Decades ago, the word "Marvel" would bring to mind fun new comics where one could read about fascinating villains and superheroes who would defeat them. Today, the word "Marvel" brings to mind a multi-billion dollar industry, avid fans, costumes and conventions; as well as big, blockbuster movies -- particularly The Avengers, which was released into theaters only a few days ago, and has already met wild approval from fans.
Welcome to the Marvel SF (approved by mods). Here, we can discuss what the stories made by this successful company means to us. Whether you're a big fan of the comics, the movies, or just a casual fan or moviegoer, have a seat and have fun!
Here's some questions to get us started.
- How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
- What is your favorite of the movies?
- What is your favorite comic?
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
- Any other comments or questions?
Nice job on the opening post, Ithilwen!
I'll have more to add later, but wanted to comment that I saw The Avengers earlier today. Great movie! I don't have much to add to your excellent review over in the Present Movies thread, except perhaps for one of my favorite lines from the movie:

As others have noted in that thread, be sure to stay through all the end credits to catch 2 extra little vignettes.
I think this is my favorite of the Marvel movies (though Captain America and the Iron Man movies were also good). I do plan on seeing it again to catch stuff I missed.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
- How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
Spider-man and Fantastic Four cartoons when I was younger were my first introduction to Marvel heroes that I can recall.
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
The X-Men, Blade, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-man, Doctor Strange
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Mystique, Apocalypse, the Lizard, the Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Venom
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy, Deadpool (not Origins: Wolverine Deadpool), Morbius
- What is your favorite of the movies?
I'll break these up a bit. Favorite Spider-man: 2. Favorite X-Men: either the first one or Origins: Wolverine. I have yet to see First Class, but soon. The Marvel Universe: Iron Man or Thor.
- What is your favorite comic?
I don't read a lot of comics in general, and what I have read has been mostly DC. If I did read comics, I would likely read either X-Men or Spider-man.
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
There have been some really good ones, some really bad ones and a lot of in between ones. I haven't seen all of them, so I won't comment on them. I will say that the Marvel Universe series (Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, The Avengers) seem to have all been made remarkably well.
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
Several X-Men and Marvel hero video games and some of the movies on DVD.
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
No, sadly.
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
Have not seen it yet, but I want to very much.
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
I am very interested in Thor 2, probably more than any other Marvel film. I'm also looking forward to the Wolverine sequel and the possible Deadpool and Gambit films.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
- How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies? When I was a very young child there used to be a group of four Marvel comic cartoons that would come on TV; Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and the Fantastic Four. Plus there was Spiderman. I was set!! They look a bit aged but these are original Jack Kirby illustrations (Booky can explain) and are a treasure of the silver age of comics.
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)? I generally like Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, and Spiderman, but my favorite is the Punisher.
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Galactus, although if you want to get super technical he's not so much a villain as he is hungry.
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)? Gwen Stacy
- What is your favorite of the movies? Iron Man. Downey is an impossibly good Tony Stark.
- What is your favorite comic? I love Punisher the most, but if you ever come across a copy of the old Marvel "What If..." magazines, get it! They're great, mind-bending fun!
Also, while I've not seen more than screen caps of it, the Marvel Zombies universe seems like a whole heaping pile of undead superhero fun. Have you read those Booky?
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films? By and large I've liked most of them. I think the Fantastic Four films are in desperate need of being rebooted. I'm not at all happy about Spiderman being rebooted. I liked Spiderman 3, although it did suffer from some plot issues and Sandman was kind of annoyingly wimptastic.
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise? A few old comic books and a Captain America t-shirt
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together? Nope
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers? I haven't seen it yet
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films? I don't plan on seeing the new Spiderman out of protest . I have heard Thor 2 is in the works....which means more Tom Hiddleston for those of you that are fans of his work.
- Any other comments or questions? I started watching DC Comics-based cartoons around the same time as I did Marvel. I tend to think Marvel has the better comes generally speaking, but I'm a fan of both.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
*Is going to make a quick note to say that she saw Avengers the other day and thought it was awesome. I'm relatively new to the genre... my roommates introduced me to most of the Superhero movies that have been out recently... I must say so far I rather like them.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
Just the movies for me. I'm one of those weird people that never cared for comic books, but have enjoyed the movies based on said lit.
Anyway, I first remember hearing about the Marvel films with X-Men and Spider-Man.
Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
Based on the movies.... Tony Stark/Iron Man, Wolverine, Thor, Peter Parker/Spider-Man (sometimes), Captain America.
Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Magneto, Doc Ock, The Mangler (Jeff Bridges villain in Iron Man), Loki
Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
Pepper Potts, Black Widow, Cyclopes, The SHIELD agent guy that keeps popping up,
What is your favorite of the movies?
