These questions were really hard for me, since I haven't taken the time to see which dwarves were which by name.
I've only ever seen them collectively.
I would have linked them if I'd know that.
That depends on what you call a lot.
Oh dear... somehow you're being quite cryptic.
Actually I don't know how many I'm going to ask you. I just deleted 12 because they were similar to questions you had already answered. You're welcome.
Yep. That brings me to my next few questions. And yes I did it from memory.
I was actually brushing my teeth last night and remembered I had forgotten Balin and Dwalin!
I wish I had them memorized like you do.
It just takes a little time. I just learned them since the pictures came out. You missed Grumpy from Snow White.
Re: quoting To get the codes to show up click the quote button next to the post (either on the main thread page or down in the topic review section) without highlighting anything.
109 Have had Perkin's muffins before?
110 If yes, which is your favorite? If no which do you think will be your favorite?
111 What is your favorite color?
112 Who is your favorite Narnia character (human)?
113 Who is your favorite Narnia character (animal)?
114 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Hobbit?
115 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Dwarf?
116 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Wizard?
117 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Human?
118 Who is your favorite Middle Earth horse or pony?
119 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Elf?
120 Do you like to play board games?
121 Do you like to play card games?
122 Do you like to play sports?
123 Do you find it more tiring to ask questions or to answer them?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
124. Favorite kind of pasta? (Ravioli, speghatti, etc)
125. Do you like Film Scores?
126. If so, any particular ones you like?
127. Do you like The Beatles?
128. Merlin or Robin Hood (TV shows)?
129. Classic films or new (post 1960's)?
130. Star Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean?
131. Spare Oom or Ditto Town?
132. Favorite RP you are in?
133. Favorite RP you have read, but are not in?
134. Chat or Town Square?
135. Alligator or Crocodile?
136. Right or Left?
137. Do you know the next part of this joke: "You remind me of a man..." (NO Googling!! )
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Just one question for me (hope it hasn't been asked already).
138. What's your favorite nickname on NarniaWeb, and who gave it to you?
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
139. Which Trek movie is your favorite?
140. What is your favorite Narnia Chronicle?
141. What is your favorite season?
142. Sunrise or sunset?
143. Full moon or crescent?
144. Do you currently live in the state in which you were born?
145. Which US states have you lived in or visited?
146. Which Canadian provinces?
147. What other countries have you been to?
148. Which countries would you most like to visit (that you haven't yet)?
149. Have you ever seen the Northern Lights?
150. What (if any) is your favorite constellation?
151. Where is your favorite vacation spot (already visited)?
152. What is your ideal vacation spot (yet to visit)?
153. What is your favorite cuisine?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Bella!!! Your questions are so random. I love them.
Awwww, thanks!!
Haha, RE your most common ejaculations- "Oh my dear word" That's so cute!!
1. Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi virtual pet/GigaPet?
2. Are you in favor of Kindles/e-books?
3. Dustjacket or no dustjacket?
4. What patterns on books do you like seeing?
5. Cloth-bound books or that leather/plastic material?
6. What is your favourite restraunt?
7. Favourite color to wear?
8. Are you good at-
playing the banjo?
chopping wood?
singing "Polly Wolly Doodle"?
9. Favourite girly book series (like, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, etc)?
10. Do you like watching the stars?
11. Steam trains or light houses?
12. What is your favourite genre to write?
13. Favourite pattern of Converse shoes?
14. Do you like touch screen cell phones or the type that have the qwerty keyboard?
15. Do you use all your fingers to type, or just a few?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
do you like to eat cheese with your jam?
do you like to hike tall mountains?
do you like to dance the hokie-pokie?
what's your least favorite food?
what's your favorite kind of soda?
coke or pepsi?
fires or onion rings?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Did you every dance in the rain
Do you have any advice newbie moderators?
Would you like to go back in history? If so then what time period
Who was the first person you really got to know on NW?
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
*Proceeds to comment on Mountie's responses, and ask a few more questions.* (But again, Mountie, any queries to you will be bolded so you can see them, and answer them, easily.)
69. Mountie, are there any parts of Tangled that you don't like?
Not really.The "Mother Knows Best" scene isn't very memorable, but I do like it in a weird sort of way.
What about you?
I can't think of any at the moment that I don't really like, either. Yeah, that "Mother Knows Best" scene is a bit odd, but I find it very fitting for the character. I really like the fact that Tangled is a musical; I wasn't expecting that since most movies are not nowadays.
The song sung at the pub is very memorable. (I think it's called "I Have a Dream".) I love the catchy lyrics! *Quotes (from memory): "...but despite my evil look, my complexion and my hook, I've always wanted to be a concert pianist!"*
*Also, had the song Rapunzel and Flynn sing in the floating lantern/boat scene stuck in her head for days on end a few weeks back - such a pretty song!*
Mountie, what's your favourite scene (or few scenes if you can't pick just one) from Tangled?
70. Who's Philip?
Ah, how to answer this question... Philip is my pet gryphon, though of course he's not exactly, um... real.He was a character I invented for the War of the Overdoms in Ditto Town, and Silver the Wanderer even drew him to use on her Mod Appreciation Day graphics for me.
Cool! I saw those graphics and was impressed by them (good job, Silver the Wanderer!), but I really had no idea who Philip and Growlie were. Now I know who Philip is, but... (this brings me to my next question):
Who is Growlie? (I looked at your response to the question about the pets you have and their names, so I know he's not one of your real he an imaginary cat?)
Actually, contrary to popular belief, The Lord of the Rings is just one book. It is not a true trilogy. It was only split into three separate volumes because of the printing costs at the time of publication. (It was more cost-efficient to print it as three separate volumes rather than one.) Furthermore, it has even been published as one volume in more recent years. Just so you know!
Ooh, thanks for that interesting tidbit!
You're very welcome!
71. Are there any insects (or insect-like creatures) that you just can't stand? (Centipedes, spiders etc.?)
Ooh, I'm sorry I missed that one.Um, well, I'm not a huge fan of spiders or centipedes, though surprisingly, they don't bug me as much as they could (pun intended.
). I really don't like Daddy longlegs spiders. Actually though, lately I can't stand ants. We've had them invading our house lately, and they've really been bothering me lately. I actually once killed a centipede with a frying pan, which you've probably heard about if you've read the Tangled SF.
That's okay. I'm not a huge fan of spiders or centipedes either. (Actually, I really don't like them!) I don't mind Daddy-long-legs very much though. I'm not sure why because they're basically jumbo spiders...
You have lots of ants, eh? Carpenter ants? (They're the ones that leave a fairly perfectly-shaped hole in wood, and they're big, and I think they can go through wood pretty quickly.) Well, actually, I haven't read the Tangled SF, but I saw in your post here that you've killed (a) centipede(s) with a frying pan:
13 Name as many uses for a fry pan as you can think of. Banning spammers, cooking eggs, killing centipedes, hurting robbers, and defending yourself from strange people that come into your tower.
This response made me laugh! (And, because of the last statement, it really let me know that you were a fan of Tangled!)
77. An egg beater maybe?
Of course, of course! People really like to hear about ordinary cooking utensils becoming extraordinary, I've noticed. A good example is that one movie, The Brave Little Toaster!
*Reaches far back into her memory and recalls a movie of this name... thinks she liked this movie growing up.*
What was your favourite movie growing up, Mountie?
Do you play any instruments besides the guitar?
Do you play acoustic or electric guitar?
You said you're a huge fan of James McAvoy. Have you seen the recent movie with him called The Conspirator?
Have you ever had a pet rodent?
What's your favourite drink?
Re: quoting To get the codes to show up click the quote button next to the post (either on the main thread page or down in the topic review section) without highlighting anything.
Okay, thanks Twigs!
"Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby's wife, fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings, but quickly, simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest."
(The Magician's Nephew, Chapter 11)
Real life daughter to johobbit!
NW niece to ramagut.
NW Hobbit cousin to coracle.
Here ya go, Mountie! First of many posts... I do have to use up all 400+ questions I had planned out after all.
Do they make you smile?
Are monkeys solemn or goofy?
Do they like bananas?
Are they nice and cuddly?
What happens if you smile at a monkey?
Favorite place in the whole world?
Person you’d like to meet most?
How long have you been writing replies to all of these ridiculous questions?
Why is Flynn Rider so awesome?
Do you agree that the Stabbington brothers are 12 (the one with the eyepatch) and Joe?
Do you like foodz?
What’s your favorite foodz?
Hast thou become a Monk of the Spoiler Free variety since thou hast seen the Great Vision?
What are your thoughts on frying pans?
Did Blondie steal the idea from Samwise the Brave?
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Welcome back, Twigs!
109 Have had Perkin's muffins before? No, but they look delicious.
110 If yes, which is your favorite? If no which do you think will be your favorite? Probably apple cinnamon or blueberry.
111 What is your favorite color? Purple!
112 Who is your favorite Narnia character (human)? Lucy.
113 Who is your favorite Narnia character (animal)? Reepicheep. I even named my hamster after him.
114 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Hobbit? Samwise Gamgee. I was nicknamed Sam by one of my friends because I am intensely loyal like he is.
115 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Dwarf? Thorin Oakenshield, though I always loved Fili and Kili for some reason.
116 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Wizard? Gandalf.
117 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Human? Aragorn.
118 Who is your favorite Middle Earth horse or pony? Brego, or Shadowfax.
119 Who is your favorite Middle Earth Elf? Arwen.
120 Do you like to play board games? Yes indeed!
121 Do you like to play card games? Mmhmm!
122 Do you like to play sports? Nope.
123 Do you find it more tiring to ask questions or to answer them? Answer them. I'm exhausted, can't you tell?
I would have linked them if I'd know that.
No worries. I figured it out.
Actually I don't know how many I'm going to ask you. I just deleted 12 because they were similar to questions you had already answered. You're welcome.
Aw, how kind of you! How many more are there besides those 12, though? I have to wonder...
You missed Grumpy from Snow White.
Haha! Actually, I was sitting there racking my brain. "Was his name Angry...No. Irritated? No. Mad? No...." I only remembered that it was Grumpy after the fact.
Cor on the Cob! How kind of you to stop by.
124. Favorite kind of pasta? (Ravioli, speghatti, etc) Fettuccine noodles.
125. Do you like Film Scores? Yes! Even more so lately.
126. If so, any particular ones you like? There was a link you shared with me of a Black Beauty score that made it into my Youtube favorites. I also like the Narnia and the Lord of the Rings soundtracks.
127. Do you like The Beatles? From what I've heard of them, yes.
128. Merlin or Robin Hood (TV shows)? Ahh! This is a hard one! I'm going to have to go with Robin Hood. I haven't seen very much of Merlin, though they're both amazing shows.
129. Classic films or new (post 1960's)? How about a little of both?
130. Star Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean? I'm going to have to go with Star Wars. I've only seen the first PotC movie, and I liked it.
131. Spare Oom or Ditto Town? Ditto Town - I hang out there a lot more. Unless, of course, it's my turn for Mod of the Week.
132. Favorite RP you are in? True Justice.
133. Favorite RP you have read, but are not in? There aren't a lot that I'm not in at present, but I really like ANTI: The Rebellion.
134. Chat or Town Square? Alas, they are both amazing. I love the Town Square, but I'm in chat a lot more often. So... probably chat.
135. Alligator or Crocodile? Crocodile, though they both look pretty intimidating to me.
136. Right or Left? It depends on where I want to go. I'm right-handed, if that's what you mean.
137. Do you know the next part of this joke: "You remind me of a man..." (NO Googling!! ) What?! No Googling? In that case, I'm going to have to say I have no idea. Care to enlighten me?
My dear Rosa - hello!!
138. What's your favorite nickname on NarniaWeb, and who gave it to you? This is such a great question. I believe that I'd have to say Muffin. Djaq gave this nickname to me after realizing that my initials (MFF) sound like Muffin. She became FlapDjaq, flambeau is FlamCake, Sweeet is Sweeets, Pattertwig's Pal is Kix, Kate is CupKate, malkah is Malcaroon, Cor is Cor on the Cob, and it goes on from there.
However, a close second are Mountums (given to me by Lady A) and Plant Girl (Booky called me this once in chat and has yet to call me that again, but it still makes me laugh).
Hi, 'gazer! Good to see you!
139. Which Trek movie is your favorite? Either the most recent one (the reboot) or Star Trek: First Contact. I'm going to have to watch some of the others.
140. What is your favorite Narnia Chronicle? The Last Battle! It's such a beautiful ending.
141. What is your favorite season? Spring or fall - they're a pleasant medium between the heat of summer and the cold of winter.
142. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
143. Full moon or crescent? Full moon! It's really pretty to watch.
144. Do you currently live in the state in which you were born? Yes, and I have never lived anywhere else.
145. Which US states have you lived in or visited? Let's see. I've been to Washington D.C., Washington State, California (when I was a baby), Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and some others. Most of those I traveled through by train, though.
146. Which Canadian provinces? British Columbia.
147. What other countries have you been to? Just Canada, I'm afraid.
148. Which countries would you most like to visit (that you haven't yet)? Scotland, Ireland, and England!
149. Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? No, but I'd like to.
150. What (if any) is your favorite constellation? Orion. I've always liked that one.
151. Where is your favorite vacation spot (already visited)? Washington D.C.
152. What is your ideal vacation spot (yet to visit)? Anywhere in Europe, or maybe Hawaii. I'd also like to see more of America, too.
153. What is your favorite cuisine?
1. A style or method of cooking, esp. as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.
2. Food cooked in a certain way: "sampling the local cuisine".
If you mean the first definition, I really like Mexican, Italian, and Asian food.
Hey Bella!
Haha, RE your most common ejaculations- "Oh my dear word" That's so cute!!
Thank you. It was penned in an utter moment of exhaustion and brain fog.
154. Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi virtual pet/GigaPet? Yes, a GigaPet! I believe it was a rabbit. The first time I owned one I lost it, presumably in a pile of snow, but then I got a new one and it lasted me for a while. They're quite entertaining.
155. Are you in favor of Kindles/e-books? I remain sort of indifferent on the subject. I haven't ever tried them, but I wouldn't be opposed to trying them either. At any rate, I appreciate real, tangible books much better.
156. Dustjacket or no dustjacket? While dustjackets make books look nice, I most often end up taking the dustjacket off anyway.
157. What patterns on books do you like seeing? Polkadots, vintage wallpaper, or stripes are all very appealing.
158. Cloth-bound books or that leather/plastic material? Either, to be honest.
159. What is your favourite restraunt? Chipotle!
160. Favourite color to wear? White, blue, or neutral colors like gray and black and brown.
161. Are you good at-
playing the banjo?
chopping wood?
singing "Polly Wolly Doodle"?
Now, that's about three questions in one.
Playing the banjo? No, I have never tried it.
Chopping wood? I've never tried that either but I doubt I'd be very good at it.
Singing "Polly Wolly Doodle"? It greatly depends on who is listening.
162. Favourite girly book series (like, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, etc)? The ones you just mentioned, as well as Little House on the Prairie, and The Little Princess. I loved historical books too, like American Girl and things like that.
163. Do you like watching the stars? Yes.
164. Steam trains or light houses? Both are incredibly nostalgic. I have never been given the opportunity to see a lighthouse, but I would very much like to.
165. What is your favourite genre to write? Either fantasy or chick-lit. It greatly depends on my mood as well.
166. Favourite pattern of Converse shoes? I tend to like the plain black and white kind, though if I got a polka-dotted pair, that would be incredibly awesome.
