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[Closed] Trailer #1 Discussion

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Yellow Peril
NarniaWeb Newbie

Reepi, great observations and I couldn't agree more.

Definitely, Aslan looks like a downgrade and not as grand as in the last films.

I am curious how they weave Peter and Susan into the film. Maybe, it's a special reunion since Edmund and Lucy aren't coming back for the next adventure. Better have them all together one last time. Quite sentimental and touching, I must say.

I would have liked to have seen more Eustace, maybe even a shot of him as a dragon.

As you mentioned, I didn't quite like the whole Edmund wants to be in the army. Recycled from Adamson's Peter.

Personally, I'm not feeling it with this trailer and that saddens me. I really want to be excited for the film. Hopefully, my mixed reactions will change as I warm up to it.

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:31 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I'm really tired so I'm gonna keep this short.. After staying up expecting something as brilliant as the prince caspian teaser I got this.. A (in my opinion) pretty bad trailer that really has shot my expectations down more than a few notches... I'll have to analyze more in the morning but these are my first thoughts, anyone feel the same way????

As a film - *** out of ****
As an adaptation - **** out of ****

As a film - **** out of ****
As an adaptation - *** out of ****

As a film - ** out of ****
As an adaptation - (1/2) of * out of ****

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:31 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Overall thoughts--very jumbled, very choppy, not what I was hoping for in a trailer (I of course can think of millions of ways to improve it ;) ), but it's important to remember it's just a trailer, which is representing the movie...not the movie itself.
Favorite part:
Eustace saying "Things just keep getting weirder and weirder!" I have high hopes for him, I'm sure he's going to practicly make the film :P
Least favorite part:
Edmund holding some werid blue sword? Didn't quite catch that bit, will have to rewatch a few times.

The bit of Lucy seeing Susan in the book was very good.

I'm not crazy about some of the technical stuff, like the ship in the painting looked a bit tacky--is that just me though?

Reep's voice was definetly NOT Bill Nighy, I'm sure it was still Eddie Izzard...I'm confused :S

Edmund says "if there's no war on, why are we here?" No war is good. :P

In the scene where Lilliandil appears, all glowly, then disappears into the sky...maybe she appears like that throughout their journey??

The first trailer music is very HP-sounding...of cousre trailer music isn't usually soundtrack, right?

I don't have any big theories on why Susan and Peter are at the end...but I don't think it will be anything terrible.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:32 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

My personal theory about the end is that it's a flashback of sorts that might be played at the end of the movie as Edmund and Lucy remember their time in Narnia before they have to leave for good.

Of course, I could be wrong.

That said, good trailer, especially considering the task of having to make something that will draw in audiences at large out of a book that is radically different from its predecessors.

Oh, and about Rhindon glowing blue...

"Activate Star Power!"

(Guitar Hero fans should get the joke...)

"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.

Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:34 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Did Lucy have Susan's bow?

I'm not sure about the BOW, per se, but the quiver and arrows most likely are Susans. (probably similar to how Ed has Rhindon)

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:34 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

The Good:
- I love the bedroom footage with the painting and how the ship moved (It looked how I pictured it while reading the book! :D )
- The Dawn Treader was gorgeous and I loved the low angle shot of Lucy in the water looking up at the ship.
-Lucy greeting Reepicheep again (So sweet! :D :D )
-The Dark Island and Edmund seeing the WW in his dream was so cool (I though I wouldn't like it but I sure did :p )
-Lucy blowing on the Magician's Book, the beauty spell and the snow was fantastic! ;) I loved it, probably my favorite in the whole trailer.
-Lilliandil's voice and taking her star form was pretty awesome!
-The dufflepuds are so cute!! I'm going to love them when i see this film! :D

The Bad:
-Lilliandil is too bright and the trailer made it seem as if she meets Caspian for a few minutes and rejoins the stars before any real romance could take off between Caspian/Lilliandil. I hope she comes back down. :)
-Caspian not staying with his ship and sailing to the end with Edmund, Lucy, Reep and Eustace. his place should be at the ship and sailing back for Ramandu's island. That is if Aslan has his discussion with Caspian there instead of in his cabin.
-Eustace not being shown as much.
-Susan and Peter in Narnian clothes. This worries me more right now. Are they going to be in Aslan's Country? or is this a flashback/Tribute scene to the Pevensie's. Since Ed and Lucy are saying farewell in this one. Yeah it might be a tribute scene. But it still bothers me. No More Suspian!!! please X(

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:38 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Okay Ramandu's daughter totally turned into a glowing ball of light.

What is up with Peter and Susan in Narnian clothes? It looks like that was all the same scene because what is behind Peter and Susan looks similar to what is behind Edmund and Lucy. I wonder if they will be at the end of the film.

So it looks like Eustace is still a brat at the magician's island because he is wearing his english clothes? I wonder when everything is going to happen in the story? It seems like they have reordered things.

Watching it again.

There are no clouds in the sky. There is only the open sun and the Lord watches.

