Nice to know you got some great ideas joy03!
Welcome to NW!
THANKS!!!!! its good to be apart of the forum!!!!!
I just got a "how to train your dragon" display for free. I think with a few modifications it could look like the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Only problem, is that it is in a hundred pieces, good thing I have until Devember to make it! Besides that, I really need like some steps to preparing a lion party. I am pretty sure I will have one, but need to give my mom a heads up on how much work this will be for both of us. If this is in the wrong thread please tell me where I should put it moderators!
PM me if you would like be part of a Lion Party in the state of New York!
Perfect place for it!
I like the display idea. Very cool.
Love God, love people
Nothing says Dawn Treader like a party on the frozen beaches of the Great Lakes! Although, come to think of it, there is a lot of snow in the VDT trailer...
That would sure give a different meaning to Deathwater . . .
Here are some ideas I've come up with. Some more serious than others.

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King