My favorites are Chrissa and and Lindsey.
I've read Jess, Nicki, Mia, Chrissa, and Lindsey.
I have Felicity although I don't play with her anymore now that I'm older. My little sister is going to be so mad that they retired Kirsten. She's been hoping they'd make a Kirsten movie.
I also think it's really cool that they made a Julie doll!
Julie I agree with your sister I want AG to make a Kirsten movie.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
i was disappointed to hear about Kirsten being retired as well... i tried to convince my parents to buy her for me since they still owe me a graduation present, but my dad wants to get me something more practical. i told them i'd just have to shell out a chunk of my leftover birthday and grad money buy her myself.
i just wish i had gotten Nellie before they retired her.
I have Nellie and she is REALLY pretty.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
Nellie is gorgeous with her red hair and in her pajamas.
They retired Kirsten? *Runs to hug her old Kirsten doll* How could they?!
I totally agree with americangirlemmie, and narnian_at_heart's sister. i was really hoping they'd make a Kirsten movie. A movie was how they brought Felicity back!
Did anyone besides me notice that the new doll Rebecca's name isn't spelled the Jewish way? A girl of Jewish decent (if her family still held to it, anyway) would spell it Rebekah. Or am I just a lone weirdo?
Anyhow, that was kinda random. Hmm, so is this where we sit around and talk about the American Girl dolls most people think we've "outgrown"?
I have Kirsten and Elizabeth. I like Kirsten more, but Elizabeth is pretty.
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Hmm, so is this where we sit around and talk about the American Girl dolls most people think we've "outgrown"?
Exactly!!! And good point, about Rebecca. I had never thought of that! Agh, another thing about Rebecca...
By the way, when and where did AG announce that they were retiring Kirsten?
Here is a screenshot of the official e-mail. Came to my sisters' inbox October 5th, though apparently some people got e-mails days earlier?
Sorry that's a little large...
I love the idea about a Narnian Girl AG line! I would really want Aravis and Jill. And Lucy. I'd love to have all of them, but I'd probably have to stick at one.
Interesting about Rebecca. Never thought of that.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Oh, thanks Adeona.
... we do so knowing her departure will make it possible to introduce new characters...
Well, I wish they'd keep Kirsten anyways. No offense to the dolls, but through some other AG fans I have observed that Kirsten is more popular than Addy and Josephina. (In general) I'm a little surprised they moved Kirsten, but I guess if they move a more loved doll, more people will feel rushed to buy her collection. Oh, well.
daughter of the King, I've not read the Rebecca books, is she that bad?
NaiadWaker, I see you dislike this new doll, Rebecca, too. Why? (I've never heard her story) As a random note, which doll(s) do you have?
Adeona, how many of the original dolls have they retired?
I wish they'd keep Kirsten, too. I got her when I was five and I still love her.
A few weeks ago, my sister and I put together our dolls, dressed them up and took some silly photos...Would anyone be interested in seeing them? (That is assuming I can find them)
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
WinterStar, Rebecca is way too much like Samantha. read through our previous posts. I have Samantha, a Just Like You Doll, and a mini-doll: Kit!
Any pictures are welcome!
Ooh i'd love to see pictures of everyone's AG dolls! I have one myself i'll post here soon.
Quick question though, does anyone else dress their dolls to go with the season or whatever holiday happens to be coming up?? I always do. You know, like when it's like summer, into their swimsuits they go. Winter, they always wear their warmest clothes and coats if they have them. Same with spring and fall too.
If it's a holiday, like halloween, my dolls if they have costumes, all go into them. For Christmas, they all get into their holiday dresses and I set them all up around a little 23" tall Christmas tree I bought specifically for them. I'm currently trying to get them outfits for all the other holidays too. I've been trying to get my dolls some Easter dresses that AG retired, but man they are expensive! It's going to take a while to get everyone an outfit.
I also love experimenting with my dolls' hair. It's so fun to make ballet buns for them!
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I have Ivy. I'm Chinese American, like her.Don't you think they're a little expensive?
I wanna be Jill Pole!