War of the Overdoms: Battle at Lover's Lookout
In the tunnels
Sharp's photoreceptors enlarged as the three humans in his sights vanished. "What do you mean they're gone?" Jason asked "Sir, they disappeared" Sharp replied, unscrewing the silencer from his rifle.
"And how do you suppose that happened?" Jasson pressed, grimacing "Sir, that data has not been programed into my circuitry. "However, if you simply would of installed that next level of database last week like you PROMISED! I would of been able to deduct your information for you."
"Shut up, Sharp" Destructo said. Giving him a death glare, "I've got readings, sir. Elf about five hundred feet forward... Just one" Bang injected into the brewing fight "Form up!" Jasson said, and off they went. In the same order.
When they came upon A1 they found curled up in a ball on the ground. Once the had her saftly surrounded Joe crouched down next to her "The Overlord is going to give me a raise"
If you ain't first, you're last.
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
"No!" A1yelled, suddenly sitting up and nearly clonking Joe's chin with her head. "Mushrooms! My mushrooms! And no overlord can have them! They are MY most belovedist mushrooms!"
A1 paused, and slowly turned around, looking at each robot and both men. After a moment, she poked her right wrist again, and started poking buttons on the panels that appeared.
"My watch is missing," she suddenly announced. "It requires finding."
Avatar thanks to AITB
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lovers Lookout
((OOC: Everyone's posts are so funny! I love the part about "Bracing yourself" and the mushrooms.))
As Lady G was sending her message to Button, another explosion shook the tunnel. Then her keen hearing picked up voices -- which sounded very suddenly as if they were very close. But within moments, all went silent. Readying for battle, Lady G reached to quickly snap off her communicator (and hope that Button had gotten her message) when Button began to send a reply.
At that moment, something dark whizzed into the room, followed by something else. Even quick instincts would not have saved her; only an unprepared movement when she shifted slightly did so. Lady G only realized she was nearly shot by something when she felt the wind as it whizzed by, coming within an inch.
She wasn't able to react, for the next moment the room was gone, replaced by that odd feeling that happened when one was being beamed to a different location. Immediately she found herself lying on the floor of the entrance hall; having started to get used to the sensation, she quickly got to her feet.
Button's voice came through her communicator saying that the transfer was complete.
In the transfer she had lost her grip on Lu. She looked around for her quickly, and her eyes landed on first Lady C's dog (Pippin was the name, right?) and then Lady C herself.
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lovers Lookout
Lu gasped and looked up. She was lying on her back and Lady G was gone. She was not sure where Took was. It was too dark to see much; maybe she was nearby. However, no one was holding her at the moment. Lu scrambled up and looked around.
She was in a dark, dreary place. She could smell something...
Poison mushrooms. She smelled poison mushrooms.
"Great." Lu muttered. "I've somehow managed to get myself locked in the dungeons."
It seemed wrong to be locked in the very Tower in which she always lived.
Suddenly she remembered that Booky was upstairs still.
And Lady A is locked in prison, so...
Unfortunately for her, Lu had not locked Lady A in the prison; rather, Lady A1, her clone. But Lu did not know this.
"Booky!" she yelled, waving her arms, grateful for the security camera that was capturing her every move and sending the video up to the dark overlord of the Tower. "Booky! Booky! BOOOOOKIIIIIE! Help! I'm locked in the dungeons, and I-"
She heard a noise behind her.
"No! Mushrooms! My mushrooms! And no overlord can have them! They are MY most belovedist mushrooms!"
"Uh-oh..." Lu sighed.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
War of the Overdoms: Battle at Lovers Lookout
Random Room with Pippin in it
The main thing Lady C felt was the weight on her legs melt away. It was such a very nice feeling; not being trapped anymore. Glancing back, she half expected to see her legs pressed flat like in a cartoon, but fortunately they were not. She carefully stood up and stretched, putting her hands on her hips with her thumbs pressing into her back. Her spine creaked and popped loose all the kinks as she bent the vertebrates and she sighed. "Until you have been squashed beneath half a ton of slobbering brute you simply cannot comprehend the magnitude of the joy one feels when one is not squashed beneath half a ton of slobbering brute." She bent down and rubbed her legs with a grimace, "Thank you great-grandmother Nana for your DNA. If I had the bone strength commensurate to my size of him-" she pointed to Pippin "-then I would have so many fract-... Pippin? What are you eating?"
Pippin looked up. "Lunch!"
