Ooh I like celtic!
I just got my Leeland and Robert Pierre CDs in the mail. Unforutnately they were both cracked.
The cases I mean, not the actual CDs. But it's still upsetting. That makes for four CDs I've bought this week
. At least one of them wasn't for myself! Hmm...I'm thinking of buying Hawk Nelson next...or maybe Skillet...
Kat: HOW could you change your avatar!!!
I joined Last.fm today- kinda confusedon how to "work it"...
Last weekend my Leeland CD came in the mail,I bought the Tenth Avenue North CD,a Brandon Heath CD,the 2nd Casting Crowns CD,and I got free CD .![]()
So I probably have spent a little much on music lately...
But yes I do smell a gift. A Christmas gift probably. I'm asking for a digital camera for my birthday(next Thursday). But I don't mind waiting. Even if I don't get it for Christmas,I can always buy it myself later.Aww,I'm sorry. Jon Foreman has a solo CD?
Somehow I missed that.
and I thought *I* was buying a lot of things lately, books and CDs, and two movies and a concert tomorrow. and a midnight show, movie, on Thursday.
I also have two CDs releasing Tues that I'm getting: Kris Allen and Casting Crown's 4th Cd, not including their Christmas cd.
I'm seeing 8 groups in tomorrow's concert:
Barlow Girl, Superchick, Matt Redman, VOTA (formerly Casting Pearls), DecembeRadio, Sarah Reeves, Seven Glory.
I'm not familiar with those final two.
There's going to be also before them independent singers, the hose there will be Jimmy Needham. Didn't know anything about him being there, he's not scheduled to sing but as he's already there I'd like to hear him sing something!
The highlight of the night will be Casting Crowns, can't wait.
They will surely sing songs of all CDs especially their new CD. I actually wish we'd get lucky and they sell it there tomorrow. I'd be on the "Until the Whole World Hears" tour and not sell any of those particular CDs IMO, but release date is Tues.
Jon Foreman has four EPs, titled after each of the seasons, and then he has Limbs and Trees which is selected songs off his EPs and two new songs. The two atleast I highly recommend (Broken from the Start and Over the River). Haven't heard the EPs so won't recommend yet even though I am sure it'll be great.
@Aslans Country: Aw, I'm sorry! That really stinks.
@Lark: Ooh, I enjoy Celtic music!! Haven't listened to it for a while though.
Aaaaaand... I think that's maybe all I have to say... I better add something though...
Oh yeah, I downloaded the free mp3 of "Hello Sunshine" by BarlowGirl off of Amazon.
I don't have an opinion of it yet though.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
I love celtic music! Is anyone here a bagpipes fan? I don't know why, but I've always liked the sound.
I still haven't received my Switchfoot cd, or Jon Foreman's.
I'm so sorry! I've never order stuff in the mail, so I don't know how long their CD's takes to arrive.
I'm seeing 8 groups in tomorrow's concert:
Barlow Girl, Superchick, Matt Redman, VOTA (formerly Casting Pearls), DecembeRadio, Sarah Reeves, Seven Glory.
Lucky! I'm jealous! I don't know the last 2 though either.
I joined Last.fm today- kinda confusedon how to "work it"...
Me too! I finally got it to work though, but I tend to skip a lot of songs that I've already heard, then I it freezes up on me.
I highly recommend Jon's EP's. They're excellent! If you wanna hear them, I think most of them are on Youtube. Not the best quality, of course. But you'll get the idea. My favorite is Your Love Is Strong.
avatar by Flambeau!
I still haven't received my Switchfoot cd, or Jon Foreman's.
I'm so sorry!
I've never order stuff in the mail, so I don't know how long their CD's takes to arrive.
that's the thing,
they are usually surprisingly quick from where I ordered them.
It always has taken no longer than 3 days. It's now been a full week, (though Wed did slow it down given it was holiday).
I expect them to arrive today. While I'm at the concert.
We'll see when I get back. it's 7am now so I will be leaving soon, all day concert.
have fun at your music filled day!
I just got 2 new SF songs that i didn't think would be very good, but I really like them. It's Easier Than Love and Amateur Lovers. They're such good songs! At the end of Amateur Lovers, you can hear them say something about the tambourine breaking. Tim: we can't take any more takes cuz... Drew: (laughs) you scratched the elastic right off of that. Chad: yep it's broken. Jon: It's done. Chad:I have tambourine eyes! Jerome: this is such a cool groove.
I also got The Lining Is Silver and Forgiven by Relient K, and they're awesome! And right now I am obsessed with the song Just For You by B. Reith! It's a really slow, peaceful song, and he doesn't rap!
avatar by Flambeau!
okay, are there any Audio Adrenaline fans out there (even though they are not around anymore lol!)?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Audio Adrenaline? I haven't heard much of their music. Only a few of their songs that are still sometimes played on the radio. I like what I've heard.
I see you're a Skillet Fan! Skillet is one of my favorite bands. I like a lot of Christian Rock/Contemporary bands.
Like Switchfoot, Relient K, Tenth Avenue North, etc...
Pendragon, you like Celtic music? I love Celtic music!! It's so beautiful. I love dancing to it, though, more than I like just listening to it. And I like the sound of bagpipes as long as it's not right next to me! I've always wanted to hear a bag pipe played in a wide open meadow...not sure if that'll happen anytime soon though.
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
I'm not knocking Jon's writing, but I felt like there just needed to be something more. And I usually love everything about their songs, but this time I felt like they didn't really get there. If you know what I mean. It was pretty, but not enough. kinda sad...
Hmm... for some reason, I don't really feel like it's missing anything. If anything I feel kinda sad because it's so beautiful. Maybe I'm just weird
I love your avie! They are so fun to make into graphics cuz they have great pictures, and they're all really photogenic!
lol yes, they are! And when I was looking at the HH album cover I was just like, ooh it would be cool to turn that into the sky w/ the members of the band underneath it.. haha.
I'd buy "Hello Hurricane" but my mom has banned me from the music store until after Christmas.
Aww! Well, it's only a little over a month away. You can make it. Yesterday my mom had me download a bunch of music for her (her favorite songs) and burn them onto 1 CD so she could have it to listen to in the car. Fortunately a lot of the songs are ones I like too.
(What Faith Can Do, City on Our Knees, (she used to hate TM! haha), etc).
Lol! You found Bryce? I thought I found him, but, he only has like 9 friends, so I'm wondering if that's really him. I did find his wife though ... (search Tara Avary) and Bryce is in her profile picture with her.
Btw, did you join last.fm? What's your username? (edit; nevermind, found it, and added you )
I'm sorry you haven't received your CD yet narnian1!
I finally just signed up for last.fm... and, ugh, I'm so angry.
I went to listen to the radio.. and apparently if you live outside the US, UK or Germany, you need to pay to use the radio after 30 tracks.
Oh my goodness, that is awful! I didn't realize they only let you listen to the radio free in 3 countries! I just assumed since it's all on the internet it would be the same for everyone.. They need to change that...
Sorry about the cracked cases GtG, that stinks...
I feel bad 'cause all my music is digital... It would be nice to have some actual CDs. (I do have the actual TAN CD, but my mom bought it after I had already gotten it on iTunes..lol)
Heh sorry I'm currently obsessed with SF. My avatars follow my obsessions.
I joined Last.fm today- kinda confusedon how to "work it"..
You'll figure it out pretty soon... I was confused at first too. What's your username? So I can friend you.
I'm seeing 8 groups in tomorrow's concert:
Barlow Girl, Superchick, Matt Redman, VOTA (formerly Casting Pearls), DecembeRadio, Sarah Reeves, Seven Glory.
That is awesome! Majorly jealous.. I've heard of Sarah Reeves but not Seven Glory.
I'm really looking forward to the WinterJam next year where there will be TAN, Sidewalk Prophets, Third Day, Newsboys, Fireflight, etc.
I love celtic music! My dad plays the bagpipes, he took them up since I do Scottish dancing and that's the instrument that the dancers always have accompany them.
I'm not big on Hello Sunshine, but it's decent considering it was free.
I also got The Lining Is Silver and Forgiven by Relient K, and they're awesome!
Love those! Forgiven I like a little bit better since it's catchier and has a totally sick piano part! (:P), but The Lining is Silver is a bit more organic sounding, more natural and less produced, so I like it too for that.
okay, are there any Audio Adrenaline fans out there (even though they are not around anymore lol!)?
Wow, I didn't even realize that AA wasn't around anymore. Shows you how much I follow them... There's one song by them that our radio plays that I like, but I don't remember the name.
And I like the sound of bagpipes as long as it's not right next to me! I've always wanted to hear a bag pipe played in a wide open meadow...not sure if that'll happen anytime soon though.
LOL! Imagine what it's like for us when my dad practices the bagpipes in the house. Fortunately, he usually goes to the basement, but it's still pretty loud with the door closed.
If you ever have the chance to go to a Highland Games you'll hear plenty of bagpipers playing out in open fields! One time when we went to Washington State to a beach for a vacation, my dad took his bagpipes (that was interesting to travel through the airport with them, some security people thought they were weapons
) he went out on the beach and played them. It was so pretty.
Wow, that was quite a long post...
Ruby: I've heard bagpipes in a wide open parking lot!
My friend plays the bagpipes so he was playing them one day after church...
Kat: It's narniafreak14. I have that username on almost everything. I heard DYTM on Last.fm! It's.....not as good as I thought it would be . And um, any tips on getting moms to like TobyMac? (My parents can't stand him
I haven't heard The Lining is Silver. Which CD is that on?
I don't like to buy digital music...that often. It's nice to have the actual CDs (so your friends walk in and drool looking at your 25+ CDs...just joking ). I buy singles off iTunes all the time but I've only bought one whole CD. And today I'm hoping to get the actual CD
I love Leeland's new CD! The only thing is that Lee doesn't pronounce Dolorosa correctly in Via Dolorosa (I'm hispanic so I'm big on correct pronounciation ).
Any reccomendations on what I should get my sisters to listen to? They're 10 and 13. Lately they've been listening to RK but I can get kinda possesive over my obsessions ( ) so what should I recomend to them? (Oh and by the way, the younger one isn't really allowed to listen to "harder" stuff [like TMac, Skillet, Pillar, etc...])
Some good music for 10 and 13 year-olds are PureNRG. They're 3 kids, Caroline (14), Carolyne, (14), and Jordan (16). Here is their website. They're a Christian pop trio, with good lyrics and catchy tunes. That's all I can think of now. But they're awesome!
One time when we went to Washington State to a beach for a vacation, my dad took his bagpipes (that was interesting to travel through the airport with them, some security people thought they were weapons
) he went out on the beach and played them. It was so pretty.
that's hilarious!
I've always wanted to hear a bag pipe played in a wide open meadow...not sure if that'll happen anytime soon though.
That would be beautiful!
for some reason, I don't really feel like it's missing anything
well, I'm kinda comparing it to all their music, and usually they just have more climax, or beauty, or something. I think it's just me though that feels like that though. I think I listened to the whole album, expecting it to sound like Oh! Gravity. And it just wasn't the same. I felt like this was the time they had to rediscover their music, and what makes them Switchfoot. Kinda like a freak-out album. they just didn't have the different sound than everyone else that made me like them in the first place. The chorus of Bullet Soul sounded very flat and robotic. The verses were good, and creative, but the chorus was boring, and it sounded like a normal rock song. They're not a regular band, and I hope they never become one.
Oh, boy! I did it again, rambling on about Switchfoot! I promise, I'll try to make it shorter next time!
avatar by Flambeau!
GtG: yeah, Dare You To Move wasn't too great in my opinion the first time I heard it, but it grows each time lol.
About TM... I honestly don't know how to make your parents like them. My mom just seemed to have a sudden conversion about a month ago She hated him and always skipped Made to Love when it played on the radio but now he's one of the songs that she hums a lot around the house lol!
what! You haven't heard The Lining is Silver, you being the huge RK fan that you are! It's on The Bird and the Bee Sides.
Yeah, it IS nice to have actual CDs, but a lot of the time I just don't want to bother my mom with asking her if I can buy a CD if we're in a store or whatever so I just get it on iTunes...
The Pendragon, lol don't worry your post wasn't too long Well, I'm just not too familiar with SF, so it wasn't like I can "miss" their old sound or whatever... if you get what I mean. Since I don't know much of their style, I just know what I've heard I really like. I know this is a problem a lot of people had with RK, they were really sad to hear their sound change on F&NSD because they had been listening to them for several years(their sound's changed on each album, so I guess they were sad each time, hahaha). But since I've only been a fan for a few months, I didn't have as much of an attachment to who they were and was more open to hearing different stuff... I don't know if that makes any sense.
Don't worry Kat! That made plenty of sense! I get what your saying. But if you really liked Your Love Is A Song that much, you're in for a treat with the other songs IMO! I'm sure every band changes with each record! I could hear the difference in the RK songs, of when they were younger and older.
Dare You To Move wasn't too great in my opinion the first time I heard it, but it grows each time lol.
Same here! It was okay the first time, but I just recently started listening to it, and it grew on me. The longer you listen to it, the better it gets. And each time it has a deeper meaning. for me at least.
avatar by Flambeau!
Liberty: I've heard a couple AudioA songs. I'm not a huge fan, but they're ok. I was at one of their last concerts one or two years ago I think... It was the first time I ever heard of them, and they were saying how they were going to "quit" or whatever...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Kat: hehe yeah... ...I've actually listened to way less of theirs stuff then you would think...I only have two whole CDs and then two songs off of TLDMARBTD and like four off of MMHMM. I've only heard one song off of TBATBS, the one that Ethan sings (and apparently no one likes...
My local Christian bookstore had a sale today and I almost, almost bought Hello Hurricane (literally, I had it in my hands at the checkout line)and It Is Well (Kutless's new Worship album) but I decided to get RK's MMHMM along with Leeland's Sound of Melodies.