I went shopping the other day for fall clothes and bought these:
http://shop.pacsun.com/girls/fashion-to ... olorCd=054
http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.d ... =676578052
note: the plaid top was the exact same cut but a slightly different color- it was more of a bright yellow/bright blue. And I got the two waffle tees in black&pink stripe.
Now, the plaid top is a boyfriend fit so it's kind of tentlike and it basically falls to over my hips. Should I wear a thin belt with it?
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
I would suggest a belt, Lucy P. Perhaps one that has a ornamental buckle.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Lucy P. great buys! I agree with Lady Arwen, a nice belt would do the trick!
I love Vera Bradley iteams, but they are so expensive! I was so happy when my grandmother got me this bag for my birthday! I also got a matching ... I'm not quite sure what it is, but I use it for a wallet.
I found these pacman earrings today and just had to buy them.
I've been looking for a new winter coat and fell in love with this one from Urban Outfitters -
I'm willing to splash out on winter coats as I get a lot of use out of them (the one I currently have has lasted four years) but even so this one's a bit insanely priced for me. I really want it though, so I'm starting to count my pennies and I'm watching it with a hawk eye because I know they always drop the price eventually I think I can get student discount on it too, so hopefully it'll work out affordable in the end.
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
Ooh, I hope you can get it Shanith! It looks very you. Urban Outfitters is rather expensive tho. The student credit thing sounds good!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
On the wedding dresses: that's a funny old fable! Everyone I know has gotten married in white or near-white. What's the the "wedding dress of shame"? It's just pink. I wouldn't wear pink, but it's pretty.
I'd wear a thin belt with your top, Lucy P. Just a basic solid colored one.
What a cute Vera Bradley purse! Don't you love it when female relatives buy you stuff you wouldn't/couldn't buy yourself?
I hope everything works out with the coat, Shanith! It'd look very fetching on you.
LOLVOGUE!! (Beware of the ads/links on the site; article itself is ok)
An article about The Satorialist (the guy)
J.Crew's child models are adorable; so are their clothes
Sig by lysander
Queen of Literary Linkage
Aslan: the Chuck Norris of Narnia.
ILF, those PacMan earrings are very cute! I don't have pierced ears, but I think that if I did, I would love retro/kitchy/random earrings like the kind you find on Etsy.
I've been having a good week clothes-wise. It's starting approach fall so I've been on the lookout for good clothes to wear in the winter, i.e. long-sleeved shirts and close-toed shoes. Remember, I'm from California where it's eternally spring/summer, so having moved to Chicago nearly two years ago, my cold-weather wardrobe has been extremely limited.
I bought two very nice "dressy" coats last winter so I'm set as far as that goes, so right now I'm just picking up good long-sleeved shirts and whatnot. I'll probably have to go jean shopping soon since I don't really wear pants except in the winter, cuz it's just so COLD.
Anyway, back to the clothes. Last Monday I picked up quite a haul at a thrift store, and on Saturday I went to JCPennys where they were having a massive sale on all the summer stuff, and picked up the cutest pink skirt for dirt cheap. I really wanted the blue version, but alas, they didn't have it in my size.
Today I went back to the thrift store, and along with getting some very nice, colorful winter shirts, I picked up a gray/blue pinstriped skirt and minty-blue shirt, both formerly from Old Navy. I wasn't sure if the skirt was going to fit or not, but it did, and it's really cute. I'm very excited, because I LOVE the colors and it was so inexpensive! Thrift stores can be a hassle to go through, but you can find so many gems.
Anyway, I'm quite thrilled that I'm finally getting some color and variety into my wardrobe...I'm tired of all the browns, whites and blacks. Someday, I WILL own a dress that does not have a speck of the aforementioned colors...I've been looking for ages, but I cannot find a dress I like that likes me back for love or money.
I'm petite and I have a weird body-shape, so dresses tend to make me very short and squat. I still haven't found one with the perfect cut, but when I do I'll be sure to let you all know.
Anyone ever been on polyvore.com? You make fashion set's like these made by me. They are not very good though...
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel.
http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2 ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
What do you mean "not very good"? they're fantastic! I love the Georgie one, and the dress in the Emma one is awesome!
There's an N-web group on Polyvore- you should join!
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Rachel111, all of those outfits are awesome! I would wear every single one of them. I especially love the last two. Did you put those outfits together?!
Visit my author page:
Thanks everybody! I hate to brag...but...Yes I did put them all together.
Lucy P. , Really? What is your username on there? Mine is EmilyBStarr.
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel.
http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2 ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
I found these pacman earrings today and just had to buy them.
I. NEED. those. Those are awesome!
Currently, I'm trying to get this beautiful bag:
http://www.shopwiki.com/_prada+Fairy+ba ... &s=457116&
"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
I am wearing them now. I got them from Diva after seeing them in a girlfriend magazine.
Ooh, Polyvore sets! Those are awesome, Rachel111!
Ohhhhh, that fairy Prada bag is gorgeous!!!
And I forgot to tell you how adorable those Pac-Man earrings are, ILF (can I call you that?).
Sig by lysander
Queen of Literary Linkage
Aslan: the Chuck Norris of Narnia.