I singled that one out because I loved it,
but I've been listening to it since August so it's not "new" to me anymore.
I think I found the best new one, "Start Somewhere", I loved it!
Listening to the final song now with Israel Houghton and it's different from his other stuff. But I like it.
Just got Tobymac's new CD, Listening to it right now and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I have almost all of TMac's new CD. I bought all the singles before it came out plus four more songs today. So I could get the rest for about $3 more but hopefully I'll be buying the physical CD soon anyway . This CD is amazing I love it
Lately I've been kinda obsessed with Flyleaf I'm beginning to not notice the odd dancing and the scary guitar player
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.. generally my dad would be more willing too, but not with concerts. He hates rock music I dunno, maybe I can ask him about getting the tickets, then go with my friend. Ohh, how I wish my parents had the same music taste as I did.
Narnian1: Well, if you look at the dates they posted each section, it took like a month-ish for each one. Which is definitely way too long. That means waiting until the summer!
Check out this interview w/ Bryce: http://www.hopecore.com/magazine/index.html
He states that Of Men and Angel's is "definitely [his] most spiritually charged record." I'm really stoked.
I'm thinking you should talk to your mom and tell her you'd love to go any way you can. Tell her you'd love to go with her, but that you're afraid she might not like it and you don't want to buy a ticket she won't enjoy. Then tell her going with your friend is an option. I hope you can go!
Anyone here looking for good Christian hip-hop? A guy who I go to school with who is in my campus fellowship group has a free hip-hop album for download. I'm not a big hip-hop fan at all, but I really like "Clipped Wingz". He's a pretty talented guy, especially when he does freestyle. It would also be hard to find a more passionate artist who is more on fire for what God's doing and who doesn't shy away from saying what he believes. Check it out here
Lately I've been kinda obsessed with Flyleaf
I'm beginning to not notice the odd dancing and the scary guitar player
^^ WHAT????? you like Flyleaf?????? wow.....even I don't like them! you amaze me, GTG......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Narnian1: Well, if you look at the dates they posted each section, it took like a month-ish for each one. Which is definitely way too long. That means waiting until the summer!
Check out this interview w/ Bryce: http://www.hopecore.com/magazine/index.html
He states that Of Men and Angel's is "definitely [his] most spiritually charged record." I'm really stoked.
I didn't even look for dates,
I just saw tabs and their respective numbers.
Well, I guess wait until around summer then.
I will check out the blog soon.
Lately I've been kinda obsessed with Flyleaf
I'm beginning to not notice the odd dancing and the scary guitar player
^^ WHAT????? you like Flyleaf?????? wow.....even I don't like them! you amaze me, GTG......
I love Flyleaf's All Around Me and Again! Both songs are excellent.
and Lol about the "scary guitar player" but I totally know what you mean.
I'm so happy! I just found out that Copeland (and that means Deas Vail too) added a tour date for my town on the Farewell Tour!!!!! I checked the date and at first I thought it was during Spring Break (when I'm required as a Small Group Bible Study Leader to attend InterVarsity Spring Break Camp) and I couldn't go and I was devastated. I mean devastated. It was bad enough that they were here over the summer when I was at home, but for them to be here twice and me to not go either time was devastating. And then I found out that it's the Sunday at the end of the weekend instead of the beginning and now I'm super super excited! I get to go! *gloats and then runs off to study*
MissA: I know at one point you said you were sad you bought The Everglow digitally right? Well, they're having a sale and you could get the Special Edition for $5 from their website (plus shipping of course). It doesn't have the same album art, but it's something right?
ditto Narnian1, those are the two songs that are making me like them I also like Fully Alive
*is jealous of kate* *and is also loving tmac's new cd*
ditto Narnian1, those are the two songs that are making me like them
I also like Fully Alive
I was hooked on Fully Alive for a short while, but it didn't hold up like the other two. Still a good song though.
Yeah it's not as good as the other two but I still like it alot
TMac has a new music video up for Showstopper. It's kinda pointless and stupid but I like it
Kate, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!!! You'll have to give us all the details after you hear them.
Ahh yes, about The Everglow, I saw that via twitter today, and I was actually thinking about it. I might have to get it. It's definitely becoming one of my favorite albums.
Hahah GtG, nice graphics... I love Thiessen for saying that
He may have been discussed already, but I just got B.Reith's new CD and love it!!! One of my favorite albums...Anyone else like him? "I Know", "Mess", "Wish That", and "Just For You" are his best songs, methinks.
Icon/sig by me
^ I have Wish That from when the B.Reith ep was free on amazon, but it was the only one from the EP that I liked (there were 4 songs total).
I'm right in it with you. Got the free downloads from amazon, but only liked Wish That. I deleted his others from my iTunes.