Btw, beeeaaauuutiful owl sig, DiGs!
I'm toying with the idea of pitching a tent in the backyard tomorrow night for fun.
And did you?
We have been bouncing around from a couple of humid days here and there to very cool temperatures. This morning it was 5C/41F, but in a couple of days the daytime temp will feel like 33C/91.4F with the heat index , but then dropping off quickly again with rain on Friday, leading to more seasonable temps on the weekend. Loving these current crisp mornings, though! I have been able to start getting out for my early morning walks again (which I forgo in the summer because of the heat). To wander under the night sky and see the Hunter dominating the vast darkness is awesome. I liken it to meeting an old friend after a time of being apart.
The beginning blushes of colour are appearing on leaves of the earliest trees just the tiniest bit. I love the anticipation the forthcoming autumns offers.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Weather this weekend was just lovely. Overnight lows dipped down into the low forties, and highs never made it out of the sixties. Things are still nice and seasonable, and I will take them over sunny summer days any time, but my heart is yearning for the frosty mornings, the cloudy afternoons, the frigid nights where you see your breath.
Autumn cannot come more quickly!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Today was kind of toasty again, although I didn't go out in the heat of the day and when I went out this evening it felt pretty good (to me ). But tomorrow we have a cold front coming through in the middle of the afternoon that should include STORMS.
Nothing major I don't think, but there's supposed to be quite a bit of rain. After that, we're going to have near perfect weather for a while (based on my own definition of perfect weather which is too hot for most of the rest of the people who post in this thread.
) Highs in the upper 70Fs and lower 80Fs! Woohoo!
Sounds like Kansas is a more extreme version of Ohio right now . It's been quite toasty here with afternoon highs reaching into the upper 70's and low 80's.
When I woke up this morning, the sky was pinkish red, so I'll be expecting foul weather of some sort to be moving in sometime today. It was quite pretty though, everything being bathed in that pinkish grey light *dreamy sigh*
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Classic Texas Gulf Coast Weather has FINALLY made an appearance!
Tropical Storm in the Pacific. Tropical moisture in the Gulf. And the first cold front of the season!
Can you say... rain?
We are still very much in a drought, but not anywhere near as bad as 2011. This is the first time in a very long time that street flooding has begun to occur and traffic warnings are up for potential high water areas. It's supposed to rain through Sunday.
Oh and by "cold" front, I mean the temps will not be over 95F. We'll top out around 90F for the next four days. Hey, it may not actually be "cold", but it's a start on the end of summer.
Spring Down Under has been quite reasonable so far, despite a rather torrid start at the beginning of the month. Temperatures today are 8C (46F) to an expected 26C (78 degrees F). The weather report says we are in for a massive heatwave shortly as inland Australia heats up and redistributes the air currents in all directions. However, there hasn't been much rain to speak of. Time to break out the threepenny stamps to collect the raindrops. I wonder how New Zealand is doing, lately.
I hear that you are having terrible floods in Colorado, and the water is going to Nebraska, though I thought those two states are a good way apart from each other. Yet some of you seem to be in drought. Has anyone been affected by the floods, and how are they faring?
We had a nice early spring in August! But of course it's been patchy, and right now we are having a lot of rain. I'm very glad to have got several of the flower beds and the vege garden dug over, but the lawn will be long by the time it's dry enough to mow.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
We are finally cooling off down to 80F/26.7 or just below for the highs with the lows 62F/16.7C to 65F/18.3C. Much better than 95F/35C to 100F/38C day after day.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I hear that you are having terrible floods in Colorado, and the water is going to Nebraska, though I thought those two states are a good way apart from each other. Yet some of you seem to be in drought. Has anyone been affected by the floods, and how are they faring?
The flooding has been pretty localized. My parents just traveled through Denver on I-70 and didn't see any flooding along the interstate. As far as I'm aware, the severe flooding that's made the news has been on the northeast side of the city at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. I haven't heard about any flooding in Nebraska, but we have had some in the extreme northwest corner of Kansas. It didn't compare to what's going on in Colorado though.
I also haven't heard about any NarniaWebbers being directly affected. If that changes I'll let you know.
Meanwhile in my section of Kansas it has been super nice. This morning it's in the 60Fs so I have all the windows in my house wide open!
After a brief return of hot humid weather last week, autumn is in the air today (appropriate, since it's the equinox!). The air is cool and crisp and the sky bright blue. Places in northern Minnesota saw the first freeze last week, with lows around 26F/-3C.
And even in southern Minnesota the trees are beginning to put on their bright colors of autumn. The DNR is predicting a spectacular fall color show this year in some parts of the state. Can't wait!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
After that, we're going to have near perfect weather for a while (based on my own definition of perfect weather which is too hot for most of the rest of the people who post in this thread.
Indeed, the definition of 'perfect weather' is relative.
Oh and by "cold" front, I mean the temps will not be over 95F.
"Cold" is relative too.
'Tis always good to hear from wagga and coracle in Australia and NZ, respectively.
Glad your area is cooling down somewhat, Glim!
DiGs, we are having similar weather both last week and this, with cool autumn temperatures (think daytime high 50s/low 60sF; night from low to high 40sF—glorious walking weather in the pre-dawn hours). As the week progresses, it will be warming up to 22C/71.6F by Sunday, which will be the first day all week when we shall possibly see some clouds, every day until then being a blank canvas of blue above. I'm just glad the chances of any humidity are over for another year.
We had a wonderfully long rain Friday night and all through Saturday. It sounded so pretty drumming on roofs, trees, gardens.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
We had a wonderfully long rain Friday night and all through Saturday. It sounded so pretty drumming on roofs, trees, gardens
We did too. . . it made for glorious background noise while I was studying my urinary notes.
"Just think. . . this is what it sounds like as urine drips down from the medullary collecting duct down into the renal pelvis before making its dive down into the bladder."
*dreamy sigh*
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Wow! Now that would really explain why Down Under, there will shortly be an epidemic of renal failure among cats and humans! We've had little rain since the beginning of August.
The very thought of human biological functions shall haunt me for the rest of the evening
On a somewhat lighter note. Got back from rendezvous this weekend, and aside from some wind, and a light rainshower Saturday, the weather was pleasant. After the rain, which was putting quite a fear into us, we were graced with the most perfect rainbow I have seen in years. The arc was clear across, and after a few minutes developed not only a second bow that also reached across, but a inner bow below the first
Makes getting wet worth it.
Wow! Now that would really explain why Down Under, there will shortly be an epidemic of renal failure among cats and humans! We've had little rain since the beginning of August.
I think the south west of WA has taken your share of the rain. We have had so much rain this year( well end of august and september). Though the rest of WA have somewhat disappointing in relation to rainfall. We apparently had a dry winter, well this beginning of spring has made up for it.