I have been (fruitlessly) searching for a history of figure skating costumes. Anyone have any clues for me? I can't seem to find ANYthing on them before 1998.
Okay, so, AITB, I have looked everywhere possible, and I can't find the link. I'm very very sorry about that! If I do stumble upon it in the future, I will DEFINITELY send it your way. Again, I'm very sorry that I don't have it...it was such a good resource.
AJoanna, I wouldn't say that it needs more color, I like it very much the way it is. Of course, the majority of my closet is either black and white or brown and green, so I'm probably not the best critiquer on that. The bed with the black and white of your previous one though, I like very much.
Lucy P., I like the shoes. That's a simple set!
Thank you! I found it in an antique store, and I date it to about 1904. The shirtwaist isn't in quite as good condition as it looks. The silk has split, but it's still really pretty to look at. The skirt, on the other hand, is AMAZING. There are only a few tiny holes.
Yeah, that's about where I would stick it too. Thats sad that its been damaged. Are you planning on making a replica of it? I'd love to wear that for re-enactments or something (or even going to work.
), but would be afraid of damaging the real thing.
* sighs * I love skirts like that.
Oh! I almost forgot! I went ahead and created a group for NarniaWeb on polyvore, if anyone wants to join it.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Crocheting is a snap once you've got the hang of it, do learn it! =] And ditto, crochet tops are soooo pretty.
Hmm, maybe over the summer holidays I'll sit down with crocheting tools (needles?) and a youtube tutorial. I have a missionary friend who crochets beanies to sell; and she learnt the 'art' over a weekend!
I can't quite picture a ski cap as a fashion accessory, though.
No, more of a fashion statement I suppose. But, what was it that Coco Chanel or someone said? 'Fashion fades, style is eternal' or something.
*will look up that group on polyvore* I'm not very good with technology, but I enjoy seeing what everyone's come up with!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Val got me addicted to ployvore, yum. I'll try my hand at the contest, didn't see it until now!
AJoanna, I want that black and white cardigan. Like, now please.
Studymate: crochet isn't hard at all. The biggest hurdle is getting your fingers familiar with it, and finding the best ways to hold the hooks. Once you've learned the chain and the single stitch half of the battle is over.
Oh great, now I want to start crocheting again.....
EDIT: So I made a wild side one. Quite fun. Laura I say keep doing this!!!
avy by narniagirl90
Wow, PrincessMia, that's really bright and...wild! I think you should receive an award for "Most Expressive Design". I really like the dress, the brown one, and I quite like what you did with the stuffed giraffe.
I've really enjoyed doing this "contest" with all of you, and I feel like I've gotten a peek into your personalities, just by looking at what you come up with on polyvore.
So...it has been 24 days (exactly ) since our first polyvore contest was posted. Ya'll up for another one? If you want to, either Val or I will post a new theme on the 1st of August. If you have any ideas, feel free to PM them to either of us (actually, for right now, please send them to me, since Val is afk for a few more days, and I don't want to swamp her PM box.)
Avatar thanks to AITB
A new polyvore challenge sounds like fun! I'll try to think of a few ideas
isn't it? Though the stuffed, cutesy giraffe doesn't really fit the rest of it lol I'll try to think of some, but I stink at coming up with ideas.
The only thing that pops to mind is female agent, but that's just because I read the reviews for Salt And there's only so much you can do with that..... If I think of any I'll definitely pm them to you.
avy by narniagirl90
AJ--I'm in LOVE with those boots, as well!! And the jacket is amazing. *droools* And your second, casual set, I love as well. I think the lack of color works well, actually. It's more of a neutral look. The shoes are great in that too, you have good taste in footwear!
what was it that Coco Chanel or someone said? 'Fashion fades, style is eternal' or something.
It was Yves St Laurent, actually, and funnily enough I quoted it on the first page of this thread.
Val got me addicted to ployvore, yum.
You're welcome! I love the pale yellow shoes in your set. And I agree that it's the most wild and colorful one so far
've really enjoyed doing this "contest" with all of you, and I feel like I've gotten a peek into your personalities, just by looking at what you come up with on polyvore.
Yes! It's really interesting, and fun, to compare style tastes.
And I rather like the idea of "female agent/spy"...
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Even though I dress very much NOT wild
There's just not much you can do with female spy! Very stereotypical: long black trench coat, sunglasses, etc.
avy by narniagirl90
Yes, but you never know. Everyone will have a slightly different take on it, which could make it interesting. Plus it would be an incentive to be extra-creative with it
I recently thrifted a nice blue dress shirt (with PrincessMia, in fact! ) and was fooling around today trying to come up with some ways of wearing it.
--with a pencil skirt/belt.
with a belt and shorts.
and lastly, with capris.
What do you think? Which look is best?
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Val, I think you can wear it all those ways! I love how one item can have two looks--casual with the shorts (I think the shorts are my favorite of the casual looks) or classy/dressy with the skirt.
I was thinking the other day about how I have a few items that whenever I put them on, I feel great. I get a heaping of confidence and I just love wearing them. It's kind of odd. For me, those items are my aviator sunglasses, the new cool/casual cropped pants I just got, and my white H&M dress. (But not all together). Do you guys have items of clothes that aren't necessarily your favorites or the cutest, but that give you a morale boost?
It actually looks a different colour in the first one, I like the first 2 ways of wearing it very much, the last one is alright, i would wear it but i would rather the other 2 ways.
Val, I like the first, but if you used the belt and a long black skirt, you could have a second dressy way to wear the combo. Very nice.
That said, I have an announcement.... * insert appropriate drumroll here *
The Official
August Polyvore Challenge
is here!!!
The theme is
Bond...Jane Bond
So start a-thinking and a-posting! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! And remember--the themes are up to you. PM myself or Val if you have a theme idea!
Avatar thanks to AITB
OK, after much thinking, here is my "Bond...Jane Bond" set
I tried to have some casual/dressier looks in there. As you can see, I stuck with dark blue/black for a limited color pallete. I wanted something dark, but slightly more unexpected then black. Everything is fairly form fitting, for easier movement. Nothing to flashy, yet still elegant and stunning.
It actually looks a different colour in the first one,
That's cause I was fiddling around editing the colors and probably didn't get all of them exactly the same.
Thanks for your thoughts on my outfit!
Do you guys have items of clothes that aren't necessarily your favorites or the cutest, but that give you a morale boost?
Of course! Actually, funny story...ages ago I was putting on this green zip up sweater that I just loved. I remember looking at myself in the mirror thinking "this is definetly one of those "looks good anytime" items. No matter what I'm wearing this always looks amazing..." then my mom walked by, saw me, and said "You know, I really don't like that sweater on you. It just looks a bit off. Are you sure you don't have anything else to wear?" I was like "....
But to answer your question...for me it's probably a short sleeved flowered top that I've had for quite a long time, is a bit small, but I just LOVE it cause it always makes me feel happy and "put together"
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Yay, a new challenge!!
Here's my take, though I'm not exactly happy with it. No color...
Signature by enigmaffliction
Ok, I didn't even notice "Jane" Bond the first two or three times I read it. Power of suggestion.
Love the formal dress Val, and the little pop of color on the left. Though I dare anyone to run in those boots
The bullet necklace is some serious awesome. It can double as a hypodermic needle if needed And the $8000 dollar Balmain jacket? WIN.
avy by narniagirl90