I voted for The Last Battle because of the idea that after this battle there would be no more battles. So when I first saw it I thought, "Why is the battle in this story the last?" Its intriguing as well as a promise.
My second favorites are MN and LWW for reasons mentioned. I didn't mind Silver Chair because in the story it added to the mystery and excitement for me when the chair comes up in the story. For a long time I was confused in it because there weren't any chairs mentioend for a very long time and I'd almost forgotten about the title when it came up.
My least favorite is probably Prince Caspian because it is just a name and not as much about the story.
"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C.S. Lewis
I went with "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader". Most descriptive of the book's plot. "The Last Battle" gets an honorable mention as well.
I've always thought HHB was such a creative title. For some reason, I am basically in awe of Lewis for coming up with that (I know it sounds kind of extreme but some writings just make me stop and ponder how the author could have come up with something so creative). MN was a close second though because it summarizes the book pretty well. Although Digory is the main character, his uncle really is the cause of the adventures and plays a pretty big role in the book. My least favorite is PC but I like it better with "Return to Narnia"
should have voted for prince caspain because it is the only one that doesn't have the at the start.
I voted for The Last Battle. It's just so profound. IloveFauns thats very true, I almost changed my mind and voted for Prince Caspian. Plus it doesn't
have any votes and I feel kind of sorry for it. Okay that's weird.
The Horse and His Boy for the surprise of the switch.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. You've got the alliteration with the "W", but then it drops into bathos.
"The Lion, the Witch, and the W......" Your mind fills in the blank with ...Wizard? ...Warrior? ...Wardrobe?!?! What the heck??
The difference is that people wanted to hear the stories, whereas I never met anyone who wanted to read the essays
Even thought HHB is one of my least favorite books of the series, I voted for it as the best title. A good title is one that as soon as the reader sees it, they think, "That sounds interesting" or "Huh, I wonder what that's about" or "Ooh, from the title, this sounds like an amazing book!" and I think HHB's title does that the best. Honestly, I know that if I found a book entitled HHB on a bookshelf, it would make me at the very least give it a second glance and I would probably read the back cover and the first few pages. The title would instantly capture me as being something different and unusual just because of it saying that a horse had a boy. Normally, animals don't have people, people have animals, so that would instantly pique my curiousity.
"The Horse and His Boy". It's definitely an eye-catcher.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the most clever title in the series but my favourite title is The Magician's Nephew.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for me, with The Last Battle and The Magician's Nephew tied for second!
Merry Christmas!
"I'm here to save Elizabeth!" ~ Will Turner
The Horse and His Boy is probably my favorite, for the very reason that other people have mentioned. (A horse has a boy? That always intrigued me.) Honorable mentions go to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I voted Voyage of the Dawn Treader! Reason? Hmmm, I have not read the book yet but I have seen the movie. I love the whole adventure on the high seas thing, I guess. And Ben Barnes' accent was sooo much better in the third movie so it made me have a compete about face for Caspian's character.
oh and I just love the Dawn Treader ship, it was, in a word, magnificent. (At least to me
Credit for this awesome signature goes to Tarkheena! Thanks SO much T!
I think The Silver Chair is the best title. It evokes curiosity, and it makes the chair seem all the more sinister. If you never read it before, you'd think it's something beautiful [silver sounds pretty], but then it's actually evil.
I voted for MN. I think it is mysterious, simple, and has a nice ring to it.
Second favorite is LWW. At first I thought it was too long, but it also has a nice ring to it.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I voted Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's a pretty title and my most favorite book I just love the name "Dawn Treader" it's so unique and original to come up with. It's genius!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!