes Uncle Andrew’s delusions of romance and drunkenness as being the adult version of silliness. I feel personally that drunkenness is an adult’s way of being childish. It’s such a bad crutch to get through life.
7. Trumpkin: no-nonsense, country, tough, fight’en dwarf. He pretends to be almost too close mindedly rationalistic to believe in the supernatural. Yet his loyalty puts him on the road to truth. He doesn’t just ‘cuss and swear; he makes up truly colorful and Benign colloquialisms. I think he probably really did believe a little bit, even before he met the pevensies.
6.Bree: Awesome, fighting, proud, talking, stallion. In some ways Bree is one of the ultimate dream come trues: a talking animal, that actually gives useful information. I just really like him, even his condescending talk towards the humans is endearing and hilarious.
5. Puddleglum: the most tickle me pink marshwiggle around. He at first appears to be one of the dumbest most annoying characters ever, but just like Han Solo woos Leia, Mr. Glum delves deep into our hearts. When things get bad, he gets more optimistic and comforting than anyone (Partly because things really can’t get worse). He’s always honestly matter-of-factual about the worst case scenario. Puddleglum makes the choice between a marshwiggle and a wookie for a traveling companion way more difficult.
4.Arsheesh & Anriden: One of my most favorite conversations in the series is the one between the fisherman and the tarkaan. It's just so quotable! It's sheer epic poetry! ;) If you ever want a good conversation with me, just start reciting that one! Arsheesh makes me smile on a rainy day.
3.Shasta/Cor: the smelly, uneducated, young, everyman. Like Masterchief, Robin, Luke Skywalker, Samwise Gamgee, Soap McTavish, William Turner, or John from the Pilgrims Regress, Shasta is someone that you can imagine yourself being; he is yourself. He like everyone has the longing for something greater. And, like everyone that makes it to heaven, he becomes a royal prince (or princess) in his father’s house.
2. The little sea shepardess: uber, quiet, friendly, sea chick. She is everything that Steven Spielberg wants E.T. (or Eliot rather) wants to be: that random awesome friend that shows up out of the blue from another world that you were meant to be friends with. Her part in VotDT is so small and has such small barring on the plot that it could have been easily edited out, but it has turned out to be one of the most powerful, most imagination sparking, most beautiful things that Lewis ever wrote about Narnia. I hope that real life is filled with many moments like the one that Lucy & the Shepardess had. That would make heaven extra awesome!
1.Aslan:The son of the great Emperor form beyond the sea, the Great Lion, The Lord of the whole wood, the King of beasts, creator of Narnia, or Lewis has such tremendous insight, knowledge, and Wisdom that everything that Aslan says is believable as something that the Lord might say, in another world (Reading every classic definitely helped Lewis). It is kind of sad how Jesus does not make many appearances in fiction. You don’t see jedi walking sith lords on the Roman road, or the Arbiter confessing Jesus as his Lord and Savior after rejecting the Prophets false religion. You certainly don’t see the Doctor healing in Jesus name either.

Who goes on all the dangerous raids?

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Lady Rosalia
NarniaWeb Regular

Only ten?
1) Aslan- The Great Lion by whose death and ressurection all were saved.
2) Lucy- her child-like faith in Aslan always inspires me. And I love her femininity: the perfect blend of strength and sweetness. I always remember her riding out to battle in HHB with her chain- mail shirt, likely over a practical, pretty dress.
3) Tirian- see my post on the favorite Narnian gentlemen section
4) Aravis- Principled, brave, and willing to admit her mistakes. Perhaps because I can identify with some of her weaknesses and therefore admire her virtues more? Also, I liked her femininity. Thought her somewhat similar to Lucy.
5) The other Pevensie children
6)Eustace- unbearable at the beginning, I loved his transformation through the rest of the books.
7) Prince Cor- see my post in Themes in Horse and His Boy
8)Caspian- hard choosing between Caspian and Jill for 7, but I liked how Caspian was trying to be a good king, despite having had very little in the way of mentoring for it. He would be in my top five if it weren't for Deathwater and his tantrum about going to the end of the world
9) Jill- I really like her. Even with all her faults, I admired her bravery and willingness to fight for Narnia, even after knowing it was probably going to end in death. And even though I thought it very wrong of her to disobey Tirian's orders and go into the stable (and selfish, to endanger Tirian and Eustace in that same act) I have to like a girl that was so kind to a silly, grey donkey.
10) Puddleglum- see my signature, and how funny some of his sayings were in the Underworld

"Not all that is called progress moves us forward." - H.K. Ward
"Aslan's instructions always work, there are no exceptions."

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
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