NarnianMonkey: nope. Just a regular Wii, a PS3 and a PS4.
Has anyone here played Undertale? I finished it the other day. It's ... well, it's very interesting. I'm still trying to fit my thoughts on it into words.
Side question, does anyone else here watch Let's Players?
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! I watch some let's players!
Mind you, there are certain, specific ones that I tend to watch more than others, but I do watch them nonetheless.
They can sometimes be pretty good at telling whether or not a game is something you will like, actually, though they probably shouldn't be your only source of info on that if you can get any other info elsewhere, and they probably shouldn't be your source of info on games that are rather story-heavy if you care about spoilers (and, in the event the game is basically ALL story, spoiling the point of the game itself). And that's just reason #1 for watching them!
Reason #2 is that they can sometimes be fun/funny to watch. Reason #3 is that they can sometimes pull off impressive stunts that are really fun to watch. There are, of course, a zillion other reasons I could mention, but I'd rather not make this post any longer than it already is. XD
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
I finished replaying Portal last night... "Still Alive" is still rockin'. I had forgotten how to solve all of the puzzles, but the techniques that I learned from it and its sequel must've stuck because I got through the game pretty quickly.
I'm looking forward to replaying Portal 2 (and revisiting its characters ), but I was hoping to thoroughly discombobulate the puzzle-solving regions of my brain first... on that note, has anyone played the community-made mod Portal Stories: Mel? I've heard that the puzzles are challenging, but I don't want them to be so hard that Portal 2 seems easy by comparison.
I haven't played Portal Stories: Mel, but I have played Portal 2. From my experience, Portal 2 is a lot easier on a second run through it, even if it has been a while since you've last solved the puzzles, and while Portal Stories: Mel may re-familiarize you with the mechanics, you'll probably find Portal 2 to be a bit on the easy side whether or not you play Portal Stories: Mel first.
Of course, as someone who hasn't played Portal Stories: Mel, I could be wrong, but that's just what I'm guessing.
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
^Thanks for your thoughts, Monkey! I think I've decided on just going ahead with Portal 2 next and trying Portal Stories: Mel sometime later on, since I remembered that the sequel introduces a few Aperture Science innovations that aren't in the first game and it would be better if I went into playing Portal 2 still "rusty" with using those.
I'm looking forward to catching up with Wheatley, GLaDOS, Cave Johnson and Caroline soon.
Mmmm... Portal. My husband and I had been working through the two player Portal 2 campaign a few years ago when my son's early arrival put it on hold. I do rather miss that game, it was a lot of fun.
I never jumped on the Pokemon Go! bandwagon. The last thing I needed was a way to get myself killed while driving around trying to catch a pokemon LOL.
But I just saw that Nintendo is releasing Super Mario Run for apple products in December and for Android in the future. I'll have to wait for the Android release, but I have had multiple conversations with my husband as to why on earth these big gaming companies don't take advantage of the app plantforms. ...and now they are. I'll have to snag myself some Super Mario when it comes out.
Yeah, Super Mario Run looks rather promising, but I will also have to wait on the Android release.
As for Pokemon Go, I also haven't played it yet, but that's less because of concerns of playing while driving (you can't even play the game properly while driving at proper driving speeds, from my understanding, since it detects when you go above 15MPH), and more because I have an Android tablet rather than an Android phone, and it's not exactly compatible with it. XD
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
I have a Wii U, and I enjoy it. Now they've got the Switch coming out soon, and it looks pretty interesting. I may get that when it comes out.
I'm currently playing a lot of Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Does anyone play Stardew Valley? I'm obsessed with it! I started a few months ago but I tried doing too much too quickly, I got burntout and stopped playing.
Now I started a new farm and I'm just playing it slowly, taking my time, not rushing. I'm in Spring, Year 2.
I only have a laptop so I can't play more intense games. I'm super sad that my little laptop can't handle Overwatch. I love watching other people play it on Twitch and I just want a chance to play it too someday.
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
- Dr. Seuss
My niece sat in line for 8 hours last night and got herself a Switch and Breath of the Wild. I'm a little jealous, especially since I'm sick today and you can only look at FB so many times before going crazy. Playing Zelda would have been a nice break.
Anybody else getting one? We will eventually I'm sure, but we won't be sitting in line for 8 hours. (We did wait an hour for the Wii when it came out, sooooo... I can't say much
I managed to get a Nintendo Switch on day 1 as a few-days-late birthday gift, though it's technically more of a gift for the entire family for obvious reasons ($300 is not cheap).
I also got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as an again-somewhat-late birthday gift. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is pretty great from what I've played so far, BTW, it's pretty open-ended with several options for going about most things.
Hopefully you can manage to get your hands on a Nintendo Switch soon! (P.S. My dad didn't have to sit in line that long as far as I know, so I guess we got a bit lucky there.)
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
I took my friend to pick up his pre-ordered copy of BTW for Wii U... thankfully they were sold out of copies or I would have bought one! I'm actually currently replaying Zelda: Wind Waker HD on my Wii U, so I really don't need to spend the money on another Zelda game till I finally beat Wind Waker. I do look forward to getting it in the future though. When I asked the guy at the store when they'd get new copies... he said APRIL 15TH!!!!!
Cool Monkey! Yeah, with two kids and a third on the way I just don't have the time to play video games anymore. At least not open world games that can take hours and hours to complete... and if you just burn through the dungeons, where's the fun in that? We'll get it eventually, but no rush.
Sonny, I LOVE Wind Waker. It's the only game in relatively recent history that I played from start to finish. Most of the time I get bored or interrupted and stop in the middle. You say you're replaying it, did you beat it the time before? Or did you not quite finish?
Well, to be fair, even if you were to try to burn your way through the dungeons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game actually puts up a pretty good fight back against you. It might just be the hardest game in the entire The Legend of Zelda series. However, as someone who's played their fair share of Mega Man games (a series of games notorious for its difficulty), I've mostly been able to manage it so far.
Also, if you really want to, this game supposedly lets you run right to the final boss really, really early on, so you only really have to do the dungeons that you want to do this time around from the sounds of things.
...though that being said the game is still incredibly long, and I can still understand it if you don't really have time for a long game like that.
...speaking of shorter games, I also ordered a copy of Super Bomberman R, which I expect to be a blast as a local multiplayer game. (Pun totally intended.)
P.S. I actually haven't played The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD. Maybe one day I'll be able to change that.
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
You say you're replaying it, did you beat it the time before? Or did you not quite finish?
I got all the way to the final battles and couldn't beat one, so when I came back to it a couple years later I decided to restart from the beginning.
P.S. I actually haven't played The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD. Maybe one day I'll be able to change that.
Well I do recommend it! I love the toon graphics.
My favorite Zelda game is Skyward Sword, though that could be a nostalgia factor because it's the first Zelda game I ever played!