I just placed a hold for this book at the library. This is really exiting for me -- my first time in a reading group. At least, it is my first time on Narniaweb. I've been in other reading groups and absolutely love them.
Sig by greenleaf23.
This will be my first time participating in a NarniaWeb reading group, & I'm rather excited. I've also never read this book before, but it sounds like a good one. *joins Mel in her happy dance* I'll definitely be book-hunting in the library tomorrow!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Well, I got a confirmation e-mail that my copy is in the mail. They say it could take eight days to ship. I seriously hope it won't take that long. I'm guessing it'll already be here within the next couple of days though.
I'm glad that we're doing a reading group on this book. I had forgotten that it existed! This will be my first time reading it.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
I better start book-hunting. This sounds like a book that I will really enjoy. I am also excited to be participating in my first NarniaWeb Reading Group. I can't wait until Thursday!
Avatar and Signature by lover of narnia Thank you!
Yes! My library has it!
I'll start reading it as soon as the hold arrives. Hopefully that's soon enough.
Note: I actually considered reading this a number of times, but never did. The book sounds fascinating.
Note also: I found the following on Wikipedia--
Steve Hackett named his 1984 album after the book. Hackett was influenced by Lewis's work.
The Band Over the Rhine (band) named their first album, released in 1991, "Till We Have Faces," after the C. S. Lewis book.
The band Noise Ratchet released their debut full-length, "Till We Have Faces," in 2002 with the name of the album and a song therein named after the CS Lewis novel.
The band The Subtle Way has an EP and title track called "Until We Have Faces" named after the CS Lewis novel.
Narnia forever!
I found this book on Google books. Here is a link to the preview http://books.google.com/books?id=TLz2yu ... &q&f=false. Now sometimes previews of books on Google will not let you see the entire book or they may change what parts you can see. But I was able to read the first three chapters. And it could buy time for people still trying to get a copy of the book. I also found an audio version on iTunes.
Daughter Of Eve
Child Of God
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are... 1 John 3:1
Avatar by Gymfan! Thanks!
What happens if you do not get the book in time?
PM me if you would like be part of a Lion Party in the state of New York!
If you don't get the book in time, then I would suggest going to google books. Try the link that DOECOG provided. If you can't access it for some reason, then go ahead and wait it out. If you go to amazon.com, and look for a copy of the book (where you can get a new copy for 7 USD and a used copy for 3 USD) you could have the book in time to catch up.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Wow, a reading group! I am really excited. I've never been in a reading group before, so I'm doubly excited that my first reading group is a NW reading group, with a C.S. Lewis novel, with fellow C.S. Lewis fans! This'll be great! My only problem will be not reading ahead (I have a tendency to read books really fast).
Anyways, I'll get a copy from the library for the first week or so until I decide whether or not I want to buy it.
This is really cool, though, because it'll help me prepare for the class on C.S. Lewis my school is offering next semester!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
I just got my copy from the library! I'm very excited to discuss it with fellow Lewis fans. It looks like it will be a really good read. I've heard many good things about this book, and I've been meaning to read it anyways. I'll probably buy it.
Not just my favorite work by Lewis, but my all-time favorite novel. I think I might just have to join you guys! Always up for a re-read of this one! It's incredible.
However, fantasia_kitty, not to be all technical but I had to point out:
This book is definitely unique amongst Lewis' work. First off, it is a work of fiction, which separates it from his masterpieces such as "The Screwtape Letters," "The Great Divorce," "Mere Christianity," etc. . . The fact that this is a work of fiction, and the fact that it is written by C.S. Lewis really helps tie it to the Narnian writing style. However, where Narnia was written for children, this book is obviously written for adults.
The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce are both fiction as well.
And I would hesitate to compare the writing style of Till We Have Faces to Narnia; IMHO they couldn't be farther apart. Which I love: it shows how much range Lewis has as a writer.
Time to dig out my old copy...
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
Don't blame me, I didn't write it, I just copied it.
I'm gonna order my copy from the library today. I've heard so much about it, & I can't wait to read it & discuss it with you guys.
avatar by Flambeau!
I was the author of that note, equustel, and I still hold to my original thought that Screwtape and TGD are more apologetic than they are fiction. And I'm pretty sure that I did say that they are different styles of writing. They're definitely not written in a similar style as Narnia is, what I meant by that statement, merely goes so far as to say that both are some of Lewis' few works of fiction.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb