Call of Duty- I have played either Call of Duty or Call of Duty 2 on the PC, not sure which one. And a little bit of CoD 2 online for my brother (during his Snickers-and-milk breaks). I have played CoD: Big Red One and CoD 3 on the PS2. Big Red One is the best of the Call of Duty games, IMHO.
Those were fun games. I want to say it was COD 1, but one of the games had 3 distinct story arcs. There was one in which you were playing an airborne paratrooper in the 82nd, the 2nd was a British story arc, and the 3rd was in the Soviet theater. That Soviet one's intro was very intense. You start off your missions on a troop barge headed across the river into Stalingrad (I think it was Stalingrad, can't remember) and Stuka dive bombers are flying over you and blowing all the other barges up. To make matters worse you don't even have a weapon and the Commisar running the thing tells you you'll get one as soon as one of the other Soviet troops dies. Even more warped is that you end up taking intense fire from the Germans (bear in mind you still have no weapon), and if you try to retreat the Commisar will start to shoot at you. Reminds me of that old 80's song..."Don't turn around....the Commisar's in town"
I hate the Battle of the Bulge map, I never win on it.
That is a very tough map. The Germans are swarming at you from every direction, they have better tanks and a more powerful starting position, and the US just doesn't have the numbers to hold them back. I like to grab a sniper rifle and hole up in the windmill when I can. You'd be surprised how much damage you can do just by hopping in a jeep and running over enemy soldiers. The key there is that the US has one really good tank over on the right side of the map in its own little bivouac, and if you get that you can take out a ton of enemy soldiers and even a few Panzers provided you keep reasonably good cover. Of course the CPU soldiers you're allied with never seem to capitalize on this (they're really only good at running around and dying) so at best you'll be able to nail maybe 10-15 troops and up to 3 tanks before you have to bail. Still, very fun map. I still think Wake Island is the best map though.
All this talk of BF1942 is making me give serious thought to loading the old girl up and having another go of it. I've been working through Starcraft (for the umpteenth time) and I might just put it aside when I get home.
My computer can only run Bioshock on medium system requirements.
You're preaching to the choir, friend. But who has $2,000 to plop down on a tricked out Alienware PC anymore? My wife would have a coronary when she got the bill.
I remember Mike Tyson's Punch Out (currently known as Punch Out featuring Mr Dream).
A Classic among Classics from the golden age of the original NES! I'm rather embarrassed to admit this, but my very first time playing (waaaaay back in 1986 at the tender age of 14) Glass Joe TKO'd me. There, I said it. You've probably never seen Glass Joe do his little victory dance, but I have . Eventually I was able to make it to Mike Tyson himself, but man, that was work! I made it about 1:30 into the match before he punched me through the wall of the stadium.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Ha ha, TKO'd by Glass Joe. Over all you did better than me though because I couldn't get past the guy just before Mike Tyson.
Sig by greenleaf23.
I love playing the PS3, me and my sister are currently working on getting all of the medals for Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen, and then moving on to try and get all the medals on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, can't wait for another game to come out on PS3! Also has anyone played Battle of Giants: Dragons, for DS, I'm thinking of getting it?
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I have played many super mario games but if thats for the super nintendo i probalay haven't played it. I love yoshi. You say it like yo she and i say it yoosh e. Probalay just accents.
Yeah it's pretty old. I like Yoshi too, but I always called him 'Yah she' until someone told me it was 'Yo she' lol. The only other one I really played was Super Mario 64.
On Mike Tyson's Punch Out, I've also gotten just as far as Super Macho Man (the one right before Mike Tyson). I've been trying from time to time to get past him, but I haven't done it yet.
I now have three favorite Mario games: SM3 (for NES), SM64 (for N64), and SMGalaxy (Wii). Anyone played the SM64 remake for the DS? You get to play as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi, as well as having 150 stars to collect instead of just 120. On the 2nd Quest of SMGalaxy, I am one star away from getting all 120 and that is on my agenda when I get of the net in a few minutes.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
FencerforJesus, did you get it?
Yep, and I discovered that there is a secret level after beating the 2nd Quest and beat that too. The secret level is a just for fun, "Party" level, but I've gotten all 121 stars on both quests. Now I need to decide what game I will play next, if I have time between my two major projects, Thanksgiving, and everything else in the next three weeks before Finals. I'll likely go through one of my Zelda games or Final Fantasy, but I haven't decided yet.
I might just wait until Zelda: Spirit Tracks comes out during Finals week (Dec 7, I believe is the date). It's for the DS and it will come in handy for my trip to Colorado right before Christmas and my trip to St. Louis for Urbana 09 right after Christmas.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Well, I loaded up Battlefield 1942. It took only about 5 min. to install *winks at Shadowlander*. I think that I will have some fun with it because I haven't played it in awhile: it's new and fresh again. However, I have a glitch. Battle of Britten map didn't install as well as some of the weapons (i.e. the Russian weapons). So, I play the Berlin map with Russian solders but American guns. LOL! Has anyone had a problem like this? Do you know of a patch to fix it?
Sig by greenleaf23.
Wow, that seems quite a bit off, recommendation is to either find the game developer's website and download the latest patch, or conversely you could always do it at That's where I went within 2 minutes of completing the installation. Got the patch, downloaded it in another 2-3 minutes (the site does make you install an addon, some goofy "download center"" that you'll never use more than 3-4 times a year), and within a few minutes I was on Wake Island in my shore battery hammering away at a Japanese cruiser. *snorts*
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Oh, thanks Shadowlander. that gives me a place to start. *
Sig by greenleaf23.
i just got Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings for PSP. it's really fun, but i beat it in three days, it was still a good game though. i also really like Medal of Honor: Heroes, if you play on skermish you can just keep playing it, the maps are really good.
avie/sig by me
"The last enemy to be defeated is death." -1 Corinthians 15:26!/voldythemoldy1
I want to know if there’s any other cool Easter egg or glitches in any other newer games…
Ok I found the Easter egg on Assassin’s Creed 2 where you can us a violin as a weapon. look at my SIG
[this is a edit] sorry to evers above me i made a topic and i did not know if there was a video game topic. PS so sorry
Ok I found the Easter egg on Assassin’s Creed 2 where you can us a violin as a weapon. look at my SIG
You lucky duck, I'd love to play that game but it wouldn't work on my pc.
Siege of Mirkwood (LOTRO) is amazing. I haven't been able to play it as much as I'd like cause of being busy though. So I'm only level 61 almost 62 so far. The skirmishes are awesome!
I am back on Zelda. This time it's Twilight Princess, a game I actually haven't played through in about a year and a half. So far it's the best one in the series and the game play is simply spectacular. I love the soundtrack and the boss battles never get old.
But between now and next weekend (a week from now) I need to get a new game: Zelda Spirit Tracks for DS. The reason I need to get it quickly is because I leave then for two weeks of traveling (to Colorado for family, then to St. Louis for Urbana) and it will make the travel more enjoyable (since I will be in a car or bus instead of flying).
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
Assassin's Creed 2 looks amazing. I've heard it improves greatly on the original. Pity my computer can't even play the original.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11