1. Compare and contrast the Deep Magic and the Deeper Magic. How does the Deeper Magic appease the Deep Magic?
2. What is the significance of the romp?
3. What was your favorite / least favorite part?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
1. The Deeper Magic appeases the Deep Magic in that a life was still needed (and given) to cover the traitor's wrong, but since it was an innocent and willing life that was shed, death turned backward. I'm not sure how to really explain it more without going rather deep theologically...
2. I think it helped show that Aslan was alive and full of joy, and it helped chase away the girls' sorrow and fear.
Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.
1. Compare and contrast the Deep Magic and the Deeper Magic. How does the Deeper Magic appease the Deep Magic?
They both are the Emperor's. The Deep Magic is about death and the Deeper Magic is about life. The Deeper Magic provides a way for someone to die for the crime. Assuming the cracking indicates that traitors no longer need to die, it is the final fulfillment.
2. What is the significance of the romp?
I'm not really sure. Somehow it made Lucy and Susan not feel hungry, thirsty, or tired. I would think it would have made more sense to start on the journey. Maybe that would have been too soon? Maybe it was to highlight the joy of the situation.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
2. What is the significance of the romp?
I'm not really sure. Somehow it made Lucy and Susan not feel hungry, thirsty, or tired. I would think it would have made more sense to start on the journey. Maybe that would have been too soon? Maybe it was to highlight the joy of the situation.
Perhaps an action provokes an equal and opposite reaction. I'd imagine the romp is a necessary release from the sorts of things that make people more tired, such as tension, depression and grief. They had a bad night so should have been exhausted. But then they become disbelieving, then elated, that the bad things are no longer true. They need a time to absorb these contrasting emotions before they can get on with anything else, including going to sleep. The elation needs an outlet to liven them up, release the tension, make the here and now much more interesting, and allows them to get on with the story before they can finally rest in peace.
How can anyone deny the symbolism here? It's so plain to me.
The sacrifice of Aslan on the stone table and fulfilling the deep magic is like Christ fulfilling the Father's wish.
1. Compare and contrast the Deep Magic and the Deeper Magic. How does the Deeper Magic appease the Deep Magic?
They both are the Emperor's. The Deep Magic is about death and the Deeper Magic is about life. The Deeper Magic provides a way for someone to die for the crime. Assuming the cracking indicates that traitors no longer need to die, it is the final fulfillment.
I think this is probably the best explanation. The Emperor, if he's anything like Aslan, is probably more interested in justice than punishment, which is probably why he wove the Deeper Magic into Narnia as well.
2. What is the significance of the romp?
I think it was a combination of the above--to help the girls recognize that this was really happening, to lift their spirits up (and help their physical weariness), perhaps even just because Aslan himself was so full of joy knowing that his trial was over and all was set to rights again.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
1. Compare and contrast the Deep Magic and the Deeper Magic. How does the Deeper Magic appease the Deep Magic?
I think they both work together. I suppose the Witch only looked into the magic of Narnia until she got what she wanted: the power to destroy the world if she didn't get her way. From her upbringing, the power to destroy the world would seem to be the greatest power she could possibly wield. She perhaps never dreamed there could be an even more powerful force: a creative one. How could she have known that through love it was possible to save lives, permanently appease the deep magic, and cause death to run backward?
2. What is the significance of the romp?
It was a celebration. It was for joy. It was probably also for a good stretch. And, it was probably only for a few minutes.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto