Country for sure!
The country is just so amazing!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Urban for sure, i don't like in a big city but it is still a city and i at least want to move to Perth when i am older if not Brisbane.
For the first ten years of my life my family lived in the outskirts of a big city. But then we got tired of the never-ending noise so we moved to a small town. It is very nice and peacful here, and we have a park near by. I like it more in the country. It's peacful and quiet. In the city there is constant noise, cars beeping, trains driving, people yelling. I personally think that the country is much nicer
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
De_De, you don't have people who yell in the country?
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Doctor Who - Season 11
I would have to say I prefer the city.
However, in reality, I very much prefer the suburbs. The city is fine due to all the cultural opportunities. But I do not feel comfortable in inner city areas "ducks". I like the suburbs very much.
Nope Warrior 4 Jesus belive it or not. The only time we have people yelling is on holidays
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I'm a country girl. I live two miles outside of a town of 4,000 people and I like it. My family owns 5 acres and the land on three sides of us (the fourth side is ocean) is owned by the Corporation (the Alaska native indian corporation) and if you buy a pass, you can go on their land. It's just wild tundra and mountains and is awesome!!! You can hike for hours and hours and miles and miles. I'm actually going out to pick wild blueberries there in half an hour.
I grew up in this small town and it's the kind of town where you can leave your kids in the car with the engine running when you run into the store or the post office. The kind of town where you can drop your kids off at the community center and not worry about a stranger walking off with them because the front desk people know who the kids are and who their parents are. The kind of town where only about 20% of the roads are paved and the rest are dirt. A town with no stoplights and every other person in a car waves at you. I think I could live in the city if I had to but I don't really want to. I do like going to the city every once in a while and just walking around the streets.
I've always thought it would be kind of fun to live in an apartment in a sky scraper, one with huge glass windows.
My friend and I went to this guy's apartment, right on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, overlooking downtown and all the bridges, at sunset. And it was amazing. I can't imagine dragging all of your furniture up 30+ floors though....
avy by narniagirl90
My friend and I went to this guy's apartment, right on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, overlooking downtown and all the bridges, at sunset. And it was amazing. I can't imagine dragging all of your furniture up 30+ floors though....
Wow! That does sound fantastic, but you do have a good point about furniture and being on a higher floor. I dislike elevators, so to even having to climb up down those stairs with no furniture would, indeed, be rather tedious after a while.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Country all the way! I love trees & mountains, & other nature things.
God's creation is gorgeous!
avatar by Flambeau!
I'm from the town that narnian_at_heart lives outside of, and I love living here. If there were more opportunities here, I could easily spend the rest of my life here. I get lost too easily in cities.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
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avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
*hearts this thread* I really enjoyed reading everyone's preferences!
I've lived in the country on 20 acres ever since I was 7. Before then, I'd lived in the very furthest-out-suburbs of Chicago. At this point, my ideal is a small major city. I'm not at all sure that I'd actually enjoy living in the city, but I've enjoyed my experiences with city life. As Fanny and Val and a few others have touched on, I love being part of the big circle. I just love observing people, and always enjoy being in an airport or any other busy place where I can watch people.
Living out here in the middle of no-where is very lovely, but it can get kind of lonely and boring. My home-away-from-home is one of the nicer suburbs in Chicago where my grandparents live, and we spend some time there every year; it's always fun.
*is totally in the urban* With all sorts of people coming onto our efficient, urban trains "yo! yo!" people and the latte people.
But my heart belongs to the country! Well, when I go to the city-city, that's when I really feel like a part of it all and love downtown to the core. Otherwise, I'd really just love to be in the country. Or a little suburb, like Dennie said, would please me equally. Both have their pros for me, and it's not like I detest living in the city, because it does have its benefits, but since I've never lived in the country or for long in the suburbs, they both hold alot of charm for me.
I do like the city in the sense you can wander about aimlessly with no one knowing you, but still be part of the city. Reminds me of the Christmas song "Silver Bells." Christmas... that's the time I adore the city, but I can see the country/rural having delightful Christmas-time specialties that parallel city-life.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I've pretty much grown up in the suburbs, so that's my preference. My mom is a small-town girl and wants to live pretty rural; for her sake, i hope she and Dad find a house like that, but for mine i hope i'm out of the house by then.
Living in a big city - well, i might manage it if i lived with someone, but on my own i would find it too scary. The country - i would hate how long it would take me to get anywhere, and i wouldn't like the feeling of isolation. (This from an introvert who has trouble talking with people even over the Internet, and generally doesn't like leaving her house even for walks or going to the store. Go figure.)
I didn't realize how much i like suburban living until we moved to our current house. This is more like what i grew up with than where we used to live (small town).
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
I live in the Twin City area, so basically I'm more of a city person.
I like the area, but I'd much rather live in a place like Boulder, Colorado... still a city, but smaller and close to the mountains (skiing in winter + hiking in summer = perfect! ).
I could never live waaaay out in the country, I'd feel too isolated. I only like being way out someplace if I'm camping or hiking, not for living. And it helps if there are mountains.