WOW...WCTH season three went so fast! Just one more episode this Sunday. This week my sisters and I have been driving our brother crazy with all of our conversations about When Calls The Heart. After watching the preview for Prayers From The Heart hard not to talk about it and wonder how the season finale will play out. Plus I made a big mistake this week, I've been reading Brian Bird's tweets (BB is one of executive producer).
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Christ is King.
When Calls The Heart season 3 is over, and it was a terrific one. Season 3 was way better than season 2. And good news for Hearties everywhere Hallmark renewed When Calls The Heart for a 4th season immediately.
The arrival of Jack's mom (played by Brooke Shields) in the second to last episode of season 3 was neat. I liked that she was in Hope Valley when
The season finale was packed from start to finish, I really wish it had been spread over two episodes. I loved how everyone worked together throughout the episode. And the scenes with Jack and Elizabeth were and then
Season 3 is definitely my favorite of the three seasons.

My sisters and I are crazy about this show. But hey, we are crazy together. And we are having a blast speculating about season 4.
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Christ is King.
I was having a conversation with some of my mods yesterday about the 'VeggieTales' Netflix spin off series 'VeggieTales in the House.' I had watched some snippets in passing and decided I didn't like it based on how whiny some of the characters were, but then I decided I shouldn't judge based off of a few seconds of walking in on something. So I watched the first episode.
If I had not had any kind of preconceived idea on what to expect, I probably would have liked it. It was a couple goofy short stories with some nice morals and a verse. But having been a huge fan of the original Big Idea VeggieTales back in the day, I just felt it lacked the heart and soul and was a little too frantic for me. Of course, too be fair, I wasn't drawn in by the later BI VT either.
I lost interest after Esther.
Glad I watched it. I probably won't watch any more unless my kids want to.
SnowAngel, I'm glad to hear that the third season of When Calls the Heart is better than the second. I loved the first and I couldn't bring myself to watch more than a couple episodes of the second. I might try it again so that I can watch the third when it comes out. That's neat that there's going to be a fourth season! Of course, I'll need to watch the second and third season, but hopefully the fourth will be enjoyable. Do you know if the fourth season will come out in the fall or the spring?
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Ooops, didn't realize I hadn't replied to you, SummerSnow, I am so sorry. The fourth season of WCTH is starting a Christmas special that will air on Christmas day. I think the rest of the fourth season will air in January or February. I have high hopes for the fourth season, however I wish it was picking up where season three left in the spring time rather than jumping to Christmas.
SummerSnow, I think you could skip to season three. Charles is not in season three at all, but you will miss some good scenes with Rosemary and Lee that are in season two. I love Rosemary and Lee, Lee has some really good lines in season two. They are the highlight of the second season.
Anyone else interested in/watched the newest Hallmark series, Chesapeake Shores? I haven't watch any of it yet. My sisters and I decided to wait to watch it until the week before the last episode of the season airs and that way we can binge watch the whole season. It looks interesting, I have been keeping up with the previews for the new episode as they are released.
The show my sisters and I have been watching a lot of this summer is The Man From U.N.C.L.E. We currently have 25 episodes left in the series. Totally loving it. If you have seen the new movie, the show is even better.
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Christ is King.
SnowAngel, I think I might try giving the second season another change when I have a bit more free time. You'll have to let me know how the fourth season turns out.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E is a fantastic television series. When I was younger, I used to watch it with my mom and my sisters. It was a great show! After watching the movie (as different as they are), I've really been wanting to see the TV series again, especially for Illya.
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Here I am. And with an admission....I have become addicted to Korean/Taiwanese dramas. I'm still trying to figure out how this happened, but at some point, through mysterious circumstances beyond my ability to articulate, I ended up watching one and enjoying it enough to go into another. And another. And another. And though I may have to turn in my proverbial "man card" for doing so, I must admit that it's some of the best TV I have watched. The stories sometimes tend to be a bit formulaic, but the actors and actresses are all delightful, the plots very interesting, and the drama and intrigue compelling enough for me to keep on watching these, probably until the cows come home.
All the ones I have thus far seen have been on Netflix, and unlike the TV shows one can watch here or in other countries, these air for only one season. In this way the characters in the show maintain a warm reception each week without overstaying their welcome. The shows, while being primarily marketed as romances, tend to have a number of different subplots that undergird them (mainly business-related intrigue). They are remarkably chaste...I mean generally if there's even a hint that some sort of shenanigans have been suggested to have happened, the characters respond in intensely modest ways (covering their faces, averting their eyes, acting embarrassed, etc.), and it makes them much, much more endearing and emphasizes the romance over the physical. I cannot stress enough how this strengthens the romance subplots as it adds an undeniable sense of innocent longing into the mix. Typically they also have a lot of humor involved (generally centered around misunderstandings) which also adds another human element to an already highly enjoyable mix.
Recommendations here would be to start off with light fare....
Noble, My Love is the one that drew me in. It was apparently a web series, and the episodes clock in at 15 minutes apiece. If within the first episode or two the characters have not completely endeared themselves to you, then there's no reason to continue. Beating Again and Children of the Sun are also incredible shows, the latter will appeal to those of military dramas. I just finished When I See You Again last night and I'm already looking for another series to start. And I haven't even gotten to the incredible scenery one sees in these shows, with clean cities and the loveliest landscapes. I physically want to go to South Korea now. Like yesterday. I might just stay.
Give it a go folks....I would not steer you wrong!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
You guys are making me curious about The Man from U.N.C.L.E., SA and Summer! My mom says she remembers it from when she was young.
Annyeong haseyo, SL! I've watched Korean dramas, although I've managed to avoid addiction and only watch them occasionally. They're a nice diversion, especially compared to a lot of Western television! I do really like that they almost always run one season as a rule... you know how much time you stand to lose going into it and then you're "set free" at the end. I'm stingy with how much time I give to television and it bugs me how you basically have to sell your soul to American shows because they keep coming back season after season.
Korean drama is definitely an interesting glimpse into a unique culture (especially if you're intrigued by Asian cultures, as I am) and I've picked up a little bit of Korean along the way, so there's some educational value as well. You'll also encounter a lot of Korean music by watching k-dramas, and you'd better hope that you like it because songs repeat quite often throughout the course of a show. I also appreciate the innocence in most of the romance story lines; it's refreshing and more old-fashioned.
Out of the dramas I've seen in the past few years, I think the one I liked the best was The Master's Sun; the episodic style of the episodes was interesting and I thought the main couple was endearing. It's a horror-romantic comedy about a woman who sees ghosts and the wealthy man who ends up hiring her after realizing that her gift can be helpful in the business world. I didn't think it was that scary, but it's not like there's a Scoville scale for that sort of thing. It's good for Halloween, anyway.
You'll also encounter a lot of Korean music by watching k-dramas, and you'd better hope that you like it because songs repeat quite often throughout the course of a show.
Said music is definitely....unique . When it starts in I generally start beatboxing with it, which provides me with much hilarity (and strange looks from the wife). They don't subtitle the lyrics, so for all I know they could be singing about toilet paper or pocket lint, but this doesn't stop me from beatboxing it out.
With the notable exception of Descendants of the Sun, they all seem to follow a specific formula too. The hero is usually going to be a good looking rich guy, often a businessman of some type. The heroine (invariably the romantic interest) is typically going to be a poor or lower income worker but with spunk and indomitable spirit, and it is this which catches the eye of the hero, although it usually starts with them intensely disliking each other at first. And oftentimes they'll insert (from what I've read) popular K-Pop singers into lead roles, which seems to occasionally lead to new acting avenues for them. I'm watching a Taiwanese drama at the moment and they have a T(?)-pop singer in there that seems to be popular there but looks like some sort of real life anime mutant of some me the creeps.
And as an aside, since in every single one of these things I see the main characters ingesting ludicrous amounts of instant ramen noodles, I occasionally pick up some from the store myself and scarf some down too during my viewings so I feel more involved somehow . I know...I'm weird. I want to go to Seoul now.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I am currently watching Dancing With The Stars. It is the Semi Finals show tonight and next week will be the finale.
"Daughter of Eve from the far land of Spare Oom, around the bright city War Drobe, how would it be if you came and had tea with me?"~ Mr. Tumnus
I've never watched DwtS, but I bet I would like it if I did start watching it. The closest I've come is watching Lindsey Stirling's 'The Arena' video with Derek Hough.
Now, here's a shocker, I've started watching a TV show as it's been airing: The Grand Tour! Starring the former stars of Britain's Top Gear. It's been... different. I do like parts of it, but I certainly liked Top Gear better. Obviously they always have contrived bits on the old show, but this is above and beyond enjoyable for me personally. I do like watching them drive the cars around though.
My siblings, mom, and I watched When Calls The Heart Christmas on the 26th, so much fun. I don't really like the settlers, but it would be weird if the town didn't grow after 3 seasons. I loved the scene with Rosemary and Jack about her Christmas present from Lee. And the Mountie Ball.
Can't wait for the fourth season to start on February 19th!
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Christ is King.
Less than a month before When Calls The Heart returns! I am certainly looking forward to see what Hallmark has in store for the Hearties this season. It looks like there will be quite a few new faces in Hope Valley including someone that's with the railroad.
My brother recently purchased the first two seasons for The Wild Wild West (1965-1969) and the whole family has been enjoying watch the first season. My parents had both seen the show years ago, but this is my siblings and mine first experience with it. Surprise, we love it! Seriously I grow up watching Roy Rogers and John Wayne movies on VHS, I love westerns.
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Christ is King.
Is the new railroad face someone you don't like, SA, or just someone who could generate a lot of drama?
I've seen some episodes of The Wild Wild West and it's a fun show. I liked the sci-fi/steampunk elements mixed in with the western setting/stories.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this most recent season of Sherlock? I haven't seen the last episode yet, but I haven't been thrilled so far with the season.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
I liked The Lying Detective, but The Six Thatchers and The Final Problem were ... not good. Honestly, I hope this is the series finale or, if they do come back, that they come back with better writing because it feels like Moffat and Gatiss have basically decided that a constant stream of shiny things is more important than coherent writing.