I'm having trouble staying online long enough to get the Gargantua.
If this is your goal, you can always sign in, move to the Warpath, hunt actively for however long you're on (one hunt? two hunts?) and then when you go back offline, move to the Huntington for the Shelder where you can passively hunt. Do you have the charms that force the Garga to come to your trap? I think Ronza sold some if I remember correctly.
As for the Zokor eggs, for me personally, I hate treasury runs. I spend almost all of my resources cycling for treasure doors. Here is one tip I can share with you that I've learned the hard way. As you probably know, you have to have 15 clues before you can have a treasure door come up. Whatever you do, do NOT have more than 15 clues in one type of hallway, like Scholar, because then when you use shuffler cubes, all that comes up are higher level scholar hallways. You'll want to spread out your clues over different hallways like 3 clues in scholar, 5 in fealty, 7 in farming, etc.
I currently need 1 Swamp Runner and 1 Lab Technician for a silver crown on each of them and then I'll be done with the Toxic Spill.
I do have the charms, but the first one didn't work. I'm now far enough along in wave 2 that I doubt I'll get it. I may go try for a treasury run then at some point.
I do have the charms, but the first one didn't work.
if you had a streak of 7+ and a Draconic trap armed, then that was a bug that should have been reported as the charm guarantees an attraction and catch rate is 99%. Sorry that happened, that's frustrating. But it's not hard to get a streak in waves two and three if you use the Super Warpath charms and SB+.
You still have a week, don't give up yet!
I got all of the silver crowns I wanted out of the Toxic Spill, yay! so I'm onto ZT to snag the Queen for our map. Minotaur next. I also plan to help my sister with a train or two.
Well, that was a Toxic Spill fail. I totally underestimated how long it would take me to fill my barrel, so I traveled back into the Spill too late...I'm still 100 Crude short and there's only about 5h left to the spill, so that's not gonna happen. Oh well, I guess the Polluted Theme is going to have to wait till next time...I bailed from the Spill because I'd rather fill up my barrel when it's *not* Easter anyway.
Back to the SSHIII. Cycling there is pretty sweet...even hunting with SB+ gives me a net gain in SB+ because of the High Charge eggs. Noooot bad at all. Here's hoping the Shelder shows up soon!
ETA: Got my Shelder mere hours later. Noooottt bad. Now I'm back in the Spill (cuz why not I guess) and I'll help finish off my current Shelder map, and then maybe go to the Laby for the rest of the event? Got about a week left so I'd like to beef up some areas that I still have work left to do in.
First time I've not even tried to fill up my barrel at the Spill. I stayed until I got the new egg, and then left to hunt for the other eggs.
My egg project was for 23 eggs, the 18 new ones and 5 left over from last year. Now I've got 20 eggs, and only time is needed for the Warmonger egg (while DLU is needed for Chrono and Shelder).
I was at the end of Wave 1, and have rushed through Wave 2 - but Wave 3 is slow because I want to catch a Flame Ordnance for a map, and I don't know of any other way to catch it than to defeat the other mice types one by one, so no Commanders ...
I'm using SB+ and Super Warpath charms, though, so I get help from local streaks - I've even had a couple of Streak 9s, but mostly I stop after 7 and arm the Garga Guarantee charms (sold by Ronza, and now at the Marketplace). I just bronzed the Garga
When Warmonger is done, the main task is Shelder - with probably some Chrono hunting in between. If I choose to leave one egg for next year, I guess it will be the Chrono, though. But it would be rather nice to become an Egg Master (fk, have you checked that forum thread they are talking about? is it real?), as I'm finally really close.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Wave 3 is slow because I want to catch a Flame Ordnance for a map, and I don't know of any other way to catch it than to defeat the other mice types one by one, so no Commanders ...
Unequip all of your warpath charms and arm something else... like an eggstra charm. You should get a Flame Ordnance mouse fairly quickly, and then you can catch Commanders again.
(fk, have you checked that forum thread they are talking about? is it real?),
Yes it is.
That's what I tried first - I guess I gave up too soon, thinking that it wasn't working. Arcane trap, right? Or not right? I had so many red boxes with it, which I expected, but it should be what I needed for the Flame Ordnance.
I'll try again
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I don't know what physical trap you have, but I usually just use my Sandstorm Monstrobot when I'm hunting across the board. Arcane traps are best for the Flame Ordnance mice, but they're not good for the rest of the mice. The physical traps are good enough, especially if you have a good base and charm to go with it.
Also, I've personally found that the more mice you have in one category, the more likely you are to attract that particular mouse. So like if I have 15-20-15-35-2-10, the Cavalry mice will be the ones I most likely attract. Does that make sense?
The Sandtail Sentinel is my top physical trap. I have 1 Sandblasted Metal as my very first FW drop, and if I ever get looted a second one, I'll craft the Monstrobot, but I haven't wanted to buy another metal yet. The Sentinel does a good job for now.
I think that if you have 15-20-15-35-2-10, then you'll have 15/97, 20/97, 15/97, 35/97, 2/97, 10/97 chances respectively of getting those mice from the total pool. Then it makes very much sense that you would get most Cavalry mice in that case.
I have FTCed a Flame Ordnance, and hoped for another and changed to Arcane, but there was no streak and I FTCed a Crimson Titan instead. Back to the Sandtail Sentinel. If I have no success before bedtime, I'll leave him for hunting overnight.
Just had success
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Good luck with your Warmonger! And I hope he drops something good like a Sandblasted Metal.
Working on a Laby run...gah I am really sick and tired of still being in the Laby...I just need ONE Temporal Plate; I'm totally willing to buy the second but I can't really stomach the thought of buying two, lol. But I guess I will if I have to; this is the only area that I haven't "finished" yet (Aside from Fort Rox because I'm just waiting for Easter to be over to go into the Heart of the Meteor).
The Warmonger didn't drop anything especially good, only charms and flameshards and such. Good items if you need them, but there are other things I need more at the moment. Like charge charms for the ship - and with all the MM cheese I get, I can buy them.
Shelder grinding for the time being. And in 5 or 6 hours I should go to FG/AR as well, for some Chrono hunting. Only those two eggs left now - and still a few days for getting them ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Just about done with Easter...I caught a second Mino (no trap loot) and am now doing a Scholar run...if I'd had my head on straight I would have done a Treasury run instead for the eggs and extra loot; oh well.
My low-key Laby goal (aside from getting the dang Temporal Turbine) is to stock up as much district loot as possible so that if/when Ronza comes, I can convert it into lantern oil and then Lantern Oil charms (because those are dang useful and I didn't get nearly as many as I wanted last year because I was out of supplies).
Part of me is wondering if I should just go gold farm in the FRift for awhile and buy the shadow plates off the marketplace, but they're SO expensive; the very thought makes me want to vomit, lol.
Shelter hunting for more than two days - I've got dozens of S. S. Huntington III Eggs and Pirate Eggs, and have done some silvering in the Aquatic Order. I've spent close to a hundred Galleon Gouda, and a lot of SB+.
About 24 hrs left of the SEH. I think I'll only use up the rest of my GG (and perhaps use SB+ to get 2 more silvers), and if I haven't got a Shelder by then, I'll give up for now and leave it for next year. I would like to get one or two event crowns as well, and hunt for them at Gnawnia Rift, where the event mice drop Rift eggs!
I got both the Aether and the Chrono this year, which I gave up last year after long hunting. So I'm at 145/146, which will be a little bit annoying if it stays that way - but not to the level of whining annoying ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Part of me is wondering if I should just go gold farm in the FRift for awhile and buy the shadow plates off the marketplace, but they're SO expensive; the very thought makes me want to vomit, lol.
Wow, I can't believe how much the price has spiked on those. If anyone needs gold, go farm in the Laby and sell your trap part drops! LOL I guess the good news is that if you at least get an Essence of Destruction to drop, you can sell it and buy the Temporal Shadow Plate because they're almost the same price.
Shelter hunting for more than two days...
So, I did some calculations when they announced the Shelder egg. The attraction with SB+ is approximately 0.25% I believe. That's 1/400 hunts average. So for every person that catches a Shelder on their 1st hunt, some unlucky person catches him on their 800th hunt.
I average about 70 hunts in 24 hours, so if I figure that with 800 hunts, that meant I could be hunting for up to 12 days.... and that's me with my 70 hunts a day!
Lucky me I caught him in 4 days, so I was on the lower side, especially since I was hunting with Gouda, not SB+.
I never did any calculations with GG, so I have no idea how much that boosts your attraction, but it still looked low and you have to have someone on your team catch a Shelder to even get that cheese.
I caught a Mino yesterday, got a RRSPG to drop. Trying to get another before the end of the event, but I'm not getting a lot of DLU right now. Mostly getting grey squares.
You could be hunting for up to 12 days - and this year, when the event is only 21 days, that's more than half the event!
People quote HornTracker as giving the attraction rate as 1% with GG. Not much better than SB+ or Gouda.
I've been on three Shelder maps during the event, and I ought to go on at least ten over the next year to prepare for next SEH. Unless I get very lucky over the next couple of hours.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)