According to this article, Del Toro has been instrumental in both scripting and design, and will continue to offer himself in that capacity, at least in the short term.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
I'm just worried that they're going to drag their feet long enough that Peter Jackson might end up dropping the project. I imagine he's probably got just as many projects he wants to work on as Del Toro.
Yep, I've definitely been following the news! But look at this. Some 'ifs' in there, yet still ...
I think this is way too big a movie for it not to get made. Let's just hope it's in our lifetime.
Mel, those Russian illustrations were fun to go through. Comical, cute, and so different from what we're used to. Thanks for that link!
at those youtube funnies, Booky.
I found Born of Hope superior to The Hunt for Gollum, mainly because it had more to it. The acting, music, and locations were all very believable and the story itself was moving and engaging.
Later EDIT: Hahaha! Anyone else see this? Love #3, especially!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
^^ whoa! so Peter Jackson might direct The Hobbit? awesome! I hope so!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Del Toro and Jackson are getting so much more love here than at The Hobbit Movie Forum. Some folk there are actually cheering the departure of Del Toro and the potential demise of the current Jackson version
. It's making it difficult to use my Mod powers there wisely
. I had to escape to Narniaweb for a little support in this time of distress
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Ah, good luck moderating at the Hobbit forum at such a time as this, GB.
I am definitely not cheering the departure of Del Toro. From all I have read, I think he would have done pretty much an A-1 job adapting the book. He surely seemed to embrace the spirit of Tolkien and was a fan of his writings. My hopes are still held for the PJ version, as I think Jackson, himself, would be utterly disappointed to see this go down the tubes. I really feel for both him and DT now.
Good to know NWebbers rise to the occasion today: we do tend to be a positive bunch, here, don't we? Yet without losing realism.
*here's to the making of a superb Hobbit movie(s) in the right time*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
at this point, since the movie is probably coming out in 2012, I don't really care anymore.....
it would be cool if Peter Jackson directed it, but Ian Mckellan is old now! will he be able to play a young Gandalf? hmmm......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Some folk there are actually cheering the departure of Del Toro and the potential demise of the current Jackson version
How could anyone not want Jackson?
but Ian Mckellan is old now! will he be able to play a young Gandalf? hmmm......
I don't think Gandalf was ever "young". I'm sure Ian McKellan will be able to play him.
*nods at daughter of the King on both counts* And re #2, yep, Gandalf already came looking old from the West into Middle-earth, so McKellan should be just fine.
Having seen this on TORn a short bit ago, I have definite thoughts on who I would like to direct The Hobbit: some of those guys are surely not on my list. But some are. Do pay particular attention to PJ's words. (Plus note they need to change Adamson's first name from "Adam" to what it really is.
EDIT: I wrote TORn about this wupsie, and it should be corrected by now.)
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Okay. I’m going to cut to the chase. I haven’t read all of the 29 pages here because of it being so large. I have a question. SO, if this have already been answered somewhere else, I’m sorry. I would like to see the Lord of the Rings movies but, am kind of worried about the “violent” part in the rating. Could you guys that have seen it give me some advice about the contents of the movies? What does it mean by “violent”? I have read a few reviews and it seems that it isn’t gory but, it shows people getting killed. If I could get a basic idea of what it is like, that would help.
Where there are two Narnia Webbers there are three opinions.
There are people and creatures killed in almost every conceivable way you can think of - stabbed, impaled, sliced, poisoned, burnt alive. There's blood but it's not lingered on. There are lots of dead bodies but it's not glamorised. The movies are violent but not overly so. If you're 15 years old or over, go for it. If you're younger but more mature, you should be fine also. There's not really much more to say. Most Christians here don't have a problem with watching the movies and they're quite a conservative bunch (I'm not talking politically).
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Doctor Who - Season 11
There are lots of war scenes, like Warrior 4 Jesus says. There are two large "scary" creatures. I would say that Prince Caspian battle scenes are a milder Middle-Earth, although I'm not sure by how much. I don't want to scare you away from the LOTR movies, because I think they are pretty good, but you should be prepared that they are not for the fainthearted. A few parts made me cringe.
I guess it's hard to judge. I could give more details, but I hate to give away possible plot spoilers. Have you read the books, by any chance, ClvrEttinsmoorGiant?
Just wondering, because that will help in figuring out whether you'd like the movies. I'd read the books before I saw the movies, so I knew more of what to expect, and I think that really helped me.
These movies are tense; I would call them a "thriller" type.
I'd class them as fantasy/adventure but yes, they're quite intense at times.
I've never understand why people use the term 'not for the faint-hearted'. Lord of the Rings is violent but we're not talking the graphic violence of the Saw movies, or even Gladiator. If you're the type of person that can't handle anything above puppies and rainbows, it would be best to give Lord of the Rings a miss. But if you don't have a problem with something a little more intense than Prince Caspian (LotR is a bit more violent and has blood), you should be fine.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Of all the directors on the list, Sam Raimi would be my first choice Johobbit. Raimi has a good track record with Fantasy both as director (Xena) and producer (Legend of the Seeker), and he's had a lot of experience in New Zealand too. Second would be Alfonso Cuaron.
But top of my list would be Terry Gilliam.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Out of those, my first choice would be Terry Gilliam, then Alfonso Cuaron. Sam Raimi has done fantasy before but a good track record? Xena was fun but not exactly indicative of quality and the less said about Legend of the Seeker, the better. In a perfect world I'd love for Peter Jackson to take up the mantle again, but last time all the work almost killed him, not to mention I want him to be focusing on the Tintin movies. I've waited far too long for them.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11