"You don't need lunch. It's not lunch time."
"I always need lunch!"
Lady C rolled her eyes, "Uh huh, sure. But what are you eating?"
Pippin lifted his head again, "Um, I'm not sure... I think it's supposed to be a turkey sandwich."
Lady C took a step closer, then clapped a hand over her mouth and turned slightly green, "EEEWW! Pippin! Stop eating that NOW!"
Pippin looked annoyed, "Well? What's wrong with it?"
"You don't have to shout!" grumbled Pippin, "Everyone to their own tastes, I say."
Without answering, Lady C grabbed hold of her hovering dog (who had lowered his shield to gobble the moldy sandwich) and, pinching her nose, dragged him to a commercial style sink and began to wash out his mouth.
"Hey!" splutter splutter cough "You're hurting me!" gag splutter cough sneeze "It's getting in my nose! I can't breathe! Stop!"
"If you can't breathe then you can't shout!" growled Lady C.
Pippin sneezed for a reply and submitted to the rest of the cleaning without another word.
Finally, Lady C let go of him and he backed away. She waggled a finger at him, "Be glad there's no soap here by the sink or I would so be washing your mouth out with it!"
"But I didn't say anything dirty!"
"But you have a dirty mouth nonetheless."
Pippin made a pouty face and put up his shield.
"If you have one, you may wanna turn on a ventilation system in there," commented Lady C dryly. "You just might gag yourself to death with all that closed air."
"My breath isn't that bad..." mumbled Pippin sulkily.
"Just be glad no-one can smell it with that shield on. Also be glad that I washed away all the green on your teeth."
"Ok, Ok, I'm glad."
There was a sudden boom from below Lady C's feet and the floor trembled. Pippin, of course, didn't feel it because he was floating. The sandwich tumbled off the pipe it was sitting on and splatted to the floor. Dust was shaken from the ground and rose in little puffs around the room.
Lady C stood still for a moment, then said, "I dunno if I even wanna know what that was."
The tremors rapidly began to die away and Lady C switched focus to the last thing Button had mentioned. She glanced around the room, looking for STM Rose. Except for the commercial sink, some piping (on which the rotten sandwich had been perched), a doorway to the east (through which lay the stairs) and a hallway to the west (through which lay who-knows-what), there was nothing in the room.
"Pippin..." began Lady C.
"No, I am not gagging without a ventilator system."
"That's not what I was going to say. Did you see anyone around here?"
"You saw no-one?"
"Well, I did see a big ugly monster that tried to eat me, but nobody else."
Lady C mentally listed the "big ugly monster that tried to eat me" along with the other thing that tried to eat him the first time he talked to her in the tower. It seemed that Pippin was always having something attempt to eat him. Even some humans had been known to threaten to pick their teeth with his bones. Why there was a phenomenon of creatures trying to eat Pippin was not something she could answer very clearly, though she thought maybe it was his size. It might also have been because of how badly it ticked him off.
Just then, Lady C was aware of a sudden presence in the room and at the same time Pippin gave a very small yelp of surprise with his buggy eyes trained on something a little behind and to the side of Lady C. LC snapped around and had an arrow drawn back, ready to fly- right in Lady G's face.
"Oops! Sorry Lady G," Lady C smiled sheepishly and gently let out the string. "You startled us."
"Us?" remarked Pippin with a faint smirk, "I think you mean you."
"Nice try, Pippin. At least I didn't squeal." In a lower voice, she hastily added to Lady G and Took, "He always does this to people he doesn't know very well. Just ignore his ultra snarky and vain comments and he'll stop trying to get a reaction out of you with them. Eventually." She grimaced a little, then wiped the pained expression off her face and replaced it with one of curiosity. "So... What brings you two over here?"
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
War of the Overdoms: Battle (Formerly) at Lovers Lookout
The entrance hall
Lady G jumped when Lady C turned around and pointed an arrow directly in her face. She didn't stop to think but immediately dove to the floor, nearly doing a face-plant in a pile of the flour strewn throughout the room (she remembered this now as evidence of her earlier skirmish with Lu). "What do you mean, we scared you?" she said, feeling a little foolish for her quick reflex as she got quickly up. Then she winced at her tone. "Sorry, Lady C. I'm a bit jumpy. Explosions and being shot at and everything else will do that to one. . . .Also, it seems we somehow lost our prisoner during the transfer." She glanced about quickly for Lu, but still didn't see her, and sighed.
