I'm just popping in to say WELCOME! to 'Gazed and Rya. Enjoy the game and let us know if you need advice or help.
Moussu Picchu has arrived with a great lack of pomp and circumstance.
Dave said the area would be similar to Furoma, he's not kidding. With the exception of weather control, it's not much more exciting than that. I can tell this area is going to be a lesser favorite of mine (though I do like the artwork!). I've already moved back to the BWRift as I'm close to catching my 21st Acolyte. I'll probably plan to hang out in MP overnight or when I'm playing passively until I'm done with BWRift. Then I'll focus heavily on it.
Interesting observation... I went looking through the adventure book today as I've never paid attention to the earlier areas. (I had already completed them when they added the adventure book.) I know they said when they added it that it's really only there to include the "have to's" of the areas, but wow! I find it seriously lacking. Like the only thing for the Town of Digby is to the get the map piece for the Mousoleum. What about the entire group of mice there to catch with Limelight Cheese?
So Rya and Gazer, the adventure book is a guide to move you through areas as quickly as possible, but not the best when it comes to exploring the game in its entirety. Just fyi.
Yeah, someone asked me how MP was and I said it was boring, but in the best way, lol. After the Laby and BWRift, it's NICE to have a high-level area that I can go to overnight or when I'm busy and not worry that I'm going to waste cheese or precious resources if I forget to check my trap. The last place that was a little similar to this was Fungal Cavern and I stopped hunting there ages ago except when I was desperate for an overnight hunting spot, so it's nice to know I have a different place to go.
I'm with you; FK; I'm probably going to split my time between the BWRift and here depending on how active I am. Best of both worlds, I think. Plus, I don't want to start using Rain/Windy cheese until I know the mechanics of the area a bit better; I hate wasting resources.
I'm with you; FK; I'm probably going to split my time between the BWRift and here depending on how active I am. Best of both worlds, I think. Plus, I don't want to start using Rain/Windy cheese until I know the mechanics of the area a bit better; I hate wasting resources.
Yep, exactly. But being out of town over the weekend allowed me to really focus on loading up on MP potions without losing my patience. As a result, I ended up with 35 fire oil thingies, 58 Windy Potions and 51 Rainy Potions. Not bad! I did a couple SB+ conversions, but mostly they were Gouda conversions so I had somewhere around 120 of each cheese.
Working my through, I think I did the first part... not incorrectly per se, but I think I'm going to miss out on most of the lower level Dragon mice. Going straight for the boss dragon! Rain is 100%, Wind is 27%, Fire is lit. Hoping to catch Ful'Mina tomorrow.
Whaeeeelll I think I messed up my first shot at the Dragon mice, lol...I ran out of Rainy cheese so I could only get up to 80something% before I had to switch over to Wind...I guess once they even up I'll just have to turn my Fire Bowl on early and switch to the Dragon cheese...not the worst thing but I'll miss a few hunts at FulMina.
Even though I tried to read up on other people's strategies before I tried my own, it seems I still made an error in judgement, haha. Oh well! I still like this area a lot; it's the perfect time for a slower area.
It is a very interesting area and I'm not 100% sure what the best strategy is, but mine seemed to work out ok. For those who are curious, I farmed 50ish of each potion along with 30ish fuels. I maxed out Rain, turned on my lamp, and then maxed out Wind. Then I made my Dragonvine cheese and farmed Dragon mice until I ran out. (I did catch a couple dragon mice in the mid-level area just to check them off the list. This is not necessary as Ful'Mina will knock you back on her own.
Some notes
I caught 4 Ful'Mina mice without having a clue what I was doing. Easy to farm for, easy to catch.
Couldn't catch the Dragoon mouse to save my life.
When you FTC Ful'Mina it hurts...a lot.
Fire Bowl Fuel is where it's at. Wish it had a higher drop rate.
Unless I'm missing something, it's going to take forever to get the traps. My average seems to be approximately 1 Dragon Scale to 1 Dragonvine Cheese. And the vast majority of that cheese was spent in the High level range.
Anyways, I'm back to farming Arcane and Shadowvines (and Fuel). I saved a few Dragonvine cheese to catch the low level Dragon mice, but the rest I'll hang onto for Ful'Mina and her high level crew.
Now I have to decide if I want to focus on the BWRift or MP and the traps therein. I like the BWRift better and I'd like to finish up the area and get it out of the way. On the other hand, with the first Archduke/duchess area coming out next year that ties directly to MP, the Draconic trap might be more beneficial.
Mmmkay, so apparently I *didn't* screw it up. Here's my observations:
- I read that the best way to get up to max on both sides was to get up to 100% Rain, switch to Wind (NO lit firebowl) and then hunt until they're both to 50%. Switch to Dragonvine, hunt up to 90%-100%, enjoying all the Dragon mice on the way.
- Where I thought I messed up was not quitting while I was ahead...I got to 97% rain and only had a few pieces of Rain cheese left, and I got some bad DHU and got knocked all the way back into the 80%s before I ran out of cheese. So I had to start on the Wind side earlier than I wanted, which meant more wasted Dragonvine/Fuel (because I did turn on my firebowl a bit to even the sides out before I switched to Dragonvine.
- Turns this did not screw me up, because what I *hadn't* been fully aware of was that Dragonvine catches INCREASE your meters equally, not drains them. I had thought the only way to keep your meter on/increasing was the Fire bowl, so yeah, that was a nice surprise.
- I think I did pretty well overall. Used about 30 pieces of Dragonvine and I averaged better than you, FK; I ended up with 47 Dragon Scales. So I don't know if scale farming is slightly better in the medium range (because of catch rate? I dunno) or if I was just lucky. *shrug*
- Right now I've switched back to Wind cheese so I can even out my vines (got 60 Shadowvines; zero Arcanevines due to some dumb cheese useage earlier, lol). My plan is, build back up my Dragonvine supply and wash/rinse/repeat.
Unlike you, FK, I actually did not really use my Fire Bowl at all. I think I did maybe 5 hunts with it, and that was just to even out my meters. I think what the Fire Bowl does is save you time and cheese, because you can wait to arm Dragonvine until later and use purely Wind/Rain cheese to build up your meter; and do it a lot faster too. UNLESS you're just doing a pure Dragonvine run from 0% (I think that speed would be the fastest) but that seems like a waste of cheese to me.
So, I think if you have Fuel, then go ahead and use it, but if you don't, you can still go after Dragon mice and build up your supplies. I mean, I started hunting them at <50% and I did pretty well in the cheese-to-scale ratio. So anyway, Fuel is not something I'm going to waste gold or real money on; it's nice, but not necessary. Just like Glowing Guyere, imho.
ETA: With my first run of Dragonvine (I used between 30-35; I wasn't counting) I caught 8 Ful'mina, missed 2, and looted 47 Dragon Scales among other random things; mostly Minerals (sweetsauce) and Ful'mina stuff like Galleon Gouda and a T6 pot, lol.
ETA 2: The points are great here; I've ranked up about .35% today, haha. For a Viceroy, I feel like that's pretty good, lol. I just wanna get out of the single digits finally!
I read that the best way to get up to max on both sides was to get up to 100% Rain, switch to Wind (NO lit firebowl) and then hunt until they're both to 50%.
I thought about that strategy but I didn't like it as it left me incredibly lop sided with Dragonvine supplies. But if you don't have fuel for the fire bowl, this is really the only option and the one I'll have to use this time.
I think what the Fire Bowl does is save you time and cheese, because you can wait to arm Dragonvine until later and use purely Wind/Rain cheese to build up your meter
Now what I didn't test or look up is if you have the bowl lit and you ftc Ful'Mina, does she still knock you back? Because if that's the case, then I'll probably use your strategy and save the fuel for when I'm at the top with Dragonvine cheese.
I was stalking your journal last night Gymmie. Either I had a whole lot of DHU or you had a whole lot of DLU, but your catch rate was far better than mine, and I had a better charm armed. You also got far more interesting drops from Ful'Mina than I did. I was cracking up at your Galleon Gouda. I just got a potion and a shadowvine... don't remember what else.
Congrats to stwin and Ara for getting into Moussu Picchu yesterday. It's always fun to hunt with more people.
I'm currently wasting Dragonvine cheese trying to catch the Violet Stormchild. Either she's rare or my luck is heavily skewed towards the Thunder Strike.
ETA: Got her. Just need the Dragoon and I'll have caught all of the mice.
I read that the best way to get up to max on both sides was to get up to 100% Rain, switch to Wind (NO lit firebowl) and then hunt until they're both to 50%.
I thought about that strategy but I didn't like it as it left me incredibly lop sided with Dragonvine supplies. But if you don't have fuel for the fire bowl, this is really the only option and the one I'll have to use this time.
Yeah, that is a bit of a bother, but I *think* what you could do is just switch the order on the second run, right? But, we'll see. Both the cheese and the cheese ingredients seem super easy to get, so I think leveling out supplies might be of less concern (unless you've got like, 500 of one and 20 of another, lol).
I think what the Fire Bowl does is save you time and cheese, because you can wait to arm Dragonvine until later and use purely Wind/Rain cheese to build up your meter
Now what I didn't test or look up is if you have the bowl lit and you ftc Ful'Mina, does she still knock you back? Because if that's the case, then I'll probably use your strategy and save the fuel for when I'm at the top with Dragonvine cheese.![]()
This, I don't know. I feel like it wouldn't, but I haven't hunted with Fuel long enough to see. I guess what you would be looking for is if you get knocked back on a FTC with a regular mouse with the Firebowl lit; if you don't, there's probably a chance. I'mma check the forums.
Yeah, maybe I have DLU and you have DHU and the reality lies somewhere in the middle, haha. I only missed 2/10 of the Ful'Mina's I attracted and I didn't even try Dragonbane charms, lol.
I'm missing the Nightshade Maiden, Thunder Strike and Violet Stormchild; I don't think I've been hunting in the right zones/with the right cheese for those. I'll have to look up what's needed.
I didn't even try Dragonbane charms, lol.
Forgot about these.
I'm missing the Nightshade Maiden, Thunder Strike and Violet Stormchild; I don't think I've been hunting in the right zones/with the right cheese for those. I'll have to look up what's needed.
Nightshade Maiden = SB+ only
Thunder Strike and Violet Stormchild = Dragonvine with either Wind or Rain in the Mild range.
^^ Ah that's what I figured. Got the TS and VS today so now I just need to arm SB+ when I'm potion farming next and I'll have all the mice.
ETA: Must be streaky because I got 4 VS and only one TS with 5 pieces of cheese, haha. We had opposite attraction.
ETA 2: Forum seems to confirm that the Fire Bowl lit keeps you from getting knocked back, so it seems extremely useful at 100%/100% so you can only attract/catch Ful'Mina.
I have found a rhythm in Moussu Picchu, though it is not ideal and I won't be doing it again after I run out of this batch of cheese.
I currently have 58 Windy Cheese and 56 Rainy Cheese. Wind is at 91% and Rain is at 97%. Every two hunts, I switch setups between Wind and Rain, and when I get enough FTCs to where my % drops down into Medium instead of High, I arm my Dragon setup, light my lamp, and bring my percentage back up. It works great! Except that it has changed MP from a boring, passive area into about as active an area in the game as there can be.
I'm really only comfortable hunting here now when my son is at school. The rest of the time I'm back in BWRift. This certainly works for the time being, but next time around, I'm just going to throw all of my Windy Cheese at the game, and THEN switch to Rainy, and I'll do Dragons last.
FTCed another Dragoon last night. Hoping to snag him today to fill in the last missing mouse in this area.
Several days later, still no Dragoon mouse, but I have 30 Thundering Watchers and 15 Ful'Minas. Ready to catch that Dragoon so I can spend all of my dragonvine cheese on Ful'Mina with my wind and rain at 100%.
I was pretty excited the other day when Ful'Mina dropped a Tooth. I don't know how often that happens, but that's 600 fewer scales I have to farm now.
Gymmie, have you found your catch rate between Windy and Rainy cheese to be a little lopsided? My catch rate of Rainy mice seems much higher than Windy mice, but maybe it's too early to tell.
My catchrate of potion-dropping mice seem to be about even, but when I arm Windy/Rainy cheese, I seem to have a worse catchrate with Rainy, but I chalk that up to the fact that I've only got a CoT as my best Shadow whereas I have the NH trap for Arcane.
Speaking of Rainy, I seriously have the worst DHU when using Rainy cheese...it's resulted in hampering my ideal Dragoncheese runs because I run out of Rainy cheese before I can hit 90%. I've also got severely lopsided supplies thanks to that. Ugh. Oh well; could be worse, lol.
Apparently there was a typo that pretty much prevented Tooth drops the first week...I think they're still rare, but not like, CRAZY rare...more like, Predatory Processor rare. And in my personal experience, I looted one and bought my second one with Sand Dollars...pretty sure I've never looted one beyond my first drop, lol. But my lack of a PP didn't slow me down that much in the Sunken City so I'm hopeful it will be the same here.
Man, I'm so streaky with loot drops; sometimes I have great DLU, like in the Warpath (I tend to get a drop every other run or so) but in the Laby, my drop rate is TERRRRRRIBLE. *cries*
I am taking a break from MP for a bit to try farming Acolytes for Dragonbane charms. Any other charms that seem to help out (because as much as I like the idea of silvering the Acolyte, I don't know that I want to wait that long to finish MP )?
I haven't seen anything spectacular drop from Ful'Mina yet.
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