167. Do you like touch screen cell phones or the type that have the qwerty keyboard? If given the opportunity to get a cell phone, I would probably choose either, but I find touch screens incredibly fun.
168. Do you use all your fingers to type, or just a few? All of them.
169. do you like to eat cheese with your jam? I can safely say I've never tried this.
170. do you like to hike tall mountains? Despite living in a mountainous state... no. I have chronic pain and so my body doesn't allow it.
171. do you like to dance the hokie-pokie? When given the opportunity to, I suppose I would participate.
172. what's your least favorite food? Peas.
173. what's your favorite kind of soda? Root beer!
174. coke or pepsi? Coke.
175. fires or onion rings? I like them both!
De_De! Hi, and welcome!
176. Did you every dance in the rain? Yes! And I love doing it!
177. Do you have any advice newbie moderators? Take it slow, unlike I did. Also, think twice before clicking links.
178. Would you like to go back in history? If so then what time period? Oh, such a hard question! I'd love to be alive during the Renaissance and Reformation time periods, or the pioneer days, or the time period that Jane Austen writes about.
179. Who was the first person you really got to know on NW? Well, I can't exactly pinpoint one, but some of the first ones were Sweeet, DamselJillPole, and Princess Anna.
Heya Nellie!
I really like the fact that Tangled is a musical; I wasn't expecting that since most movies are not nowadays. The song sung at the pub is very memorable. (I think it's called "I Have a Dream".) I love the catchy lyrics! *Quotes (from memory): "...but despite my evil look, my complexion and my hook, I've always wanted to be a concert pianist!"* *Also, had the song Rapunzel and Flynn sing in the floating lantern/boat scene stuck in her head for days on end a few weeks back - such a pretty song!*
Yes, I loved all the songs - and I Have a Dream and I See the Light are some of my absolute favorites. The music just added to the movie, in my opinion. I also really like the song, "When Will My Life Begin?"
180. Mountie, what's your favourite scene (or few scenes if you can't pick just one) from Tangled? I reallllly like the BEST DAY EVER! scene. Also, the scene where

181. Who is Growlie? (I looked at your response to the question about the pets you have and their names, so I know he's not one of your real he an imaginary cat?) Quite right, and great logic! He's actually similar to Philip in that he was also in the War of the Overdoms and doesn't actually exist. However, I gave him to Silvie as a birthday present.
That's okay. I'm not a huge fan of spiders or centipedes either. (Actually, I really don't like them!) I don't mind Daddy-long-legs very much though. I'm not sure why because they're basically jumbo spiders... You have lots of ants, eh? Carpenter ants? (They're the ones that leave a fairly perfectly-shaped hole in wood, and they're big, and I think they can go through wood pretty quickly.) Well, actually, I haven't read the Tangled SF, but I saw in your post here that you've killed (a) centipede(s) with a frying pan:
Jumbo spiders, I like that. They may be carpenter ants - though I hope not.
We have no idea where they're coming from.
Anyway, you can read about my centipede and frying pan adventure here. And actually, last night I killed a spider with a frying pan, too. It's such a handy tool.
This response made me laugh! (And, because of the last statement, it really let me know that you were a fan of Tangled!)
Oh, I'm glad; and indeed, I am!
*Reaches far back into her memory and recalls a movie of this name... thinks she liked this movie growing up.*
*actually never saw it, but thought that it would be interesting to watch a movie about a toaster*
182. What was your favourite movie growing up, Mountie? I had lots! Winnie the Pooh would probably have to be my ultimate favorite, though.
183. Do you play any instruments besides the guitar? I play a tiny bit of piano, and have a bass guitar that I'm learning how to play. Guitar is the instrument I know the most, though.
184. Do you play acoustic or electric guitar? Acoustic! I'm really blessed with the guitar I've got and I love playing it so much.
185.You said you're a huge fan of James McAvoy. Have you seen the recent movie with him called The Conspirator? Actually, no, I haven't, and I don't know if I've heard of it till now. I've only really seen James McAvoy in Narnia and the movie Penelope. I'd like to see him in Becoming Jane, though.
186. Have you ever had a pet rodent? Yep! I had a hamster named Reepicheep and he lived for about two years.
What's your favourite drink? A cold glass of milk or water.
Lia, Lia, Lia. You have collected 400 questions for me... what shall I do with you? At any rate, welcome to this thread.
187. Do they make you smile? Depends on what you mean by 'they'...
188. Are monkeys solemn or goofy? That information is classified.
189. Do they like bananas? What monkey doesn't like bananas?
190. Are they nice and cuddly? I have never had the opportunity to touch one, so let me get back to you on that.
191. What happens if you smile at a monkey? I would hope that they smile back because it's the polite thing to do.
192. Favorite place in the whole world? My room, complete with my new hanging lights that remind me of fireflies.
193. Person you’d like to meet most? Jesus.
194. How long have you been writing replies to all of these ridiculous questions? For about an hour now... and that's just for today.
195. Why is Flynn Rider so awesome? I cannot even begin to describe his awesomeness. He's awesomely awesome. His awesomeness is so awesome that his awesomeness cannot even be contained!
196. Do you agree that the Stabbington brothers are 12 (the one with the eyepatch) and Joe? I have never heard of this theory before. Interesting. I shall have to give it some thought.
197. Do you like foodz? Of course. I'd die without it. Literally.
198. What’s your favorite foodz? Pizza or anything pasta.
199. Hast thou become a Monk of the Spoiler Free variety since thou hast seen the Great Vision? I am deeply considering it but have decided to maintain a neutral position at this time.
200. What are your thoughts on frying pans? They are awesome. So awesome that their awesomeness cannot be contained... Need I go on?
201. Did Blondie steal the idea from Samwise the Brave? I have no idea. I do know this: whoever's idea it was... it was pure brilliance.
av by dot
1. What is your first memory of me?
2. What was the funniest thing I ever did/said?
3. What was your best day ever?
4. What was the spookiest movie you ever saw?
5. What is the saddest story you've ever heard/seen?
6. What is the RP you've had the most fun writing or reading?
7. What's better: Robin Hood or Tangled?
8. What is the Lurkers club about?
9. Am I your favorite? XD
10. Would you want swoosh hair, or is swoosh hair only for guys?
11. Have you seen the show Sherlock?
12. Do you watch Dr. Who?
13. If you could go to ComiCon and meet someone famous there, who would you want to meet?
14. What smilie best represents you?
15. What is your favorite moment in Member Chat?
Ithie!!! Ithilwen the Interrogator strikes again!
202. What is your first memory of me? I actually remember you when you first joined, as Eustace+Jill. I remember thinking what a pretty name Riella was and how fun it would be to get to know you. I also remember one of your first avatars that had a pair of Mary Jane shoes on it, but correct me if I'm wrong. I remember having PM convos about Camp NarniaWeb. And, it was always fun to interact with you in the Spoiler Wars threads.
203. What was the funniest thing I ever did/said? The other day when you were trying to come up with names for your character, Glimril. "I want him to sound like something that comes from a sewer!" Haha!
204. What was your best day ever? "BEST DAY EVER!!!" I don't know... I have lots. One of them was when I got my guitar after praying for it for a long time.
205. What was the spookiest movie you ever saw? This one movie I saw called Sea People. It was just creepy and had random things jumping out at different times. Plus, it made no sense. I will never watch that movie again.
206. What is the saddest story you've ever heard/seen? I'm actually completely drawing a blank here, but one movie that was sad (in a good way) was Letters to God. Sad thing was, I went to see it on my birthday and walked out of the movie theater crying. Not the best choice for a birthday film. Still, it's a good movie and I'd highly recommend it!
207. What is the RP you've had the most fun writing or reading? Either True Justice or Supernova.
208. What's better: Robin Hood or Tangled? AHHH!! These questions are impossible! Seriously, it's very hard to compare an awesome outlaw to a brave princess. I like them both! Can I opt out of this question?
209. What is the Lurkers club about? 'Twas started maybe a year ago by Nioniel and I. I don't know if she comes by anymore (or maybe she just lurks... ), but it was basically for people who lurked on the forums more than posted on them. I'm not as much of a lurker as I was then, but we're still open to new members.
210. Am I your favorite? XD My favorite minion? Why YES! How did you know?
211. Would you want swoosh hair, or is swoosh hair only for guys? Of course. Who doesn't want SWOOSH hair? However, I would have to obtain swooshy hair with the full knowledge that my swoosh hair would never by as awesome as the SWOOSH hair.
212. Have you seen the show Sherlock? No, but I've heard it's good! I'll have to watch it.
213. Do you watch Dr. Who? Nope, though I've heard a lot about it too.
214. If you could go to ComiCon and meet someone famous there, who would you want to meet? Probably anyone from the Narnia movies. Obviously.
215. What smilie best represents you? <--- that one. Or maybe this one:
Or maybe this one?
How about this one:
216. What is your favorite moment in Member Chat? Either the conversation we had about Frankie, the time we took a road trip to Narnia in the big lime green van, those rare occasions when I quote movies and people actually know what I'm quoting, and one time where Sweeet, Mal, and I had a conversation full of Owl City song titles.
The end. For now. I have a feeling you'll all be back...
av by dot
Ithie!!! Ithilwen the Interrogator strikes again!
202. What is your first memory of me? I actually remember you when you first joined, as Eustace+Jill. I remember thinking what a pretty name Riella was and how fun it would be to get to know you. I also remember one of your first avatars that had a pair of Mary Jane shoes on it, but correct me if I'm wrong.
I remember having PM convos about Camp NarniaWeb. And, it was always fun to interact with you in the Spoiler Wars threads.
*remembers that avatar* It was a screenshot from the movie Penelope. And thank you very much! *bows* (There's something vaguely familiar about this... Why am I craving cheese curls?) Oh! And YOU were the one I PMd about Camp NarniWeb?! XD For some reason, I thought that was High Queen of Lantern Waste. Did I also talk to you about Booky's April Fool's Joke in those PMs? I think I remember doing so...
203. What was the funniest thing I ever did/said? The other day when you were trying to come up with names for your character, Glimril. "I want him to sound like something that comes from a sewer!" Haha!
*was thinking about that earlier as I made my first post as Glimril*
216. What is your favorite moment in Member Chat? Either the conversation we had about Frankie, the time we took a road trip to Narnia in the big lime green van, those rare occasions when I quote movies and people actually know what I'm quoting, and one time where Sweeet, Mal, and I had a conversation full of Owl City song titles.
I don't remember the Frankie one... What was that about again? Was I there?
The end. For now. I have a feeling you'll all be back...
What would make you think that?
1. Am I allowed to ask dumb questions, since I'm only allowed to ask 15 anyway?
2. Did that count as a dumb question?
3. Aren't dumb questions easier to answer than serious ones?
4. Would you rather answer dumb questions... or the question about Hoodie vs. Tangled?
5. If you met me, what would you do with me?
6. If I went to your house, what room would you put me in?
7. Should I be afraid?
8. Does Glimril remind you of anyone, and if so, who?
9. What moderator am I most like?
10. What do you think my chances are of becoming a moderator? XD
11. If I was a moderator, what should I use as my title? (You know, the little thing near the username and avvie, where yours says Wielder of the Frying Pan)
12. Why do you like frying pans so much?
13. Did you and the passage about fire flowers have a special bond when you first read it?
14. Why do the mods dislike mod of the week so much? (I've always wanted to do one..)
15. Quick! Think of a number! What is it?
Do you like long hair or short hair better?
What's your favorite cake?
Can you do pull-ups? How many can you do?
How many push-ups can you do?
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
What's the latest you've stayed up online?
Do you like making graphics?
What's the longest you've gone without brushed teeth?
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
Gandalf or Dumbledore?
Rebecca Black or Justin Beiber?
rings or bracelets?
do you like camping?
who is your favorite movie director?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are