I agree FK. I don't remember that from the book. (It's time like these I wish I had my detailed notes on the Hobbit!) I'm not crazy about the way Nori or Ori look either. Any one know which one is which?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Yeah, left to right, it's Nori (played by Jed Brophy), Ori (played by Adam Brown), and Dori (played by Mark Hadlow).
What I love about this pic is that it shows that they're taking the time to give each dwarf an individual look and story; make them all very different and unique, so none of them blend in together. I think it adds a lot of depth and should come across really well on-screen. Most of it, we won't *see*; i.e. I doubt we'll hear that description read in the movie, or really explained. It's just for us, and the filmmakers, to know. And I think that's kind of cool.
please say that's not what the Dwarves are going to look like!
there are no colorful hoods. the beards (or lack thereof) are nothing like Middle Earth-dwarf beards. Nori's hair is disturbing
I'm honestly not impressed
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
there are no colorful hoods.
So my friends' commentary on my facebook page brought up a very interesting point, and one that I don't think I would have noticed had they not said something.
It seems that the purpose of this photo is not only to give us our first look at The Hobbit dwarves, but also the diversity of what they wear. Nori (far left) is wearing what could be considered party or celebration clothing. Ori (middle) is wearing traveling gear (and I'd guess that's the pointed hood Libby, though as we can't see the back, I'm not 100% sure), and Dori (far right) is wearing battle gear. So that's kind of cool.
But I fully agree that whatever that star looking thing is on top of Nori's head is weirding me out.
I doubt we'll hear that description read in the movie, or really explained. It's just for us, and the filmmakers, to know.
Hmmm... I'm not sure I agree with this. While I do agree that in plays and movies, any good director will tell you that you must find your character's motivation and personality in order to define how you act him/her out.
But in my last 10 years or so of following several movies very closely, I can't think of a single instance where the filmmakers have let us in on the behind-the-scenes character motivations without having that come across to some extent in the film.
So we shall see.
I don't remember that from the book. (It's time like these I wish I had my detailed notes on the Hobbit!)
I just read the books, taking notes on all that's said about the dwarves' backrounds and personalities.
A lot of that description is things PJ invented to expand the characters. In the original books, next to nothing is said about Nori and Ori. With Dori, it's said he was a "good fellow", probably the nicest and kindest of the dwarves, and he was the one who always carried Bilbo Baggins when they ran from enemies.
Personally, I like the way they look. I'm glad they're not going the route of the multi-colored hats/rainbow colored beards. Although that might have looked cute in a Disney cartoon, it would have looked much too childish for a Peter Jackson Production.
Nori reminds me of some hybrid between a Middle-Earth citizen/dwarf and something Super Mario Bros... His face reminds me of Luigi/Mario and he has what sorta looks like that invincible star on his head
Other than that I think they look good. It's quite a lot of depth for just three of thirteen
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Gloin and Oin are online!!
http://movies.yahoo.com/photos/movie-st ... 91/#photo0
Distant cousins of Thorin Oakenshield, these two doughty Northern Dwarves join the Company out of a sense of loyalty to their kin, and also because they have a substantial sum of money invested in the venture. Along with Bombur, Gloin is the only other married Dwarf in the Company (there being a shortage of female dwarves in general). His wife is an acclaimed beauty with a particularly fine beard. Gloin is the proud father of a young son, Gimli, who will go on to become part of the famous Fellowship of the Ring.
I have to say I like these two much better.
Dori, Nori, and Ori's beards are too short, but I think Oin and Gloin's are perfect.
The backstories are interesting at the very least. Giving each of the dwarves a little background and character will make them separate, distinctive characters rather than just one of a bunch. On the other hand, with a company of fourteen and only one of them not a dwarf, I think they will probably wind up being mostly just one a of a bunch anyway. Still, I like the effort the writers put into it.
*hopes we'll see Fili and Kili next*
*hopes we'll see Fili and Kili next*
/is most excited to see Balin and Bombur.
Wow. While it's very nice to see the photos, Nori, Ori, and Dori rather scare me. They do not look like what I imagined, nor do they resemble the LotR dwarves. They look kinda sickly, actually.
Well, Dori's not so bad, actually... And I do like the costumes! I'm not too miffed about the lack of bright hoods.
Oin and Gloin are much more encouraging. Their beards are impressive, and they are much more dwarvish.
The back stories are fun. I hope they don't go quite that in-depth in the films, but a little bit would be great!
*Joins the Fili/Kili request club*
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Is it me, or does Oin and Gloin look much more like Gimli and the other dwarves that were seen in LotR? Maybe it's because Gloin is Gimli's dad
It seems as a new set of dwarves is surfacing each day, I really hope they show us all 13
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Oin and Gloin look fine. I think I like the first three better.
I see they're continuing the part about female dwarves having beards. *headdesk*
I saw something on Facebook comparing Oin to Tumnus. They actually look quite similar.
I like Oin and Gloin much better. Which one is which? I really hope they wear nametags in the movies. Otherwise I have no idea how I'm going to keep them all straight. Maybe I should make myself flashcards.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I have to say I like these two much better.
So do I. ...I'm kind of neither here nor there on Dori, Nori and Ori, but I guess they'll be distinct, which, if you want to try to keep 13 dwarves straight will be helpful...
I hadn't thought that far ahead, which is part of why I'm not making this movie, I'm sure.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton