Our old server that my husband still plays on, is Daggerspine. On the rare occasion I play, I'm on Drenden. It's a non-pvp server cause I only have so much time, I don't want to deal with gankage.
It's a non-pvp server cause I only have so much time, I don't want to deal with gankage.
FK. I know how you feel, though. I've never been a big fan of PvP games even when I have the time to deal with them.
My mom-in-law gave me the second Kingdom Hearts HD collection for Christmas this year, so I'm eager to get started on that. First I need to at least finish the first playthrough of the games on the first collection, which I bought last year with Christmas money. I'm almost to the end of the first game in that collection, with just optional bosses and final crafting runs left before the final world. I've started the second game in the collection and am about 1/4 of the way in. I haven't played much lately because I sometimes have trouble balancing video game time when I get started on it. I think I'm learning the balance now, though, so maybe I can make some progress.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Who here dabbles in MOBAs? I got into Infinite Crisis for a while now. Took me a while to get used to the genre, but I'm becoming quite good if I do say so myself. Great starter MOBA for anyone interested, as it does a good job of teaching you the ropes since the big update a couple months ago.
In other gaming news, Wolfy and I are still going strong in LOTRO, and started playing DC Universe online a couple of months ago. I was also the lucky recipient of a WiiU this Christmas, so I will definitely be checking out a few games there. Can't wait to pick up Smash.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Now that I finally have the laptop I have been wanting forever, I am starting to build my PC game library. I have Rainbow Six: Vegas and Vegas 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, H.A.W.X., Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and now Half Life 2 (thanks to SL!).
I have played through Conviction and started Vegas 2. I had a blast playing Conviction, but it was a little strange to not be playing co-op.
I need to download COD:MW3 and Half Life 2, so I can play them next.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I need to at least finish the first playthrough of the games on the first collection, which I bought last year with Christmas money. I'm almost to the end of the first game in that collection, with just optional bosses and final crafting runs left before the final world. I've started the second game in the collection and am about 1/4 of the way in.
I have finished my complete playthrough of Kingdom Hearts I. I may not go back and do my other playthroughs for a while since I incorrectly assumed I needed to "Platinum" the game (by unlocking all the trophies on PS3) to get the shiny PS3 theme unlocked. I just had to complete the game. I'll definitely be replaying that one, though. It was very much the fun game I had always anticipated.
I'm much closer to done on my first playthrough of KH: Re: Chain of Memories, which is the PS3 HD remake of the PS2 release of the GameBoy Advance installment in the franchise. (Try saying that 3 times fast.) It took me a while to get used to the different dynamic of the game with the card-based attack system, but I've enjoyed it more than a lot of the series' fans out there. I'm on level 11 (I think?) of 13, so once I start playing again I'll probably finish up that run within a few days. Then I'll either play the second half of the game (it's designed to play through each of two characters' stories) or jump into the second KH collection. I've also got No Ni Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch to finish. (No, it's not THAT white witch, but it is a fun game.) I'm still pretty early on in that game.
A friend of mine also lent me Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, which I've only just begun. I made it somewhere into the first dungeon after borrowing it, and then got sidetracked by finishing up my KH I playthrough.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
If I can get my mitts on an extra copy of any of the WW2 Call of Duty games you better believe we'll be playing head to head on that, SA. Me and my trusty Garand will make mincemeat out of my foes! MWahahahaha!
Oh, sorry, had a moment there. *ahem*
I finished off Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and am almost done with KotOR 2. They're both excellent games, although #2 was initially released buggy and unfinished. I ended up downloading a patch to implement all the cut material so it pads out to a longer length of game and it's a much better game for the readded material! Once those are done....back to Civ IV. It's digital heroin.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
If I can get my mitts on an extra copy of any of the WW2 Call of Duty games you better believe we'll be playing head to head on that, SA. Me and my trusty Garand will make mincemeat out of my foes! MWahahahaha!
Oh, sorry, had a moment there. *ahem*
Definitely. You just thinking you are going to make mincemeat, SL. It might turnout to be the other way around.
Don't say sorry when you don't mean it.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I've been meaning to pop back in here, now that i've finished Watch_Dogs for the PS3.
A hit-and-miss game for me in a couple ways, though it kept me engaged enough that i focused on it to the exclusion of the Internet and the Sims .
It was adequate, story-wise, though it didn't cover anything that hadn't already been touched on by other stories of revenge-driven vigilantes. Still, it felt like it managed to make the story "big enough" without making it unbelievably complex.
I've seen people say the side characters were more interesting than Aiden, the main character, and that's a fair assessment. Some of them irritated me by doing things that didn't make sense, and one died a pointless death, but i liked most of the interactions between Aiden and his sister.
The most frustrating part was Aiden's inability to hold still while behind cover -- try and aim the gun, and he would move instead. Mostly staying behind cover, but it got really annoying when i wanted to shoot something.
One element i really liked about it, though, was the amount of side content available. None of it is necessary to the main plot, and almost all of it can be done before, during, and after the main plot -- no worries about passing some threshold whereupon everything previous becomes inaccessible. It's also more varied than the side quests in, say, Skyrim or Mass Effect: some are hack-into-this-building, some are car races, you can play chess, track down a serial killer, or play some truly bizarre mini-games completely unrelated to the story.
Content-wise, the violence isn't too horrible (i don't think), but uh, i would advise not watching too many of the videos you can see by hacking into the city servers. Or anywhere else, for that matter. Really unnecessary.
I could go on in a disconnected ramble about the other elements of the game, but i think i've hit the high points. This is why i don't post too often. Organizing my thoughts is hard.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
After gets stuck on Half Life 2 for a while, my brother helped me get out of Ravenholm and over the last few weeks I have made steady progress on the game. And while I would rather be playing Call of Duty or Medal of Honor, I have enjoyed Half Life 2. I am working on finishing Half Life 2, so I can start Bad Company 2 or maybe COD 4.
Have you gotten any of the WWII Call of Duty games yet, SL? I have them all and a couple of other friends would love to play, so anytime now.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I have some for my XBox 360 but sadly none for the PC. *However* I can foresee downloading one or two if it finally means a multiplayer game. I'm quite rusty though, so take it easy on the old man.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
:)) I have some for my XBox 360 but sadly none for the PC. *However* I can foresee downloading one or two if it finally means a multiplayer game. I'm quite rusty though, so take it easy on the old man.
I can try, but I can't promise anything. In spite of my granddad always telling me it's just a game (usually referring to cards and board games) and whether it's good or bad to have this character trait - I did inherited the family gene of playing to win at everything.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I finally beat Half Life 2!!!
And now it's on to Bad Company 2!
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
I salute you, ma'am!
*SnowAngel is now HARDCORE Achievement* 500 pts.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I salute you, ma'am!
*SnowAngel is now HARDCORE Achievement* 500 pts.
Thanks, old man!
Well, now I have gotten myself stuck in Bad Company 2, I think I might have to ask my brother for help (that means to play this part for me). Very irritating, I don't like asking for help.
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj" alt="https://64.media.tumblr.com/cad383e6153bd9fbdea428ea613b59c6/de1aa59cff43c34c-c7/s400x600/befa2bd462cce1583eba6d9c30ff63a68ddc94f7.pnj">
Christ is King.
Looks like nobody's been posting in this thread recently...
So, anybody else here own a Wii U, by any chance?
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin.
...is the member chat broken, or is that just me...?