Skillet and Owl City, both would make awesome Christmas albums. Although I think it might be more likely to happen with Owl City.. I can't really imagine Skillet actually making one.
I really don't like that almost every popular song nowadays seems to be about a crush, a break-up, or a love. Can't they think of anything else to sing about? Love is great, but this is getting ridiculous.
Yeah.. they all end up sounding the same after a while. I have a couple that I like, but really, how many different ways can they find to phrase the same thing?
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
To all you RelientK fans, I found a brand-new copy of MMHMM tucked away in one of my 'gift drawers'. I had purchased this CD for 'a song' quite awhile back and am now offering it to the first person who PMs me.
Also, I must mention, despite the fact that I'm a few decades older than most of you, I still enjoy most of the groups you talk about in here. My favourite type of music is soundtracks, but I usually have on a rock-type group in amongst the scores.
Someone mentioned that it was cool Skillet has a female drummer: a dream I had as an early teen was to drum for a rock group. That never materialized for I pursued piano instead, but it's still something I wish I could have done.
I enjoy reading your respective passions for the music you love.
EDIT: And ... Queen Susan is the recipient of "MMHMM". Enjoy QS.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Haha, I mentioned TFK to my brother the other day---and I was like, "They're, like, heavy rock and almost "screamo" in some songs...." and I said, "It's funny, that one girl" (That's you, that's your name around here)
"says Skillet is a bit too rocky, but she seems to like TFK."
Yeah. I figured you thought they were a bit too heavy too.
The only TFK song that I REMEMBER hearing is "Masquerade", which my bro has been playing lately.
Haha, well, it's not that I like TFK better than Skillet. I like them both about the same - and I think they're both a little too heavy for me in general. But I do like their songs that are not quite as heavy. I realize that some people don't even consider them heavy But heavy is really a relative term. I mean, even Sanctus Real is heavier than Tenth Avenue North. That doesn't mean they're heavy though.
I have to say I like some of Flyleaf's music but the way the lead singer dances in their music videos kinda creeps me out...*shurgs*
Skillet is SOOOOO much better than TFK. Well I guess that could be debated but in MHO they are.
Yes Skillet does have a girl drummer (I like those the best ). I would love to be a girl drummer, but I have to say I'd rather be like Korey Cooper (in Skillet)- she sinds, plays piano, and guitar. That's what I want to do...
HelloHurricane: my favorite song on Hello Hurricane is "Sing It Out! my second favorite is "Your Love Is A Song"! that CD is awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
@Jo: Thanks! I'm very excited!
Oh, and I thought it was pretty funny that you wanted to be a drummer. I don't know why, but--yeah. I actually mentioned it to my mom today, though she doesn't "know" you.
@Kat: Ah, I see. Well, I guess so--I'd consider TFK a bit "heavier" then Skillet, but you're right that "heavy" and "heavier" are kind of relative terms.
But yeah.
@GtG: Haven't heard a ton of Flyleaf... but yeah. I know what you mean about music videos--not necessarily Flyleaf, but there are a lot music vids that are creepy. I prefer to hear the music, but not see the videos sometimes, or my opinion of the song or Artist might go down.
( know what I mean)
...Just learned a few days ago where Skillet's name came from.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Yeah music videos can sometimes ruin the song or the band for me...not a good thing.
Aww.. I wanted the MMHMM CD! Never mind, I'm probably getting it for Christmas.
I have to say I like some of Flyleaf's music but the way the lead singer dances in their music videos kinda creeps me out...*shurgs*
Haha, same. My friend said I should listen to their music, so I went to Youtube, and was like... wwhhhaaa? But I like some of their songs. I don't like most music videos in general, especially when there's absolutely no relation to the song. I just makes me wonder why on earth they decided to link the two.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
I know, I like that she gets into the music but seriously, control it a little! Like I love their song "All Around Me" but her dancing is like really wild...
Yeah.. I guess it's just her way of expressing herself. It doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would come naturally, and then when I think about the fact that it might be natural, that creeps me out.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
So I gave my sister the Britt Nicole CD for her birthday and she loves it ! The only songs I've heard so far though are the first two tracks...she kinda reminds me of Krystal Meyers...not neccesarily a good thing but she isn't as showy so I think it's fine
...But my sister won't stop singing "The Lost Get Found" so now I have it stuck in my head
! Oh well, it's better than the Oliver! soundtrack she was singing before
...(she was in the play and wouldn't stop singing the songs...hopefully that will change b/c I got her this CD and also another one for Christmas so she'll have plenty of other stuff to listen to
Krystal Myers is spookey.....and impodest and I can't stand her music!
and Flyleaf is like nails on a chalk board to my ears.....just my two cents......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
How is Krystal Meyers "spookey" and "impodest"? (I'm guessing you meant immodest there?) I would call her a little "loud" but after a while I got used to the loudness of her latest album Make Some Noise. (Make some noise indeed!) Now I like it. =) My personal favorites of hers are "Beauty of Grace" and "Hallelujah." They spoke to me in fantastic ways.
Off Make Some Noise I like "Make Some Noise" and "Shine" the best.
My current music obsessions at the moment though are Superchic[k] and Group 1 Crew. Off Superchic[k]'s latest album Rock What You Got I like best "Hold," "So Beautiful," and "One More."
Off Group 1 Crew's Ordinary Dreamers my favorites are "Movin'" and "Keys to the Kingdom." Off Group 1 Crew my favorites are "Can't Go On" (the first song I actually heard of them), "Forgive Me," and "Clap Ya Hands."
My sister recently got into Flyleaf. She likes the loud music. ;P All those ^^ she actually got first and I had to adapt to them as she played them over and over and over again.
EDIT: Oh and I love Krystal Meyers's outfits. I wish I had enough money to dress as cool as her.
Rising_Star: yes, I meant immodest. I saw a couple of her music videos and I was disturbed by how she was showing off and by how dark she made herself apear. I just don't agree with the way she presents herself.....again, just my two cents! if you like her, I am in no way trying to getafter you for that!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I think some of Skillet's music videos are pretty "showing-off" and "dark" too, especially the one for "Hero." But I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
For the record I do like Skillet and love the song "Hero."