Of all the Marvel films, probably:
Iron Man
X-Men 1
Spider-Man 2
Iron Man 2
Captain America
Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
After hearing all the good things about it, I'm looking forward to seeing The Avengers when it comes out on DVD (poor college student here). Also looking forward to the Spider-Man reboot with a new angle on the character. Also, gotta like the fact that Emma Stone is Gwen and that they are FINALLY going to have the Lizard in a Spidey film.
Does anyone here remember or used to watch any of the Marvel cartoons from the 80's-2000's? I wasn't a religious watcher, but I remember enjoying both X-Men: Evolution and Spider-Man when I was younger (in the early 2000's).
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Does anyone here remember or used to watch any of the Marvel cartoons from the 80's-2000's? I wasn't a religious watcher, but I remember enjoying both X-Men: Evolution and Spider-Man when I was younger (in the early 2000's).
Why don't you go and ruin parts of my answers to the questions, without my permission! *coughhintseebelowhintcough*
How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
Cartoon shows when I was a kid. So, X-Men and Spiderman.
Even though X-Men: Evolution apparently came out when I was in high school, I remember that one being the most memorable/my fave.
Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
Out of the Marvel Universe? Probably the X-Men or Spidey.
But to be honest, I'm more well-versed in DC superheroes. Sorry.
Who is your favorite villain(s)?
People have favourite bad guys?!
Huh... not sure how to answer this one. I tend to be the one cheering her head off when the bad guys are locked up. And crying over their victims. But as for who intruiges me most? Probably Mystique? I don't know.
Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
I don't remember enough about the stories in general to be able to answer this.
What is your favorite of the movies?
Well, to my knowledge I've only seen:
1) All of the X-Men ones, except "First Class"
2) Most of, if not all, the Spidey ones
3) The first Fantastic Four one for sure, and possibly the sequel?
4) The first Iron Man movie?
I could be remembering wrong. Out of these? Probably one of the X-Men ones. It's been ages since I've seen any of the Marvel movies, and as you can see I'm behind compared to many of you.
Compare that with, I usually either Love or Hate movies. It's harder to find me feeling just "meh" about one. (though it does happen) Plus I'm indecisive by nature. So, to try and make me pick an exact favourite is kind of a hopeless task, I'm afraid.
What is your favorite comic?
I'm a weird kid... I always was fascinated by comic books, but I'm not sure if I really read any while growing up. And although I have around 15 comic books in my room now, I haven't read them as of yet. (and again, those aren't from Marvel. They are: Superman, The Flash, Star Trek, and Star Wars ones)
All that said, even though I've never really READ any, I know most of the info anyway. Why? Because I'm a big nerd and have read tons of information online. (and seen shows and films)
What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
As I haven't read the actual source material (unless you count online), I don't feel qualified enough to say how the films are, adaptation-wise. Sorry.
Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
Not to my knowledge?
Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
I wish I could go to Comic-con!!! Or any type of convention for any "nerdy" fandom, for that matter. Though, if I was to somehow talk people (friends or relatives) into driving me to a convention, it'd probably be a Star Trek one before a comic book one. But if I had a driver's license and was a billionaire author? I'd go to ALL the conventions offered in North America!
What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
Don't know, haven't seen it yet. Besides, I still have to catch up on Iron Man 2, the Hulk films, Thor, and Captain America.
See, I'm poor and can't drive. So, unless a friend is willing to drive me to Blockbuster and/or a movie theater, it could be awhile.
Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
Pardon my ignorance, but what other ones are coming out? The only one I might know of is that other Spidey one.
Any other comments or questions?
Um, not at this time?
See, I'm poor and can't drive. So, unless a friend is willing to drive me to Blockbuster and/or a movie theater, it could be awhile
Netflix, my friend. I know for certain that Iron Man 2 is on there, and you can get the remainder on DVD and they'll mail it to you. If this fails then your local library may carry a copy...Wifester brought home Captain America yesterday. She had never seen it and I saw it in the theater, and we both loved it.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Netflix, my friend.
Well, what if one doesn't have Netflix?
And if I was to get some Marvel comics next time I was at the comic book store, where should I start? Any ideas from you guys would be much appreciated! (one of the things I love about the comic book store, is that even if some of the stuff costs a lot, most of the comics are anywhere from 99 cents to $5 )
Hey, Riella and I were just talking about this . There's other options out there. Comic book store is a definite plus, lots of great selection. If you're interested in a specific character or super group I might recommend this...quite affordable! Or whatever superhero comic you're interested in. You can read all about them in their earliest adventures and enjoy the awesome writing/artist cooperative works of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby on up to modern times.
There's so many to choose from and enough superheroes out there for just about anyone to form an attachment to.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
I'd say my first "introduction" to them was the boys around me. I had mostly male friends during my childhood, and whenever one of them decided I was his girlfriend, he would draw me a picture of Spider-Man or someone like that. Plus, the action figures and bedspreads and posters everywhere. My parents would watch movies and shows about superheroes (I don't know if they were DC or Marvel, though. Probably DC.) I wasn't too interested in them then. Nevertheless, the superheroes still seemed like household names to me. My first big dose was when the Spider-Man movies came out. Then I would watch most of the movies, whenever one happened to hit theaters. It wasn't until The Avengers started advertising that I went back, watched them all again, and became an official fan.
Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
They're all good in different ways! I love the Patriotism and self-sacrifice that Captain America represents. But I think the one who's most interesting is Iron Man. He has such an interesting balance of good and evil in him -- that obvious, ever present sin-nature and snark. Yet, in his serious moments, you can see he really does want to stand up for what's right.
Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Loki. At times he seems more like an anti-hero than a villain. I love intense characters with inner conflict. Plus, it fascinates me that, when he does something evil, he has a good intention behind it; and when he does something good, he has an evil intention behind it.
Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
Pepper Potts. She reminds me of me. Whenever I watch the two Iron Man movies, she always does and says what I would in the situation, and so I find her relatable.
What is your favorite of the movies?
The Avengers, of course. It's possibly one of the most well-made movies ever. Out of the movies for the individual superheroes, I like Thor, Iron Man, and the Incredible Hulk (I loved Tim Roth).
What is your favorite comic?
I haven't read any of them yet. But I'm working on that.
What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
Having never read them myself, I asked this question to get the opinions of those who had. It's something I've been curious about for awhile.
Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
Not yet.
Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
Sadly, no.
What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
I loved it. I wrote an in-depth review on it, which stargazer linked to in his first post.
Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
I'm definitely excited about Thor 2, and am already forming theories about it. The filmmakers and actors have been telling some things about it already. Such as
I'm also wondering
Any other comments or questions?
Just this reply to Princess Anna.
Huh... not sure how to answer this one. I tend to be the one cheering her head off when the bad guys are locked up. And crying over their victims.
I've always been more of a villain girl myself. Not that I want evil to win. I know the heroes have to win in the end. But I find the villains more fascinating most of the time. Especially when they're done right, or if I find them somehow sympathetic.
The sad thing is, a lot of the time in stories I find the heroes very boring. They see something bad happen and they go to stop it. End of story. (I'm not talking about Marvel specifically -- I actually find Marvel's heroes to be unusually interesting. I just mean stories in general.) Whereas, with the villain, it's often quite different.
They don't just commit terrible acts because they're evil and it's fun (well, sometimes they do. It depends on the story. ), but often times it's because they're hurt emotionally, or it's because they were treated badly by someone worse than them, etc. There's this psychology behind it all, rather than just deciding to go out and do something. And at times it seems almost like they have more at stake than the heroes do.
And the horrible things they do don't bother me too much -- not because those acts are perfectly fine things to do or anything, but because it's too firmly fixed in my mind that it's just a movie, and all those people are really okay.
- How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
The first comic I read regularly was Amazing Spider-Man from my library. Before that, I'd watched X-Men: Evolution and the old X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons from the 90s.
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
Various X-Men, Future Foundation (Fantastic Four + friends), and the Runaways. Kid!Loki and Leah from Journey Into Mystery probably count as superheroes too.
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Magneto, Doctor Doom, and Adult!Loki.
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
- What is your favorite of the movies?
- What is your favorite comic?
Journey Into Mystery, no contest. Wolverine & the X-Men, FF, Avenging Spider-Man, and Fantastic Four are also great too. Runaways is long since cancelled, but when it was still on-going, my love for it rivaled my adoration of Journey Into Mystery.
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
The first two Spider-Man movies, the movies actually made by Marvel, X-Men, X2, and X-Men: First Class are the only good ones. The rest are pretty crappy.
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
Action figures and posters.
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
I wish I could.
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
The best thing ever.
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
Excited about the upcoming movies from Marvel and the next First Class movie. Leery of the new Wolverine movie and still waffling on the new Spider-Man movie.
I'm hoping to buy some of the comics really soon. I saw some old ones at a used book store that I'd love to get, even as collector's pieces if nothing else.
Plus the new Journey Into Mystery ones sound very interesting, and I might order those online. I'm still trying to figure out how they work and which ones to get, though.
-How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
I've never read any Marvel comics, but my first introduction to the world of Marvel came with my first Marvel movie (X-Men) back in 2000.
I really enjoyed all the Marvel movies, but as soon as Iron Man came out, I became a much bigger fan of the Marvel universe and Characters!
Ever since Iron Man was released I think the acting and quality of each Marvel film has reached a higher degree then those released before Iron Man came out, I really love them!
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
Really, Really tuff!
Its between Iron Man and Thor, but I think I'll have to give it to Stark!
(Hawkeye would be third)
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
LOKI!!!!! Love, Love him, I know that is probably weird, but he has such a depth to his character! Not to mention I liked him before I saw Thor because of Norse Mythology, but Tom Hiddleston just plays him brilliantly and made me love the character even more!
I like him as much as I do the heroes!
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
Agent Coulson, need I say more.
- What is your favorite of the movies?
The Avengers!
And then Iron Man and Thor are tied for second!
- What is your favorite comic?
Never read any.
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
Never read any so can't say.
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
No, but I wouldn't mind having a replica of Loki's helmet!
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
Not Yet, hope to soon one day!
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
Pure Awesomeness!!! I Loved it!
Plan on seeing it for a third time on Sunday!
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
Can't wait for both Iron Man 3 and Thor 2!
Caution contains SPOILERS!
Iron Man 3:
Thor 2:
[spoiler=]-Alan Taylor is directing the sequel
-Many Belive that either The Enchantress or Skurge will be the villain
-Loki will be back!
Marvel producer Kevin Feige:
"Loki has a part, but there will be a different villain, another big villain," he says. "But you can't do a Thor movie without Loki."
- Another Quote from Marvel producer Kevin Feige:
Well it's sort of the crux of the whole sequel and it's what [Chris] Hemsworth is most excited about diving into, and it's what is the heart of story; it's Thor and Jane, to continue that dynamic. Really they were only together for three days, and do they love each other? Do they like each other? Do they know each other? We're acknowledging that that love story in the first movie was sort of a quick crush, essentially, over the course of three quick days in the middle of the desert. And [the heart of the movie is also] the relationship between Thor and Odin, which does change drastically as it did over the course of the first movie, and picks up and continues from there."
- Any other comments or questions?
Marvel mentioned a while ago that they wanted to make a Hawkeye movie, I was excited before I saw the Avengers, now I really really want them to come out with it soon! I really want a Hawkeye movie!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Marvelous job with the starter Ithy, and let me tell you that your review for Avengers was out of this world. I couldn't have said anything better myself and I want to give you a huge thumbs-up for it. I didn't really notice the cheesy dialogue and such, perhaps I am less of a critic, but still you did a fantastic job.
- How were you first introduced to Marvel comics/movies?
You might say I was first introduced through the Spiderman movies back in the early to midline 2000s. I was younger though and didn't make any connection between Spidey and Marvel. My first true experience of being immersed enjoyably in the Marvel world was through Captain America. It is because of the good old Cap' I'm here now.
- Who is your favorite superhero(es)?
The heroes, and heroine, that make up the Avengers Team. (Captain America Thor, Hawk-eye, Ironman, Black Widow, and The Hulk.) They are all brilliant heroes, though if I had to pick a favorite I would select Captain America. He's such a clean man with good morals; a cry back to the old days in the United States and the wonderful, old-fashioned people it bred.
- Who is your favorite villain(s)?
Loki! He is a deep villain that has more then one dimension to his personality and motives. His actions, to quote Tom Hiddleston, are driven by "A deep heartbreak. He is lost." I do not agree with any of his villainous acts, but it isn't all simply cruelty. I feel sorry for him and believe he can be redeemed.
- Who is your favorite secondary character(s)?
Phil Coulson. Brilliant man. Wonderful agent. He is so peaceful and calm, and he is a Captain America fan. XD Who can't love this guy?
- What is your favorite of the movies?
Avengers. Need I say more? I did enjoy both Captain America and Thor, but Avengers is a movie to top all movies. Definitely my favorite.
- What is your favorite comic?
I am afraid I have not read any of the comics, though I might look into doing so.
- What is your opinion on the adaptations that have been made, turning the comics into films?
I cannot really give a just opinion. Like I previously said, I never read the initial comics.
- Do you have any Marvel-themed merchandise?
I do! I own a Captain America poster and my family owns the more recent Marvel movies. (Thor, Ironman 1&2, Captain America etc.) I am looking into a Avengers poster and the Avengers soundtrack.
- Have you ever been to Comic-con, or other Marvel-themed convention or get-together?
I have not, but I wish I could go to one!
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
It was amazing. A very amazing movie. I am hard pressed to say I have ever seen a movie better or enjoyed one more.
- What is your opinion of the new movie The Avengers?
The best thing ever.
This. ^
- Any thoughts on upcoming Marvel films?
I am quite excited for Thor 2 and Captain America 2 if they plan on it. Marvel has already mentioned Avengers 2 so I am very much looking forward to it as well.
- Any other comments or questions?
Not at the moment.
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