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:40 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Every time I watch it, it just gets worse and worse. I'm officially terrified about so many things right now. Yeah, the trailer was visually fantastic, especially the Dawn Treader herself, but all the story line just feels wrong, so wrong.... :-s

"And this marvel of all marvels, that he called me Beloved, me who am but as a dog-" -Emeth

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:45 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

One more comment... To me it feels like mr magoriums wonder emporium

As a film - *** out of ****
As an adaptation - **** out of ****

As a film - **** out of ****
As an adaptation - *** out of ****

As a film - ** out of ****
As an adaptation - (1/2) of * out of ****

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:46 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

That was so awesome, I can’t believe I finally got to see what it looks like!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I’ve got to go to bed I’ll post what I think about it tomorrow! :p Oh, go to the official site they updated it, now you can watch the trailer, there are character and story info! :D

The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:46 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Damsel, I got the impression that scene with Lilliandil was BEFORE "her" island, like maybe she appears to them before that, then disappears.

I don't think Edmund is anything like how Peter was with the "I want to be king, I don't want to be treated like a baby"...Edmund seems more like "I want to be old enough to help fight a war/to make a difference/do something..." not just "I want people to bow down to me" :P

The scene with all the Pevensies at the end might be something like-- Lucy and Edmund are told they can't come back--then Susan and Peter appear--they all have a nice moment--then they all disappear into the waves/sunset/whatever :P Idk...

when Lucy said "it's very Narnian looking, isn't it" it did NOT sound like her. At ALL. While I'm happy that line is included, it reallyreally didn't sound like Lucy to me...

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:47 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I liked the intro. I smiled when Edmund said he looked older than 18, as if it wasn't painfully obvious that he wasn't. Georgie's grown up even more!

The picture scene was great, and yeah I could tell the CGI for it was still in-progress, but it was good enough for a small glimpse.

Dawn Treader looks great!

Aslan is on the ship at the START? Why? Seriously, why?

The scene in Coriakin's house was great, and I was amazed how Lucy turned into Susan and I barely noticed until the last milisecond!

I couldn't tell the different between Eddie Izzard and Bill Nighy when Reep said "Your majesties!". But if I he says another line in the trailer later that I think is him, then yeah it's definitely changed. If not, that's fine too. :)

Dark Island looks OMINOUS.

The White Witch is exactly where I expected her to be. Could we possibly see Miraz in Caspian's nightmare?

Lilliandil is really glowy! But surprisingly, I didn't hate it. However, I am concerned WHY SHE'S ON THE SHIP! Does this mean Ramandu's island was cut? What about the lords there? Why hasn't Ramandu been cast yet? I think we can infer a change from this. :(

Peter and Susan in Narnia! But as I said, I'm pretty sure this is a flashback to the days when they were growing up in Narnia. I was shocked, but instantly realized this.

Aslan roars! ...But why is Caspian there? Not a biggie really. He'll probably go back to the ship after that scene. But... what in the world is behind Aslan when he roars? Dark Island?

Also I was expecting wave along the edge of the world to be higher. Hehe.

THE LOGO AND LOGO MUSIC! Wee! Surprised to see so man mountains though. Hope it doesn't give the wrong impression visually.

Overall, this trailer makes me wish it was December now! A few things irked me such as some parts of the CGI but I'm sure that's still in progress. The only thing plotwise is that ASLAN IS ON THE SHIP AT THE START. :(

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:49 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

One other thing thats bugging me - that shot of them standing on the beach, talking to Aslan with the wall of water in the background... that's got to be at the end of the world, right? I'd be certain of it..... except why is Reepicheep with them? Shouldn't he have gone off in his coracle by now? We know they built him a Coracle prop - we've seen it, it looked awesome - so why has he not used it already by this point?

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:50 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Edmund and Lucy when they are still in our world really remind me of Peter and Susan from LWW. Edmund's hair when they are getting sucked into the painting was great.

I really liked the lillys on the water. I am glad they kept that.

The glowing sword reminded me of the Sword of Truth books. If he really has star power through his sword, that is so power ranger. Weird.

The purple sale actually really looks great.

Aslan looks weird again. Different. They need to do a better job keeping him consistent. I don't get why they don't understand that that is the most important thing.

Was there writing on the wall behind Ramandu's daughter when she is talking? Can anyone make out what it says?

I'm not sure about the BOW, per se, but the quiver and arrows most likely are Susans. (probably similar to how Ed has Rhindon)

Well if it is Susan's quiver then it is her bow.

There are no clouds in the sky. There is only the open sun and the Lord watches.

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:53 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Regarding the snow that someone mentioned earlier...

Most of it was in the in between the scenes parts. Remember: this movie is coming out at Christmas time! That may be part of it.
As far as the "snow" in the actual scenes, when we actually see the movie, it may not be snow.
Also, there's still 6 months to go; some of the scenes we saw may not make it into the film and they may still be working on the CGI to get it perfected.

There are a lot of people doing a lot of work to make this movie as best as they can. You can be an armchair quarterback all you want, but I think we all should wait to make judgments until we see the entire movie complete and in full.

Love God, love people

Posted : June 16, 2010 9:53 pm
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