Ian Mckellen has updated his blog with some info about Gandalf's costume: They have added two new pieces to Gandalf's costume, A silver scarf and Black boots instead of grey. He also mentions some trouble they had getting his nose piece to look right.
Here is the link:
"The original costume I wore in LOTR hangs rather mournfully on a stand by the camera. I can’t wear it in The Hobbit, because it has been noted “of historic status.” Ann has made two changes which few may notice but please me because they revert to Tolkien’s introduction in Fellowship of the Ring, where he mentions a silver scarf and black boots. In the film, a scarf appeared just once, tied to Gandalf's cart at Hobbiton but oddly not thereafter. I now have a substantial, magic-looking silvery scarf to wear and act with and perhaps find some part of its own to play. I've already twisted it into a stylish turban. And, as per JRR Tolkien, below the familiar gown, a new pair of black boots may be spied. They will not look new of course. They are riding boots, the sort that can be pulled on in a hurry. Gandalf is often in a hurry. His previous boots were laced and needed Emma to get on and off. Not good for a wizard on the run. And they were grey not black."
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Oooh, interesting blog entry by McKellen. He's a great writer!
He's adding a lot of new characters? That makes me nervous.
I would think he would have enough to do to develop the characters of the dwarfs. I'd rather things stay close to what Tolkien wrote.
Me too, Pal, although I hope he's not adding a lot. But why not build on already existing characters than add new ones, which will probably frustrate the true fans?
I've been waiting for this announcement! Bard, I mean, not Itaril. I remember reading when Townsend backed down (or was let go) from playing Aragorn, he admitted, himself, that he didn't quite 'get' the story of The LotR. Yep, Mr. Townsend, The Hobbit isn't quite so detailed. You should be just fine with playing Bard.
I haven't seen him in any films, but have heard good reports. He does have the look of who I have always imagined Bard to be. Moreso than as Aragorn: he didn't seem rugged enough for that beloved Ranger, whereas Viggo most definitely did.
EDIT: Wait, could they be pulling the wool over our eyes, this being April Fools and all? ... *is so terribly gullible*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Oh, please let it be a joke that they cast Itaril already!!!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
I hope it is a joke!
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
TORN just announced that the Casting Announcement was an April Fool's Joke! That was a good one...
EDIT: Even though that was an April Fools joke, it appears that Saoirse Ronan has really been cast in the movie! -- http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/04 ... otal-film/
I knew it, deep down...*sigh* She is most likely Itaril... She does look great for the part...but not as good as me!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
I totally fell for that casting announcement about Bard, even though of course I knew it was April Fool's Day. I do like Saiorse Ronan as an actress, but I cringe to see an Itaril-character plunged into already full and satisfying story of The Hobbit.
But I've been longing for the Bard actor to be announced, so am champing at the bit, losing even my rationality at times
, when the slightest news pops up.
*goes back to waiting (im)patiently*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Well, I finally watched the extended editions -- and all in a row. I liked them for the most part. There were a few parts where I liked the limited editions better, but mostly, I think the extended ones are great. One of the parts that I loved was

One of the parts I absolutely completely disliked was

So is anything else known about Itaril besides that she has been cast?
I can't wait to see the movie. I am so excited they finally started!
Lindir, Bilbo's friend has been cast! And you'll never guess who's playing him! Bret McKenzie! The actor who originally played the extra in LOTR, named Figwit by fans! Here's the story -- http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/04 ... ay-lindir/
Ditto on your Like and Dislike of the EEs, Lady Galadriel. I'm also not fond of how the Mouth of Sauron was portrayed. Too me he looked far too humorous, albeit grimly, grizzly so. I think the real MoS would have been much more ominous and foreboding. One great FotRaddition that always cracks me up is when we find out Pippin and Merry have been 'trying out the lembas' in Lothlórien as the rest of the Company was packing up. Yes, it was great PJ gave a nod to Bombadil via Treebeard in TTT. "Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water."
As a higher fan of the movie music than even the films, themselves, I was very interested to read this. And it has been confirmed that Doug Adams will be writing The Music of The Hobbit *hobbit cheers*, which is already much anticipated! Speaking of Doug, I have been going over his interview in the upcoming Silver Leaves, and it is wonderful. He is such an articulate, personable, humble, and gracious man, with much talent and grace. I am so glad for his success in The Music of the Lord of the Rings.
EDIT: And apparently Andy Serkis has been asked of PJ to be the second unit director for the films, wooot!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I totally fell for that casting announcement about Bard, even though of course I knew it was April Fool's Day.
Don't feel bad, LOTS. After finishing rereading The Hobbit a couple of weks ago, I went to the IMDB site for the first movie and wondered why Bard was missing. It finally dawned on me a day later (at least) that he doesn't show up until the second movie.
So take heart: I've got you outfooled by a mile. (Or in my case I probably just outdumbed myself again.)
P.S. I wonder if Bard will have a wife.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
Comingsoon.net has an interview with Elijah Wood about his return to Middle-earth in The Hobbit!
Here is the Link:
Also Peter Jackson said that he is going to post the first video from the set soon on his facebook page! Can't Wait to see it!
Here is the Link at the TheOneRing.net:
http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/04 ... ming-soon/
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
A video post, huh? Sounds cool. What sort of thing will he post, I wonder? Will we see them in costume acting? Or sets? I hope he posts it soon.
There are screenshots from the Riddles in the Dark scene!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the link --
... 57&theater
There's also an update from PJ's Facebook about the frames per second -- http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/04 ... -a-second/
Woah, I saw the PJ pictures, but never noticed what the pictures are actually of! That's so cool!
BTW, did anyone see that one Family Guy clip that TORN posted a while back? I thought it was funny
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