Oh, I don't know; I think those two would be pretty cute together, especially if you paired the latter with some cute bobby socks.
I was thinking about this today, and I was wondering if anyone would care to post photos of their closets and show off their style trends (i.e. do you prefer a certain kind of shirt, or have a ton of the same color, or whatever). It would be kind of fun to peek into each others personal fashion.
I'll probably post mine in a little bit; if for no other reason than to show off my awesome organization system.
Hope someone will take the plunge with me!
C'mon, it'll be fun!
mine is probably worse since it's just chucked on a rack in the closet. I like bright colored stuff and dark colored stuff. I just hate stuff with horrible colors(colors that don't go together) and things with a horrible shape(shoes extra)l
I caved and bought the September issue of Vogue today. So glad I did though, because it has a huge spread inside of absolutly gorgeous 40's style outfits. The front cover proclaimed that "40's is in!", and as my FB status states, I'm glad the fashion industry finally came to their senses. IT's about time that the 40's was considered the epitome of fashion again.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
How strange that my last post was posted way after I meant it to be. Oh well. Most likely I just took way longer than necessary, what with all those links I was typing.
I love that Urban Outfitters tee! The quote's from LOTR, right? How's it a cliche?
That dress is too cute, Rachel111!
Ooh, neat wellies, Djaq! I like the plaid and black ones. I have a pair in the garage somewhere. They're probably unwearable now since they're under forty pounds of stuff. They were cute, too--black with pastel polka dots. They may even be too small--that's how long it's been since I've worn them. We just don't get much rain here.
My mom's friend bought her these. I'd get these if I were to buy any.
Sig by lysander
Queen of Literary Linkage
Aslan: the Chuck Norris of Narnia.
just got a pair of jeans like these ones
ILF, would those pants be from JCPenney? City Star brand or something like that? I tried some on very similair to that the other day. I loved them, but fit strangely.
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No i pretty sure we don't have those shops in bunbury(maybe perth). They were from Jay jays.
hello all
I have a pair of jeans similar to those, ILF. They're just a deeper shade of blue.
I've recently been on the hunt for a prom dress. Prom isn't until spring, but I'm doing my senior portraits this november, and would like a prom dress to wear for that. I've about decided on this dress: http://www.unique-vintage.com/sale-vint ... -1978.html
but does anyone know of any other sites that offer afforadable formal dresses? I know they're kind of hard to find this time of year!
NWO principle banjo
PM me to join the purples club!
Please, do call me Katy.
John 3:30
narniagirl4JC, that dress is very nice. I like the color. For afordable formal dresses I might try this site. Though, I don't know if you like any of the dresses on there. I personally like some of their stuff.
hello all
I have a pair of jeans similar to those, ILF. They're just a deeper shade of blue.
I've recently been on the hunt for a prom dress. Prom isn't until spring, but I'm doing my senior portraits this november, and would like a prom dress to wear for that. I've about decided on this dress: http://www.unique-vintage.com/sale-vint ... -1978.html
but does anyone know of any other sites that offer afforadable formal dresses? I know they're kind of hard to find this time of year!
That's a lovely dress! I would definately wear it, especially if it were in a deep purple. Since affordable can be different in every's books, I'm not quite sure your price range. But JCPenney has some online, and in stores. You could try Macy's as well.
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narniagirl4JC, that dress is very nice. I like the color. For afordable formal dresses I might try this site. Though, I don't know if you like any of the dresses on there. I personally like some of their stuff.
http://www.dress-queen.com/index.php?ma ... 68eaa2d28c
i like that one and many more
here is a pair of shoes i got today.
I want a T-shirt like this so i had to post it.
That's a really cute shirt, Ilovefauns! Love the lightning bolts behind all the little squids. (I know, they aren't squids, but I think they look like squids. )
Pretty dress Katy. The colour is lovely. It's hard to find pretty reasonably priced formal dresses. When I was back in school I got mine made. It was so much cheaper back then.
I like the shirt Ilovefauns. It's cute!
I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me Phil 4:13
@IloveFauns: Aww, how cute! I love PacMan!
Some more stuff I want:
Roman Holiday Bag:
http://cgi.ebay.com/AUDREY-HEPBURN-LARG ... 58838fed72
Fairy Bag (not the Prada one):
http://cgi.ebay.com/Tsumori-Chisato-dre ... 53dd5b9132
Panda Hat :
http://cgi.ebay.com/XMAS-WARM-PANDA-BEA ... 2a01a3f76c
Harajuku Lovers t-shirt:
http://cgi.ebay.com/Harajuku-lovers-Gra ... 8bb2c9ff19
"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
neat-freak tendencies I have in/for my closet.
I couldn't have told that by looking in....
That would be a neat idea...my room/closet is an absolute mess right now...but I can say this: most of my clothes are either black, white, or brown (or navy blue...).
Very pretty links, everyone!
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