I've hit two sunken treasure sections so that alone has made it worth it. I don't need the sand dollars or anything, but I do need the gold. I've got 20mil. I just want to try and get to 30 before I buy the second shark trap. That way I have a gold cushion in case of the Furoma rift opening.
Let me know if you want me to work on nabbing the last mouse on the treasure map if you're busy with other things.
Nah. I've gathered a bunch of charms from various events so it shouldn't take me too long to get through Wave 3.
I got two of my predatory processors as loot during the GWH, so I may just wait until Christmas this year and see what happens.
Some spoilers from FBF this morning re: Furoma Rift
Play testing on the area will hopefully start next week so we should see it released officially soon.

The Ambush Trap droids are the inspiration for this area. The Rift Mist is so thick it is inhospitable to hunters, so we have a personal droid that will carry our trap into the Pagoda to hunt the mice.
Here's the link to the full summary from Dave. Again, spoiler alert.
https://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/sho ... il-22-2016
One of the more interesting less-spoilerish things that Dave said that I don't believe is in the above summary, is that they're in just the brainstorming idea for the next Varmint Valley expansion, but they know it's going to be a very large area, similar to the Tribal Isles. They will probably release at least one more little area between the Furoma Rift and the Varmint Valley expansion.
I wish I had been able to watch the summary while it was streaming today. I would have asked about the Summer Olympic event.
I have had the worst run of DHU the past few days. I did a Farming run with over 80 clues to start, and only got 27 nightshade out of the whole thing. Normally I end up with 70-100. Ouch. So I'm starting another run, that I'm not sure if it's going to be another farming run, or a scholar run, or a Mino run. We'll see what kind of hallways they give me.
I'm trying to decide what is the best plan of action for me. Do I go after district loot so I can craft the Mino base, or do I keep going after Mino's in hopes of getting an Enigmatic Core to drop? The latter seems like much more of a crap shoot, whereas the first will have a guaranteed result (albeit after quite awhile). The Mino base will certainly help in terms of better catch rate which should translate to quicker Mino runs later on. I'm still a little annoyed that I caught 6 Mino's without getting a single trap loot, but since I've always had fairly good DLU when it came to loot drops and game progression (the Warpath has always been kind to me, for instance), I can't complain too much. All in good time, I suppose!
Either way, I'm going to do a Farming run next so I can restock on GG and hopefully power through a few runs. I know if I use Gouda/no oil I will get there eventually, but that will take FOREVER.
I will say this Gymmie, when I got the Endless Labyrinth Trap, I did notice quite a boost in my catch rate. With the Infinite Labyrinth Trap, not so much. I think if you have all of the RRSPG, you ought to go for the base because it will benefit you everywhere in the game, not just the Labyrinth. My two cents.
I ended up doing a second Farming run. Hoping to get enough Nightshade this time around to get a good two to three additional Laby runs in other areas. We'll see though. I haven't been getting much DLU lately. My plan is to do a Scholar run and then a Mino run.
I've been back to Zokor and finished the Minotaur run - after the Sunken City weekend. Only 4 mice are missing from the total - the archduke spill mouse (some kind of Behemoth?), the Diamondhide Mouse, and 2 of the Prize mice.
Currently I'm working on getting 700 of each loot for the Minotaur Base. I was down to 20 Scholar Scrolls at one point, but that was close to the end of the Laby part of a Scholar run, and I have one, two and three hundred of those loots now.
Some of them may be needed for cubes and magnets to optimize the next runs, and I'm down to 20 Nightshade and will need a Farming run soon too - but my next goal is definitely the Minotaur Base, and further Mino runs will have to wait - and will be done with the best base.
Hopefully I can silver some mice in the Hollow Heights during the next Scholar, Tech and Fealty runs - and there are mice in Sunken City that might be interesting to silver as well. I want that Century egg next year, and I might even go back to some nice areas to do some more silvering.
In between the Zokor work.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Currently I'm working on getting 700 of each loot for the Minotaur Base. ... - but my next goal is definitely the Minotaur Base, and further Mino runs will have to wait - and will be done with the best base.
I may be misreading your post, but I just wanted to be sure that you knew the Minotaur Base requires 6 RRSPG, so you'll need at least 5 more Minotaur runs, if not more as he will possibly drop trap pieces instead.
I've had some very nice DLU this past week following my awful farming run. They practically handed me a Minotaur run despite the fact I had almost no resources and wasn't trying for it, followed by probably the best regular (scholar) run I've ever had without buying a single cube or magnet and only 10 oil.
The Minotaur dropped my 6th RRSPG so I am officially farming supplies for the base. I have 267 Fealty, 227 Tech, and 27 Scholar (which I am in Zokor farming right now). I figure I will need two more of each hallway and then nightshade farming runs to supplement, but I feel like I'm in the final stretch for base. I doubt I'll get it before the Furoma Rift opens, but I haven't received a mobile update for it yet, so I'm assuming I have at least a week and can get three Laby/Zokor runs closer.
Uhhhhhgggg I feel like it's going to take forever to get 700 loot from each district, haha. Because you've got to spend loot to get loot. I haven't figured out what a profit-making ratio is yet, lol.
Currently I'm working on getting 700 of each loot for the Minotaur Base. ... - but my next goal is definitely the Minotaur Base, and further Mino runs will have to wait - and will be done with the best base.
I may be misreading your post, but I just wanted to be sure that you knew the Minotaur Base requires 6 RRSPG, so you'll need at least 5 more Minotaur runs, if not more as he will possibly drop trap pieces instead.
My first Minotaur dropped an Essence of Destruction. I know that the drop rate is low, but there's so much I would need to do before I could use it, as it's not the first trap I'll try to get. I decided I would need the gold more than the trap piece. So I sold it for just over 25 mil gold and bought those 6 RRSPG instead - and the blueprints and the other crafting parts for the Minotaur Base.
I'll probably need to do 5 Minotaur runs just to have another EoD drop or to get RRSPGs to earn gold to buy another EoD. Perhaps I'll regret it, but that's what I did. (And this comes from the one who has her first Sandblasted Metal still sitting in her inventory while she has had her third FW run going for a couple of years )
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Oh, awesome Varna! Yeah, that was probably a good and safe strategy as there are no critical Arcane mice currently in the game or coming up on the "horizon" (oooh, couldn't help it, sorry).
Taking a brief break from Zokor to nab some Z's Tower mice on our new map. The Relic Hunter theme is the only theme I'm still missing and I'd really like to snag it.
Is everybody getting loaded up on goodness from the Laby Aura? I just finished up a Tech run and am starting a Fealty run. Though, I keep restarting it because they're not being very nice.
I'm trying to. I'm almost done with a Tech run and should be able to do a Fealty run, though I may or may not get that finished on time as we're out of town tomorrow night through Sunday afternoon. :/
My boss loot is a bit more even now, though. I'll have to make a Mino run soon if the Furoma Rift doesn't arrive first.
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Finals week is the worst; I have literally no brain cells for the Laby event, haha. I'm just doing normal runs; if I get all the pieces in time to get extra loot; fantastic. Otherwise I literally cannot be bothered right now. Just trying to loot the Mino Base stuff and I don't really need boss loot to do that.
I've been in the Laby for most of the event. I had a long run that turned into a Zokor treasure run, but it included the necessary hallways to get the puzzle pieces and claim the aura. At the moment I'm in a Scholar run, but it won't be a boss run.
I won't aim for boss runs for a while - I'm working towards 700 of each district loot, and I have less now than I had a week ago. Cubes and magnets eat them up so easily, so I'll accept "51 Stealth" runs for a while until I've got the Mino Base.
If Furoma Rift is released soon, I'll probably take a break from Hollow Heights - although the Mino Base would surely be a good thing to take over to that Rift as well ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)