ILF, I agree with Everyone telling you to finish LotR before starting The Hobbit . You can't stop in the middle now.
And I am so happy that PJ and DT can continue with The Hobbit films without the Tolkien Estate lawsuit hanging over the project
. Now they can fill in any gaps in the film series narrative without having to "rewrite" Tolkien.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
oh yes! that is the best news of all! I am glad they finally got that dispute taken care of. seemed like it was taking forever! *Eagerly awaits more Hobbit news that she hopes will come more often now*
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Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
I've never listened to any audiobooks. they are not my thing... i like to read a book lol.
I never thought they were my thing either until I started driving an hour one way to work
Hope you get to watch RotK soon, mara!
Hey, I saw Here There Be Dragons at Barnes and Noble. Anyone read those?
I picked up the first one at a thrift store, but I have heard from several sources that it's a great idea but poorly executed. I wouldn't buy it unless you borrowed it from the library first or found it for fifty cents like I did.
*reads Amira Tair's response* Ditto!
Finally I will be able to read the original Tolkien!
Congratulations! I have to say, I really respect you bilingual readers out there
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
If you're more an audiobook fan, Rob Inglis does an excellent narration; in fact, check it out even if you haven't tried audiobooks before.
I'm glad to hear it! I'm a recent convert to audiobooks (I now have a long commute to work eahc day and needed something to while away the time), and I'm planning on starting Inglis' reading of The Lord of the Rings in September. That is the version readily available at my library.
Have you heard any other audiobook versions that you would recommend?
*is getting excited for Hobbit Day and her reread/listen*
Some audiobooks I'd recommend are Focus on the Family's Radio Theater. They have all the books of Narnia, as well as other good classics.
I've loved Tolkien's works for a long time. In fact, my screenname is from his books. Some people try to compare Lewis' and Tolkien's works, but I find them to be different genres and levels of reading. One was meant to be an allegory and the other as a work of fiction.
Anyway, it's nice to know there are others on NW that enjoy both Narnia and LotR.
"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
Text in sig by Erucenindë. Text means "I am a Servant of God".
well there are def some good audio books out there and some not so good ones. I think it has alot to do with who reads it.
I drive 45 min back and forth to school everyday. but i listen to music, not books. For some reason, I comprehend books better when I read them, not listen. But i think they are quite the cool idea.
I remember watching ROTK in theatres. It was the only one i saw in theatres too. I wish i had seen the others. That was so cool. I got mad though in the theatre, the part when Frodo gets stung and wrapped up by Shelob, these people behind kept saying (and LOUDLY too) "Ewwww grosss!!" I wanted to say "shut up!"
Lindir was an interesting character too, Lindir. Only mentioned once i think, when he tried to figure out Bilbo's riddle. I think it's kinda funny sometimes when Tolkien just randomly puts this person in there, and you never see them again, yet, this person had quite a role.
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Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
Wisewoman, you said exactly what I was thinking while I was reading Here There be Dragons: a great idea poorly executed. Anyway, now I am so near the end that I want to know how it ends.
Finally I will be able to read the original Tolkien!
Congratulations! I have to say, I really respect you bilingual readers out there
It was hard at the beginning, but since it was compulsory for my English literature courses at university I simply had to. However, once you get used to it, it's not that difficult and it keeps my English fluent!
On the subject of Tolkien's letters: yes, they are hard indeed, but absolutely fascinating to understand such a complex mind. I haven't read the whole book, what I do is to borrow it from time to time from the library and read a bit. I find it easier in small doses.
Lindir was an interesting character too, Lindir.
Only mentioned once i think, when he tried to figure out Bilbo's riddle. I think it's kinda funny sometimes when Tolkien just randomly puts this person in there, and you never see them again, yet, this person had quite a role.
Yes, I liked that he and Bilbo seemed to know each other already and gave each other riddles frequently. Though it doesn't say this in the book, it almost implies it.
I too, enjoy music very much, so I guess I'm glad I chose "Lindir" rather than "Haldir", like I was originally wanting my screenname to be.
As to listening to books while driving, I can't really pay too close attention to things while I'm driving. I listen pretty intently, but if something on the road happens, I instantly shut out the radio/audiobook and pay only attention to the road. Unfortunately, the road demands a lot of attention most of the time, so I find that I miss a good part of the program.
"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
Text in sig by Erucenindë. Text means "I am a Servant of God".
You actually get to take part in one of Lindir's and Bilbo's riddle games in LotRO. I thought that was pretty cool.
ya that always made me mad that you have to pay for LOTRO.
what about poor kids like me who are obessessed with LOTR but cant play it b/c their parents wont pay for it either?
it does look very well done and very interesting. Anyone here play it? what do you think about it?
I've been playing it since May. It's pretty awesome. I started out with a Elf Minstrel and switched to an Elf Hunter when I got tired of the Minstrel. Hunters are sort of like Legolas; they rely on bows for their main weapon and use swords, etc. for close-up fighting. The price isn't too bad either. Right now you can get the special $9.99 a month rate. The initial software pack is about 20 dollars at Walmart.
Thanks for that link, Mel! Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on one of the audio books soon.
Kind of a side note. I tried reading Simarillion or however its spelt and was lost after the first 10 pages. May be just my opinion but I would say that LOTR is easier reading.
No, I agree. LotR is no doubt an easier read. There's so many characters in The Sil, and they can be hard to remember. I always keep a finger back in the 'Index of Names'.
But don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it a lot, though I have to read a bit slower than normal.
Well, the reason I originally popped on here to post was this great news!
The Hobbit films can go forward unhindered.
Rejoice! That's wonderful news. Thanks for the link.
LotRO sounds so cool, Booky!
I expect to finish The Sil this week. It's taken me longer than I expected, but I want to make sure I'm getting everything.
Amira Tair: Hmm, if I see them in the library I think I'll check them out. Thanks for your thoughts.
From jo:
mar_girl, do let us know what you think of RotK. Some parts of it I love; other parts I cringe at.
Did you see the Extended Editions of the first two?
No, just the normal editions. I will!
Sig by lysander
Queen of Literary Linkage
Aslan: the Chuck Norris of Narnia.
I absolutely love LOTR! I watched the movies out of order,though. First was ROTK then FOTR then TTT. Unfortunately,I didn't see any of them in a theater. That would have been really cool. Even though I was only 6 or 7 at the time...
The Silmarilion is really good,too. I love Tolkien's descriptions of the Valar. And the story of Beren and Luthien. *sigh*
By the way,does anyone know when The Hobbit movie is going to be realesed?
I believe The Hobbit is slated for release in 2012. That can (and probably will) change, for they are still tryin to get the script together, and have not yet started filming. I'm not even sure if any actors/actesses have been officially chosen or not yet. I know there are some that we are pretty definate on returning though.
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Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
Thank you,Eruceinde! I hope they get everything together soon. I can't wait to see how they design the set for Smaug's lair. And Lake Town. And pretty much everything else!
I so love listening to audio books when driving a long-distance (as long as the traffic isn't bad), or when doing a menial task at home. And I really must get my hands on Rob Inglis' recording!
Wups, I never finished my comments about Here There Be Dragons in my previous post. I got it out of the library and am glad I didn't purchase it, for even though it is an exciting story I am not fond of how certain key and beloved characters are portrayed at times. Those moments seemed ... what's the word ... hokey or a bit cheap. Also, I found the writing, itself, to be not of the highest quality. And I will not say anything more lest I give something away.
Very valid phrase, ww: great idea => poorly executed. Let us know what you think of the ending, Amira.
And yes Lindir, there are a number of us combined Lewis/Tolkien fans on here. Welcome, by the way! And yes, I do so like your username! I wonder if we have ever met: I've been at Rivendell at few times, long trip though it is from the Shire. (
*loves Tolkien's letters* (Wups, did I say that already? )
Glad you're enjoying The Sil, pogginfan. It is worth taking this epic book slower because it is packed full of so much history. I made rough charts of the lines of Ainur, Elves, and Men, nigh impossible it is to keep them all straight in one's mind! Do you have a favourite story(ies)?
And here is the lawsuit settlement announcement from The Hobbit movie website. *raises yet another toast in celebration*
Hi Lark. Good to have you on the forum! The Hobbit tale is to be covered over the two films, which are to be released in 2011 and 2012, respectively, from what I recall. (Oh, have you heard the first one releases in 2012, Eru? If so, drat! another year to wait.
)And guesses continue as to where the first one will leave off, although there are really only a couple of logical spots that would work. And will there be a third movie???
I just finished reading The Lord of the Rings again and *happy, contented sigh* ... why does it get better and more meaningful with every read?!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Oh Lord, please, not a third one. It's bad enough with two movies! *exasperated look*
Seriously, how can they think of stretching the Hobbit into 3 movies, when LOTR was three? if they go with that reasoning, make LOTR into 6 movies for pete's sake.
And yes, I heard 2012. It got pushed back i believe. I dont think they could make it in 2011, VODT is coming out then, it's already filming, how could the Hobbit make it out then if they haven't started?
In fact, last news we've heard is this:
Jackson said, "I mean, people assume that we have a green light and we're making the movie which we don't. I mean, we have to deliver the script. The studio obviously has to approve the script and then we have to budget that script because we have no budget yet. They're not going to make the film with an open cheque book so we have to figure out how much it's going to cost and if that's going to be okay."
He adds, "We have a process to go through that really, once we get the script delivered, we can break it down, we can do the budgeting, we can figure out schedules and we can move onto the second script that we have to obviously start writing immediately (after) the first one's done. Then we can start casting the movie once we have a budget and once the studio greenlight the movie."
So that's really all there is right now. :/
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Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya