Legends of Erandor
"No, she had angry big brother named Xeras. But that not what I'm rushing for, that Dravien girl, yeah. Well her dance partner just collapsed, possibly unconscious and I know for heck that it wasn't alcohol or the heat - I mean, it's chilly out. So I'm really after Elaina" Torin looked at her and then nodded backward and over his shoulder, referencing the direction that Elaina could find Kye and Tristan.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Legends of Erandor
Erivale Festival
Ainsley's mouth fell open in shock when Ellion consented to a dance. "You will?" She jumped up, anxious to take this opportunity while it lasted. "Well, come on then." She grabbed his hand without really thinking about it and tugged impatiently, like a young child. She couldn't help it. Ellion rarely showed signs of affection. Her joy spilled over into a laugh. "Let's go."
They arrived at the dance floor just in time for the next song to begin. Ainsley slipped her hand into Ellion's as they began to twirl. She inhaled deeply before broaching a tricky subject. "So tell me what happened earlier... between you and Torin and Alex... why were you fight--"
Ainsley caught a glimpse of Kye near a bench off to the side of the dance floor. Tristan was with her, but he was slumped over and appeared to be quite ill. "Excuse me, Ellion." Ainsley dropped her brother's hands and picked up her skirts. All thoughts of dance or pleasure left Ainsley's mind as she rushed to her friend's side. The color drained out of Ainsley's face as she knelt next to the bench. "What happened? Is he alright?" The last question slipped out even though it was clear that Tristan definitely wasn't alright.
It was then that the dizziness returned, smacking her in the face with a wave much more intense than what she'd experienced earlier. She chalked it up the dancing. Her head always did spin whenever her feet were flying; that was just the way it went. Now Kye needed her, and that was much more important.
Jade's smile was infectious, and Xeras found a smile stretching across his face once more. Normally he didn't indulge in such petty emotions such as joy or happiness, but where Jade was concerned, Xeras was willing to compromise.
"Wilder. Hmm." He thought about it, enjoying her beauty as they danced. After pondering it for quite a while, he raised his eyebrows. "I must confess you have me stumped."
A commotion outside the circle of dancers drew his attention -- a young man was slumped over on a bench. He didn't know any of the people involved, so he dismissed it and returned his gaze to his dance partner. Though there were many people around him, Xeras had eyes for only one.
av by dot
Legends of Erandor
Festival of Erivale
Kye glanced at people as they stopped to check on Tristan, but she never took her full focus off of him. She tried to revive him with every trick she knew, but nothing worked.
When Ainsley knelt by her side, Kye looked at her friend. "Ainsley...I don't know..." She stopped midsentence when Tristan began to shiver. Kye's eyes widened slightly. "We have to get him inside. Out of the sun..."
Kye stood and asked a few men to help her move him. They nodded and lifted Tristan. Kye led the way to the inn, explaining the problem to the innkepper, who nodded. Kye was familiar with most people and they all liked her, so it was no trouble for him.
Tristan's home and her cottage were both too far to carry Tristan, so the inn would have to do for now. They found an empty room and they placed Tristan on the bed, wishing him well and then leaving.
Kye opened the two windows in the room and pulled a stool close to the bed, taking Tristan's hand. "Tristan? Please wake up..."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Legends of Erandor
"Xeras was her brother?? Haha! Wow... just wow." Alex was obviously more taken by the humor of Torin's ill fortune than with the more pressing matter of Kye and Tristan.
After giving her companion a stern look, Elaina thanked Torin for the news and hurried over to where Kye was trying to help Tristan. By the time the Wescraven native reached the spot, Kye had already got some of the local men to move Tristan to Mr. Glackshaws inn.
"Ainsley, what's the matter? What happened to Tristan?" Elaina asked the younger girl before noticing she too was looking ill. "I think we need to get you home...."
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Legends of Erandor
Ellion hadn't known his consenting to dance would cause such pleasure for Ainsley, but he took it at what it was and prepared to put into action the bits and pieces of footwork he had picked up after years of coming to the festival. But, in the end, this was not needed. They had successfully finished one twirl and then his sister had begun to ask about his earlier fight, the words coming to his ears and making him inwardly cringe, but before he could answer, or refuse to answer, Ainsley caught sight of something and dashed off. Left standing alone, Ellion was quiet for a moment, then hurried from the middle of the revelers and to the side, where he might see where his sibling had gone.
On a bench, some paces away, Tristan, Kye's faithful young man, was slumped. Perhaps from heat or overwork, he did not know, but the sight was alarming enough. He understood now why Ainsley had left, but despite this, he did not approach. Several persons had gathered around them, asking questions and the like, or chattering possibilities about what could have happened, and were quickly employed to carry the ailing man away. Ainsley, and the girl he had previously seen as Alex's companion, Elaina, were left kneeling and standing at the now deserted spot.
Ellion, seeing that the others had dispersed, now came to stand near the two women. "What is wrong?" He asked, arriving in enough time to catch Elaina's words about Ainsley not looking the best. He glanced down at his sister and noticed the slight pallor, a pang of concern knifing through him and then settling down somewhere in the pit of his stomach.
Jade's olive green irises tore themselves from her companion's face as the one of the peasants seem to fall ill and be taken away. Something within her rose with concern, but she settled it within herself that he was most likely in competent hands. Her previous smile returned, this time as a mischievous, coy upturn of her lips. "Tsk, tsk, Xeras. You, giving up? I've never heard of such a thing." She laughed then, leaning into to him as they spun and then releasing as he moved her in a circle and brought her once more to him.
"My favorite is blackberry-raspberry. I fault you none for not being able to guess it. 'Tis a bit obscure..." Her voice trailed off as suddenly, in a wave, her stomach tightened with pain. She gave a gasp, gritting her teeth and gripping him tighter until it had subsided. Her eyes flicked back up to meet his after a moment, and she smiled her apology, "I'm sorry Xeras. I do not know what came over me."
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Legends of Erandor
"I... I don't know what happened." If Ainsley had been looking in a mirror, her face would have resembled an ugly shade of green. "He just collapsed, and..." She trailed off, then shook her head. "I just don't know."
She only shook her head harder when Elaina asked if she needed to go home. "I'm all right. I don't want to leave the festival." Ainsley's eyes landed on the dancing people, and then bounced back to Elaina. "Then again, I most likely won't be sticking around here, anyway. I need to go see if Tristan and Kye are all right."
After these words, Ellion appeared in her peripheral vision, standing there, backlit by the sun. Ainsley's heart fluttered with a bit of hope and relief as soon as she saw him. He was there with her, and somehow that made everything okay.
Ellion's face reflected significant concern, something else that touched Ainsley. "What is wrong?" he asked.
"I don't know. Travis is sick." And by the looks of it, so am I. She felt her stomach turn and she closed her eyes against the bright light of the sun. Her muscles tensed as she tried to stand, but quickly gave up. She let out a mild groan, her eyes still screwed shut. "We need to go... go to the inn. Kye needs me. I have to see if she and Tristan are okay."
They continued to spin on the dance floor. If this was happiness, then Xeras loved it. His mouth curved up in the slightest of smiles. "I know, I know. I shouldn't give up, but I thought I'd humor you this time."
"Indeed, 'tis obscure." Xeras inhaled to continue with some clever remark, but stopped abruptly when Jade's voice broke off into a sharp gasp. She quickly apologized, but his eyebrows creased. "Are you all right? Do you need to sit down?"
An image flashed through his mind of the collapsed man on the bench. He glanced over, but the man was gone, most likely carried away to safety. Only a few people lingered there. He turned his eyes back to Jade, and for a moment a pang of fear struck his heart.
She was fine, of course she was. She had to be. Because he couldn't lose her.
Not now.
Not ever.
"Jade, let's go sit down. It's all right." This time he stopped twirling her around and just stood there, putting his hand alongside her face. "Really."
av by dot
Legends of Erandor
Despite her insistence on helping Kye, Ainsley was clearly in no condition to be of any help to anyone caring for the sick. Elaina buried her deep concern for the younger girl beneath an outward appearance of sternness. "I know you want to help Kye, but you need to get some rest or help for yourself."
Elaina glanced over at Ellion, who had recently walked up, with employing eyes that said the unspoken Please, do something to help her. She's your sister...
After getting over the hilarity of Torin's ill luck with the young girl, Alex noticed that something was apparently truly wrong with the young miss Roe. "eh... excuse me, Torin."
A minute later, Alex was standing by Elaina. Sure enough, the younger girl was clearly sick... very sick. Never seen anyone turn that color before... the huntsman thought grimly as he noticed the girls greenish hue.
"You, young lady, are definitely in no condition to help Kye... especially if her manly friend is sick." Alex said with a stern tone that was both strong, yet kind. "If Big Brother doesn't mind, I'll help you back to your place." Alex glanced at Ellion awaiting either a positive or negative response.
"See, you can actually be nice when you want to...." Elaina said to the younger mr. Valon with a half smile.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Legends of Erandor
Torin followed Alex back to the ring of people surrounding Ainsley, next to his friend and across from Ellion. The boy he had battled against less than an hour ago. Though he really had zero reason to be standing out in the chill air, he stood there, in a silent offering of what little assistance he could give, in order to help the sister of his enemy.
That small show of kindness however, failed to prevent him from glaring daggers into Ellion.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Legends of Erandor
Ellion caught the imploring look from Elaina and his sister's attempts at standing, but failing in doing so, only further cemented his worry and determination to assist. He was not going to walk away. Not this time.
Then another approached, and it was much to Ellion's displeasure that the fates decided it should be Alex. He would have brushed his presence off in favor of more urgent matters, but Alex's next words ignited a fire that had yet been just smoldering. The younger man's jaw set and one could clearly see the anger flashing within the pools of his light blue eyes. Then Torin appeared. Torin. Ellion would have wished for anyone else but him. Torin, in his silent way, seemed to be offering assistance to Ainsley, and for that alone Ellion might have found it justifiable to punch him. Did they all think him so uncaring that he would let them help his sister?
"I mind." he snapped, shooting a glance that clearly communicated the message, back off to Alex. Then, with a swift movement, Ellion bent and slipped one hand under Ainsley's legs and the other around her back, lifting her up into his arms. He would take her home.
Jade might have protested more, but his hand, warm upon her face, silenced any words and led her to instant consent. In all truth the jarring pain had shocked her, and in her own mind she had known the wisdom of resting, but such chances of dancing with Xeras came only once every year, if even that, and she would have been prepared to swallow down her discomfort and continue just to make him smile. But this. This small display of affection and the emotion detected in his eyes was more satisfying then even dancing. He cared.
Jade stood again to her full stature, holding to his arm as they walked from the center of the floor. "I'll be alright, Xeras." she said softly, "It was probably nothing..."
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
This Is Eden
(previous post)
Romano glanced and Kiev.
"Oookay. Let's go," he said, picking up Julietta's bag and setting off at a brisk pace toward Moondeer's. "So, Julietta. Miss Allergic to Whipped Cream. What are you studying?"
Avatar thanks to AITB
Legends of Erandor
Erivale Festival
"Why did you drag me here?" Nolen groaned, shifting the heavy satchel slung over one shoulder.
"Oh, stop complaining," Celyn replied, a sly smile on her wrinkled face. "Last week you were practically begging me to go to the festival. 'We'll have fun,' you said. 'A chance to see new people and play games.'"
Nolen could not entirely hold back his cheeky grin. "Well, it would have been if you hadn't decided to bring along half the spells in the cellar."
"You volunteered to carry that," she laughed, "to save my 'old back', as I recall. And it's not even that many spells - I simply needed the one that was a bit large."
The boy - or young man - grimaced and shifted the satchel to the other shoulder. "At least tell me we're almost there?"
Celyn Tamare pointed to the next gentle slope. "Over that hill, if my memory serves." She took a small wooden circle out of a pocket in her sky-blue dress, holding it up to the light. The sun's beams reflected off the polished wood and one of the runes began to glow. "Yes, it's close."
Nolen Märresk lifted one eyebrow. "What color is that, again?"
Celyn's hand went to her dyed hair self-consciously. "It's supposed to be black. Why?"
"Nothing, it's just... In the light, it looks sort of... green."
Nolen's teacher muttered a string of angry words. "And you waited till now to tell me?!"
He shrugged, hiding his laughter. "It didn't really show up till the sun got high."
"You are the most impertinent, prattle-tongued...." she searched for a fitting adjective, "knave that ever was! I should send you back to your mother." But after a moment, she chuckled, the worn wrinkles in her face showing that she had done so many times before. "Ah, well, serves me right for being vain."
They both laughed good-naturedly as the climbed the final hill and descended into Erivale. Both were dressed plainly and suitably, save that Celyn wore silver rune earrings in honor of the occasion, and Nolen had shined his leather boots. As such, they caused none of the usual stir as they entered the festival. Both were ready for a day of simple and wholesome fun. What they found was quite different.
* ~ ~ *
(OCC: First post in LoE, yay! I don't have anyone specific set for Celyn and Nolen to interact with yet, but I will PM you before they just walk up and say hi. )
Legends of Erandor
Ainsley winced. Elaina was right. Too right. She opened her eyes. "I know, I know. We can go to the Inn and then I'll rest there. Promise. That way I can help Kye and myself at the same time."
It was then that Alex came over and echoed Elaina's sentiments about Ainsley being in no condition to help. Ainsley sighed and opened her mouth to respond, but then hesitated when Alex offered to help her back. It was a kind gesture, and for a moment she considered taking him up on it. "Well, thank you, Alex, but I'd really rather stay here."
She glanced at the crowd that was gathering around her. Alex. Elaina. Ellion. Torin. She resisted the urge to cover her face with her hands. This was turning into a far bigger problem than it needed to be.
Not only that, but she could sense the tension between all three men. Ellion's eyes were glittering in the way they did when he was angry. "I mind." He swept her up into his arms and she let loose a little gasp. With that, her fate was sealed: she was going home, whether she wanted to or not. She pursed her lips in resignation as her head continued to spin.
It was then that the thought of home came into her mind. Thinking about home... her bed... it was comforting. Soon she'd be sliding into the cool comfort between the sheets. And to be honest, she didn't really feel like sticking around here. Not with how awful she felt.
She gave up the battle. She wrapped her arms around Ellion's neck. "Let's go home."
Xeras, content in the knowledge that Jade and he belonged to each other, led her off the dance floor. His heart swelled as he felt her arm in his. It was good to feel wanted, needed.
"I hope it's nothing. We can't have you getting sick, now can we?" The thought of losing Jade niggled at the back of his mind. He pushed the thought away and sat down on an empty bench, noting with slight irritation the cluster of people gathered around the other bench a few feet away.
He turned his attention back to Jade. "Ah, I promised you pie. In the excitement of the dance floor, I forgot. Shall we go over there once you've had a chance to rest? Hopefully they haven't run out of pies by now. After all, we have to get you that piece of blackberry-raspberry, obscure though it may be." He punctuated the end of that sentence with a solid wink. He hadn't felt this carefree, this light-hearted, in a long time. Maybe not even since his childhood.
He put his arm on the back of the bench, around Jade's shoulders and exhaled slowly, letting the beauty of the festival and his companion sink into his heart.
((Welcome to the roleplay, Anne!
It's good to finally have you join us!
This Is Eden
Julietta inhaled sharply like a hyperventilating rabbit. "Uh... um... I'm studying... medical... stuff." She fell into step next to Romano and Kiev, elated that Romano was talking to her. He was talking to her. The wonder of this was far beyond her comprehension.
She shook her head and continued. "I want to be a nurse. I'm a bit of a klutz though so we'll see how well that goes over... but I guess this isn't news to you since you've already seen my klutzy abilities first hand." She let loose a cheesy grin, then changed the subject to get past the awkwardness she felt. "You? I mean, what are you studying?" She looked at Kiev for the first time since they started walking and attempted to compensate for leaving him out. "Both of you, that is."
But before long she was staring at Romano again.
av by dot
Legends of Erandor
In true Ellion fashion, the elder Roe sibling had given a gruff "I mind" as his only response and had taken Ainsley back to their place. Granted, at least Ellion had actually done something productive this time... The subliminal "back off" would not work, but Alex had to smile at Ellion giving it a shot.
"There he goes... Mr. Macho with a heart of gold. Well, at least he got Ainsley to go home and get some rest, eh Elaina?" Alex said as he offered a hand to the herbalist.
Gladly taking the offered assistance, Elaina stood up and dusted off her green dress. "I suppose... though I have a feeling Ainsley is going to need more than just rest." she replied with a worried look.
Without knowing what to say, Alex simply nodded slightly in agreement.
"That reminds me, I need to go check on poor Kye and Tristan. Are you going to escort me to the inn or must I go alone?" Elaina asked Alex while trying to be a tad flirty, but the clear concern for her friend made the effort come off as forced.
"Nah, I think you can handle yourself in this crowd. Besides, I don't think I'd be of much help anyway. Just standing around aimlessly and looking at the pretty young lasses..." Alex replied with a shrug.
"Isn't that what you always do?" the herbalist said with a genuine smile before glancing towards the inn. "Very well. I'll see you around, Alexander Valon!"
Alex chuckled at Elaina's quip before waving to the retreating green clad woman. "Till we meet again, Greeny!" Once the young woman disappeared into the entrance of the inn, Alex turned to Torin.
"Might be wise of us to stick to the outskirts of the festival. If there is something going around, don't want you catching it..."
(((Welcome to our humble RP, Anne! *bows*)))
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Legends of Erandor
“Easy there, Tiger” Torin said, simultaneously arching an eyebrow. Who did Ellion think he was? His sister clearly needed more help than a mere farmer would be able to provide and besides that, the farm was a pretty good clip from the town. No matter how strong Ellion was, he would regret his choice to carry her oh about halfway there. Unless of course they brought that ugly speckled horse along, in which case Ellion just would look like a jerk.
After Ellion walked off in a huff, he just stood there awkwardly while his friend said goodbye to Elaina. That’s when Alex’s attention turned him “If there is something going around, we’ve already been exposed. We’d best be available to help if any more people get sick. No reason to get someone else get infected.”
If you ain't first, you're last.
Legends of Erandor
"Aye... I guess your right." Alex replied with a shrug. "In that case, I'm going to get some food. Perhaps old Mr. Barker is still selling those beef rolls and ale...."
Without waiting for a reply from Torin, Alex headed towards the previously mentioned tavern. If things continue like this, I'll need something to keep my strength up...
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)