Recent Will P interview. Definitely does not sound like a child any longer.
... *twitches* Wow. Um... there goes the option of bringing him in for as a VO, too. It's quite the pity, as he was easily the best part of VDT. I'd had a hard time envisioning Eustace, and after Poulter's performance, I'm having a hard time envisioning him as anyone else.
He did the part very well - I think I would agree about him being the best part of VDT.
I especially liked his interaction with Reepicheep, both as a boy (the duel was delightful ) and after he became a dragon.
It's a real shame that there will be so little chance of seeing him in SC - after VDT I was really looking forward to seeing him as Eustace with Jill and Puddleglum
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I have to admit, I was slightly nervous about how they would make Eustace in the movie, he was a character that I found pretty hard to imagine so I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting, I just hoped it would be good. And it was, Will P was a great Eustace, he really brought his character to life for me. I loved his performance, it was well acted, came quite easily, both as annoying Eustace and as changed Eustace.
... *twitches* Wow. Um... there goes the option of bringing him in for as a VO, too.
It's quite the pity, as he was easily the best part of VDT. I'd had a hard time envisioning Eustace, and after Poulter's performance, I'm having a hard time envisioning him as anyone else.
haha ditto, now I can't imagine any one else as Eustace, and's gotten a little too old for SC what a shame, I had hoped to see him again
always be humble and kind
Can someone please make an EUstace Youtuve video? There's not enough of him on Youtube
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I liked Eustace in the book, but I didn't like him in the movie.
"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia"-Aslan
I like him in both. I felt sorry for him.
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Since it is likely to be 7 years before silver chair, he will have to be replaced, which is a pity since i don't like changing actors much through movies, endless it is needed such as a death etc and this is one of those cases when it is needed.
I am very fond of Will Poulter and his acting persona, but as he shot up right after filming, he wil not be able to play Eustace a few months later - even if they made it a year later. (He did very helpfully stay shorter while filming, even though he was well into his teens then).
I look forward to the casting people finding a boy with a similar look to Will, (can they match the eyebrows?!) who can play the improved Eustace with a hint of the old Eustace. The boy needs to be admirable but also sympathetic and a bit vulnerable, someone that audiences can identify with.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Yeah, it makes me wish that actors did not age off camera.
Well, at least Will has found other acting jobs, including an adaptation of a book called "The Maze Runner". He's been cast as a character named Gally. I haven't read the book, so I don't really know what the film will be about.
It is my opinion that Will Poulter will not need to be recast. He was 17 at the time of Dawn Treader. He looks younger than he is. And let's not forget that it's quite common for actors in their 20s to play the role of teenagers in movies. The only real issue may be his height. But I'm sure some of you have seen the dwarves in Hobbit film. Nothing that camera angling and some CGI size modifications can't fix.
your fellow Telmarine
It is my opinion that Will Poulter will not need to be recast. He was 17 at the time of Dawn Treader. He looks younger than he is. And let's not forget that it's quite common for actors in their 20s to play the role of teenagers in movies. The only real issue may be his height. But I'm sure some of you have seen the dwarves in Hobbit film. Nothing that camera angling and some CGI size modifications can't fix.
Exactly! I believe Poulter would be able to pull off a very good Eustace in SC (with proper make-up and size modifications), but I think he'd be WAY too old by the time LB comes out - that's if they get that far. That's why some fans want him to be recast.
Personally, I would love to see Poulter back, Even if that makes his character a little older! He's a great actor and a perfect Eustace, but I would understand, and wouldn't lose any sleep, if he gets recast.
"Tollers, there is too little of what we really like in stories. I am afraid we shall have to try and write some ourselves." - C.S. Lewis
He is written as a youngish boy, and was last played as a very young teen. It is just not possible for a very tall young man to recreate this child character. This will not be like Skandar playing Edmund in PC where he was playing him as something like 14-15 (and with the life experience of his adult Narnian king self).
The pitfall for using Will is that the matching Jill would need to be fairly tall as well, and yet play her as 12-14. This leads to the risk of young teen romance nonsense.
[The best way the relationship can be written is a genuine friendship growing between two very different schoolmates. It's not only healthier but also good modelling for kids to know that they can be friends instead of only 'boyfriend/girlfriend'. ]
BBC's version had chunky shorter Eustace and tall leggy Jill (punning deliberately on her surname?) since girls do their growing earlier than boys. I can't see it exactly working the other way round, but we could have a Jill only about 5'2, not yet grown very tall. There'd be the usual risk of her growing taller during filming!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
they should keep will poulter i mean come on Ben Barnes was 26 when he played Caspian, and will still has the look of a teenage boy (16 i would say)
In the name of Tash,My Lord and King of Darkness
Will Poulter will always be Eustace in my mind. But if ages issues get in the way. And the Director chooses another actor which I would not like to say the least.
But Asa Butterfield might be a good replacement. He'd be sooooo different but I think he could do it!
they should keep will poulter i mean come on Ben Barnes was 26 when he played Caspian, and will still has the look of a teenage boy (16 i would say)
That's what I'm saying. Caspian was supposed to be a teen and I think Ben played him very faithfully at an age waaay more than what it is in the book. I think Poulter could portray an older teen pretty well, I took him to be playing a thirteen year-old Eustace in VDT and he was, like, seventeen at the time. He's only 21 now, thirty year-olds play high school kids all the time and no one seems to mind. I want to see Will Poulter back. He can play an older teen without a problem in my opinion, especially if Barnes was considered acceptable as Caspian.
All the kids were pushed up in age from their theoretical book ages. I don't feel like it affects the story in any significant way. Really, guys, I'm not sitting here like OH GEEZ LUCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SIX AND EUSTACE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE TWELVE and whatever other ages, I don't even know them. Age doesn't affect the story that much, learning to trust and learning to be kind to others are lessons that some adults still haven't mastered. Older ages may open up more romance possibilities, but we shouldn't need them to cast younger kids just to avoid adding in a romance that wasn't present in the book, you know?