OK, because it will take me forever to write this post if I have to put it in any particular order of favorites, I'll just shoot for alphebetical order by album title. I'm not sure if I'll make it to ten or not, but I probably will.
The Alter and the Door (Casting Crowns)
Expect the Impossibe (Stellar Kart)
Five Score and Seven Years Ago (Relient K)
MMHMM (Relient K)
One Life (33Miles)
Over and Underneath (Tenth Avenue North)
Revelation (Third Day)
Rush of Fools (Rush of Fools)
Strong Tower (Kutless)
Wonder of the World (Rush of Fools)
Made it to ten.
A runner up would be what I call "UCF Nov. 22, 2009 Sunday Service: Our first Sunday" by the UCFY Youth Group. The music is awful (soundwise; the songs themselves are great), but it's a CD with me in it! Sorry, I doubt it will ever be available on iTunes.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Winterlife is too hard on herself. She plays guitar and the guitar sounds GREAT. the problem is, it frequently sounds like her strokes are off because the singers kept slowing down.
good lists everyone
TP: I have Krystal's latest album and I have to say I dont' like it as much as I did when I first got it. My musical inclinations have changed alot since last year (I'm into more alternative/indie/metal than pop...). Some of the lyrics are great (I love the ones for Love it Away, SOS, My Freedom, Beautiful Tonight, and In Your Hands) I just don't like the style. It seemed like with that CD she was just selling out. She completely lost her rock chick image...(did I mention I HATE the music video for Make Some Noise?)
other CDs I like (and forgot to put on the last post):
TOBYMAC Welcome To Diverse City
TOBYMAC Portable Sounds
THIRD DAY Revelation
SKILLET Hey You, I Love Your Soul
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
SORRY for the EXTREMELY long post, I couldn't help it.
My Top 10 CDs of the Decade. Some favorites missed out:
Leeland: Sound of the Melodies
Highlights: Yes You Have, Tears of the Saints, Sound of the Melodies, Carried To The Table, Too Much, Reaching
TobyMac: Portable Sounds
Highlights: Made To Love, One World, Lose My Soul, Ordinary Love- basically almost all the songs
Switchfoot: The Beautiful Letdown
Highlights: This Is You Life, Dare You To Move, Meant To Live- basically almost all the songs
Kutless: Strong Tower
Highlights: Strong Tower, Take Me In, All Who Are Thirsty, We Fall Down, Ready For You
Third Day: Revelation
Highlights: Revelation, Call My Name, Born Again, Run To You, Let Me Love You
Music Inspired By The Chronicles Of Narnia
Highlights: All of it!!!
Jeremy Camp: Restored
Highlights: This Man, Take You Back, Lay Down My Pride, My Desire, Breathe
Chris Tomlin: See The Morning
Highlights: Made to Worship, Everlasting God, Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone), How Can I Keep From Singing, Glory In The Highest- basically almost all the songs
Casting Crowns: The Altar and the Door
Highlights: East to West, Slow Fade, Every Man, The Word Is Alive- basically almost all the songs
Michael W Smith: Worship
Highlights: All of it!!!
Now, as some of my favorite songs aren't in those CD's, here's my Top 20 indivual Songs of the Decade. Some songs may be older, but the version I love was recorded within the decade:
Angel of the Lord
Mountain of God
The Heart of Worship
Sweetly Broken
What If?
Show Me Your Glory
Presence (My Heart's Desire)
I Don't Want to Go
O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus
Cry Out To Jesus
Rock Of Ages
Blessed Assurance
East To West
Who Am I?
King of Glory
Let It Rain
How Great Is Our God
Praise You In The Storm
More Love, More Power
Never speak of lists where I can find, I will always be sure to go overboard.
I love lists, don't know why exactly either
Narnian1: nice! there are alot of CDs in your top 20 list that I also enjoy!
Third Day's new CD is awesome!
does anyone like Pillar? these are my favorite PILLAR CDs:
"Where Do We Go From Here"
"For The Love Of The Game"
"The Reckoning"
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm going to give this 10-CD thing a go.. not sure if I'll manage.. but here goes:
(most of these I didn't discover until way after they were out because I didn't get into music until recently)
10. With All of My Heart: Greatest Hits - Zoegirl. I used to like this.. not really anymore, but.. yeah.
9. Barlowgirl, just in general. I don't have one album that I like more than others, really.
8. A Very Potter Musical soundtrack..
I love this musical, a lot.
7. The Best Yet - Switchfoot. I'm sorta cheating again, it's just the album of all their greatest hits, but it's all I own from Switchfoot at the moment. Oh, plus "Gone" because I own that lonely one song from them as well.
6. MMHMM/Five Score and Seven Years ago - Relient K. I can't decide which one I like more.. and I don't really own the full CDs yet, so it going quite low on my list.
5. Starfield - Starfield. I love all three of their albums, but this one is probably my favourite.
4. Do You Feel - The Rocket Summer. I discovered this incredibly recently, and haven't gotten hold of the CD yet, but will soon. All his songs are really catchy, with really good lyrics.
3. Over and Underneath - Tenth Avenue North. Ahh.. this is such great music. I can't wait until their next album comes out.
2. Awake - Skillet. Skillet is about the heaviest I'll go, but I've been loving almost every song on this album since it came out.
1. No Name Face - Lifehouse. I love every single one of their songs that's ever been recorded, pretty much, but this CD has "Everything" on it, and a couple of other songs that I love just a bit more than all the rest.
I'm not sure whether the ranking is at all accurate of my actual preference.. I just did it on instinct, but I made it to 10!
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Lol, it makes me happy to see TRS's Do You Feel on a couple of your all's lists. Right now I'm obsessed with the song "Taken Aback" from it.
Oh! And speaking of The Rocket Summer, the music video for You Gotta Believe is released tomorrow! So then I will find out if I'm in it or not....
Very impressive list narnian1. I love the MWS album, it has so many great songs on it.
Listening to last.fm the other day I discovered a Christian group called Our Heart's Hero. They're very unknown; their first and only CD so far came out in 2007. Their lyrics seem to be very legitimate and I really like their style. You can listen to most of their songs here: http://www.last.fm/music/Our+Heart%27s+Hero "Broken" is so beautiful... it's a great song.
Third Day's new CD is awesome!
does anyone like Pillar?
Third Day is definitely awesome, and their CDs. I'm still waiting for the day to see them in concert. I've missed them twice now
As for Pillar I am only familiar with their song: Wherever The Wind Blows,
I like the song quite a bit. I also have their other song Fire On The Inside, but I'm not all to familiar with it yet.
I heard Broken and I really like it! But it's not on Rhapsody!
So inconvenient... I don't have I-Tunes, so I guess Imeem is second best. Oh well.
I can't wait for the music video! I hope you won Kat!
I love your avie and sig by the way!
avatar by Flambeau!
I've just been listening to the Our Heart's Hero album by playing each track individually on last.fm. I'm not sure yet if I want to buy it.
So I just bought the rest of Do You Feel, I had several songs from it already but I finally decided to get the whole thing after just listening to all the songs on the internet
I'm so excited to see the video! Bryce filmed himself for it too (watch this video:P
), so it'll be him and a bunch of fans in it. So there's just 3:16 to fit in a TON of people's clips into.. I know he said he wanted to try to include as many as possible! I love how he does so many things to bridge the gap between himself and his fans. He seems to be a really humble person.
Oh, and thanks. I loved that picture of him.
(This is my 111th post in this thread! )
(This is my 111th post in this thread!
Congrats, Kat!
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Narnian1: Pillar is awesome! their music has both calm and rock and roll styles to it and I have been a fan of their music fro a long time! I still havn't heard their new CD, "Confessions" yet.....well, I heard "Fire On The Inside" and that is a great song!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm leaving film scores off of my top ten CDs of the decade, because I'd never be able to decide on ten otherwise.
In no particular order:
1. FFH: Still the Cross
I don't listen to FFH at all anymore, but they were one of the first groups I listened to when I started getting into music and this is one of the first CDs I ever bought for myself. So it's a pretty important one for me.
2. Relient K: Apathetic EP
This CD cemented my love of Relient K and served as my first introduction to the wonderfulness that is their music. Short and awesome.
3. Flyleaf: Flyleaf
The first harder rock band I ever listened to and enjoyed. At last I discovered that screaming in a song can be fun and not just hurt my ears.
4. Switchfoot: The Beautiful Letdown
Switchfoot, and this album in particular, finally broke me out of my God-must-be-mentioned-in-every-verse state of mind. I probably wouldn't be listening to the wide range of music I listen to today if it weren't for this one.
5. Jars of Clay: Good Monsters
This was kind of my introduction to Jars of Clay, having only heard a few individual songs here and there.
6. Superchick: Beauty From Pain
One of my very, very favorite albums that wasn't released by Relient K.
7. Skillet: Comatose
This CD built upon the love of harder rock music that Flyleaf established within me and made me a Skillet fan after about five years of whinging about how noisy they were.
8. FM Static: Dear Diary
Because it's fun.
9. Fireflight: Unbreakable
One of my favorite CDs to sing along with. Along with Flyleaf, it made me start wanting more female-lead rock bands. There's a serious lack of them.
10. The Afters: Never Going Back to Okay
Anyone ever figure out what that first track was about?
Oh! And speaking of The Rocket Summer, the music video for You Gotta Believe is released tomorrow! So then I will find out if I'm in it or not....
Ahh.. I can't wait! Technically it's afternoon on the 7th were I am.. but I suppose that it's not over in the US yet.
Didn't Bryce say somewhere that everyone was going to be in the video? Although I don't know how well that'll work out.
I think I'm more excited for the 'big news' now.
I'll check out Our Heart's Hero soon. I like finding groups that don't have many CDs out yet.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North