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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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Just caught my first high roller. I still don't have a leprechaun or a mobster, but this was a nice surprise. I'm working on a scholar run. Hoping to do a mino run after this. I've only caught one so far. My other attempt was last easter and it was miserable and failed.

Posted : October 24, 2016 9:13 am
Member Admin

Gymmie, congrats on your enigmatic core! :D Yay! And that's probably the best of the three.

Congrats on the High Roller Kat! There's something very satisfying about getting those rare mice.

Got a big dose of DLU today. ;)) I had a Temporal Shadow Plate drop. Of course I had just purchased one last week, but I quickly sold this one on the Marketplace and turned around and bought the Essence of Destruction. I also bought the rest of the trap parts, but I'm short about 120 Scholar Scrolls. On the flip side, the Minotaur also dropped 50 nightshade, so I don't have to do another farming run, I can just jump straight in to a Scholar run. I should have my Event Horizon in a couple days. :D
After that I will be completely done with the Laby, which I was not expecting to happen before the next area comes out. I guess I will head back to the FRift and get myself ready for the Egghunt.

Posted : October 24, 2016 9:54 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Didn't get anything good out of my last pillowcase (even though I had a Mino on it) BUT I did some Furoma hunting and not only will you break even on Rumble through Sweet Treats, but you'll actually gain it...I used my flashlight and doubled my original Rumble so not bad at all, haha.

I have been hoarding a Shattering charm for a few years in case there was ever a Shattering Egg, but I decided to throw one at a King Scarab because there's a chance of getting a LOT of essences to drop. No time like the present, right?

Even though I have like, 6 or 7 Tech and Scholar boss loot, I gotta go back to Fealty for awhile because I have NO Fealty boss loot, lol. Whoops!

Posted : October 24, 2016 3:41 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I took Gymmie's advice and did some Furoma hunting, too.
I had 130 Rumble sitting in my inventory, and I used about a hundred of them. With the Sugar Rush Aura and Candy Charms (and Chrome Kitty and Fissure Base) my Mojo catch rate was very close to 50%.

I filled one pillowcase from only the Mojo (with Spooky Flashlight turned on):

I collected 100 treats from mice and 100 of those were Sweet Halloween Treats!
Master of the Dojo
99 x Master's Seal
24 x Master Claw Shard
102 x Onyx Stone
540.000 x Gold
12 x Master Fang Shard
21 x Master Belt Shard

Then with the Onyx Stones that the Mojo dropped himself, I made 170 Unstable Curds all in all. Poking them gave me 351 OG cheese and lots of other cheeses, even some that I could sell.
And I now have 452 Rumble ...

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : October 28, 2016 8:37 am
Member Admin

I thought about doing the Furoma hunting and then I was like "naaahhh I don't need anything." ;)) But after watching FBF today, sounds like it might be worth it for the Meteorite pieces from the Unstable Curds. LOL
But I'm deeply involved in my Arduous map right now which I opened for some unknown reason (like, I seriously don't know why I opened it). And a couple of the mice on there could be an issue. But hopefully we'll have it done by Thursday when Fort Rox opens. :D
ETA: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I did get my Event Horizon trap a couple days ago, so I am done with the Laby. Of course, I'm still hunting here for a couple map mice. ;)) But honestly, I'm going to miss this area. It really grew on me once I got the hang of it. :)

Posted : October 29, 2016 2:27 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Doing a Mino run with event nice, haha. I am enjoying being able to save on GG. Event cheese + Glowing Gourd charms or Candy Charms really has a very good catch/attraction rate. Highly recommend it.

Wasn't going to do another Mino run, but I figured, eh, why not; might get lucky. Should be done with it by tomorrow, and after that I might go after some Living Garden mice so I can get essences to replace the Shattering charm that I used.

Posted : October 29, 2016 7:05 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

What is the catch rate for the Ascended Elder? I've got five pieces of cheese, and will be going after him with the 8th battery (90,000 Power bonus and 35 Luck Bonus)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : November 2, 2016 10:54 am
Member Admin

I don't know officially DiGs, but my catch rate is 2/4 with the MYNORCA, Minotaur Base, Ultimate Lucky Power Charm, GS, and the seventh battery. Now, a disclaimer: three of those hunts (and one catch) were during the king's challenges and I had an additional 15 luck piled on.
I also had an Ultimate Charm waiting in the wings in case I needed backup, but I never used it. :)

Posted : November 2, 2016 11:01 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus


So your setup gave you:
Power: 64,459
Luck: 67
Attraction Bonus: 15%
Cheese Effect: Fresh (45% stale rate)

My setup will give me:
Power: 132,510
Luck: 72
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Cheese Effect: Stale (55.5% stale rate)

I like my chances ;)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : November 2, 2016 11:46 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I caught mine on my first piece of cheese with ULP charms on the 8th Battery; it's definitely very doable. You should be fine.

Posted : November 2, 2016 9:39 pm
Member Admin

I may be saying this early, but this area appears to be the smallest/shortest area to complete that they've released in November in years. I'm fine with that. ;))

End of Day 1 progress:
Howlite Wall, Basic Ballista, Spotlight Enchantment have been constructed.
Caught all of the Weremice.
I made it to the second level of nighttime (Midnight?) but didn't manage to catch any of the newly available mice associated with the area. Tomorrow. ;)

Posted : November 3, 2016 4:13 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this new area. . . . I mean, the Garden traps are almost as good as these traps, and you get WAY more out of the garden then you'll get out of this place.

It seems like the basic setup is identical to the past few years of Christmas Snow Forts (aka. . . lame.) Meh, we'll see. . .

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : November 3, 2016 4:38 pm
Member Admin

Well aside from giving a new area to hunt mice ;)) I think I've heard them say their intention is that this is the next step in Law areas. There will be more to come and they will get harder and harder. They did specifically say that the reason for the level is because they didn't want a big jump from CSC (Lord/Lady) all the way to the upper levels they have been releasing. It needed to be just one step. And hence the lower level traps too. Though I definitely agree that I'm a little confused on why an arcane and shadow trap as opposed to a new Law trap?
Also agree that it's a rerun of the Christmas Forts, but again, I don't mind that because the problem with that type of area is that it's one time and then done, so the repeats are fine. Is this going to be my new favorite area? Goodness no. ;)) But it's a nice break from what I've been doing and my favorite thing in the game is catching new mice so hooray for that. :)

Posted : November 3, 2016 4:54 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

I have to say I've started the new area, and it's a romp, and the graphics are class. Now, when I finish building everything, it's likely I'll lose interest, but for right now, it's fun.

*vanishes back into the ether *

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : November 3, 2016 5:05 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I still think my main objective hasn't changed, which is to finish the Laby and get the traps...since the Fort Rox traps are less superior, I don't think I want to drop everything and go after them. I think I'll hunt in the Laby during the day, and work on Fort Rox when I'm busy and can't tend the horn. It looks like a fun area, but this girl can't afford to buy the Laby trap parts off the marketplace so I gotta keep going after Mino's and hope he is kind to me. ;))

Posted : November 5, 2016 1:48 am
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