A few from me.
CC & C ♥! Credit is nice but not necessary! Please don't claim as your own.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
malkah: lovely coloring on all of those! my favorites are #1 and #3!
Wunderkind_Lucy: Pretty coloring on #1! Love the layouts on #1 and #3.
Some from me!
CC & C ♥! Credit is nice but not necessary! Please don't claim as your own.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Malkah, as always, the lighting is just beautiful on those! (I really enjoy seeing the lighting/coloring on your graphics, it's excellent!) I really, really love #3. The coloring on #4 is gorgeous.
Aravis Autarkeia, :O :O :O at the entire batch. The composition, lighting, cropping, and coloring on those are just spectacular. It's hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to, I love 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7... perhaps 7 is my favourite. 9 and 10 are lovely, as well.
Daughter of the King, I really love the coloring on #2 and #3. O.O Especially 2. 5 is gorgeous in coloring, lighting, and compostion. Lovely, creative work!
Wunderkind, your graphics never cease to wow me, as usual. 2, 4, and 8 are my favourites, especially 8. *wants to save it and use it* The textures on the last few are lovely!
Here are some that I've made and haven't had the chance to post in here:
I hope I haven't shared some of these.
Comments make my day, credit is appreciated!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Heres a batch from me:
Comments are Awesome!
Please credit me if you use them!
Previously DP Dessa
My RL sibs are Adeona, NarnianCricket, and DancingPrincesses.
Im a HUGE Fan of The Avengers!!!!!!!!!
daughter of the King: (first post) I love #2 and #6! (second post) My favorites are #7 and #12!
Wunderkind_Lucy: lovely coloring on the last few!
Aslanisthebest: Thank you! Love the vibrant coloring on #2.
DancingPrincesses: Thanks! Love the multicolor look on #2!
Andriel: #3 is so cute and funny! #4 and #7 have really cool text.
Hey guys!
Aravis Autarkeia-I like the coloring on #7, the texture on #8, and 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Heres a batch from me:
C and CC are welcome!
Previously DP Dessa
My RL sibs are Adeona, NarnianCricket, and DancingPrincesses.
Im a HUGE Fan of The Avengers!!!!!!!!!
Here's a batch from myself mostly cast avatars and mostly of
Anna Popplewell/Susan, (sorry about that!)
(And terribly sorry about all the variations on the last 5, couldn't decide.)
All textures save the chandelier one were found on NW forums,
All text save #5,8,13,14 & 15 were found on NW forums.
All may use, not permission needed.
C&CC appreciated.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Those are lovely AslansChild! I really like number 10 & 19. They're all beautiful though.
Avatar & sig made by me.
AslansChild those are really gorgeous batches of Anna and Georgie. I will def use some in the future.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!