You two have an exciting lot of work and performing to do!
Gymmie, our local top amateur society has presented Les Mis twice, so perhaps the rights got withdrawn and are now available again? Or USA may be in a different category?
King_Erlian, how neat that you are doing G&S productions. We used to have a G&S society (our local second best amateur group - did more singing shows and much less dancing than the other one) that did those and other light opera - it closed down abotu 10 years ago. Schools go through phases of doing them too.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I believe the amateur rights has been withheld largely in the US only, simply because the show has run (still runs?) continuously in professional theaters and I suppose it would be too much of a conflict of interest?
Anyhow, first rehearsal down. We're just learning music for the next few weeks...won't even begin blocking until almost the end of September.
Anna, Thanks so much for your input!
Oh, no problem! I mean, I'm no expert or pro... but I've done this long enough to have learned a few things. So, if you ever have questions, well... you know how to find me.
And another thing I thought of later... you'll have it even easier than I did, in terms of getting bigger roles. Why? Simply put, because you're a guy! Theatre never seems to have enough guys... so whatever group you find will be thrilled to have you! (even more so, when they know you've done that much singing!) But yeah, I wish you the best... and will want to know what you find out!
Oh hey, we have one of these threads?
Oh, my dearest, we probably even had a version before this particular thread! Glad to see you peek your head in!
This is the first year that Les Mis has been available to the general public to license outside of the school version, so I'm VERY excited.
First I've heard of it! (lookee there, you knew something I didn't! and about one of my favourites, no less!) But I think I agree with your reason as to the "why" of the matter. I wonder if anyone at my theatre has heard this... and if so, why I heard it from you instead of from the tons of theatre friends I have. Weird. I'm glad I heard it from you, though!
This is also the first time I've ever been in any type of production, so I consider myself very lucky that I get to be in it.
Many conga rats, gymmie, and may it be the first of many productions for you! It's fun... I think you'll get hooked.
You do realize that admitting all of this, means you'll have to tell me stories, and show pictures, and all that nonsense, right? hehehe, this shall be fun!
And wow, that's a long wait for learning the blocking! On the plus side, you'll have all of that music down!
King_Erlian, ouch! And as horrible as this comment will seem... I'm happy to know I'm not the only one that gets injured during (or even prior to) a show! Glad you healed up, and I hope that this show is injury free! Break a leg! (but not literally! )
Auntie, I know you've been busy, but have you gotten involved in another show yet?
I was planning to post my "acting resume", as I call it, in this post. But I'm afraid that might get too long. Anyway, we'll save that for my next post. It'd be fun to see all of the shows that all of you have done too. (if you want, of course)
As for myself...
Some of you probably know by now, that I have gotten involved with the playhouse's season opener... which is Shrek the musical!
It was Saturday the 10th (at 1pm), but there was one the next day for people that (for one reason or other) couldn't make the regular one. I went to the Sunday night one (not sure why, I forget). Anyway, for weeks I'd been going back and forth on whether I wanted to be in it, or just on the crew.
When I got there, I talked with the stage manager (the same lady does the job pretty much every show) about helping. She said, sure, but that she didn't know how much there'd be to do, and she wasn't sure what was needed yet. That she'd let me know.
Of course, when everyone got to singing (one by one), they turned to me at one point and said "Andrea, are you gonna come sing?" "Um, I wasn't really sure, but, um... ok!"
Anyway, the director said that if "you are in the room and breathing" you were in... that he just had to decide what parts.
I don't know... it seems everyone got a call but me. When we went around saying names and our characters, they got to me and I said "I'm Andrea, and I don't know, 'cause no one called me." The music director thinks that I'm Raggedy Ann (or Andy), but she said not to quote her on that, that she'd have to check the sheet. So, I guess I'll find out later?
I don't mind too much, though. I mean, I'm curious, but as long as the people in charge know, I'm alright with it.
We've had three rehearsals now (four, if you count the one for leads only). And have the next one tomorrow... and I'm skipping one on Sunday, for the Classic. HAHA! It's fun, though.
the breakdown so far...
1) Music
2) Choreography (for What's up, Duloc?)
3) Music, both old and new. Plus reviewed the choreography. and tomorrow will be music and reviewing the choreo again. (I believe Sunday will be choreo again... possibly new? I think. I'll find out later. hehe)
First of all, I was squealing the one night, because a lady that's helping the costume people said that I could probably wear my old dress for "What's up, Duloc?"! So, that made my night... and I told her as much. She said she figured it might. I guess I'm predictable!
In my defense, I LOVED that dress... was so mad when they took it away when Camelot was done. Was thrilled to have it back for Redhead, of course they took it away again. But now I get it back! (if you want more backstory on the dress, just tell me)
Secondly, I can still do the dances on my bad knee! Well, probably as long as I can stand on it, and it's not too sore. But yay!!! And I'm glad... I know we've only learned choreo for the one song, but it's FUN! and cute! and I'm SO happy that I won't have to just watch everyone else dance... but I can do it too! (hey, after a long time wondering, I learned this afternoon that it's just a bad sprain)
Anyway, yeah. If you want more info on anything, just ask.
See ya later! (sorry, I'd say more, but can't think of any interesting way to leave)
I've done a few acting things this year. Just recently I was coached by Twister actor Sean Whalen and planning on doing it again and I did the movie Left Behind yesterday. I can't tell anyone what I did or have a 100% say that scene I'm in and doing will make it into the final cut. All I know is that it was talked about by the crew and how brilliant I was. I'll let you guys know soon.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Wow, very cool, Damsel! I look forward to hearing more news!
Ok, I promised you guys I'd do this. Now, if you get confused at all, just tell me so. Oh, and I'm not going to write out the actual names of the places. We'll have to be content with me putting the abbreviations.
Now, without further ado, I give you my "acting resume". (so you know I'm not just all talk
These were the spring musicals my sophomore and senior years of high school.
1) Sound of Music
dates: March 23-25th, 2000
role: nun
I might have helped out some with the set. I forget, though.
My involvement in this show actually has an interesting story behind it. If you want to hear it, just let me know.
2) My Fair Lady
dates: March 2002*
role: chorus
I ended up being what I considered two characters... a poor cockney person, and a rich person (at Ascot Races and the Ball)
*Sorry I don't have the exact dates... I can't find the program for this one, and don't remember off the top of my head.
3) The Fantasticks
dates: July 31st, Aug. 1-3rd, 2003
This show was my backstage debut! (so, part of the crew) I was one of two people to help with props. And it was a summer show, at my college.
Community Theatres
To help out with these, I'll color code the different groups. LGP will be blue, FMT will be green, and MSCT will be red. Hope that helps!
4) Hello, Dolly!
dates: Sept. 25-28th, Oct. 2-5, 2003
role: chorus
My first musical done outside of school!!
5) Fiddler on the Roof
dates: July 22-25, 2004
role: chorus (specifically, in the program you could find me listed under "Daughters")
Fun Fact: This is the first show I did with my dad. He played Lazar Wolf, the butcher. (and this was not his first foray into theatre! just his 1st with me)
6) The Music Man
dates: July 22-24th and 29-31, 2005
role: chorus (one of Zaneeta's friends/wa tan ye girls)
Fun Fact: This is the second I did with my dad. If I recall, he was just in the chorus. But he had a solo line or two in "Wells Fargo Wagon".
7) Beauty and the Beast
dates: Sept. 29-30th, Oct. 1-2nd and 6-9th, 2005
role: chorus (specifically, a townsperson and the dust pan)
This show also had an interesting beginning for me. Feel free to ask, if you're curious!
8) Our Town
dates: March 16-19th and 23-26th, 2006
role: woman among the dead
This was the first time I had a line (or two)! It's also the only regular play I've done... unless you count "A Christmas Carol".
9) Oregon Trail: the musical
dates: November 9-11th, 2006
role: Joan
I had another line in this one! And a name!!!
Fun Facts: A local guy wrote this, so we were the original (and as far as I know, only) cast! This was also the third show I've done with dad. His character was named Joe, and I had to watch him die onstage! It was weird!
10) The Wizard of Oz
dates: May 10-13th and 17-20th, 2007
role: chorus
To be specific, I was: a munchkin, part of the optimistic voices, and a person in the Emerald City. (I got to help fix up the Lion!)
11) (sorry, I forget exactly when!)
For this one I was part of the crew. My main job was to be a kid wrangler, as it was the summer kids show. But I did much more than just keep them quiet, and get them to their places on time. Want specifics? Just ask!
12) The Music Man
dates: September 13-15th, 2007
role: Mrs. Squires
Fun Fact: Dad was "Charlie Cowell, anvil salesman" this time!
13) Camelot
dates: May 8-11th and 15-18th, 2008
role: the page/crew (sometimes I was a lady of the court, I think)
Yup, I had lines again!! (four, I think) And when I wasn't onstage, I was backstage. It was pretty fun trying to do so much!
14) Redhead
dates: Jan. 29-31st, Feb. 1 and 5-8th, 2009
role: waxwork figure of a Ripper victim (aka one of the "dead girls")
My most challenging role to date, which means it was one of my favourites! Don't you just love roles that make you grow as an actress/actor?
15) Aladdin Jr.
dates: June 25-28th, 2009
Yup, the summer kids show... so, crew. I "wore many hats" for this one too! I think I had to leave this one partway into performances, to go to camp.
16) Oliver!
dates: Sept. 23-26th, 30th, and Oct. 1-3rd, 2010
role: chorus/crew
Ah, yes... the one where I was injured backstage, a few days before opening night! (and yet still did the show anyway!) This was one of my favourites overall... I think because of the atmosphere or something.
17) School House Rock LIVE jr
dates: June 23-26th, 2011
Another summer kids show, that I was on crew for! I loved helping with this one a lot, and was sad to miss half of the performances for camp. They did SO well, and worked so hard!
18) Shrek the musical
dates: gonna be... Sept. 26-29th and Oct. 3-6th, 2013
role: villager (beginning), citizen of Duloc, and Hansel (possibly crew also)
Yep, you saw that right... I'll be Hansel, of Hansel and Gretel. Another girl will play my sister, during the fairy tale creature songs. What? There are always more girls in theatre, than guys! I don't mind... I mean, I'm the girl who would love to play Gavroche in Les Miz!
Also, A Christmas Carol... years 2003-2010, 2012. (poor person) Not sure if I'd count this as one show (many times), or as a different show each time. So I leave it separate in my mind.
Reminder: There are also...
a) ones I have almost helped out with... but didn't.
b) ones I've auditioned for but not made it into. and
c) several church skits (when I was younger).
But I'm not counting any of those things.
Sorry this was long, but I hope it was an interesting read! Now... what about you?
Edited on 9/10/2013, to add in my parts for Shrek.
What? I killed another thread? Sheesh...
Thought you all would want an update, seeing as we're into performances now. So, here I am. I'm not going to say a ton, as I don't remember it all... and some of it is funnier if you know the people, and the show. But I thought I could at least give a quick run-down.
Tech Week
(Sunday through Wednesday)
Went very well, overall. But there were some mishaps each night. Including the "rat" (a remote controlled car made to look like one) dying onstage during "Morning Person" on Wednesday. But everyone kept their cool, and Jake carried it offstage like it was normal. Way to go Fiona, Pied Piper (Jake), Rats, and little mice!!
Sept. 26th: opening night!
I think it went very well... one of the best times we'd done the show so far! The audience was very responsive, and LOVED it. I just wish every seat had been filled! (there were quite a few empty seats )
Sept. 27th: night #2
Went awesomely overall... improved even on the night before! I messed up a little during Duloc, which bugged me... as it's the one I could do in my sleep. But it was really fun. and the crowd gave us energy. and they loved it. (oh my gosh did they love Donkey and the 3 Blind Mice during "Make a Move"!!!! you could hear the cheers downstairs in the green room!) annnd we got a standing ovation! (I couldn't stop giggling and grinning) Some of us even went to Steak n Shake afterwards! (Isaiah still had his Ugly Duckling makeup on; and Connor still had his Pinocchio makeup. I wish I had arrived when they did, so I could see the people's reactions!)
Oh, I forgot! We were really packed yesterday. Like, people came in off the street (basically they hadn't had tickets but showed up anyway). I think we might have had a full house. and if not, it was very nearly so!
I think that's all I can think of right now. I'll try to remember to come back and give you an update sometime after each night. Thanks for the support!
I don't think many people are in shows besides you and me, lol!
Les Mis is going well...just wrapped our first week of blocking. The first day, I admit I was pretty terrified...we blocked Master of the House which had a bit of choreography and required A LOT of acting, and I've never danced or acted. I play one half of a drunk couple that visit the inn, and it was an experience, lol. I am looking forward to going over the scene again now that I know what to expect.
Other scenes I blocked was At the End of the Day, Lovely Ladies (yes, THAT scene) and Look Down. In Act 2, I don't sing much but I'm one of the girl at the barricade so I should be on stage a lot.
Just about six weeks to go! We move to our actual stage location in two weeks, and rehearsal on the revolving stage will commence. It will really start to feel like Les Mis then, lol.
I don't think many people are in shows besides you and me, lol!
I know, but it's still fun to talk through future plans and stuff with people. Or to have them react to what we've said. And even if they don't have current shows, they could do what I did... and write their "acting resume" in here. It'd be cool to see what all shows Nwebbers have done.
Loved your update by the way. And may I say that it's fun to live vicariously through you and your production? Gosh, I wish I was doing that show.
Shrek Update Time!
Sept. 28th: night #3
Went very well, overall... from what I can remember! Although the rat died again... and again they covered it nicely! (woot! go them!) And I messed up on parts of Duloc again... though not as badly as the time before. Ahh, I wish I could remember more from this night!
Sept. 29th: halfway done!
This afternoon's performance was amazing! I didn't mess up at all... YES! And the rat survived today!!!!! What else... I forget.
If I think of more, I'll add it later.
Anyway, we don't go back til the pick-up rehearsal on Wednesday. Which means, I'm able to have two days off (woo-hoo! Safe at Home Softball, here I come!), and that I can wash my smelly costumes. I guess we'll have to leave things as is for now... and you can get updates when I'm back at the playhouse. Sound good? Good!
Oh! I forgot... we got a standing ovation for both of these performances too. And as typical, they all still LOOOOOVE Donkey. (but, really... who doesn't?!) It's so funny too, cause Mitch acts so surprised at it... even though he's really not. (I'd almost call his reaction shy or humble. it's so adorable to watch. he really does steal the show. Today Chrystal said "That should be the sequel... 'Donkey the musical'." I told her that I, for one, would watch that! )
I'm in HMS Pinafore this week, playing the Captain. Dress rehearsal tonight. And what happens? I catch a stinking cold. My voice is gone, I feel dreadful and my nose is the UK's very own Niagara Falls. AAAAGH!!!
Sounds great everyone! Les Mis sounds like fun to be in. My best friend was in that play a few years ago.
I know that I had put up a resume of what I've done on here before however here's a very detailed and organized resume from my actors access account.
I'm currently trying to get a role in a feature film as a featured actor and then there's this character who I can suit and will try to go for her as well.
My plan is to make SAG this year or by next year.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Wow, Damsel! Thanks for the link. Break a leg with the auditions and with SAG! Your acting history sounds exciting!
King_Erlian, I'm sorry you're not feeling well... hope you feel better really soon! (I'll pray for you, if you like) I do have one suggestion, though, that might help...
My voice is gone
Now, I'm no expert... but there is a trick a voice teacher that we had told my sister once. She had no voice at the time either, and the lady said to alternate between hot tea with honey, and cold ice water with lemon. My sister tried it, and tada... her voice was back for our recital! (and it was in a relatively short span of time too) I've tried it myself, as have other people I know. Hopefully it can help you as well!
Oh, and break a leg this week!
Okay, I will catch you up on my latest production, which is a non-singing show for child audiences, lasting only 45 minutes.
There is a lot of background and accompanying music played on a keyboard by a talented young man.
The show is "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland", a script written by one of the theatre group. He is a very smart man who works in I.T. and plays in theatre! He does improv theatre regularly at weekends, enjoys being on stage, directing, tutors young people in theatre, and writing clever scripts.
I'm playing the King of Hearts. It's a part with only two lines, but I enjoyed putting him together - his movements, gestures and expressions. He's got a bit of Major-General Stanley from Pirates of Penzance, in him. As my friend who is playing the Queen is quite a big lady, and I am very short, it is rather fun working together on this. We are making a thing of the size difference - eg I have a very loooooong train attached to my shoulders!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
First performance of HMS Pinafore last night. Started OK but my voice disintegrated as the show went on. By the time of my main solo at the beginning of the second half, it had more cracks in it than the script of the movie of VDT. Feel very down and angry with myself.
Last night's performance was better. Still room for improvement, but at least I got through my solo without cracking.
HMS Pinafore finished on Saturday. My voice gradually improved through the week, but the bug did its rounds within the group, so our lead tenor was suffering with it on Saturday. Still, there was a happy spirit in the show, and we got good audiences.