"Um, please don't turn anyone into any kind of animal, amphibian, or insect, please," I said with a weak smile.
I turned to Sweeet. "And I do have an idea." I turned back to the elves. "Do you have paper and something to write with? I'm not sure if this'll work or not, but it could considering where we are."
"Eh, probably just ask you some questions and be all like, intimidating and stuff. Better get used to the dark," Harry said in what he hoped was an ominous tone. "Because that's all you'll be seeing for a long time." He attempted then a malicious and EVUL!laugh, but it got stuck in his throat and he coughed spastically for a while.
"Ack! Don't, like, yell in my ear," Sameka complained. "It, like, totally puts off my aura." She looked the girl up and down quickly.
"To Le Loup Noir," she answered and then muttered, "duh," underneath her breath.
"Let's, like, go already," she said, grabbing the girl's shoulder and shoving her toward the big ship.
"Enter," came Le Loup Noir's voice from behind the door.
Valentina gave Jamison a warning look before opening the door and stepping inside, bowing to the chair that was faced away from them.
"Captain, my comrade and I have captured a young girl near the fountain."
Alàtariël left without a word and returned with said paper and writing implements. She stood quietly for a few moments by me.
"Are your friends normally like this?" she finally asked.
"I think its a case of too much stress and not enough coffee."
Avatar thanks to AITB
I breathed a sigh out in relief. At least someone was attempting to make a plan. I moved over to Ryan. "Can I help?" I asked.
Jamison walked into the room and stood at attention. "We have put her into the dungeons until we receive further orders." He continued. Then he stared at the back of Le Loup Noir's chair, as though he could burn it up with his eyes. That or make his Captain turn around.
Another figure was facing Le Loup Noir from the other side of the chair. His eyes had been closed, but at the knock they had opened and he was now looking intently at the lieutenants.
"Aura, clora, fora..." Claric mused to himself, knowing his own thought process, but quite oblivous to the fact that no one else understood what in the world was happening inside of his head. "FLORA!" He shouted in exultation.
Oh. He'd apparently been trying to find a rhyme. "And fauna." He said confidently. "Let's go, girl!" He chuckled to himself as he pushed the girl along with the butt of his blaster.. "Ha ha. Girl. Cause she's a girl. Ha."
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Sylvia retreated sulkily to a corner since attention seemed to be drifting from her. I stifled a snicker at her expression and moved to peek over Ryan's shoulder at whatever she was going to write. It helped being taller than pretty much everyone else in the room.
"Speak for yourself, Ame. I personally despise coffee," I said and made a disgusted face.
After a lot discussion it seemed something was actually going to be done. I got up and walked over to where Ryan was writing something and peeked over her other shoulder since Booky was looking over the other.
"May I inquire as to what you are doing?" I asked, having a pretty good idea of what Ryan was going to do, but still wanting to know just the same.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
"I'm a cappuccino person myself," I said, slowly drifting toward the paper waiting to be written on. I was suddenly reminded of a certain book where people were brought into a story apparently of their own making. But they never did find a way home in that book. I tried to focus on something more optimistic.
sig by me
But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer
"Oh, okay," I said as I wrote a mental note to work on my "Whitty Things I'm Going to Say When I Get Sucked Into My Computer Screen and Get Captured by the Bad Guys" department. Or at least those whom I assumed were the bad guys. I still wasn't quite sure what they wanted.
I tried to hide a smile as Harry's attempt at an evil laugh failed epically.
I struggled with her grip on my shoulder and protested quietly to going. "Wait! I don't want to go anywhere!" I said, trying to squirm from her grip. The sudden sharp jab of the barrel of the blaster in my back, and muttering of the man, though kept my feet walking forward, toward the rather large ominous ship. I tried not to shudder at the thought of entering but the little shiver went down my spine and I too shook. Try not to be afraid...try not to be afraid I thought calming myself by taking large gulps of clean oxygen. Don't panic...oh where is the pepper spray when you need it!? I didn't go against them again, at least for now, cause the thought of having a burning hole from that blaster right through my center, didn't appeal to me at present. "Who is Le Loup Noir?" I asked innocently, truthfully, I had no clue who he was. Thoughts were swirling through my head, and my common sense seemed to whisper he was a bad guy, and by the look of the people escorting me and the ship, I felt my mind's assumption was fairly reasonable.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
"Giving myself retractable wings," I said to Cor. I glanced up from my writing. "I have a theory," I told the people who'd gathered. "Since everything we've written has come to life here in Ditto Town, I'm wondering if something we write here will come to life as well. I doubt we can just wink characters out of existence, or have anvils fall on them, though that would be handy, because I think they're too real now. But, we just got here. If we're quick enough we might be able to give ourselves powers or abilities or guns or something."
I went back to my writing, describing my new wings to the fullest detail I could. When I was finished I stood cautiously, waiting to see if anything would happen. I didn't think too much time had gone past for me to be "too real" to change, but after a moment my back near my shoulders blades started to itch. I felt my eyes go wide and I snatched up a knife from the table of food and turned to Tina who was closest. "Quick!" I told her. "Use this to cut slits on the back of my shirt for wings."
I looked around to the others. "I think this just might work," I said excitedly.
"Goodbye girly," Harry said, pushing Susie into the cell and shutting the door. "Hope you don't die down here. That won't be fun to clean up at all."
Le Loup Noir reached over to pick up his mask, fitting it firmly into place before he turned around. The chair swiveled slowly and he regarded the two lieutenants with cold, sea-green eyes.
"Have you located the girl called Marrim and the Jedi Maria Sanchez?" he asked, his French accent heavy in his irritation.
"Like, duh, I know it's a girl," Sameka said, rolling her eyes and then frowning at said girl.
"Le Loup Noir is your worst nightmare," she said in a low, somewhat sufficiently spooky voice. But then she giggled and ruined the mood. "So like, prepare to be scared out of your little mind."
I angrily rubbed my eyes as Harry shut the door, knowing that if I started crying I wouldn't be able to stop. I looked about the cell, but couldn't really see anything. I shuddered to think what sort of nasty things could be crawling around in the dark. I backed up to the door and leaned against it, glad to have something solid against my back. For the first time since my little adventure began I had a moment to think about the strangeness of it all. Sucked through a computer screen? Landed in Ditto Town of all places? It was too weird for words. I idly wondered if this escapade would take no time at all, or would I be late for class. I glanced down at my wrist, but then realized that I hadn't put my watch on yet when I left home. I wouldn't have been able to tell what time it was anyway, it was so dark.
Come on, Susie, you're in a possible life or death situation and all you can think about is being late for class? I asked myself.
I suppose that should be the least of my worries, I replied.
Well, duh.
I hate having conversations with myself.
"If this works, I want telekinesis and a sonic screwdriver and a lightsaber," I exclaimed, a huge grin crossing my face. "Wait, forget just telekinesis, make us all Kryptonians. Black Wolf dude won't know what hit him."
I wandered over to the group by the table "Dude, this is so cool" I said "And booky, don't even think about turning me into a mini super man, that would be copywriting" I said with sly smile "I'd just write myself with a sniper blaster, two blaster pistols and vibroblade and get over with it" I said now grinning.
If you ain't first, you're last.
"Well, whatever you're going to do, better do it fast," I said as Tina cut slits in my shirt ((sorry for god-modding Sweeet, just trying to move the story along)). I shrugged my shoulders and felt my wings begin to expand. As they did I wondered if I should've given myself superstrength as well or something. It felt too late though. I could feel the wings solidifying into my body and I had some sort of sense that if I tried anything else it wouldn't work. I was too real already. (Being the first one to land in Ditto Town, it made sense, but I felt rather disappointed. I had no idea how wings were going to help me, they had just seemed like a good experiment at the time.)
"Ahhh, I'm already getting too real, I think," I said, frowning slightly. "Quick! Everyone! If you want a sonic screwdriver of a sniper blaster or whatever, better write it down quick!"
As I spoke, my wings burst out of my back, knocking a couple people down. "Sorry," I said quickly as I turned my head to stare at the large, pure black wings that had sprouted from between my shoulders. They were beautiful. So black they shimmered blue and purple in the light. And long too. At least twelve feet across from tip to tip. I wanted to give them an experimental flap, but not with everyone there. I concentrated on retracting them and shrugged my shoulders again. Slowly, they furled back into a small pouch of skin beneath my shirt. I could feel them settling in. It felt uncomfortable and weird, but I couldn't help grinning my face off.
((Okay everyone, write in whatever you want. Just make sure you're nothing too powerful.
Booky, that means no Kryptonians.
I quickly cut the slits into Ryan's shirt and then scrambled for a pencil before allowing myself to admire her wings. Unfortunately, I was forced to admire them up close and personal because one of them knocked me over. "Nice wings." I squeaked.
With some difficult I made it out and around the wing and to the table, then began scribbling quickly on a sheet of paper. I had always, always wanted to be force sensitive. That was the crowning glory of all powers for me, ever. I let out a little squeal in excitement, and then I was ashamed of myself. Then I set down the pencil and waited.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
"Well I might as well add some sort power to my assortment of weapons" I said, "Well sweet already beat me to force sensitivity" I said as I looked at the paper, "I'll take... Spider man powers" trying to think of the one thing that would help me the best in my ordeal here on Dittotopia.
I wrote everything I wanted down on the paper then grinned as I was suddenly adorned with a sniper rifle across my back and a belt holding my blaster pistols and a vibroblade. I took my small Colt pistol off and said to Scrappy "Hold this would you?" then put it in a small compartment I myself had provided him.
Testing out my spidey power I shot a bit of web towards the wall "Awesomeness, now how do I get it off of me" I said before remembering "Oh yeah" and realised the downwards 'I love you' sign and the web fell from my hand, my grin was ecstatic.
If you ain't first, you're last.