I think it's part of the convention of story telling where you have a whole troop of people going off together. They are fewer than an army, but more than a little group (group eg Frodo and the other 3 hobbits setting off from Buckland).
The lucky number is almost a gimmick; in fact Gandalf chose Bilbo for them because they needed someone who could achieve things they couldn't do. He was their specialist in getting into tight places and out of them (although he didn't know it at the time).
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Not to derail from the discussion at hand, but I just came back from the Fellowship of the Ring in concert tour and it was pretty darn amazing
The music in it on itself was amazing. There was a live orchestra and choir (two, one regular and then a boys choir....and a soloist). They played along side the theatrical version, which was kinda cool because I never got the chance to see it in theaters. It was pretty cool to see, and I'm wowed that the symphony could play the whole Fellowship movie venue after venue (well I think this was their last show, so...). Overall seeing the soundtrack performed live really made the movie more exciting to watch... Although, I find it amusing though that I was in a venue full of people who have seen the movie many times and still laugh at all the funny parts
Other than the music, one of the main highlights was the props, I got to get a close up at weaponry and hobbit feet with my low-quality camera phone:
And then a couple of bad guys:
Just thought I'd share
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
@outlier: That's awesome!!!
I wanted to go so bad here, but we just could not managed it.
I heard if they do well they are planning to do The Two Towers next year, so hopefully I can go then!
Thanks for sharing!!!
@Liberty Hoffman: Out of curiosity when do you get to host Gandalf, and will you be posting any pictures of him?
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
@7chronicles, yeah it was pretty awesome! At first I wasn't going to go because the tickets are somewhat pricey, but then found a good deal so it was kinda last minute. I think they're going to do the same thing for Two Towers next year and then Return of the King the year after that
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
I expected to come in here this morning and see five or six posts on the next production blog video, but no one has posted ?!?!?!? Everybody is too busy with Nano I guess.
Anyways, production video #4 is up on Peter Jackson's Facebook page.
It's all about 3D cameras and hi rez frameshots... and Mirkwood.... *ahem*.
So some pretty big spoilers on this one, so be aware! If you've been bothered by the spoilers leading up to this point, you probably won't want to watch this video.

But I think the thing that blew my mind the most was seeing the concept art in 3D. :O How amazing was that?
Oooh, fantasia! I am eager to watch this, but am going to wait for Nellie to be available, so we can see it together. *drums fingers on table*
I was actually soooo tempted to take the time and post that link on the forum this morning around 7:30 a.m. when I popped on for a brief minute, but having a commitment at 8, had to resist, unfortunately.
I have more to post on some of the other comments ^, but that will have to wait for another time.
Briefly, though, how cool you were able to go to the FotR concert, outlier! Fun pics, too. We are planning to head to Grand Rapids, MI, for the RotK symphony concert & film in February—the finale after a couple of wonderful evenings in Middle-earth for the past two Octobers. (Not sure why it's changed to February this time.) However, they don't have any exhibits at these concerts.
The toughest part of The Silmarillion to slog through is the creation story.
That is one of my very favourite chapters in The Sil, or in any literature, for that matter. I love the more formal way of writing for expressing something so vast and epic. *does not use the latter word in a light vein, by any means*
Is there any significance to there being 13 dwarves on the quest? Few of them are developed and even doing anything, so why are there so many of them?
I wonder if Tolkien mentions anything about this in any of his Letters. Not that I can recall, but then, I haven't memorized them all.
*waves to Benjamin*
I just love connecting the dots
Likewise, to be sure! At certain revelations, I remember gasping aloud as certain dots were joined. Wonderful stuff!
Varnafinde, I appreciate your comments, but don't have time to respond at this time, except for ... DITTO!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I just watched the production blog. Oh boy, where to start? The explanation of how they were filming was pretty cool, and the ways they had to adjust things like set design and makeup to compensate for the 3D and fast shooting rate was interesting. I'm taking a film studies class right now and I loved being able to sort of know what they were talking about.
Basically copying from my comment on fantasia's FB page, with a couple of additions ...
Wowowow! Now, I don't really understand the terms, not being film/3-D-tech literate, but, honestly, that whole video was so interesting. I can't get over the amount of sheer creative energy and work that is going into these two films. Leave it to PJ!

This was more serious and explanatory than Prod. Video #3, but just as fascinating.
Bring these films on!!! Only *sigh* 13 & 1/2 more months until the first one. Just glad we have all these teasers along the way.
I'm taking a film studies class right now and I loved being able to sort of know what they were talking about.
Those of you who understand this better are very fortunate, for it would only increase the fascination.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Wow, I just can't wait for the Hobbit!!!!!
What I wouldn't give to be in that room with Alan Lee and John Howe to watch them draw!
They are my favorite artists. They've really inspired me in my own drawing!
And the costumes are just beautiful!
Some Highlights for me were:
Can't wait for the next blog video!
By the way did anyone else see some of the Spy Set pictures?
I think it's
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Wow, this stuff is getting me sooo excited for The Hobbit! And I already couldn't wait....
I've never gotten around to reading LotR, but I've read the Hobbit, and I love it.
I can't wait. I am reading the hobbit now. It is so great. I got LOTR series to. for the low price of 3 dollars. Has anyone herd of "Walking with Bilbo" by Sarah Arthur. My friend told me about it.
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
narnialuver: I love that book! Sarah Arthur is awesome, funny, and insightful if you are thinking of reading that book, I highly recommend it
and Sarah Arthur wrote a book about Narnia too
she's a huge huge fan of LOTR and is very proud of that fact and she has a fun writing style
she wrote two devotionals for LOTR:
Walking With Bilbo
Walking With Frodo
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
cool I'l think on it I am reading a lot now so it will take some time for me get to it
Pic of Walking through the Wardrobe by Sarah arthur:
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
hi im new here...anyone guess where my name comes from????;)
"..certainty of death, small chance of success-what are we waiting for?!?"-Gimli Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Welcome to NarniaWeb Eraisuithiel. I have not but I want too.
Liberty Hoffman: I have walking with frodo. So a think I will read it.
and here is a set pic from theonering.net
and a pic of the beorn or radagast House:
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012