True Justice
"That is exactly what I want to know. Traitors happen everyday in Griande. Why fuss about it every single time?" Shay started to feel like she and the man were finally understanding each other... until he snatched the beef jerky out of her hands. "Give me that! I bought it!" Her eyes widened as she gasped at the further insult. "As a matter of fact, Riley rents a room out to me above his shop, and gives me work from time to time. I'm not a ship, nor am I a blonde snippet. Furthermore, I don't think I've ever met someone so rude in my whole life. Maybe you should purchase some manners at the mercantile while you're at it!"
av by dot
True Justice
Terence laughed, deep and low. "Unfortunately for you, Riley doesn't keep those in stock." Terence handed the bag back to her, a grin still present on his handsome features. He chuckled again. "Rude? If you think I'm rude, you must not know a lot of people..."
He crossed his arms against his chest and said, "Work has been slow for Riley. He told me so himself just the other day. I'm surprised you're still around..."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
True Justice
Daia, after sneaking around the prison, finally found a young girl huddled in the corner of a cell. This must be the one Aia meant, she thought.
"Excuse me, miss," She said, her voice shaking timidly. "I brought somethin' for you."
Her scarred, dirty hands feld out the piece of bread.
Grace shrieked and pressed herself into the wall as a stranger appeared outside her cell. The girl had approached so quietly that Grace has not heard her coming and did not know she was there until she spoke. Recovering, Grace looked around, hoping no one had heard her outburst.
"I...I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Grace looked at the girl and smiled; she wasn't much older than herself, if she was at all. "My name is Grace. Grace Emilie Johnson. Who are you? I'm ten, by the way. We must be the same age."
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
(Lucy of Narnia and Ithilwen, PLEASE put the roleplay name at the front of your posts!)
True Justice
Adrian had no idea where he was going. He was confused, unable to grasp what had happened. Aeryn? A traitor? She had to be, though; she'd been convicted. The judges were appointed by the king, and the king was a good king. Adrian was loyal to him with all of his heart. He struggled with the thought as he rounded a corner. A tavern, a tavern was what he needed. He passed a tavern. On second thought, maybe not that.
Were the judges always right, though? Maybe, after appointment, they had been corrupted. That could be. But once Aeryn was judged in the capital, they would be sure to let her go. They would see her innocence!
Adrian was breathing hard now. He'd been almost running, and while in good shape for lifting and pulling, he didn't do much running aboard ship and was not in shape for that. A thought nagged at the edge of his mind that she might be guilty after all. She might be. She really might. But no. She was Aeryn, and he...
He felt in his pocket for that small carved box that he kept there since the trip to Ireland. No, she couldn't be guilty. He had to see her, though, to make sure. Had to go to see her. But how?
Not looking where he was going, Adrian ran straight into Terence.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I wasn't finished editing my post yet, and got called away from the computer for a bit)))
True Justice
Daia jumped when the girl screamed.
"Um... No... Actually I'm twelve." She fingered her hair. Daia hated it when people mistook her for someone younger. "Anyway, here's your bread." She stuck it between the bars.
After a short silence and looking around, Daia asked, "Are you here all alone?"
(OOC: Sorry Sweeet, I forgot...again. *facepalm*)
True Justice
Grace lit up at the sight of the bread. "Thanks!" She crammed half of it into her mouth and forced herself to chew slowly. As soon as she had swallowed, she answered the other girl, tears coming into her eyes.
"Yes. My father used to live here, too, but...they...he might be being executed! Normally they beat the prisoners in their cells, so that's probably it! Or else he's being beaten real, real bad or is in court again. But I think he's being executed because they snuck him away from me and they think he;s guilty of murder, but he's not!!"
Grace began bawling, her bread dropping onto the skirt of her dress as she buried her face in the dirty corner of her cell.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
True Justice
"You're right, I don't know a lot of people. That's because I prefer my own company." Especially over yours, Shay thought. She took a deep breath before continuing.
"Yes, work has been slow for Riley, and yes, I'm surprised I'm still around too. I'm actually leaving soon." She leaned against the door frame of the mercantile and glowered at the crowd. "Once this traitor business is over."
She startled as another man ran into Terence. "Running into people seems to be the business of today," she said dryly.
av by dot
True Justice
Aeryn felt the water slapping against the sides of the ship. It's rhythmic beating was like a calming effect to her, quieting the trembling of her heart. She took a breath, and gasped at how the heat constricted her breathing. If only she could catch a whisper of fresh air, it might make the place more bearable. She stood, peering again out the window, watching the dock slowly slip away, being swallowed by the endless expanse of rising and falling water. The future, which had once seemed so sure, was spiraling out of her control. What awaited her at the capitol?
The capitol of Tierra, Negara, was the home of one of the largest courts in the known countries and also one of the most powerful. It was said to be so, because the King himself, King Tyrone, at times helped decide the verdict upon higher cases. All traitors to the crown, all people accused of high treason or shielding of enemies of their king, were arrested and shipped off to Negara to be tried in the high court. Aeryn had heard only vague tales of the judges and cases, and most of them said that the decisions were just, but it was hard to believe locked within the hold of this Mercenary ship. She had been arrested unfairly, or so it seemed, and she wondered if the justice in Negara would see the truth about her.
Sighing, she pushed a couple strands of light hair from her sweaty brow. She felt the under skirts of her dress sticking uncomfortable to her legs. She groaned, and moved about the little room, trying to create a bit of air. Not all hope was lost though, and she knew this. Adrian would come for her. He would hear of her arrest, and surely follow the ship to the capitol. She prayed that eventually when this long sea journey was over, Adrian would be waiting for her on the docks of Negara. But until then she would have to find some way to make it day by day.
Already, Aeryn had seen a glimpse of the nature of the Mercenaries who commanded this vessel. She feared how they would treat her...and what she might be subjected to on this voyage. She had heard tales of Mercenaries acting more like pirates...cruelly treating prisoners, and not respecting women. She bit her lip, pacing, feeling caged. She could only hope the captain of this ship was different, but it was a far-fetched wish.
15 minutes must have passed when Aeryn heard the turning of the handle on the door. Her eyes widened, and she slowly backed against the far wall. It was such a small room, there was little she could do to avoid whomever chose to come in that door. The clicking of a key tripping the tumblers echoed in her ears, before the door swung open admitting the person who stood on the other side.
He was a dark fellow, tall and broad shouldered, with fair length raven hair, pulled back with a leather thong. His skin was tanned, and his eyes a piercing pale blue. A amused expression danced across his face, young but rough. She judged he must be in his late 30's. He took a step forward, and Aeryn sucked in a breath, hoping he wouldn't get any closer.
"Greeting's, Ma'am." He said, his voice hinting of Tierrian accent but holding no politeness, though he addressed her properly. His eyes looked her over thoroughly, and a smile slowly grew across his face, a pleased look glinting in his pale eyes. "You are indeed very beautiful! Such a fair traitoress you make."
Aeryn was indignant. "I didn't betray anyone, Sir." she said in a surprisingly strong voice. "I was arrested falsely....I never did anything against my country."
The man broke into a cruel laugh. "It seems that his majesty's officials thought differently." his smile quickly faded. "But you are in my care now." he took a step forward, studying her, taking his time, looking at her. "I am Captain Lanon Seranoy. This is my ship, which you shall be staying on for the remainder of the, long, trip to Negara." Lanon inched closer to her, and she shrunk away. "I hope you'll enjoy your trip." he whispered, but his eyes flashed and he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her toward him.
She gasped, and fought his grip, but he held on tightly, refusing to release his hold. Reaching up a free hand he caressed her cheek, smiling at her discomfort. "You are very fair....fair indeed!"
Aeryn gasped as he moved in for her lips. She wrenched away with a desperate cry and retreated to the very corner of the room. Lanon snarled, but took a breath, bowing his head to her. "Farewell, for now, wench, I shall see you again." he then slammed the door and locked it.
Aeryn slowly sunk down to the floor, shaking visibly, frightened and shocked. Her blonde hair had been shook lose of it's pins, and was now coming down around her face. She sucked in a long, quivering breath, and leaned her head against the wall, feeling several tears slip down her cheeks.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
True Justice
Terence rested his hand on the doorknob and arched a brow. "You prefer your own company? You need to meet more people..." Terence grinned, his dark eyes reflecting a teasing glint.
