Thanks, Lu! (funny how I asked if I could call you that, then start calling myself that! Lu #1 and Lu#2, lol!)
Here are some ideas:
English School Outfit
The book describes Jill as wearing shorts, a blazer and a sweater, if I correctly recall. I'd prefer her to wear a skirt, and to be somewhat similar to what the Pevensies wore in Prince Caspian. Of course, Jill's would be neither bright red, nor have the "Sin Finbar" school badge on it. I think it should be either navy or khaki, or a combination of the two. Like, maybe she could wear a khaki skirt, white school shirt, grey knee-high socks (or khaki, what do you think?), same clunky black shoes, with a gray blazer maybe, and a navy blue suit-jacket (like Lucy and Susan's). Or something along those lines. I'm not sure if she should have a hat or not. Maybe she's supposed to wear one to be in uniform, but nobody follows uniform anyway so she ditches the hat and maybe a few other accessories. Plus, her clothes could be rather wrinkled from running and hiding from the bullies. Although, when she first goes to school, I don't think her clothes would be wrinkled, as in The Silver Chair, Jill is always seeming to complain of not being able to wash and having to sleep in one's clothing. So she should be neat, at least. And her hair should be drear, like just hanging down limply, nothing fancy done to it. In my opinion it should be about shoulder length, no bangs, straight-cut and well-brushed but rather un-fabulous.
(the other dresses will be coming soon! )
Welcome to Cair Paravel Dress
On a Mission Outfit (w/ cloak)
Horrible Harfang Dress
Peace Restored Dress
And of course, we finish the movie w/ Jill back in her original English School Outfit.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Sounds good, Lucy of Narnia!
I would like to contribute some thoughts on the school outfit...
We wanted to give Jill a bit of flair…not to be the most fashion-forward of the school, but to have a special style in her own way. Perhaps the reason she is picked on by the bullies of the school is not only because of her rather strange last name, but also because of her unusual way of dressing?
(See this locked thread)
While this supposed costume report was a fake, I do like the idea. Perhaps Experiment House, as a rather "Progressive" school, is not too strict on the uniform idea. I imagine a regulation jacket or blouse, and regulation shorts/skirt, which the students can add to out of their own closets. I would like Jill to have a couple unusual items about her - maybe an odd hat, a silk scarf, or several Indian-style bangle bracelets?
What do you all think?
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Well, I personally like the idea of added accessories, though the hat scarf and bracelets you have mentioned do not particularly sound Jill-ish to me. I always picture her of more a clean dresser, nice and simple, and very tidy. I don't picture her dressing in cool, funky clothes; I just don't picture her that way. Course, most people probably picture Polly dressing like I've said for Jill, with Jill a bit more funky/retro.
I have two thoughts about the uniform strictness:
1: The school would not keep it strict, at least not for Them. Jill and the others might be expected to have a uniform, but I'm not sure.
2: Would Jill want to stand out? It might draw attention to the bullies.
However, I wouldn't mind her wearing some gorgeous accessories that are maybe even a bit funky in Narnia and when she comes back; it would show her real self, and in England it would show that she can be herself, not some tortured little girl who has to do what some bullies tell her to.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
I liked the idea the BBC had of a very utilitarian grey - it's still wartime, but I doubt they'd use khaki. Experiment House would have them all in a very plain uniform, but allow them to express themselves in various ways - perhaps "house" colours sewn on a sleeve or a pocket. Or a House badge or status/membership badge pinned on (eg prefects)
The suggestion a few posts ago of a blazer AND a suit jacket doesn't work, because they are the same thing. ??
In my school uniform when at school we didn't have to wear the blazer, but would put it on over the cardigan if it was cold. In the school grounds we could have just the blouse & pinafore dress, or add the cardigan/v necked jersey.
I like the idea of them all wearing longer shorts/cullottes and v necked jerseys over plain shirts/blouses. Plain laced up flat black shoes. Maybe they are allowed to wear their hair in an assortment of ways.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Oops, I meant cardigan and blazer (aka suit jacket). Like Lucy wore...
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Lu, do you mean like this:
made by katherine
UPDATE: GOT IT NOW! (obviously )
Courtesy of The Wardrobe Door.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Lu, if you could change the tags in your post from
[img][/img] to [url][/url]
that would work.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Thank you so much, Meltintalle. Will do!
P.S. I plan to update the costumes soon!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Welcome to Cair Paravel Dress
The book describes this dress as being both beautiful and comfortable, so I think it should be a silk, floor-length dress with slight medieval sleeves (think Lu's coronation gown, not Arwen's dresses! or maybe between the two, but MUCH closer to Lu's!). I think she should wear some beautiful matching slippers, and have her hair slightly curled. She should maybe wear a delicate necklace, maybe w/ a bracelet or ring? She should be able to move and flow in this dress! As far as color goes, I'm thinking halfway between dusty pink + cranberry/wine red, or something along those lines.
On a Mission Outfit (w/ cloak)
In the book Jill changes back into her school clothing, and as the Narnians don't know she is going on a journey (she sneaks away in the dead of night) she would not have been given a traveling outfit. However, there is the chance that they may have supplied her closet w/ something more casual to wear the next day. So, here is my idea:
The dress should not be quite as long as the last one, perhaps. Or like Lucy's rust-red in PC, where it touches the tops of her shoes(?). The sleeves should be long-sleeved (it's an early Winter) and there should be only a slight medieval flair, if at all. The bodice should be pale blue and the dress itself should be darker blue on the outside, w/ the underskirt light gray. It should have some gold embellishing, perhaps around the sleeves and where the skirt connects to the bodice. The dress should not be velvet or silk, but maybe silk cottons and cottons. Maybe a touch of wool? Jill should wear simple but pretty shoes, similar to Lu's in PC (rust red). Jill should wear no jewelry, and her hair should be either down, and still curled slightly, or it should be pulled back like Su and Lu in LWW and Lu in PC. (The two slim braids at the top, pulled around to the back of the head.) Her cloak should be light-weight and "swishy", and should be somewhere between the color of her dress and black, like maybe a very dark blue. The fabric should be "slippery" and very light, perhaps like a poly-something or other. ( )
Horrible Harfang Dress
Peace Restored Dress
Coming soon!!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Lu, maybe the cloak could be Simplicity 2285 view b, or McCall's M6209 view d, or McCall's M4698
For the welcome dress maybe something like this:
For the traveling dress:
check out
made by katherine
I like the titles you're coming up with for the dresses, Lucy of Narnia.
This one is inspired by your description for 'On a Mission' but I wasn't reading what you wrote very carefully when I sketched it out.
Anyway, the underdress is based on what is known as the gothic fitted dress and the dress seen in Waterhouse's painting Destiny. The overdress is based on Lucy's tunic in VotDT and other Telmarine styles.
I really like that shade of blue.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Lu, I like the last option of cloak and love the two dress ideas! I like the blue w/ white sleeves for the traveling dress.
Thank you, Meltintalle.
That is so gorgeous, Meltintalle and better than I imagined! Normally I like some things of costumes but not others, but that one is so beautiful! I LOVE the colors! My mom pointed out how you even drew the folds of fabric- that is so cool! I love the embellishments and how you made the dress more Historical, basing it off of the History of Narnia!! LOVE the cloak!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Lucy of Narnia, thanks for your thoughts on my accessories idea! You make a lot of good points. Your dress descriptions are great! And you are so good at explaining what you have in mind, especially color-wise.
Personally, I'd like to see Jill wear her hair in one braid down her back for much of the adventure, though. Or at least something different from what the Pevensie girls have done.
Meltintalle, that is beautiful! I love the colors and the different lengths of the layers. And I can definitely see some Telmarine influence. Also, the big brooch fastener is neat looking.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Your welcome, Adeona! It is fun to work out what Jill might wear!
Thank you for the nice compliments!
Braid down the back, sounds interesting! I'm not quite decided if I like it yet...50% Neat!! and 50% 'is-that-Narnian-enough-for-my-taste?' Of course Jill will only have Puddleglum to do her hair for her ( ) so maybe she would wear simple British styles. I say! that's a thought; add a touch of England to Jill's outfits or hair so that she has her own, uniquie style, not just a Su + Lu copy-cat! Ok, I've decided that I love it! But what if her hair is not long enough? I've been picturing Jill's hair as Metintalle drew it up...??
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!