"But anyways, I told Button I saw something really odd in this room and asked her to have somebody check it out. She said you were here but sent us over too. Apparently something may be wrong with Rose."
Lady G paused and did a double take of the room. "Apparently Rose is supposed to be here. But I still don't see anything other than. . . ." As she spoke, her eyes fell on the invisible creature still covered in flour (and looking as if it had not budged an inch since she had left who-knows-how-long-back). And then, invisible or not, the pieces finally clicked together in her head. She seized Took's arm. "Look!"
War of the Overdoms: Battle (Formerly) at Lover's Lookout
The entrance hall
Water and dust is a messy combination under any circumstance, but getting stuck in a dust storm whilst soaked to the skin is particularly uncomfortable, to say the least. Took and her dress were coated in wet dust (except for her face and most of her front, which were protected by her crouching). She was too irked by said predicament to notice when Lady G asked to be beamed out. She did, however, notice when some black darts came flying at them; after Lady G dodged hers, Took heard another dart fired, but she was transported to the entrance hall before it could find its mark. She had just spotted the oddly floating flour herself when Lady G grabbed her arm.
sig by me
But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer
War of the Overdoms: Battle (Formerly) at Lover's Lookout
The Dungeons
Lu shrieked in terror and started to run blindly. Lady A seemed...not herself. If Lu had known that this was not Lady A, but her clone, Lady A1, Lu might have done differently. However, she was startled at all that had happened, and so she took off. When she was out of the dungeon, she paused to wonder how she had gotten out of the cell.
"Woah...everything's blown up around here."
Apparently the mushrooms were causing Lady A 1 to temporarily short-circuit. But Lu didn't know that that wasn't the real Lady A. She took off running through the debris that had used to be the dungeons.
"Lady A ate the poison mushrooms! Our enemy dies!"
Lu hoped that the cameras were still working. She waved her arms frantically.
"Booky, don't you want to come rescue her? Give her one more chance to come to our side? You could use your poison purger if you think she'll seriously turn..."
Booky was apparently busy, but Lu added one last note- the ground was shaking precariously under her feet as she ran.
"Oh, and Booky...? Y' might want to set up some sort of stabilizing system-thing or something...I never should have told the enemies our Tower's weak spot."
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
War of the Overdoms: Battle at Lover's Lookout - Strike Team
In the tower, Second level, Tunnel 3
((OOC: Sorry I didn't post for a couple days. I think I'm back now. ))
The earth shook below Mountie violently, and before she knew what was happening, debris had pinned her to the ground. She had also gained a mouthful of dust. One particularly large piece of rock knocked her on her head, leaving a bump, while other smaller pieces covered the rest of her body. She broke into a coughing spasm, which wracked her whole body mercilessly. When she had recovered, she tried to remove the debris the best she could. Except for the large rock on top of her arm. It was holding her to the ground, and she couldn't help but notice the pain stabbing up her arm. Apparently, being invisible didn't stop pain. It hurt, and she couldn't remove the rock. Not to mention it hurt... a lot.
"Do we want fast or really fast?" she heard Lia ask, and Mountie sat up.
"Well... I'm not being funny, but... I'm a little stuck." She blew her hair out of her eyes. "Are you any good at lifting gigantic rocks? Namely that one there that's on top of my invisible arm?"
av by dot
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
In the Tower, Second level, Tunnel 3
((OOC: Mountie, no problem! ))
Lia surveyed the area in which Mountie was trapped under a rock. There were three rocks that could have fallen on top of her. One was rather large, round, and appeared to be heavy. She poked it, then tried to roll it off of Mountie.
Lia heard a groan as she pushed on the rock. "I'm guessing this is the right rock, boulder... thing." She gave it another push, rolling it part way off of Mountie's invisible arm. "Oof. This is heavy." She braced herself then pushed it again, rolling it until she heard it go thunk on the metal flooring of the Tower. "Better, Mountie?"
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
Running through a random hallway in the Tower
(OOC: Lia, you could have known which rock it was by looking to see which one was 'hovering' over the ground. )
Lu decided that she had no time to lose. For all she knew, Booky was up in his highest tower doing paperwork or something. Actually, he was, but not the kind that Lu was thinking of. Anyway, she had to get out of the lower level of the tower before the whole thing crumbled. She ran as fast as she could in the general direction of what she thought was the elevators. The 'elevators' turned out to be huge mounds made of rock. Lu scrambled atop one as best she could and surveyed the area.
