Thank you for the link!
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
You're welcome!
made by katherine
This one is really an amazing combination.. I really like this..
The just king,
You totally should! I think that kind of costume would be unique and interesting esp for halloween.
I'm a Narnia freak
Thank you! Unfortunately, I am dealing with a lack of budget.
Hopefully one day soon....
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
Last year I randomly had the urge to cosplay Lilliandil with a dress that I've sewn already for another costume and a wig that I used for my Lady Amalthea cosplay, but I thought it would fit to her. By that time, not many screenshots of Laura Brent have been published, so I used a very pretty drawning that I found on Google as reference.
Anyhow this is my very spontanous result: ... 7273&qo=39 ... 7273&qo=38
And a little joke because I just had to ... 4#/d2tx9t5
But yeah, it was just random and spontanous. I am atm starting to sew Susan's farewell dress and hope it works out as I hope it will
"But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake; it is never finished."
I sewed my sister the dress Lucy wears at the end of Prince Caspian, when they leave Narnia (I wasn't going for an exact copy, just something similar):
Lucy costume
costume with cape (the cape is actually taken from the coronation scene in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
avatar and signature by me
my graphics:
I finally was able to start with my Susan Farewell dress last Saturday after problems with finding the right blue fabric. Because I did not find any, I decided to draw the pattern on it myself once I have done all the sewing. It WILL be a task and I have no idea where my mind was as I decided to do so, but, I know that at least then I will have an accurate pattern that looks as the original does! Sometimes I hate being such a perfectionist. But, I have already tried it out on a piece of fabric and it looks good.
So, anyway, this is how far I came with the sewing already I am very, very proud of my work, I did not think I would make it when I started it, but I really like how it turned out. What I still have to do is to add the neckline to the underdress, finish the golden trim on the sleeves. For the underdress, I have to add the interfacing and work a bit on the form so it does not have these stupid wrinkles on my waist, I have to shorten both dresses and add the seam and I have to put the trim on it as well. And then.. going for the painting part.
Any way I hope you guys like how it turned out so far.
"But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake; it is never finished."
That's BEAUTIFUL Little Lion Tamer! You really got it right!
made by katherine
Making off Part 2!
Basically I am nearly finished so far and I am very, VERY proud that I made it. There are still some things that I don't like the way they are, but I am trying to fix them today. I still have to put on the trim on the sleeves, but since I am doing that by hand I don't need to rush. I have sewed everything that needed to be done by sewing machine and can take the dress now to Ireland (where I don't have a sewing machine) and do the hand sewing there And, of course, paint the pattern on the fabric. I need to work a bit on the wing of the neckline, but so far so good, I am VERY happy with the outturn. I have to mention that, therefor I am not a professional tailor and never truly learned to sew professional, I can be proud of my work
I hope you like the result!
"But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake; it is never finished."
You've done a lovely job, LittleLionTamer! It looks like the movie costume even without the detailing that you plan on adding.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Phew, now that the Con is over and I am back home in Germany I have finally found some time to sort through the pictures I took that weekend. And I am also able to present the dress in it's (almost) finished version!
What is still missing are the brown details on the flowers but I had no time left and I will do that now sometime soon. I also am not TOO fond of the underdress but I do love the puffy sleeves and with some time I'll work on it too! Now, all in one, I am really really proud of my work and really curious to see what you guys think =)
"But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake; it is never finished."
I liked it before, but this is fantastic! You've done an absolutely wonderful job painting the fabric!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*gasps* that is unbelievable! I love it! you did a very good job with the whole dress, and the flowers are great
avatar and signature by me
my graphics:
Milana, your Lucy costume is really sweet! You did a really good job putting it together, and the fabric you choose is quite accurate in color and print! Thanks for posting the pictures!
LittleLionTamer, your Lilliandil costume is very pretty! You captured the feel of the movie costume well.
The Farewell dress is absolutely amazing!
It looks very like the original costume. Beautiful, stunning job! You have some great sewing skills, I would say.
That inspires me to work on getting my little Lucy tunic a little closer to the movie version...
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau