Thank-you for sharing that, Puddleglum! I will be saving that to perhaps try later.
Wagga, ah, yes, I wondered if it would be some kind of mix of frost/rain. I hope that you get some precipitation!
There have been several storms, first with powerful gusts of wind, rain, and thunder. That can be nice, when it's not too destructive.
Things have cooled off significantly over here. I usually start feeling uncomfortable at 80F, but it felt really comfortable after the humidity and heat of these past couple days. We're in for daytime highs in the mid 70's and nightly lows in the high 50's. My kind of weather. ^_^
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
started out with some rain early this morning. Stinks because we were hoping on some fishing. Checked the ever truthful weather channel, and they said 60% chance of storms today, so we turned over and went back to sleep. Guess what? No rain, and just a bit of gusts. Would have been a bit difficult on the lake with a canoe, but we might have still caught something.
Ah well. At least it was good enough to get a walk in, and some projects done outside. getting dark again so we ar wondering if more is coming, but radar shows nothing, for now.
You are very welcome Aslanisthebest. we just emptied a 2 liter so i hope to get our own trap up,and running late tomorrow.
I don't suppose you have a basement to stay cool in GlimGlum?
Wagga. Now you have me worried. are you safe where you are?
After a couple of weeks of semi-constant rain, we finally had two days of beautiful, sunny days. Just in time, too--my younger brother's graduation open house was yesterday. We finally had good weather for a graduation party!
(It rained for both my sister's and mine, and my older brother had really hot weather.)
The problem with weather like this is it makes me want to go camping. Problem being that no one I know wants to pack up to go camping on a week's notice.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
Ah, camping! I love to do it, even on short notice, as long as the weather cooperates. The problem right now is that the mosquitoes require bringing an extra pint or two of blood.
It was nice to have good weather for your brother's graduation party (and the campfire that followed!). This week looks quite seasonal, a little drier than what we've had lately.
The Channel 5 meteorologist noted that the hazy skies we've had lately are due to smoke from big forest fires in northwest Canada, and possibly also from those in the southwest US. The jet stream dips from Canada down toward us right now, bringing the smoke this direction.
This means the sky isn't quite blue by day and many of the stars are hidden at night, even if there aren't any clouds. Kind of an interesting effect.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Today was the first cool day we've had in over a week. 67F and rainy. It's been up in the 90's all week! While I'm happy to have cooler weather, all this fluctuating is making me sick with migraines. Fun.
This past Thursday was one of the scarier times I've had with weather. My mom took my sister and I to our local college to fill out registration forms for this upcoming fall. There was a chance of severe thunderstorms, but we decided to go anyway. The entire time we were at the university, I checked the weather because it looked bad. When we left, the skies were black and it was starting to storm, so we sat in the parking lot to try and wait it out. What we didn't know was that a severe thunderstorm warning had been issued.
Boy was that rain heavy! The drops were huge. We just sat there and watched it for about a half hour. When it finally lessened up, my mom started up the car and we tried to make our way home. On the way home, the storm started up even heavier again. Loud thunder, heavy rain, and lightning bolts that, when they lit up, stayed suspended in the sky and wouldn't disappear. I honestly could have taken a picture if I hadn't been so scared!
What was most terrifying though, was the flooding. For most of the drive home, we had to maneuver our way in and out of flash flooding. I've never been in a car during flash flooding before. I hate water with a passion, it scares me so much, so I had a panic attack nearly half the drive home. It was one of the longest drives of my life. I can't even begin to imagine how my mom felt driving.
We were lucky we got home. Just an hour south of us was under 4 feet of water. Cars stalled, and people trapped. We dried out within a day, but it took some towns several more, with lots of damage. A friend of ours got lots of trees and powerlines down at her place. Not fun.
Ouch, I wrote a lot. I guess I needed to get that off my back. That was kind of traumatizing.
Hope the weather stays mostly clear from now on!
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Wagga. Now you have me worried. are you safe where you are?
We are fine, and thanks for asking. It turned out it was only a few streets and roads cut off by blocked drainage and the odd low-lying bridge that was nearly submerged. Basically, around this way, people really should have more sense than to build new houses near a waterway that would flood somewhat more frequently if it weren't for the system of dams and weirs we already have in place.
What has me really worried is about how you lot up in the Attic are dealing with bushfires. I am really sorry to hear about those 19 firefighters that were killed . We, Down Under, are no strangers to that sort of thing.
Releaved to see you are fine wagga. I know what you are saying about people building where they know better. Unfortunatly many realty business's here care more about the dollars than the sense. Many people too are more interested in the scenery, and not thinking through what's underfoot.
Aside from a short vent;
We are dealing with heat again. Had a bit of a storm blow through this morning, but no damage reported, nor did I see anything when I was on my way home.
There is supposed to be more on the way, but nothing really on radar last I looked.
Checking the experiment with the mosquito trap, and thus far it appears a failure. Total after a week is three. There are also two bluebottle flies, as well as many knats, not that they will be missed. I shall give it one more week to be sure, but I think I will have to find a better use for sugar, and yeast.
We've had 5 inches of rain in the past two days, and rain every day for the past 16 days. There is MAJOUR flooding in my county. Our home stands at the top of a hill and we're still having our sump-pump run non-stop and have lakes in our yard.
We're supposed to get more rain today, so it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Front is going to move through tomorrow which is going to give us below average temperatures, and lower dewpoints. Our current dewpoints are in the mid-upper 70's
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
On the far side of the spectrum, we were 107F/41C yesterday with a heat index of 110F. Not quite as bad as what those poor people in California and Arizona are dealing with, but still not pleasant. We had a "cold front" come through last night, I imagine the same system DiGs is talking about, so the high today should only be 97F/36C. But we did get a little bit of rain last night, and I'll take the lower temps too!
So, the past two & 1/2 weeks have been very hot and humid. It's been a long, unpleasant stretch of weather. Unlike last year, however, which was very sticky as well, we have had abundant rain this season, compared to 2012's 7+ week drought. I have not accessed the stats yet, but I do know that Toronto received more rain this past Monday than they usually get in an entire month! Here are some photos of that torrential flash-flooding storm. Where I live, just under an hour west, we hardly got rain at all that same afternoon (although we did that night, but not to the same extent), but the sky sure was ominously dark in the north-eastern direction, where lies the big city.
When it's hot and humid, the heat is only accentuated when the sun is burning down, of course, but thankfully with this latest heat wave, we have had cloud-cover most every day; hardly a day went by without rain.
With all the precipitation, I cannot recall the last time I had to water the gardens, and wow, are they ever growing! The trees surrounding our backyard look like a tropical rainforest most mornings. But for the next few days (until early next week, at least), there is no rain called for, so I will have to pull out that hose sometime this weekend, no doubt. And, gracious, the weeds are sprouting up almost as fast as the plants. My hoe is calling ... 'tis so much easier to hoe weeds when the ground is saturated than when it's dry, no kidding!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
That's some incredible flooding, jo! It reminds me a bit of my parents' small town but on a much larger, more devastating scale.
Everything is lush and green around here as well, and is quite pretty if one can ignore the 'air you can wear' humidity we're expecting over the next week.
(We are approaching our warmest period of the year, statistically, so next week's heat and stickiness is not unexpected. I'll huddle by the AC anyway).
We'd actually begun to dry out a bit, but between about 2 am and 6 am today we had a spectacular thunderstorm - it's fun to watch such a light show unless one's trying to sleep! - and very heavy rains. Once again we have very minor flooding in parking lots and yards. The Mississippi is also pretty high - especially compared to its levels in recent years when we've been under a drought.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
but between about 2 am and 6 am today we had a spectacular thunderstorm - it's fun to watch such a light show unless one's trying to sleep! -
Indeed! Because of the extremely high heat index this week (today is supposed to hit 42C/107.6F! ), there is a risk of severe weather starting tonight and each day through Friday. This will bring in a 'cold' front with much more comfortable air for the weekend ... thankfully! Oh-ho-ho, I just heard that tomorrow's humidex is looking to be 43C/109.4F!! Methinks that may be a record. This is the first week I have had to water the gardens in ages. And with the downpours expected in the next few days, the hose should be dormant again for awhile.
I am already noticing a difference in the early morning light. A few weeks ago it was showing itself around 4:30; now, at 5 a.m., one can just barely see the dawn beginning. I miss my morning walks under the cool night sky, so am very pleased to look forward to them again in August sometime ... (or whenever it cools down again ).
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
So, the forecasters didn't quite get the humidex right for today: it was not 43C/109.4F ... it was 44C/111.2F!
Our cool-down comes overnight Friday into Saturday when severe thunderstorms are expected to roll through the area. *loves storms* And then on Sunday, the temperature will be below normal, as in 22C/71.6F, hip-hip-hooray! (The average temp for this time of July is 27C/80.6F.) Even the nights this week are extraordinarily hot ... around 33C/91.4F.
Been guzzling lotsa water this week, that's for sure!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I was watching the news just a bit ago and the headline story was the heat in the northeast. One guy said he's been "Sweating like a chicken." I don't know what that means but it must be hot!
After the super heat a few days ago (posted above) we've been having cooler than normal weather here. In fact we might have set some kind of record when our high last week was 83F. We've had some of those perfect pop-up thunderstorms where they're nothing but some thunder and rain. I LOVE those. I think we'll have the return of our normal summer weather by the end of the week, but this cool snap has been most welcome.
It was like -2 c when I was waiting at the bus stop this morning and this is could for southwest Western Australia.