He shifted on his feet, "If work is the only thing keeping you in this town, I've got a few oddjobs I could offer you down at the shipyard. It's not the best job, but it pays well."
Terence was so focused on Shay, that he didn't hear or see Adrian until he ran into him. Terence grabbed for the door, to keep his balance, and said, "Watch it!"
However, his expression softened when he saw who it was. "Adrian! Where are you going in such a hurry?" He shook his friend's hand, which wasn't offered, but he shook it anyway. "Probably to see the traitor, no doubt," he glanced at Shay.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
True Justice
"Terence!" Adrian gasped, out of breath. "Terence, it's Aeryn! She's the traitor!" He bent over, bracing his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "She's been taken away in a ship. I thought you knew-- everyone else in this God forsaken town seemed to."
Having a bit of breath back, he straightened up, kicked the wall, and swore. Then he noticed Shay, and while still confused and frustrated, felt he had to apologize for doing that in front of a lady. "Pardon my language, miss." Then he looked at Terence, making up his mind. "I'm going after her. Today. Now. As soon as I can get ready."
The mercenary ship was (in general) very ugly. It was essentially a pirate ship, but they were pirates for hire rather than independent. The work paid pretty well, and that was the reason that Jean sailed with them.
He was (officially) a deck sailor, but he cooked from time to time when he had pity on the crew because their official cook was awful. Jean himself was gifted with the ability to make food that was edible.
Today's job was pretty routine. It seemed as though traitors were popping up all over Tierra and were as numerous as coneys. Strange, but traitors seemed to be captured more every time the king got the worst of a battle with Anglea. That made Jean wonder whether or not all of the traitors were actually traitors. Though it was dangerous these days to disagree with the king, Jean did, though not often aloud.
He had been sent to the hold of the ship to look for the captain to get his decision on the route to Negara and just saw the last bit of the captain trying to kiss the prisoner. He saw the prisoner's face, too, which he had not seen before because he had been working below deck when she'd come aboard. Good Gracious, are all the women traitors to their country as well? And are they to be condemned to disgrace aboard Lanon's ship? He thought in anger.
Then the captain was out of the room and back in the narrow hallway, locking the door. It was a minute before he saw his sailor standing there. "Having fun, Captain?" Jean asked acidly.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
True Justice
Terence's brow darkened. "Aeryn? Are you sure?"
"Excuse my ignorance, but when you're in the heart of a shipyard all day, you don't hear much..." Terence glanced at Shay while Adrian fumed, who was still just inside the door. With a slight exhale, he moved aside and motioned for her to pass. Turning back to his friend, he said, "Adrian, that is foolishness. You don't even know where she is! She could be anywhere."
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
True Justice
Lanon turned, a displeased expression crossing his face at seeing Jean. He forced a toothy grin though, putting a hand on his hip. "Yes, Mister Jean, I happen to be." he said, coldly. He then moved down the hall a ways, and stopped when he was closer to his sailor. "Go about your duties man!" he barked, when Jean just looked at him. He then strode away, leaving the hold.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
True Justice
"I heard it from a merchant at the shipyard." said Adrian. For a moment he looked uncertain. "He could have been wrong. He might have." Then he took off running down the street. "I'm going to the Lord Rivera's!" He shouted back to Terence as he ran.
Jean paused as his captain strode off down the corridor. He still had that message to give to him, but he was filled with such disgust that he wasn't sure he wanted to follow.
He looked at the locked door for a minute and then peered through the little barred window near the top. There was precious little light in the room since the porthole window kept plunging under the water. He knocked softly on the door to get the prisoner's attention. "Hello? Hello in there." Jean took a deep breath and leaned his face against the bars. "The captain is rotten to the core, miss. I'm sorry you had to go through that." He paused again and thought about what he was proposing to do. It was stupid and insubordinate and would likely cause him to lose his job.
Oh well. "Just know you've got a friend here. I'll do my best to protect you." He looked hard into the dark and just caught a glimpse of the prisoner's face as the ship's porthole came above the water again. Then he turned to go.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
True Justice
"He could have, and he most likely is. Don't get into any trouble or do something you'll regret later!" Terence said, his voice gaining volume as Adrian took off. He shook his head lightly and turned to see if Shay had disappeared completely.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up