*sigh* that trailer!
What does everyone think of Martin Freeman's performance so far?
I actually thought he was overacting a little. His gestures and facial expressions just look a little exaggerated. The hobbits in LotR were the same way, so I wonder if that's what Peter Jackson is going for. It didn't ruin LotR for me, and I don't think it'll ruin this either, but it does bug me slightly.
I saw earlier today in an TORn Martin Freeman talking about his performance so far and he said,
"So far, what we've filmed has been more comic than heavy. I keep asking Peter, 'When are we going heavy?' He assures me it's coming."
And then I don't think they're completely done with filming so there's still room for some change
Other various thoughts:
The dwarves singing was wonderful, and I was surprised that they all got a small snip-it of screentime on the trailer
Gandalf/Galadriel: it's like I know this shouldn't be happening, this is nowhere in the book, and she's married to Celeborn, but I'm finding myself awkwardly shipping them.
And. Gollum. Way to end a trailer!

Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Now that I have viewed the trailer many, many times here is what I think!
-The Dwarfs singing are Amazing!!!! Beautifully sung by them all! Can't wait to have that on my Ipod!
- I agree with daughter of the King me and my sister also sure that is the "No Admittance Except on Party Business, Sign" on Bilbo's gate.
-Frodo and Bilbo are wearing the same clothes as in the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. Which sets the opening of The Hobbit right before Gandalf arrives for Bilbo's one hundredth and eleventh birthday party.
-Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage are Amazing, awesome casting for everyone!
-Gandalf's staff seems less twiggy on top, it could be because his pipe is not in it though.
-I seriously doubt they would have anything between Gandalf and Galadriel, they just seemed like very good old friends.
They care about each other as friends.
She seemed like she was saying something encouraging to Gandalf, who seemed to have a doubtful or unsure face.
-Anyone else see the picture in the scene with Gloin?
I can't make out who the sketch is of:
-Me and my sister also thought maybe it was Radagast, but I'm still not sure.
-At first I thought this scene was The Riddles in the Dark, but after looking at it, I think it is in Mirkwood forest.
Because of the Spider Webs and the forest leaves on the ground.
Must have dropped out of his pocket.
-Is Oin is using a Ear trumpet or is that his pipe?:
-The Trolls and the area looks just like they did in The Fellowship of the Ring!
They did so great!:
-Gollum was the the cherry on top! To hear his voice and him say Preciousss! Gave me chills, it brought back so many good memories, 10 years ago watching LOTR in the theater for the first time!!!!!!
I Can't Wait!!!!!!!!!
Also can't wait to see what the trailer looks like in 3D when we go see Tintin on Christmas Day!!!!!!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Another possibility on the one fighting with Gandalf:
There's more shots of him, whoever he is.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hp ... 4645_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hp ... 7234_n.jpg
Excellent idea Ithilwen!!! I totally forgot about
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I did not pay attention as detailed as some of you experts did , but I was definitely swayed by the Epicness. I need to watch it again (and need to reread the book!). I liked it; the Dwarves' singing was my favourite part.
However. Galadriel and Gandalf.
I would be 100% elated if not for that. But otherwise, the trailer is great. Winter break tomorrow is a great time to commence a reread.
RE Martin Freeman: No one else could be Bilbo in my mind's eye. Though, after seeing the Sherlock miniseries, my first thought when I saw him in the trailer was "Watson!" My sister just told me that he's new to the LotR cast: I did not know this. I always thought he was somehow a part of it.
[/the ramblings of a very, very amateur LotR fan]
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
"Bilbo Baggins, I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure..."
I decided to wait to post until the mass posting died down to share my thoughts. I'm not going to overanalyze the trailer cause I've found that when I do that, I'm often wrong.
The first bits of the trailer with Ian Holm and Elijah Wood introducing the younger Martin Freeman... absolutely fantastic. Loved it, and I know I'm going to adore Martin as Bilbo. Course I've known that ever since he was cast. The issues that Bilbo was already having while on an "adventure" were cracking me up.
Like him on his pony...
I've watched the teaser three times now and each time the dwarves singing has given me goosebumps. That is quite powerful and haunting and beautiful.
Gandalf introducing all 13 dwarves.... And I must say, I'm now quite pleased that each dwarf has a VERY different look.
So the first half of the trailer, perfect! Hooray!
Second half, not bad, not bad. But I'm really not thrilled as of this point in time with (first of all) the amount of Galadriel in the trailer. YES, I know she's going to be in the movie at the White Council, but this was very reminiscent of Tilda Swinton showing up as the White Witch in every piece of Narnia marketing for me.
Aaannnnddd what is up with the shot of her pushing Gandalf's hair out of his face? I know I'm not the only person who raised their eyebrows at that bit (and in my case, cringed). Again, it may be nothing, we know in the book that Galadriel really pushed for Gandalf to be the White Wizard but Saruman got it instead. So it could just be a scene involving that. I REALLY don't think it's going to be romantic. I really don't. But what I am afraid of (because this is Hollywood and PJ is a chief offender too) is Gandalf going "oh, I can't do this because I am a wimpy hero" and Galadriel going "You're a wizard Gandalf, to defeat the Necromancer and/or you must believe in yourself." ...or some nonsense like that.
Lots of action shots, they all look fine. They're nice and actiony. Interesting that they're really playing up Bilbo perhaps not surviving.
And then of course the finale with the Ring and Gollum.
I'm very excited. Except for the weird Galadriel bits, the trailer was perfect.
By the way, has everyone seen that the official website is up as well? (Apologies if someone already linked it, I didn't see...)
*Pops in*
After having forgotten about the Hobbit trailer (at least since last night!), it was a pleasant surprise to have this morning.
I love it. I think my favorite line is Gandalf's, "Bilbo Baggins, I am looking for someone to share in an adventure." The way he said it was perfect.
The Dwarves' singing is powerful and haunting. I like how they arranged clips in the trailer with the singing in the background. I love the feel everything combined gives to the trailer -- it doesn't feel too dark or too lighthearted.
I don't have any idea about the shot of Gandalf and Galadriel.
Naturally, the end is great too.
I don't have much to add to all the comments here, except that the dwarves singing gave me goosebumps too. Can't wait for this movie.
The Galadriel/Gandalf part bothered me a little bit, and I found myself hoping that it was a friend-to-friend thing and nothing more.
The intro with 'new and old' Bilbo was a great tie-in, and the closing with Gollum and the Ring was excellent too.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Good gracious, where do I begin? Most of my thoughts have already been posted, but first:
And I must say, I'm not quite pleased that each dwarf has a VERY different look.
I presume you meant "now", not "not"? Just mentioning this because I've done it before too, and it totally changes the meaning of the sentence.
Love the first half of the trailer, ooooh! *squee* The music is so great all the way through, but I especially appreciate the Shire theme at the beginning, the Ring theme right at the end ... and the dwarves singing. ♥ How ominous and beautifully melancholy. Just as I imagined it to be, and, visually, how I have always pictured it in my mind's eye when reading the book.
*Gandalf's and young Bilbo's first meeting was . Can't wait for the "Good morning" lines in the actual film.
*Bilbo's quick pony scene is hilarious
*How he says "I can't just go running of into the Blue: I am a Baggins ... a Baggins" is perfect!
*the introduction of the Dwarves is such fun! I too like how they are such individuals. Nellie has been trying to get me to memorize who is who (she did so ages ago), but I still get a tad mixed up with some of them.
*the deep, dark singing is ... AWESOME!!! (Oh, did I say that already? )
Interjection: some scenes reminded me very much of certain parts of LotR, naturally so in some senses, but there are specific shots that could have been almost lifted right from The Fellowship. Not that I have a problem with that; it just struck me, that's all.
*Dol Guldur looks appropriately mysterious (at least, I'm assuming that's Guldur)
*I love when Bilbo (in Rivendell) approaches the shards of Narsil
*quite a shock/cringe/eep at the Galadriel touching Gandalf's hair scene, but surely PJ wouldn't do what we most dread. Surely! On TORN's FB page, it said about this frame: "We believe in this scene Galadriel is speaking to Gandalf about heading the White Council. Note the exhaustion in his face, which may be why she's treating him with such concern." Let's cling to this.
Yes, fantasia, I agree that Thorin's voice seems a bit too Aragorn-ish.
*The one frame of the Elves riding horses in a circle puzzled me, until I saw the still frame (and another), which shows a group of dwarves tied up in the middle with beautiful waterfalls and idyllic vale scenery in the background. So, obviously Rivendell.
*When Bilbo kind of snaps his suspenders at 2:31, that is priceless. So hobbit-ish!
*how fun to see the dwarves tumbling in the front door at Bag End.
*love how they ended the trailer in the cave with Gollum and Bilbo ... and the Ring theme!
I noted, as many others have done, that Beorn has been purposefully left out. So curious about him ... also the Eagles and the Goblins, and the Spiders. So much to look forward to yet!
Here are the stills. Such fun to go through and thoroughly examine each one (which I have yet to do).
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
ACK!!! Yes, I meant 'now' *goes to fix the typo in her post*
Well, I've only read The Hobbit 1 1/2 times so far, but I'm still excited for the movie. I can't give as many of my thoughts as everybody else since I haven't been familiar with Tolkien as long as everyone else, but I'll say a few things.
Okay, the song was amazing, and just how I imagined it.
Second, I loved the scenery. It's very beautiful, and very Hobbit-like, if you know what I mean. Never really imagined there to be cows everywhere, but okay.
