24 hours later? *checks* yep.
I got my Para Para silvered, but now I have to stare at the Breakdancer (97 catches) for the next year
Moving onto Rox. Got my treasure map, sent invites. Nothing tough on here, just requires a full run. Snagging the Miners first during the daylight and then I'll fire up the night.
I started a Fort Rox run while doing maps, and the mice beat my wall down to 35 before I made it past Pitch. I retreated, built the third Wall (which I finally had the supplies for) and I'm now farming meteorites for the wall and more Crescent cheese. I'm hoping this run goes better. I'd like to at least make it to Dawn before the Egg Hunt.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Plugging away through Fort Rox maps. Kind of fun to participate in lots of maps like this again.
It took me three or four maps, but I got one core and one console so I bought my first Portal Projector this morning along with three Sunrise Cheese.
I'm going to steal Gymmie's suggestion and just hang onto the stuff for the Egg Hunt, unless I get SO many supplies between now and then that I can go ahead and catch the final mouse early.
Farming Dawn Dust in the meantime.
Plugging away through Fort Rox maps. Kind of fun to participate in lots of maps like this again.
I enjoy doing maps, and here, where we all do them with the same goal, I enjoy it even more. I got a core from my second map but nothing from the first or third - but I need to farm a lot more Dawn Dust anyway, so I'll just go through some more maps.
Keeping it for the SEH sounds like a good idea. But I also would catch the mouse early (and get the best Law trap) if I've farmed enough resources for two mice before that. I also find that there's a nice trickle of gold when hunting these mice - which will probably be needed later on ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I made it to Dawn for the first time! I caught 5 Monsters of the Meteor and 3 Dawn Guardians. 26 Dawn Dust overall. I'm not quite able to upgrade my ballista but I could get the final cannon upgrade. I'm just not sure what to pick. Even using my Tower in the last section or two I didn't get as much Bloodstone as I'd hoped.
Back to Meteorite farming.
Edit: Whoops. I had that backwards. I can upgrade the cannon, but not the ballista.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I was going to look to see how much Dawn Dust I had got, but MH seems to be down ("under maintenance") at the moment, so I cannot ...
Both the Cannon and the Ballista are useful - I upgraded the Cannon first.
Still only one Core. Two mice left on the current map, so we'll see whether that gives the other piece ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I am now set up for a mino run for Easter. I've moved over to Fort Rox for a bit. I'm not sure if I should stick it out here or go work on the furoma rift. Any suggestions?
Congrats on your first trip into the Meteor stwin.
Kat, the nice thing about Fort Rox right now is that everybody else is hunting there working on treasure maps. IMHO it's definitely worth joining in while people are there unless you REALLY need something out of the FRift.
It's just like the other two law areas, once people are gone, it'll take longer to do by yourself.
That's pretty much what I was thinking. I've not finished the frift and I'm not in the best spot for Easter, but this seemed like the better option for the moment especially with the drop rate of the pieces apparently fairly low.
Well, I've got enough portal pieces for two trips, so I think that's good for Easter...now I'm just farming Dawn Dust for cheese and whatnot. Definitely goes pretty fast with so many people hunting in the area; so that's great!
Nice Gymmie! I've got one Portal ready and I just snagged a Core out of the most recently completed treasure map.
Definitely goes pretty fast with so many people hunting in the area; so that's great!
Indeed. I was under the impression it would go very fast for those willing to buy the supplies off of the Marketplace. Maybe less so for those just farming treasure chests, but a couple of us have gotten lucky having portals already. However, if I get a second portal, I'm going to go ahead and snag the Heart of the Meteor Mouse.
Did you all know that the Monster of the Meteor can drop the Animatronic Bird? He dropped one for me a day or two ago. I was rather caught off guard. Would anybody be able to use it to get the trap or should I just hang onto it for the future (likely sell it on the Marketplace when the price goes back up)?
Not I...I've got the Event Horizon so I've no need of the other trap. The only thing I could *possibly* be interested in is silver bolts for the Shadow trap, but since I'm still plugging away at those Temporal Turbines even if it kills me, I probably wouldn't get too much use out of it. *sigh* Laby I'm starting to hate you; I just want to be done and you won't let me, haha.
Lots of interesting tidbits in FBF today.
Harbour Update: For the low-level players. The devs have had good luck updating the Windmill and Town of Gnawnia because of the tiny quest to complete in those areas, new players are less likely to quit, so now they're updating the Harbour next. Nothing too exciting for us upper level players, but there will be a few new mice to go back and snag. Originally was going to come out next week, but I think they opted to wait for the week after next.
Egg Hunt: The five eggs they showed in FBF were a Shelder Egg
, Mutant Mongrel, Monster of the Meteor, Fort Rox, and Captain Croissant. They also said they are not planning on having a Heart of the Meteor Egg this year, though things could change. Varna says the egg hunt starts on April 11th.
ETA: Got my second portal this morning, so I'm going to go ahead and grab one Heart of the Meteor, and save the second portal "just in case."
ETA 2: After all that hoopla about "THIS MOUSE IS HARD TO CATCH!! GO IN WITH LOTS OF CHEESE!!!" I caught her on the first try LOL. Got her, got the trap, and am done with Fort Rox...again. I'll stick around and help people with maps for a little while, but then I'll probably head off to the Laby or FRift until the Harbour update and then Egg Hunt.
I'm done with Fort Rox for the time being...I didn't feel like decimating any more of my resources before Easter since we'll need to hunt there for eggs. I crafted one portal, have spare pieces for a second and sold the parts to a third. Sure, the MotM is worth 1mil, but I can make more money than that selling the parts so why not.
I'm now going into full Easter prep mode, which means this week I'll be working like a crazy lady to do all the active hunting prep stuff since I leave for a trip on Friday and I'll be gone until Easter starts. I'm always bad at keeping up with my horn when I'm away from home, so I need to take care of the active stuff now.
On the list that I want to get done before Easter:
- Finish my current Laby run and hunt through for a Mino run
- Get the remaining 3 Gur (or equivalent) that I need to craft my Shattering Charm; if there's time, get in position to catch one of the Big 3
- Fill Amp in case there's a Chessmaster egg
- Possibly set up the Wrift for a MBW (I have LLC to throw at her), but that's only if I finish everything else first)
- Possibly get to 3rd Wave for the Warpath
- Possibly get close to the end of my Iceburg run in case there's Mad Depth eggs
Of all of that, the first two are the most important...I'm fairly well set up elsewhere. If someone invites me a to a Shelder map I might join just for the Galleon Gouda, but I've got 10 pieces already so at least I have *some*.
Thanks for the reminder Gymmie. After the last two years of not having any new eggs outside of the new areas, I've slacked off prepping elsewhere. I'm basically going to copy your list. Hope that's OK.
Except for Galleon gouda...I have none and have no hope of getting any before the egg hunt. This may be the first year I won't complete the egg hunt, but I'm up for the challenge