This is a lovely thread! I'm smiling just reading through everyone's lists.
Things that turn a bad day into good, or a good day into great...
1. Big hugs
2. A little person in your lap
3. The smell of rain
4. A book (either new and exciting, or old and well-loved)
5. A smile from a stranger
6. Unexpected affirmation from someone you care about
7. Peach milkshakes
8. Laughing until you cry
9. A sudden idea for a story
10. Moments when God amazes me with His majesty (even in something as small as a butterfly )
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
seeing pictures of my nephew, Evan!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
-Getting an email from a friend; an email where they are happy.
-Talking on the phone with one of my friends, or maybe my Grandma.
-Birds singing.
-Coming up with a cool composition on the piano.
-Making progress on some project or work...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
My kids getting good grades in school!
When my son doesnt have a major tantrum all day!
When my kids clean up the room!
"We have nothing if not belief"
What a wonderful thread! Everyone's lists make me smile. And I believe many of those things make my day as well.
Hmm... I've thought this over for a few days now. And some of the things that make my day are:
-Someone loving my graphics! It's so cool when someone notices how hard I've worked. (it's especially thrilling when it comes from someone who makes amazing graphics. I always go "They are sooo much better than me, but love MY work? Wow..." )
-Getting to spend time with the people I love. (especially the ones I don't get to see very often!)
-Getting an email, pm, text, phone call, or message on my facebook wall. It means an awful lot, especially on a bad day.
-Drawing something which turned out great, instead of having to think "I coulda done SO much better..."
-Performing on stage. (either in a show, or concert)
-Watching people I love, get to perform on stage!
-Listening to, singing along with, or getting to watch Les Mis!!
-Handwritten letters or postcards!! I rarely get these anymore, so when I do it's extra special.
-Vacation Bible School (VBS for this year is fast approaching, and I can't wait! and get this, it's theme for this year makes me think of VDT! WOOT!)
-Learning more information about my characters. And actually getting more stuff written down!
Those are just a few of the things that make my day, or week, or month.
If I had to sit down and list EVERYTHING... we'd be here for hours.
-My father making dinner. My sister is a good cook, but when Daddy cooks it is like hearing Shadowlander and Gandalfs Beard talk about food, only I can actually eat it.
-Getting convicted about some sin in my life. I tend to be blind to my sin issues, though I know I always have them, so it is wonderful when God opens my eyes to some.
-Receiving a personal email or a comment on my blog.
-Getting a PM on here, TLC, or the Rebelution.
-My little sister coming up to me and hugging me for no apparent reason.
-Talking to my brother on the phone. I've only seen him twice in the past six months, and only get to talk to him about once a month(he calls about once a week, but there are a lot of us who want to talk to him), so that is really special.
-Writing a really profound post on my blog.
-Writing another chapter of my NaNovel.
-Winning a writing contest. I did that for the first time last week and it was terrific.
-One of the other girls sharing something really personal in my Sunday School.
-Eating something other than oatmeal for breakfast.
-Daddy taking me on a date.
-Watching a movie at the theatre.
-Something funny happening, like hugging my sister while she cries on my shoulder while I calmly brush my teeth over her head.
-Spending time playing with one of my little brothers.
-My baby brother refusing to be held by any except me (though that does hinder my work sometimes because he does it so much.)
-Seeing someone I know at a random event.
-Attending a play or musical.
-Seeing a new flower has opened.
-Having company over.
-Getting a letter in the mail.
-Having time to read for a little while.
-Holding a sleeping baby.
-Inventing a new hairstyle.
-Having a clean house.
-Anyone who doesn't usually talk about me saying my name on the forum or their blog.
-One of my brothers cheerfully doing the work I assign him.
-Playing with my mother's hair.
-Going to almost any event.
-Being with other people who firmly believe in the power of and the importance of prayer.
-My internet working.
-Spending time with Mommy.
-Finding out that someone I know online lives near me.
-Spending some serious time with God.
-Attending my church.
-Visiting friends.
-Attending a wedding or funeral.
-Campaigning for a political candidate.
And so many more things!
I left Narniaweb for inexplicable reasons in the beginning of June 2010 and probably will not be returning (much as I love this place). So if you're wondering why I disappeared, now you know! (sort of...)
Coffee in the morning.
My husband's calls during lunch break.
My husband, period.
Cozying up with a book out on my apartment's balcony.
Spending time with my PS3.
My psychotic and adorable parrotlet, Sokka.
New movie trailers.
Church on the beach.
Madcap theological discussions.
Madcap geeky discussions.
Chocolate malts.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
the new VotDT poster!!!!! that was the best thing I have seen all day! all week even!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
My psychotic and adorable parrotlet, Sokka.
Would he happen to be named after Sokka from Avatar?
Finding out that somebody (who you wouldn't expect to) likes a favorite band/artist of yours. Actually, that can make more than my day sometimes. It can create a new friendship.
PMs from random people on youtube saying that my video(s) or the descriptions I write with them have given them hope/caused them to think differently about their lives/caused them to look into a particular verse I posted/made them want to pick up their instrument again/comforted them/helped them fall asleep/anything really, because those are the types of things that make me want to keep posting videos.
The feeling when you are finally completed with a homework assignment/project.
Finding out that somebody (who you wouldn't expect to) likes a favorite band/artist of yours. Actually, that can make more than my day sometimes. It can create a new friendship.
lol ditto
the new VotDT poster!!!!! that was the best thing I have seen all day! all week even!
HUGE ditto!
-getting to see a good friend after they've been gone a while
-mint chocolate chip ice cream
-getting a new CD/book
-finding a great new book series/band
Giving to someone in need and the smile they give you when no one else would...
"We have nothing if not belief"
- When I get to tell someone about God
- An email from a friend
- A sunny day
- Babies!!!!!
- New friends
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
This is a great thread!
My favourites:
- Discussing books with my little brother. (Usually it's talking about how awesome The Queen's Thief books are, but even when we're [loudly] arguing Percy Jackson vs Artemis Fowl, it's still fun. )
- Getting a message of any kind of Facebook, LJ, YouTube, FanFiction, here on NW... etc.
- Listening to a Switchfoot album all the way through. They're not my favourite band or anything (that would be Relient K) but they just make me really happy.
- Finding out Relient K's making a new album. (That actually happens fairly often. )
- Louis Armstrong and old-school jazz like that.
- Watching old movies/musicals with my mom. High Society and My Fair Lady are the ones we watch most.
- Singing along while watching Disney movies, especially when your little brothers don't even mind it.
- Making a wallpaper I actually like. I usually like my avatars and my sigs, but I hardly ever make a wallpaper that I really like.
- Reading To Kill a Mockingbird. (Possibly my favourite book ever!)
But my number-one favourite thing is just new books. They don't even have to be brand new (most of the time they're from the thrift store), but as long as they're new for me, I'm happy.
- Getting a message of any kind of Facebook, LJ, YouTube, FanFiction, here on NW... etc.
I love this too.
I also love that I get to go out to eat tonight at Picadilly. Its been too long since I've been there and absolutely love it. This makes my day!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
going to the library makes me happy! I love reading!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are