Martin Freeman as Bilbo (I hope) looks excellent, in both acting and character traits. And I loved how each dwarf has its own distinct look.
Okay, here's where I get a little confused. Is there something from the Trilogy that is taking place in the film? Involving Gandalf and some other female character?
On the other hand, Smeagol... Do I have to say more?
Ah well, looks like it has potential, after already gaining 2.5 million views already. Back to the book now.
I'm wondering if they showed so many shots of Galadriel because there was some concern about "balancing the genders" so to speak in the film. And since she's the recurring character from LotR that would be why they showed her over another female role (there was going to be a female Mirkwood Elf if I'm remembering correctly).
Interjection: some scenes reminded me very much of certain parts of LotR, naturally so in some senses, but there are specific shots that could have been almost lifted right from The Fellowship. Not that I have a problem with that; it just struck me, that's all.
That really struck me as well, particularly several shots of Gandalf. Yet another way they are tying the two sets of stories together. It's all an attempt to make us remember how much we loved Fellowship and of course we'll want to see what came before it, right? Not that we needed reminding.
Is that Elladan and Elrohir on their horses? Or possibly Figwit (forget what his official Elf name is)?
Or possibly Figwit (forget what his official Elf name is)?
I absolutely adore the trailer.
I agree with Jo that the shot of Bilbo and his suspenders was classic. I actually snapped a screenshot of that one.
I hope TORN is right about the whole Gandalf/Galadriel thing. Although, I'm afraid it's possible some Gandalfriel shippers might arise during the time of speculation, even if all the speculation turns out to be for nothing. I've already seen a few Gandalf/Galadriel vs. Gandalf/Nienna arguments. And it hasn't even been 24 hours since the trailer release.
I've only seen the trailer once, and on a fairy small screen, so I do need to watch it again. In front of Tintin, I'm thinking.
It gets me excited. I'm going to love the movie because it has Richard Armitage in it (talk about that singing!! <3<3<3 ), and because Martin Freeman is really cute, and will be a wonderful Bilbo. That's all I need.
The trailer wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped, but I don't have any specific faults to make of it. I didn't really know what to expect, I guess. I guess I unconsciously was thinking LotR, and expected it to be exactly the same. xD But it should be different, so that's good. I think it'll be a wonderful movie, so I won't be making any judgement on it just because of the trailer.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
For the people who are questioning why Galadriel is in this movie, I did some research this afternoon, with the help of Meltintalle and ValiantArcher (thank you ladies) to point out that it's not at all out of line with what Tolkien wrote.
Spoiler"It was in this way that [Bilbo] learned where Gandalf had been to; for he overheard the words of the wizard to Elrond. It appeared that Gandalf had been to a great council of the white wizards, masters of lore and good magic; and that they had at last driven the Necromancer from his dark hold in the south of Mirkwood.
SpoilerBut ever the shadow in Mirkwood grew deeper, and to Dol Guldur evil things repaired out of all the dark places of the world; and they were united again under one will, and their malice was directed against the Elves and the survivors of Númenor. Therefore at last the Council was again summoned and the lore of the Rings was much debated; but Mithrandir [Gandalf] spoke to the Council saying:
'It is not needed that the Ring should be found, for while it abides on earth and is not unmade, still the power that it holds will liveand Sauron will grow and have hope. The might of the Elves and the Elf-friends is less now than of old. Soon he will be too strong for you, even without the Great Ring; for he rules the Nine, and of the Seven he has recovered three. We must strike.'
To this Curunír [Saurman] now assented, desiring that Sauron should be thrust from Dol Guldor, which was nigh to the River, and should have leisure to search there no longer. Therefore, for the last time, he aided the Council, and they put forth their strength, and they assailed Dol Guldur, and drove Sauron from his hold, and Mirkwood for a brief while was made wholesome again.
But their stroke was too late. For the Dark Lord had foreseen it, and he had long prepared all his movements; and the Úlairi, his Nine Servants, had gone before him to make ready for his coming. Therefore his flight was but a feint, and he soon returned, and ere the Wise could prevent him returned his kingdom in Mordor and reared once again the dark towers of Barad-dur. And in that year the White Council met for the last time, and Curunír withdrew to Isengard, and took counsel with none save himself.
We know that all of the above is going to be shown in the movies because PJ confirmed it and it does take place during the time period of the Hobbit. And we also know that Galadriel is involved, so I suspect that the shot of her with Gandalf has to do with this bit here...
Spoiler[Galadriel speaking] I it was who first summoned the White Council. And if my designs had not gone amiss, it would have been governed by Gandalf the Grey, and then mayhap things would have gone otherwise.
So there you all go, I don't think anything we've seen in the trailers thus far is out of line with what Tolkien wrote, but we shall see.