"Booky," she murmured to herself, knowing he couldn't hear her but wishing desperately that he could. "I think I'm gonna be stuck here for quite some time..."
Debris poured through the tunnels in a dry river, clouding the air with choking dust as several columns- very important columns that held up the Tower's lower levels- fell crashing to the ground. In just moments, Lu was trapped on her rock. But that wasn't all. The 'river' was rising.
Even now, it was nipping at the ankles of her snake-skin boots...
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
((God-modding with Booky's somewhat-sorta-kinda permission.))
As Booky made the appropriate "you're-making-me-do-this-paperwork-for-the-sixteenth-TIME" noises, Lady A glanced over at the monitors.
"Mmm, Pilot?" She asked.
"Can you, like, drain the entire dungeons?"
"Oh good."
With the press of a few buttons, Pilot successfully....stopped the flow of debris.
"Tower will self repair from here out," he announced. "She'll take care of whatever's in the dungeons later."
"I still don't understand why this paper is so important to you--we've done a million of these," Booky grumped, squinting at the fine print, and then realizing he couldn't read it anyway, as it was in gibberish.
"Simple--I love paper trails. Make some sort of mark to show that you're pretending to abide by it, and then let's go down the never-ending escalator. I want to hear my theme music for today playing over the speaker system."
With that, both Overpeoples rose from their seats, and made the stately walk to to the Escalator. As soon as Lady A stepped on the escalator, one of her favorite personal themes began to play.
"By the way," Lady A said, turning to Booky, "You need to cut me a big check to not destroy your kingdom right now."
"Where was THAT specified?"
"In the fine print."
"Oh. I'll mail it to you."
"No you don't, write it out now."
((BTW, if everyone can wrap up their storylines soon, in a post that I'll put up soon-ish, all of my minions will beam back to the Castle. ))
Avatar thanks to AITB
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lovers Lookout
The entrance hall
Lady G continued to approach what she was sure now to be Rose, who was somehow invisible. She realized that Lady C and Took might not know what she meant. "Rose?" she questioned. "Is that you?"
While she waited, something else crossed her mind. She turned back to the others momentarily. "Oh, guys -- just as a by the way -- there's a trapdoor over there...somewhere..." she waved vaguely in the general direction of the trapdoor she had been pushed through. "Just nobody step on it."
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
In the Tower, heading down the Tunnel
((OOC: Lu, I could have done that, but where's the fun in that? ))
After rolling the rather largeish rock off of Mountie's invisible arm, helping Mountie up by groping around in the dark until she felt Mountie's other arm, Lia looked around. "I have a plan!" she announced happily. "Obviously, that blast came from somewhere beneath us." She pointed down the Tunnel. "So, perhaps if we go that way, down the Stairs, we can get to the bottom of all this. And rescue the prisoners to boot."
So, that being said, she pulled on Mountie's invisible arm and started off down the Tunnel and to the Stairs.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
War of the Overdoms: Battle (formerly) at Lover's Lookout
Rotten Sandwich Room and the Stairs in front of it
Lady C felt a little guilty to see Lady G jump so hard, but nodded at her explanation. When Lady G explained why they were there, she nodded and smiled.
She looked quickly at what Lady G pointed at and stared. Then she turned slowly to Pippin with an eyebrow raised. "You didn't see anything?"
"I said I didn't see anyONE! Not just anything." He looked sulky.
They both moved closer to the oddly floating cloud and examined it. Lady C walked slowly around the cloud and eyed it's shape. Indeed, it kinda looked like a person underneath the dust.
Pippin interrupted her train of thought, "What does 'paar-aal-yisis' mean?"
Without looking at him, Lady C replied, "That isn't a word."
"Is too! It says so right here!"
With a sigh, she asked, "How is it spelled?"
"Um... P. A. R. A. L. Y. S. I. S."
"It's 'paralysis'. It means to lose the ability to move, basically."
"Oh... I can see how that would be handy."
"What? Not being able to move?"
"No, this stuff."
Lady C's head snapped up, "What stuff!?"
"This stuff."
With a pounce, she was by his side and gazing down on the bag lying on it's side. Paralysis Powder. Lady C facepalmed, then jerked out her comlink. "Lady C to Button, Lady C to Button. We have a situation. We have reason to believe that Rose has been doused in Paralysis Powder. Requesting instructions on how to proceed from here."
Realization dawned on Pippin's face, "Oh, well, that would explain things."
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson