I ended up buying two Shadow Charms, a bunch of gourd charms, and split my cobwebs on ULCs and UPCs. That was a good event thanks to the Rift Halloween maps. I got a lot of good stuff.
I have over 100 nightshade to work with, so I'm hoping *crosses fingers* I can catch the Minotaur Mouse before the Winter event begins. I need a little bit of DLU though.
Currently hanging out in the Toxic Spill. I should get my TS journal theme after this one is done, and then I can look more seriously at the new stuff they've added. I know I was most interested in the Toxic SuperBrie, but the Base also looks really good, as does the Wealth Chest.
I feel like the Toxic Spill has turned into a way to get bonus loot to help in other areas of the game, much like treasure chests and tournament loot.
I actually watched yesterday's FBF (my kids let me, shock!
) and it was one well worth catching, so I'm glad I did. There's some interesting stuff coming out.
~They're reworking the prize mice because the old system was odd. Now if you attract one, it shows up as a double hunt.
There is a big ol' long summary as to why they're changing it on the MH Forum page here.
~They're introducing some new scrolls to the treasure hunt called Rainbow scrolls. There are three types that scale with your level, but I'm not sure which ones cut off where. The top level scrolls have 120 mice on them. 120!!!!! Crazy, but I can't wait. Dave was very quiet about when they were coming out and how to get them, but they sound like they're kind of rare.
~I also learned a very important tidbit that is NOT mentioned in the summary on the MH forum. When you are in the Labyrinth and the
you're looking at the popup window with all of the checkmarked dots on it, those ONLY apply to the exits into Zokor. They do NOT apply to the release of the next level of doors in the Labyrinth.
The epic hallways are unlocked at 60 clues, not 50 clues. This was so confusing to everybody prior to yesterday that it was even listed incorrectly on the MH Wiki. That has now been fixed.
~And finally, the Devs are working on the Great Winter Hunt, and I guess it's going to have a Toboggan theme this year.
On a personal note, I'm getting some DLU in the Labyrinth right now, and I'm HOPING to make it to all 50 clues in the treasure area. Currently at 36 clues.
ETA: 55 Treasure Clues and counting!!!
Bring on the gold!
My run through the treasury ended up being a gold-making success. I also got several crystal thingies off of the Molten Midas Mouse. I was kind of surprised to see that the crystals gave Fungal Cavern loot though. If I wasn't going for the FC theme, I'd be kind of annoyed by that, but the gold makes it all worth it. Actually, the FC loot helps get ready for the Egg Hunt too. There's so much to do in the Laby, that I don't see myself having tons of time to prep for the Egg Hunt this spring.
I went ahead and snagged the blueprints for the Refined Pollutinum Base, but I just don't see myself using it that much as I have the Fissure Base. I'll probably go ahead and craft the theme like I planned and then craft the base later... maybe.
I'm currently spending all of my resources on trying to get my first theme scrap. I SHOULD make it, and if I don't, I'm gonna be quite disappointed because I invested a lot of resources. Currently at 89 clues, in a long Superior Tech Hallway, with no other resources with which to buy stuff. So if I don't get 11 clues here, that's that.
I am currently looking at a Scholar boss run, coming right on the heels of a Fealty boss run. I'm going to have to replenish my GG and Tech supplies to make a Tech boss run, and then I should be able to make the Laby trap and start working on a Minotaur run.
I'm looking forward to the Winter Hunt. I hope they'll offer some more Laby loot in that as well since that would make this a little less painful.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm currently on my first attempt at a Minotaur run. I saw the way to do it on the description of the Minotaur key I crafted. And just like that, I got hit with some serious DHU. Like, I haven't had this many dead end clues since I first started the Labyrinth. Depending on how this run continues, I will either start it over, or have to buy several Compass Magnets, or I will run out of clues. Blegh.
ETA: Nov 18 @ 10:12am CST:
I have 18 fealty, 25 tech, and 21 scholar clues so far. But I also have 19 dead end clues. That's 83 total clues. I went ahead and bought a couple magnets to help reduce those dead end clues, but of course, it reduces everything, so I'll have to be really careful or I'll mess up this run.

My first attempt at a Minotaur run failed, completely and utterly. But it was a learning experience and I think I'll do a lot better in the future now that I know what's required. The downside is that I can't turn around and make another attempt right away. I burned a LOT of resources trying in vain to make this run work, so i need to restock on plates of fealty (which I will be able to do now) and then I need a good solid farming run to restock on cheese. And then I should be able to make another go at the minotaur. Still holding out hope I'll get him before the Winter Event.
FK, do you mind sharing your strategy for those of us who might be getting to a Minotaur after the event?
I'm currently trying to replenish my Tech supplies before trying for another Farming or Treasury run. I don't want to have to do more runs in the other two districts before I get my Laby trap if I don't have to.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
My number one suggestion is to go in with a ton of Glowing Gruyere cheese and a ton of supplies with which to buy magnets, oil, and cubes. I think I only had 60 plates of Fealty when I went in and the only reason I had 10 left was because I could see my run going south quite quickly and decided to hold onto them for the next round. 60 was not enough, I'll probably aim for well over 100 of each resource before I try again.
I crafted the Refined Pollutinum Base - although I don't really know what I need it for. But it looks good, and it's fairly powerful, too.
But what I really want, is the Fissure Base, and now I only need one more Widow's Web to buy it. I just finished a run which gave me 2 webs, but when I've done the next run, that should give me the Base. Then back to the Labyrinth, I think ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I crafted the Refined Pollutinum Base - although I don't really know what I need it for. But it looks good, and it's fairly powerful, too.
If you pair it with Ultimate Polluted Charms, you get a total of +25 Luck.
Compare that to my typical setup of the Fissure Base + Super Luck Charms for a total of +15 Luck.
So it's not the luckiest base/charm setup, but it's up there, and something to do with all that extra pollutinum if you don't know what else to do with it.
I've got my Fissure Base, and first of all I took it to the Sunken City, where I had a Sunken Treasure right ahead of me. With EACs that gave me 25 hunts - 2 FTAs, 2 FTCs, and 21 catches. More than 400K gold, and 48 Sand Dollars (plus the other loot). And that's even just with the Chrome POWN - I don't have gold for the SoS yet.
I took a look at expected costs: 29 mil gold for the Hydro traps, and 28 mil for the labyrinth traps/bases. If I want to add the Monstrobot (and some minor weapons) to the list, I'll end up with needing more than 70 mil. But I think that the Labyrinth weapons are the ones to go for first - and then see if some gold accumulates along the way ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I explored the Overgrown Farmhouse with 79 Stealth and escaped with my life.
While in the city, I earned 229,410 gold.
I also found some loot:
• 193 Cavern Fungi
• 42 Nightshade
• 2 Lantern Oil
I used GG cheese all the way, and got Nightshade for a lot more GG than I spent. The best place for farming Nightshade. When you can get enough Farming Clues to begin with.
I've only caught the Scholar boss so far, so I guess I'll try a Tech run next. I use Brie in the Labyrinth - it's slower, but cheaper, and possibly well suited for a passive player.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Varna, reading through FBF responses, I don't think there are any new physical areas in the works. More of the Shadow/Arcane/Forgotten areas, a few mentions of Draconic, and definitely more Law. So no rush on that monstrobot.
I'm having a hard time with my minotaur attempts. I finally went and read up on the proper technique for doing it and I've actually been doing the opposite of what is recommended. Probably why I've been having a hard time.
I'd been trying to keep my three levels even, much like the Whisker Woods Rift, because it seems like the Labyrinth doors favor the area that has the most amount of clues. I was afraid to get like, 36 fealty clues and then only get fealty doors.
But the recommended way to do it is to get 33-39 clues in one area, then 33-36 in the second and then do the third area.
Anyways, despite the difficulties, I think I've got it this time. Unless I get some serious DHU right at the end here. I just need one more Fealty clue in this hall with four hunts left, and then I need a medium or long tech hallway and I can buy up to three shufflers cubes.
I discovered that as well on my last Farming run, Varna. GG used is smaller than GG gained in the Tier 2 farming district.
I caught the Tech Boss and have everything I need to make the Labyrinth Trap ... except the 2.3 million gold I'm short to buy the blueprints. Oh well, I guess I'll just farm gold for a while. I've finally nailed down my strategy for the Labyrinth, I think, so I should be able to get through to the Minotaur once the GWH is through.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Anyways, despite the difficulties, I think I've got it this time. Unless I get some serious DHU right at the end here.
...which is precisely what happened. All I needed was one fealty clue out of five hunts... didn't get it. And that was the end of my second shot at a minotaur mouse. *sighs* I'm pretty disappointed.
Well, I guess what I can hope for now is that there will be lots of stuff to buy at the Winter event that will help speed up my next attempt so I don't have to farm so long to build supplies up again. With the Winter event starting up I won't get another shot until January and i'm not making another attempt until I have 200 pieces of each supply built up.